

Leave No Stone Unturned Autumn’s now upon us. With the nights already drawing in and the festive season only just around the corner, incidents involving commercial burglaries are already on the rise. Dan Hardy seeks to identify the scale of the problem and, indeed, the underlying reasons for commercial burglary before offering some timely advice about what businesses across all vertical sectors can do to prevent themselves from becoming the unfortunate victims Commercial burglary is a year-round problem, but one that peaks from October onwards with the darker evenings. It’s a time of the year when retailers have more stock, there’s a higher density of people on the High Street and commercial premises are busier (as a result of which members of staff might not be as vigilant as at other times). All of the above serves to increase the overall risk profile. Feedback from members of the National Business Crime Solution (NBCS) suggests that, so far in 2017, commercial burglary has increased from between 22% and 55% across the NBCS’ membership when compared to the same period last year. Even though this is by no means a definitive figure, it does suggest that this type of nefarious activity is a growing trend and that those with malicious intent in mind view commercial premises as being vulnerable. When considering the impact of a commercial burglary, it’s tempting to focus solely on the items stolen. However, the true cost of this type of crime is more far-reaching and can encompass property damage and repair, loss of trade, customer dissatisfaction, management time in dealing with the issue and colleague time in terms of labour. Then there are the nonfiscal issues to consider such as reputational damage and the fact that employees might feel less safe when carrying out their duties. Opportunist or planned Commercial burglaries tend to fall into one of two types: opportunist or planned. In the former, an individual will often enter through an unlocked or non-secured door or window, tempted by the sight of unprotected stock or perhaps a laptop or smart phone that’s easily accessible. In the latter, a level of planning and hostile reconnaissance will take place. Burglars will often have a co-ordinated strategy (a recent high-profile example being the burglary perpetrated on the Hatton Garden Safe Deposit Company in London). With so many variables involved, organisations must carry out a risk and threat assessment to ensure that they’re in the best position possible to deal with any real or perceived danger, which can then help in developing a corporate security policy and strategy document. Undertaking an in-depth analysis of an organisation’s activities, premises and facilities means that the risks can be fully understood and acted upon. Just as importantly, regular reviews of existing security programmes and measures are necessary to maintain adequate safeguards. The sharing of data/intelligence through collaboration should never be underestimated. A centralised intelligence hub for both the police and the business community is starting to connect crimes which would have traditionally been seen as being independent. Know your onions Businesses must do all they can to protect themselves, yet all-too-often they’re failing to secure their premises. Rather than trying to cover all elements at once, the best way in which to approach any security strategy is to treat it like an onion with different layers. It’s also worth pointing out that, while much of what should be considered appears to be obvious, it’s surprising just how often ignoring one of these seemingly innocuous factors can offer burglars an opportunity. The first layer of the process is to look at a building’s exterior and identify any vulnerable areas. It’s also worth reaching out to neighbouring companies to share Best Practice and help each other spot any weaknesses or suspicious behaviour. Talking can often act as a prompt to address an issue. A building’s exterior should also be clean, so graffiti must be cleaned off, rubbish removed and overgrown vegetation trimmed so as not to obscure CCTV and reduce the effectiveness of lighting. Bins must be kept out of sight as they could serve as a climbing aid, and particularly so for access to low-level windows. 16 www.risk-uk.com

Opinion: Mind Your Own Business Access control is vital, so service and fire doors should be locked when not in use and, preferably, not used as an out of hours access point or a way for personnel to exit the building to have a cigarette break. It’s advisable to use high quality door frames and doors, steel reinforcing and anti-thrust bolts on doors and bars on windows, while dropbars and magnetic door locks should be regularly inspected for damage or technical faults, as indeed should any installed security fogging systems. Grilles and shutters are an excellent way of deterring burglars, while fixing bollards into the ground surrounding a given premises will protect against ram-raiders. Planning permission could be required for such a move, though, so do make a point of checking on this before embarking on any work. Window glass is also available in a number of different formats. Laminated glass in particular is very difficult to break through because it’s manufactured by bonding a layer of tough plastic between sheets of glass. If this option isn’t feasible, then an alternative cheaper option is plastic film, which will increase the strength of the glass and, when a ‘mirrored’ option is used, restrict a burglar’s view into rear storage areas. Cause for alarm Burglars will often try to overcome an intruder alarm system by cutting the signal and filling exterior alarm bells with substances such as foam to prevent then from sounding. A common ploy is to set the alarm off repeatedly and wait until the point at which the police service and key holders stop responding to it, thus giving burglars more time to act. It’s also worth remembering that, although traditional alarms may alert staff or passers-by, they offer limited police protection. Due to an increase in false alarms, police services will not respond to a ringing bell or siren unless there’s evidence of an offence in progress. A monitored alarm can provide a confirmed signal to pass to the Emergency Services (often a requirement of insurers). Likewise, a CCTV system must be maintained and fit for purpose at all times, covering both internal and external areas. Recorded images should be set to record for a minimum of 30 days, while stringent Codes of Practice need to be followed. Stipulations here will include ensuring that the date and time are incorporated into the recording before video evidence can be successfully used in a prosecution case within a Court of Law. If for any reason an alarmed zone is switched off, ensure that it’s switched on again and make certain secondary alarm equipment is moved if building layouts change or seasonal displays are put in place for retail outlets. It makes sense not to leave tills with money in them and to hide expensive stock from view. Safes and secure cages are now available that are fitted with sensors. Similarly, key security is vital. Only authorised staff should have access to certain keys or combination locks. Those individuals must thoroughly understand their responsibilities for locking and securing fastenings on windows and doors, offices, safes, rooflights and other exits. Although cyber security should be on the radars of all organisations, it’s worth remembering that access to servers and other IT equipment must also be restricted in order to secure vital data. Just as importantly, any Internet Protocol-based devices including CCTV, access control and intruder alarm systems should be secured in order to thwart hackers. Train to gain A security strategy can only be successful if everyone within an organisation is given the correct level of training, such that they can then keep a watchful eye out for suspicious behaviour. The old and established saying that ‘a chain is only as strong as its weakest link’ is relevant here as it’s often those who are Front of House – such as receptionists – that are in a prime position to monitor and identify any questionable behaviour. Retail environments should adopt an ‘intelligent guarding’ approach that combines technology – and the data realised by it – with individuals who can deal with the outputs of these systems. Knowledge of counter-terrorism, loss prevention, report writing, behavioural analysis and profiling, Health and Safety and data and intelligence gathering – in unison with First Aid and excellent customer service abilities – are now vital for the modern day security officer, as is the ability to work as part of a team with non-security based personnel. In the unfortunate event that an organisation experiences a commercial burglary, the most positive thing it can do is learn from it and ensure that measures are put in place to prevent any reoccurrence. Preventative security using a common sense approach is the only way in which to maintain a deterrent effect that will reduce the likelihood of criminal activity. Dan Hardy: Managing Director of the National Business Crime Solution (NBCS) *Mind Your Own Business is the space where the NBCS examines current and often key-critical business crime issues directly affecting today’s companies. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are intended to generate debate and discussion among practitioners within the professional security and risk management sectors. If you would like to make comment on the views outlined, please send an e-mail to: brian.sims@risk-uk.com **The NBCS is a ‘Not-for-Profit’ initiative that enables the effective sharing of appropriate data between the police service, crime reduction agencies and the business community to reduce crime and risks posed to all. By providing a central repository where business crime data is submitted, shared and analysed, the NBCS is able to gather the necessary intelligence and support to more effectively detect, prevent and, subsequently, respond to crimes affecting the UK’s business community. For further information access the website at: www.nationalbusinesscrime solution.com “A centralised intelligence hub for the police service and the business community is starting to connect crimes which would have traditionally been viewed as being independent” 17 www.risk-uk.com

Leave No Stone Unturned<br />

Autumn’s now upon<br />

us. With the nights<br />

already drawing in<br />

and the festive season<br />

only just around the<br />

corner, incidents<br />

involving commercial<br />

burglaries are already<br />

on the rise. Dan Hardy<br />

seeks to identify the<br />

scale of the problem<br />

and, indeed, the<br />

underlying reasons for<br />

commercial burglary<br />

before offering some<br />

timely advice about<br />

what businesses<br />

across all vertical<br />

sectors can do to<br />

prevent themselves<br />

from becoming the<br />

unfortunate victims<br />

Commercial burglary is a year-round<br />

problem, but one that peaks from October<br />

onwards with the darker evenings. It’s a<br />

time of the year when retailers have more<br />

stock, there’s a higher density of people on the<br />

High Street and commercial premises are busier<br />

(as a result of which members of staff might not<br />

be as vigilant as at other times). All of the<br />

above serves to increase the overall risk profile.<br />

Feedback from members of the National<br />

Business Crime Solution (NBCS) suggests that,<br />

so far in 2017, commercial burglary has<br />

increased from between 22% and 55% across<br />

the NBCS’ membership when compared to the<br />

same period last year. Even though this is by no<br />

means a definitive figure, it does suggest that<br />

this type of nefarious activity is a growing trend<br />

and that those with malicious intent in mind<br />

view commercial premises as being vulnerable.<br />

When considering the impact of a commercial<br />

burglary, it’s tempting to focus solely on the<br />

items stolen. However, the true cost of this type<br />

of crime is more far-reaching and can<br />

encompass property damage and repair, loss of<br />

trade, customer dissatisfaction, management<br />

time in dealing with the issue and colleague<br />

time in terms of labour. Then there are the nonfiscal<br />

issues to consider such as reputational<br />

damage and the fact that employees might feel<br />

less safe when carrying out their duties.<br />

Opportunist or planned<br />

Commercial burglaries tend to fall into one of<br />

two types: opportunist or planned. In the<br />

former, an individual will often enter through an<br />

unlocked or non-secured door or window,<br />

tempted by the sight of unprotected stock or<br />

perhaps a laptop or smart phone that’s easily<br />

accessible. In the latter, a level of planning and<br />

hostile reconnaissance will take place. Burglars<br />

will often have a co-ordinated strategy (a recent<br />

high-profile example being the burglary<br />

perpetrated on the Hatton Garden Safe Deposit<br />

Company in London).<br />

With so many variables involved,<br />

organisations must carry out a risk and threat<br />

assessment to ensure that they’re in the best<br />

position possible to deal with any real or<br />

perceived danger, which can then help in<br />

developing a corporate security policy and<br />

strategy document. Undertaking an in-depth<br />

analysis of an organisation’s activities,<br />

premises and facilities means that the risks can<br />

be fully understood and acted upon. Just as<br />

importantly, regular reviews of existing security<br />

programmes and measures are necessary to<br />

maintain adequate safeguards.<br />

The sharing of data/intelligence through<br />

collaboration should never be underestimated.<br />

A centralised intelligence hub for both the<br />

police and the business community is starting<br />

to connect crimes which would have<br />

traditionally been seen as being independent.<br />

Know your onions<br />

Businesses must do all they can to protect<br />

themselves, yet all-too-often they’re failing to<br />

secure their premises. Rather than trying to<br />

cover all elements at once, the best way in<br />

which to approach any security strategy is to<br />

treat it like an onion with different layers. It’s<br />

also worth pointing out that, while much of<br />

what should be considered appears to be<br />

obvious, it’s surprising just how often ignoring<br />

one of these seemingly innocuous factors can<br />

offer burglars an opportunity.<br />

The first layer of the process is to look at a<br />

building’s exterior and identify any vulnerable<br />

areas. It’s also worth reaching out to<br />

neighbouring companies to share Best Practice<br />

and help each other spot any weaknesses or<br />

suspicious behaviour. Talking can often act as a<br />

prompt to address an issue.<br />

A building’s exterior should also be clean, so<br />

graffiti must be cleaned off, rubbish removed<br />

and overgrown vegetation trimmed so as not to<br />

obscure CCTV and reduce the effectiveness of<br />

lighting. Bins must be kept out of sight as they<br />

could serve as a climbing aid, and particularly<br />

so for access to low-level windows.<br />

16<br />


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