Pinks Mag 003

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Are you forever flicking t hrough high end fashion m agazines w ishing you<br />

w ere looking at yourself on t he glossy pages? Do you find yourself<br />

w at ching The Vict oria Secret Fashion Show pract icing your best Angel<br />

w alk? Well Jade Bam brough a local lass from Sunderland m ade her dream s<br />

of becom ing a m odel a realit y aft er being crow ned Top Model of<br />

Sunderland 2016. From a young age Jade, 23 dream ed of being a m odel and<br />

gained t he confidence in her lat e t eens t o t ake part in beaut y pageant s &<br />

m odeling com pet it ions w hich lead t o w alking t he cat w alk for Love Nich,<br />

posing for online st ores Asos and Brogans Closet and feat uring in and on<br />

t he cover of Living Nort h, ETC, Belle Bridal & Fem m e <strong>Mag</strong>azine. Aft er being<br />

crow ned t he w inner of Top Model of Sunderland 2015 Jade w as lucky<br />

enough t o com pet e in Miss Great Brit ain alongside 38 ot her Beaut y<br />

Queens.<br />


Photo Courtesy of Vivienne Edge<br />

Megan: Jade, how old w ere you w hen<br />

you knew m odeling w as t he career<br />

pat h for you?<br />

Jade: I was 9 years old; my Gran took me<br />

for a photo shoot she always said I<br />

should try to make it as a model.<br />

M: Would you say your Gran w as a<br />

great influence on you?<br />

J: Yes, both my Grandma?s were hugely<br />

supportive in pushing me to achieve my<br />

goals. From a young age they would tell<br />

me I?d be a model, I didn?t believe them<br />

until I started entering competitions.<br />

M: How old w ere you w hen you<br />

com pet ed in your first com pet it ion?<br />

J: I entered my first competition when I<br />

was 16 called Miss 24 Carat. Miss 24<br />

Carat was a qualifier into the Miss<br />

England Grand Final. There are a number<br />

of different rounds; finalists can<br />

accumulate their points as well as how<br />

they are marked on their performance on<br />

the night. The two most important<br />

rounds in my opinion were ?Miss Charity?<br />

& ?Miss Echo?. I feel they both really<br />

showed the work you put in as a finalist<br />

before the actual finale as well as being<br />

able to raise money for charities in need.<br />

M: Do you t hink com pet ing in Miss 24<br />

Carat helped you find confidence t o<br />

cont inue w it h pageant s and com pet e<br />

in Top Model of Sunderland?<br />

J: Absolutely, my first competition went<br />

really well. I made the final which gave<br />

me the confidence to take part again the<br />

following year.<br />

M: How w as your experience<br />

com pet ing in Top Model of<br />

Sunderland?<br />

J: Top Model of Sunderland was amazing.<br />

All the rounds were so much fun. Being a<br />

finalist and winning the competition has<br />

opened so many doors for me.<br />

M: What w ould you say t o girls<br />

st ruggling w it h confidence t rying t o<br />

follow t rends in current societ y?<br />

J: Fashions change so don?t feel you have<br />

to change your beauty to match society?s<br />

idea of what?s beautiful because soon<br />

enough that particular trend will change<br />

again. Always be yourself, it sounds cliché<br />

but there?s only one you in this world.<br />

Some of the most famous models are the<br />

most unique looking.<br />

M: What w as your favourit e part<br />

about com pet ing in Pageant s over t he<br />

years?<br />

J: My favourite part in competing is<br />

definitely the experience you gain. I?ve<br />

had the opportunity to participate in<br />

some amazing charitable events that I<br />

wouldn?t have had the chance had I not<br />

competed. They?ve helped with my<br />

confidence and provided me with a great<br />

work ethic<br />

.M: What w ould surprise people t he<br />

m ost about Beaut y Pageant s &<br />

Com pet it ions?<br />

J: The hard work behind the scenes would<br />

be the most surprising. People who come<br />

to watch the pageants or hear of them<br />

only get to see the end product. If they<br />

were able to follow our journey<br />

throughout, the preparation and<br />

fundraising I feel they may have a<br />

different perspective.<br />

M: How did you feel know ing you w ere<br />

in t he running and com pet ing for Miss<br />

GB?<br />

J: It was a dream come true to be in the<br />

running for Miss Universe Great Britain, I<br />

felt privileged to be a finalist with<br />

amazing girls.<br />

M: What ?s next in t he Pipeline?<br />

J: I?m hoping to visit Zambia to volunteer<br />

towards a project to build a three class<br />

room school for the children which<br />

already has an attendance of 500 pupils.<br />

Not only will the classrooms create a<br />

better educational environment for the<br />

children but also create 20 jobs for<br />

people in unemployment.

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