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?nd Latin Am?r???. Wh?n a ??rr????nd?nt ??k?d h?r 'why are<br />

??u opening ??ntr?? ?n d?v?l???d ??untr??? where th?r? is<br />

h?rdl? ?n? poverty? 'P?v?rt? of ???r?t', ?h? r??l??d.<br />

M?th?r T?r??? h?d b???m? ?n Ind??n ??t?z?n w?? back in 1950<br />

and started ??ll?ng herself an Ind??n. Th? g?v?rnm?nt, in turn,<br />

?h?w?r?d privileges ?nd honors ?n her. Sh? w?? ???u?d a 'red<br />

passport' which ?? reserved f?r diplomats. On r????v?ng ?t she<br />

???d, "It ?? a g?ft from th? G?v?rnm?nt of Ind??. Th?? have b??n<br />

very helpful." H?n?ur? C?m? in ?u??k succession: P?dm??hr??<br />

(1962); P??? j?hn XXIII P???? Pr?z? (January 1971); J?hn F.<br />

K?nn?d? International Award, (S??t?mb?r 1971); J?w?h?rl?l<br />

N?hru Award f?r International Understanding (1972); Templeton<br />

Prize for Pr?gr??? ?n R?l?g??n (1973); N?b?l Peace Pr?z? (1979);<br />

Bharat Rama (1980); Order ?f Merit, fr?m Qu??n Elizabeth<br />

(1983); G?ld Medal ?f th? S?v??t Peace C?mm?tt?? (1987); U.S.<br />

C?ngr?????n?l G?ld M?d?l (June, 1997).<br />

Ind?v?du?l?, the ??r??r?t? ???t?r ?nd even th? g?v?rnm?nt?<br />

h?v? b??n h?r g?n?r?u? d?n?r?. T?t??, Lever Br?th?r?, jet<br />

A?rw??? ?r? ??m? fr?m th? Ind??n corporate S??t?r who h?v?<br />

d?n?t?d hundr?d? ?f th?u??nd? ?f rupees to M?th?r T?r??? ?nd<br />

h?r Missionaries of Ch?r?t? to 'spiritualize' th??r b?ll??n?. A<br />

n?tw?rk ??r??d ?ut ?n m??t ?f th? countries ?f th? w?rld<br />

?r?v?d?ng h?u??ng, ?l?th?ng, f??d and medical care to th?u??nd?<br />

?f n??d? ?nd d??t?tut?? r??u?r?d m?n?? ?nd M?th?r T?r??? got<br />

wh?t h?r m?????n r??u?r?d w?th?ut ??k?ng.<br />

H?w?v?r, ?t w?? n?t ?r???? ?nd glorification all the t?m?. She h?d<br />

t? f??? m?n? ?r?t???. M?n? have ?x?r????d r???rv?t??n? ?b?ut<br />

the ?r???l?t?z?ng w?rk h?r ?rg?n?z?t??n h?? ?ll?g?dl? carried ?ut<br />

?n th? n?m? ?f altruism. Sh?nkr??h?r?? ?f Pur?, N???h?l?n?nd<br />

Saraswati, ?n a scathing attack ?n Mother Teresa ???d th?t: "She<br />

is ?ng?g?d in ??nv?r???n ?n th? name ?f m?n?v S?v? (service to<br />

m?nk?nd.)" In reply to this ???u??t??n she did not d?n? ?t but<br />

said, "Not even G?d almighty can ??nv?rt unl??? th?t ??r??n<br />

w?rm? ?t." Sh? has ?l?? ??nd?dl? confessed, "M? life is devoted t?<br />

Chr??t. It ?? f?r h?m th?t I br??th? ?nd ???. I can't b??r the ???n<br />

wh?n people call me a ?????l Worker. Had I b??n a ?????l w?rk?r,<br />

I would h?v? left ?t l?ng ?g?." Sh? ?? ?l?? ???u??d of g?v?ng<br />

un?l??m?d ?h?ldr?n t? only C?th?l?? couples f?r ?d??t??n.<br />

M?n? B?ng?l?? have lamented the negative ?m?g? ?f Kolkata,<br />

and by ?xt?n???n, the country which th? association w?th the<br />

Catholic nun m?d? ?n?v?t?bl?. It h?? been ???d th?t her<br />

?xtr??rd?n?r? f?m? ?t??lf` w?rk?d India's '???k?g?ng' ?? a ??t? ?f<br />

???th?t?? d?v??t?t??n: disease, ??v?rt?, want ?nd ?l?th. Th?<br />

??ntr?but??n ?f K?lk?t? t?w?rd? Ind??n r?n?????n??, t?w?rd?<br />

Indian ?rt, l?t?r?tur?, ?nd music ?nd fr??d?m movement ?t?nd?<br />

unrivaled. T? d????t this city ?? a vast gutter ?nd consequently<br />

g?tt?ng th? appellation 'S??nt ?f the Gutt?r?' ?? n?th?ng but<br />

d?f?m?ng a gr??t ??t?. H?r opposition t? contraception and<br />

abortion invited ridicule. The most devastating ?nd d?t??l?d<br />

?r?t????m of M?th?r T?r??? ??m? fr?m the writer Chr??t??h?r<br />

Hitchens. He ?u??t??n?d h?r ??ur??? and use ?f fund?, "her<br />

deeply ?rth?d?x views ?n a range ?f ???u?? ?nd th?<br />

'imperialistic' und?r??nn?ng? ?f her evangelizing m?????n. A??rt<br />

fr?m decrying her r?l? as ??n????n?? ??lv?r ?f the world's r??h,<br />

h? has ??ught to '?x????' wh?t h? th?nk? is th? cultural<br />

m?th-m?k?ng th?t h?? gone ?nt? the nun'? ???th????? as messiah<br />

?f th? d?wntr?dd?n". S?m?l?r ?h?rg?? h?v? been d??um?nt?d ?n<br />

Celluloid in th? f?lm t?tl?d H?ll'? Ang?l wh??h w?? t?l????t by BBC<br />

?n N?v?mb?r 1994.<br />

M?th?r T?r???'? beatification ?n 19 O?t?b?r 2<strong>003</strong> l?d t? another<br />

controversy. F?r b??t?f???t??n it h?? t? be ?r?v?d that he or ?h?<br />

was ????bl? of ??rf?rm?ng 'miracles'. In this ???? a tribal g?rl<br />

named M?n?k? B??r? w?? '?ur?d' of a ??n??r?u? gr?wth ?n h?r<br />

stomach b? putting a 'm?r??ul?u? medal' bearing th? ?m?g? ?f<br />

Mother Teresa, to h?r stomach. The incident occurred ?n 5<br />

S??t?mb?r 1998 ????rd?ng to th? spokesperson ?f the<br />

M?????n?r??? of Ch?r?t?. Overnight, M?n?k? b???m? f?m?u? ?nd<br />

r??h. Sh? w?? flown to th? V?t???n ?? ?r??f ?f th? 'miracle' dur?ng<br />

th? b??t?f???t??n ??r?m?n? which was attended b? 250,000<br />

????l?. M?n?k? ??nv?rt?d t? Chr??t??n?t? after the 'm?r??l?'.<br />

Another 'Miracle' ?nd M?th?r Teresa w?ll be d??l?r?d a ???nt.<br />

Pr?b?r Gh???, f?und?r ?f S???n?? and R?t??n?l S????t? of India<br />

?ugg??t?d t? th? M?????n?r??? ?f Ch?r?t?: "Wh? d?n't you close<br />

??ur N?rm?l Hridayas ?nd all ?th?r homes ?r?v?d?ng m?d???l<br />

facilities t? the sick and th? d??t?tut? and ???n a huge m?d?l<br />

m?nuf??tur?ng f??t?r? ?n?t??d." He ??ll? the 'miracle' of M?n?k?<br />

B??r? ?? 'one of th? w?rld'? b?gg??t l??? ?f the modern t?m??,<br />

unfl?n?h?ngl? b?l??v?d ?nd br??d???t b? a ?r?f?t-hunt?ng m?d??'.<br />

In??d?nt?ll?, b??t?f???t??n ?n th? Catholic r?l?g??n (which m??n?<br />

bl????ng of the ??ul ?f the d??????d by the Pope) ?? not s r?r? as<br />

is m?d? ?ut t? b?. Sh? will be numb?r 1319 ?n th? r?w ?f th???<br />

b??t?f??d ??rl??r. Art??l? 51A (h) ?f th? Ind??n Constitution ????gn?<br />

Indian ??t?z?n? a fund?m?nt?l dut? t? d?v?l?? the ????nt?f??<br />

t?m??r, hum?n??m ?nd th? spirit ?f ?n?u?r? ?nd r?f?rm.<br />

However, ?t is difficult t? f?ght with f??th ?nd ?u??r?t?t??n<br />

especially in a ??untr? where a l?rg? ???t??n ?f th? ???ul?t??n is<br />

extremely ???r, illiterate ?nd superstitious. Laws don't change<br />

blind f??th. Only r????n can.<br />

In ???t? ?f ?ll th? ?r?t????m ?nd ?nt?g?n??m, M?th?r? h?l? has<br />

r?m??n?d intact. A d?m?nut?v? figure became ?n? ?f the m??t<br />

f?m?u? personalities of ?ur ?g?. When ?h? d??d ?n 13<br />

S??t?mb?r 1997, ?t the ?g? ?f ??ght?-??v?n ?t Calcutta, she w??<br />

accorded a ?t?t? funeral. Princes, Pr???d?nt?, Prime M?n??t?r?,<br />

Ambassadors, celebrities, ??????l r??r???nt?t?v?? of h??d? ?f<br />

St?t?? ?nd thr?? ?u??n? attended th? funeral. Ind?? w??<br />

represented b? h?r Pr?m? Minister I.K. Gujaral ????m??n??d by<br />

h?? wife.

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