Pinks Mag 003


There follows lots of top level hacking, slashing and rucking in the muck. Just as the tide appears to have turned in favour of Ramsay, however, in rushes Petyr Baelish and the Knights of the Vale who carry the day. Hurrah! Or, as Ramsay might put it, "aargh!" as he is fed to his own dogs by a very vengeful Sansa (it's sadistic and disgusting but still... yay for Sansa). In Essos, Arya regains her sight and recommences her training at the House of Black and White. However, the going remains bumpy as she clashes with her nemesis the Waif after refusing to assassinate a kindly actress. Upon overcoming her implacable foe, Arya is shown the door by Jaqen ? who intimates her training may be complete and that she is indeed ?no one?. We next see her, in shape-shifting form, cutting the throat of Red Wedding planner Walder Frey. In a mystical cave, Bran studies with the "Three-Eyed Raven" ? in reality a wizened human psychically connected to a tree (Max Von Sydow), and experiences time-traveling visions. We discover how Hodor became Hodor ? a complicated temporal loop ? and learn the truth of Jon Snow's true parentage. He is the child of Ned's tragic sister Lyanna. The identity of his father is not revealed. However GoT fans are confident it is Daenerys's slain brother Rhaegar Targaryen, who fell in love with Lyanna and absconded with her. Unfortunately, Bran's training is interrupted by the Night King who kills the Three-Eyed Raven and sends the Stark boy and companion Meera fleeing. Hodor - who indeed "holds the door" against the zombies ? sacrifices himself so that they may escape. An unpleasant fate similarly beckons for Cersei. She has sent Jamie off to the Riverlands to put manners on old Stark ally ?Blackfish? Tully. Alone except for the resurrected Mountain and her loyal mad scientist Qyburn, what's an incestuous Queen Mother to do? The answer, Cersei concludes, is to blow up the Great Sept with some of that leftover wildfire, thus eliminating every rival power player - including Margaery, the High Sparrow and her uncle Kevan (appalled, Tommen jumps from a window). With the Iron Crown upon her head, does the Game of Thrones at last have a winner? 5 GOT INTERESTING FACTS 1. There is an Un-Aired Ep. 2. Cat elyn and Deanary's w ere originally played by different act resses. 3. Act ress Sophie Turner ( 4. Maest er Aem on (Act or Pet er Vaughn) w as blind on and off screen. 5. Tyrion Lannist er has appeared in m ore episodes t han any ot her charact er.

MORETHANJUSTADRES Colin talks about his passion of raising money for Breast Cancer Now by donning a pink dress and running the GNR ARTICLE BY COLIN BURGIN-PLEWS Great Nort h Run w eekend has alw ays m eant a lot t o Big Pink Dress Fundraising but t his year 's w as especially im port ant . Every year I run in t he big dress and raise aw areness and vit al funds for Breast Cancer Now but t his year 's m eant m ore. I w ant ed t o give a lit t le back t o all w ho support ed m e over t he years . I'd com e up w it h t he idea of a Mem ories garden dress so t hose w ho had lost som eone could have a personalised rose on t he dress . I w as inundat ed w it h m essages, so m uch so it w as t ruly breaking m y heart w it h t he st ories . I ended up w it h 172 roses each m eaning so m uch t o t he fam ilies . In t he end t he dress w eighed in at an incredible 3 st one 9lb and I could feel it as soon as I put it on . I m et so m any celebrit ies over t he w eekend and w as asked t o st art t he Mini Great Nort h Run but it all paled com pared t o m eet ing t he people w ho had a rose on t he dress . One of t he m ost em ot ional m om ent s of m y life . I w as int erview ed by t he BBC for t he big Screens at t he st art of t he Great Nort h Run and unfort unat ely I choked up w hen asked about a rose for Sout h Shields very ow n Chloe and Liam t ruly broke m y heart . The act ual run w as hardest I've ever done t he ext ra w eight really w as t elling . Plus a couple of viral video m om ent s happened. Big Pink Dress fell over on of all places t he Tyne Bridge but luckily w as helped up but runners . And at m ile 11 I m et Elvis w ho handed m e t he Mic . Well t hat video has 27,000 view s in 3 days!!! Once I finally crossed t he finish line in 4 hrs 15 m ins it t ruly hit m e how hard t hat w as not only t he w eight if t he dress but t he w eight of all t he Mem ories w ill st ay w it h m e forever.

There follows lots of top level hacking, slashing and rucking<br />

in the muck. Just as the tide appears to have turned in<br />

favour of Ramsay, however, in rushes Petyr Baelish and the<br />

Knights of the Vale who carry the day.<br />

Hurrah! Or, as Ramsay might put it, "aargh!" as he is fed to<br />

his own dogs by a very vengeful Sansa (it's sadistic and<br />

disgusting but still... yay for Sansa).<br />

In Essos, Arya regains her sight and recommences her<br />

training at the House of Black and White. However, the<br />

going remains bumpy as she clashes with her nemesis the<br />

Waif after refusing to assassinate a kindly actress. Upon<br />

overcoming her implacable foe, Arya is shown the door by<br />

Jaqen ? who intimates her training may be complete and<br />

that she is indeed ?no one?. We next see her, in<br />

shape-shifting form, cutting the throat of Red Wedding<br />

planner Walder Frey.<br />

In a mystical cave, Bran studies with the "Three-Eyed Raven"<br />

? in reality a wizened human psychically connected to a tree<br />

(Max Von Sydow), and experiences time-traveling visions.<br />

We discover how Hodor became Hodor ? a complicated<br />

temporal loop ? and learn the truth of Jon Snow's true<br />

parentage. He is the child of Ned's tragic sister Lyanna. The<br />

identity of his father is not revealed. However GoT fans are<br />

confident it is Daenerys's slain brother Rhaegar Targaryen,<br />

who fell in love with Lyanna and absconded with her.<br />

Unfortunately, Bran's training is interrupted by the Night<br />

King who kills the Three-Eyed Raven and sends the Stark<br />

boy and companion Meera fleeing. Hodor - who indeed<br />

"holds the door" against the zombies ? sacrifices himself so<br />

that they may escape.<br />

An unpleasant fate similarly beckons for Cersei. She has<br />

sent Jamie off to the Riverlands to put manners on old Stark<br />

ally ?Blackfish? Tully. Alone except for the resurrected<br />

Mountain and her loyal mad scientist Qyburn, what's an<br />

incestuous Queen Mother to do?<br />

The answer, Cersei concludes, is to blow up the Great Sept<br />

with some of that leftover wildfire, thus eliminating every<br />

rival power player - including Margaery, the High Sparrow<br />

and her uncle Kevan (appalled, Tommen jumps from a<br />

window). With the Iron Crown upon her head, does the<br />

Game of Thrones at last have a winner?<br />


1. There is an Un-Aired Ep.<br />

2. Cat elyn and Deanary's w ere originally<br />

played by different act resses.<br />

3. Act ress Sophie Turner (<br />

4. Maest er Aem on (Act or Pet er Vaughn)<br />

w as blind on and off screen.<br />

5. Tyrion Lannist er has appeared in m ore<br />

episodes t han any ot her charact er.

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