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Los 3541 – 1894, registered cover with 40 C., 45 C., 60 C. and 5 L. Umberto I. from<br />

MASSAUA via Milano to Luzern/Suisse, small flap imperfection on reverse, very rare<br />

genuine (philatelic) usage of the 5 Lire high-denomination, signed Diena<br />

Auction: November 9, 2017 • Start: 1:00 p.m. (13:00 MEZ)<br />

In our auction room: Immermannstr. 51, 40210 Düsseldorf, Germany


Lot viewing / Besichtigungszeiten<br />

All lots in the Auction 160 can be viewed at our premises<br />

in Düsseldorf, Germany, at the following times:<br />

Alle Lose der 160. Auktion können Sie in unseren<br />

Räumen in Düsseldorf zu folgenden Zeiten besichtigen:<br />

Trade-fair Sindelfingen / Messetermin Sindelfingen<br />

Thursday – Saturday<br />

Donnerstag – Samstag<br />

October 26 – 28, 2017<br />

Please let us know if there are any single lots that you would<br />

like to see. If you could inform us of lots you are interested in<br />

with enough time beforehand, we can take them with us.<br />

Auf Wunsch nehmen wir - nach rechtzeitiger vorheriger<br />

Anforderung - für Sie interessante Einzellose<br />

zur Besichtigung mit.<br />

Pre-auction lot viewing / Besichtigungunswoche<br />

Monday<br />

Montag<br />

October 30, 2017<br />

Viewing from 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m<br />

Besichtigung von 9:00 – 18:00<br />

Tuesday – Wednesday<br />

Dienstag – Mittwoch<br />

October 31, –<br />

November 1, 2017<br />

Reformation Day / All Saints‘ Day • closed<br />

Reformationstag / Allerheiligen • geschlossen<br />

Thursday – Friday<br />

Donnerstag – Freitag<br />

November 2 – 3 , 2017<br />

Viewing from 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m<br />

Besichtigung von 9:00 – 18:00<br />

Saturday<br />

Samstag<br />

November 4, 2017<br />

Lot viewing for trades people/dealers from 9:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m.<br />

appointments need to be made in advance<br />

Besichtigung für Groß/Händler-Kunden von 9:00 – 13:00<br />

nur nach Terminabsprache<br />

Auction of Horn of Africa / Auktion Horn of Africa<br />

Monday – Thursday<br />

Montag – Donnerstag<br />

November 6 – 9, 2017<br />

Viewing from 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m<br />

Besichtigung von 9:00 – 18:00<br />

Live Bidding registration until twelve noon on November 9, 2017<br />

Live Bidding Anmeldung bis zum 9. November 2017, 12:00 (MEZ)<br />

Reservations<br />

Individual viewing session<br />

Online catalogue<br />

For viewing please make a<br />

Should you wish to view lots at our<br />

High resolution images of all single<br />

reservation via email, phone or<br />

premises in Düsseldorf outside the<br />

lots can be viewed on our homepage<br />

fax and list the lot numbers<br />

normal times, simply contact us.<br /><br />

you would like to see.<br />

2<br />

Voranmeldung<br />

Wir empfehlen Ihnen, eine<br />

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Online-Katalog<br />

Jedes Einzellos und diverse Sammlungen<br />

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Table of contents / Inhalt<br />

Thursday November 9, 2017, Start 1:00 p.m (13:00 MEZ)<br />

Horn of Africa<br />

Eritrea (Lot 3501 – 3640) ..............................................................................................7<br />

East African War 1941 – 1945 (Lot 3641 – 3687)........................................................ 37<br />

Shipmail Massava – Aden – Suez (Lot 3688 – 3702)...................................................46<br />

Obock / Djibouti / Somalicoast (Lot 3703 – 3789)......................................................50<br />

Ethiopia (Lot 3790 – 3982)...........................................................................................66<br />

Collections / Varia (Lot 3983 – 3989)........................................................................106<br />

Further Informations / Weitere Informationen............................................................ 113<br />

Auction bid form / Auktionsauftrag ........................................................................... 119<br />

Legal notice / Impressum<br />

Auktionshaus Ulrich Felzmann GmbH & Co. KG<br />

Immermannstr. 51, 40210 Düsseldorf, Germany<br />

Handelsregister: HR A 20500 AG Düsseldorf<br />

Fon +(49) 0 211-550 440, Fax (+49) 0 211-550 44 11<br />,<br />

Katalogschutzgebühr (inkl. Ergebnisliste), Catalogue Fee incl. List of Prices Realized: 10 EURO<br />

© Abbildung und Text Auktionshaus Ulrich Felzman GmbH & Co. KG<br />

© Logo der Kollektion by Christos Akordalitis & Anne Wagemans<br />

© Illustration and Text by Auktionshaus Ulrich Felzmann GmbH & Co. KG. Düsseldorf (Germany)<br />

Vervielfältigung und/oder Veröffentlichung nur mit schriftlicher Erlaubnis.<br />

Reproduction and/or publication only with advance permission in writing.<br />



Liebe Philatelisten &<br />

Freunde des Auktionshauses Felzmann,<br />

Manchmal hat man das große Glück, nicht eine, sondern zwei besondere Kollektionen eines<br />

versierten Sammlers versteigern zu dürfen. So freuen wir uns, Ihnen nach dem großen Erfolg<br />

der Kollektion Waizero aus unserer 158. Auktion nun die Kollektion „Horn of Africa“ präsentieren<br />

zu dürfen.<br />

Geografisch eng aneinander liegend bietet „Horn of Africa“ ein ebenso umfangreiches wie<br />

facettenreiches Angebot aus fünf verschiedenen Sammelgebieten, das jedes für sich stehend<br />

herausragend ist. Von den Anfängen des Posttransports in der Region durch Kamelpost bis hin<br />

zur Flugpost in der Moderne deckt die Sammlung ein weitläufiges Stück Postgeschichte ab.<br />

Jedes der Sammelgebiete steht für sinnig durchdachte Sammelleidenschaft und begeistert ein<br />

internationales Feld von Sammlern und Liebhabern. Zuletzt waren Belege dieser Art vor 40<br />

Jahren auf dem Markt einem breiten Publikum zugängig, nun bietet Ihnen unsere Sonderauktion<br />

die Chance, sehr rare Stücke marktfrisch zu erwerben.<br />

Die Kollektion „Horn of Africa“ ist ein postgeschichtlich herausragend aufbereitetes Nischengebiet<br />

und beinhaltet Besonderheiten, wie Belege des East African War 1941-1945, die in die drei<br />

Kapitel Postmarks, Red Cross und Prisoners of War aufgeteilt sind. Darüber hinaus vertreten ist<br />

das Sammelgebiet Obock/Djibouti der französischen Postgeschichte, welches mit besonders<br />

seltenen Frankaturen überrascht. Auch das aus der Kollektion Waizero bekannte Gebiet<br />

Äthiopien wird durch Airmail und A.O.I. besonders prominent belegt. Klein aber fein wartet<br />

shipmail Massaua-Aden- Suez mit einem von drei weltweit auf Brief/Ganzstück bekannten<br />

Stempeln auf. Abgerundet wird das Angebot durch Belege der italienischen Postgeschichte aus<br />

Italienisch-Eritrea, die durch ihre detailreiche Struktur überraschen.<br />

Es ist uns eine Freude, Ihnen diese spezielle Kollektion in einem Sonderkatalog präsentieren zu<br />

können. Tauchen Sie in ein besonderes Stück Postgeschichte ein und entdecken Sie den<br />

besonderen Reiz des „Horn of Africa“. Wir laden Sie ein, im Rahmen unserer 160. Saalauktion<br />

am 9. November 2017 Altes neu zu entdecken und sich vom marktfrischen Aufgebot dieser<br />

Sammlung begeistern zu lassen.<br />

Ihr<br />

Ulrich Felzmann<br />

4<br />

Lot 3693


Dear Philatelists &<br />

Friends of Auktionshaus Felzmann,<br />

Sometimes one has the good fortune to be able to offer at auction not one but two outstanding<br />

collections from a leading collector. Which is why, following the enormous success of the<br />

Waizero Collection from our 158th Auction, we are now delighted to be able to present you the<br />

Horn of Africa Collection.<br />

The Horn of Africa collection offers an extensive and multifaceted range of material from five<br />

different collection fields, all located close together geographically yet each exceptional in itself.<br />

Beginning with early postal transport in the region and going from camel post to modern-day<br />

airmail, the collection covers a broad period of postal history. Each of the collection fields<br />

reflects the thought and passion that went into creating it and is sure to win over an international<br />

field of collectors and enthusiasts. While covers of this kind have not been freely available<br />

for 40 years, our special auction now gives you the opportunity to acquire extremely rare<br />

material that has not been seen on the market for a long period.<br />

The Horn of Africa collection is a superbly prepared niche area in postal history and contains<br />

specialties such as covers from the East African War (1941-1945), which is broken down into<br />

three chapters: Postmarks, Red Cross and Prisoners of War. Also featured is material from the<br />

Obock/Djibouti collection field of French postal history – with exceptionally rare frankings.<br />

Ethiopia is also prominently represented through airmail and AOI lots. And on a smaller scale,<br />

there is Massaua-Aden-Suez shipmail, with one of three cancellations known worldwide on a<br />

letter/entire piece. The collection is rounded off by Italian Eritrea postal history, which boasts a<br />

surprisingly detailed structure.<br />

It is a very great pleasure for us to be able to present you this outstanding collection in a special<br />

catalogue. Why not delve into a fascinating area of postal history and discover the unique<br />

appeal of the Horn of Africa collection? As part of our 160th auction on the 9th of November<br />

2017, we hereby invite you to rediscover old treasures and to marvel at the gems from this<br />

collection that will soon be going under the hammer at our auction house.<br />

Yours<br />

Ulrich Felzmann<br />

5<br />

Lot 3819

Important Dates 2017/2018<br />

Int. Briefmarkenbörse Sindelfingen 2017<br />

October 26 – 28, 2017<br />

Please let us know if there are any other single lots that you would like to<br />

see. If you inform us of your interest with enough time beforehand, we can<br />

take them with us.<br />

e@uction<br />

Numismatics • December 13, 2017<br />

Philately • December 14, 2017<br />

e@uction<br />

Numismatics • January 31, 2018<br />

Philately • February 1, 2018<br />

Spring Auction<br />

Numismatics • March 6 – 7, 2018<br />

Philately • March 8 – 10, 2018<br />

e@uction at Briefmarken Messe Essen<br />

Numismatics • May 2, 2018<br />

Philately • May 3 – 4, 2018<br />

Summer Auction<br />

Numismatics • July 3 – 4, 2018<br />

Philately • July 5 – 7, 2018<br />

In case of philatelic questions - contact our experts: • +49 211 - 550 440


7<br />



MAPS<br />

3501<br />

3501 F € 200<br />

1630, "Beschrivinghe van Paep-Ians Landt ende Congo", handcoloured map, original, small<br />

paper faults, ca. 160 x 215 mm<br />

3502<br />

3502 F € 180<br />

1636, "Abissinorum Regnu", handcoloured map, original, good condition, ca. 170 x 225 mm

8<br />



Brevi cenni storici/storia postale:<br />

1869: apertura del Canale di SUEZ<br />

1870: la societá “RUBATTINO” (Sapeto) acquista il territorio di ASSAB<br />

1882: ITALIA decide di acquistare dalla Rubattino i relativi territori<br />

1885: occupazione di MASSAUA (dopo la spedizione Bianchi in Dancalia)<br />

1887: Battaglia di Dogali<br />

1889: Trattato di Uccialli (Menelik / Baldissera)<br />

1890: Proclamazione dell’ ERITREA come “ Colonia Italiana”<br />

1893/96: campagne militari contra i dervisci<br />

1896: trattato di pace di Addis Abeba<br />

1935: inizio guerra italo – etiopica<br />

1936: imperio italiano – A.O.I<br />

1941: fine del A.O.I. - occupazione inglese<br />

1882: Ufficio postale ad ASSAB<br />

1885: Ufficio postale MASSAUA (uso di francobolli italiani del regno e<br />

soprastampati “estero” fino al 15.5.1895)<br />

1893/1938: uso dei francobolli soprastampati “Colonia Eritrea”<br />

1938/41: francobolli dell’ A.O.I.<br />

Posta militare:<br />

1895: bolli regimentali/ primo periodo di campagna<br />

1896: franchigia postale per i militari, uffici e collettorie postali<br />


Short history / postal history data:<br />

1869: SUEZ Canal opening<br />

1870: “RUBATTINO “-shipping company acquired the ASSAB – territory<br />

1882: ITALY acquired the “Rubattino”-territories<br />

1885: MASSAUA – occupation (after Bianchi expedition)<br />

1887: DOGALI – battle<br />

1889: UCCIALLI – treaty (Menelik/Baldissera)<br />

1890: Proclamation of ERITREA as “Italian Colony”<br />

1893/96: military campaigns (dervish)<br />

1896: Addis Abeba – peace treaty<br />

1935: beginning of Italo- Ethiopian war<br />

1936: Italian empire – A.O.I.<br />

1941: end of italian occupation, british supervision<br />

1882: post office in ASSAB<br />

1885: post office in MASSAUA ( stamps of Italian Empire and “estero” –<br />

overprints used until 15.5.1895)<br />

1893/1938: usage of stamps with overprint “Colonia Eritrea”<br />

1938/41: stamps of A.O.I.<br />

Military mail:<br />

1895: first military campaign/ regimental cancellations<br />

1896: military – franchise, civilian post offices and “collettorie postali”


9<br />


3503<br />

3503 F 1-11 * € 300<br />

1893, 1 C. to 5 L. Umberto I., overprints, set cpl., mainly fine<br />

condition, gum slightly toned<br />

3508<br />

3508 F 48 var * € 80<br />

1916, 20 C. on 15 C. overprint, pair without vertical perforation and<br />

stamp with double overprint (one inverted), rare varieties<br />

3504<br />

3504 F 11 3 € 60<br />

1893, 5 L. Umberto I, fine used high denomination, well centered<br />

3505<br />

3505 F 19-29 * € 200<br />

1903, 1 C. to 5 L. Vittorio Emanuele III., linear overprint, cpl. set, mint<br />

fine condition, gum slightly toned<br />

3509<br />

3509 F ex. 30-136 * € 200<br />

1905-1928, Ordinary Definitives:16 stamps Vittorio Emanuele III. with<br />

overprints, incl. 10 Lire high denomination<br />

3510<br />

3510 F 38 var 3 € 100<br />

1908, 10 L. Vittorio Emanuele III., used with rare variety: overprint<br />

"misplaced on value-inscription" (see Sassone catalogue)<br />

3506<br />

3506 F 19 var. 3/4 € 200<br />

1903, 1 C. overprint INVERTED in block of four, fine used "ASMARA/<br />

Eritrea", rare multiple<br />

3511<br />

3511 F 74-79 **/* € 200<br />

1924, MANZONI, cpl. set mint/unmounted mint, 5 Lire high denomination<br />

signed Diena<br />

3507<br />

3507 F 39-42A, 39-41C * € 80<br />

1910-1929, Definitives, set with perforation 13½ and 11, fine mint

10<br />


3512<br />

3512 F PK 1,3-8 * € 350<br />

1916, Parcel Post Stamps: 5 C. and 25 C. to 4 L., seven stamps first<br />

emission with "Eritrea"-overprints in black (Type I - small letters), fine<br />

mint (4 L. gum-imperfection)<br />

3517<br />

3517 F P 1I-11I 3 € 250<br />

1903, Postage Due: 5 C. to 10 L. overprint at top, cpl. set, fine used<br />

3518<br />

3518 F P 11I 3 € 80<br />

1903, Postage Due: 10 L. overprint at top, fine used key-value<br />

3513<br />

3513 F Pk 9-21 * € 200<br />

1917, Parcel Post Stamps: 5 C. to 20 L., cpl. set of 13 stamps with<br />

"Eritrea"-overprints in black (Type II), fine mint<br />

3519<br />

3519 F P 1 II-P 11 II * € 450<br />

1920-26, Postage Due: 5 C. to 10 L. set with overprint at bottom, with<br />

rare stamps i.e. 2 Lire with sheet-margin (signed)<br />

3514<br />

3514 F Pk 23-32 * € 350<br />

1927, Parcel Post Stamps: 25 C. to 20 L., cpl. set with "Eritrea"-<br />

overprints in black (without 10 C.), fine mint<br />

3520<br />

3520 F P 1 II var */4 € 200<br />

1920, Postage Due: 5 C. in block of four, variety: overprint and numerals<br />

inverted, rare multiple<br />

3515<br />

3515 F P 1I-11I * € 500<br />

1903, Postage Due: 5 C. to 10 L. overprint at top, cpl. set, fine mint<br />

3516<br />

3516 F P 10 I + P11 I * € 300<br />

1903, Postage Due: 5 L. and 10 L. overprint at top, two high denominations,<br />

mint<br />

3521<br />

3521 F Ver. 1+2 * € 200<br />

1903, Postage Due (Verrechnungsmarken - Segnatasse): 50 L. and<br />

100 L. with linear overprint, fresh colour, fine mint


11<br />

3522<br />

3522 F Ver. 1 + 2 3 € 80<br />

1903, Postage Due (Verrechnungsmarken - Segnatasse): 50 L. and<br />

100 L., used stamps, perforation imperfections<br />

3524<br />

3524 F Ver. 3 - 5 3 € 60<br />

1916, Postage Due (Verrechnungsmarken - Segnatasse): 30 C., 60 C.<br />

and 90 C., cpl. set used CTO, rare<br />

3523<br />

3523 F Po 1 - 6 * € 80<br />

1924, Postage Due (Postanweisungsmarken - Segnatasse Vaglia):<br />

20 C. to 3 L., cpl. set, fine mint<br />


3525<br />

3525 F 6 € 600<br />

1885, envelope from LONDON to a member of the Italian Field Forces (Tenente dei bersaglieri d'Africa<br />

- 1. Battaglione) in MASSAUA, on reverse transit Suez and arrival MASSAWAH/EGYPTIAN P.O. 6th<br />

June 1885, very rare incoming mail, paper faults

12<br />


3526<br />

3526 F Italy 38,39,40 6 € 400<br />

1897, registered cover with 5 C., 10 C. (2) and<br />

25 C. Umberto I., three-colour-franking, from<br />

MASSAUA with "3862" indistinct cancellation,<br />

arrival marking "Napoli" on reverse, signed<br />

Sorani<br />

3527<br />

3527 F Italy 38(2) 6 € 150<br />

1889, 10 C. Umberto I., horizontal pair on cover from MASSAUA<br />

to Milano/Italy, arrival marking on reverse, backside flap small<br />

imperfection<br />

3528<br />

3528 F Italy 39 6 € 200<br />

1891, 20 C. Umberto I, single franking on cover from MASSAUA (Mar<br />

Rosso small type) to Napoli/Italy, arrival marking, signed Sorani


13<br />

3529<br />

3529 F Italy 39 6 € 180<br />

1890, 20 C. Umberto I., single franking on cover from MASSAUA to<br />

Roma/Italy, clear "3862" numeral cancellation, arrival marking on<br />

reverse<br />

3532<br />

3532 F Italy GA 6 € 120<br />

1890, Stationary Card (without overprint):10 C. Umberto I., from<br />

MASSAUA via Messina to Palermo/Italy, signed Sorani<br />

3530<br />

3530 F Italy 37(6),39 5 € 300<br />

1887, registered cover - front with 5 C. (6) and 20 C. Umberto I,<br />

from MASSAUA via Brindisi to Bologna/Italy, arrival marking, some<br />

imperfections, rare 50 C.-combination<br />

3533<br />

3533 F 5/6 € 200<br />

1888-1893, ASSAB: two covers and 10 C. stationary replycard (to San<br />

Marino/Italy), each with Assab-cancellations, frankings/covers with<br />

imperfections, rare group<br />

3531<br />

3531 F Italy 37(2), 39(2) 6 € 250<br />

1886, registered cover with 5 C. (2) and 20 C. (2) Umberto I, from<br />

MASSAUA via Brindisi to Milano/Italy, some imperfections (cover<br />

reduced top side), rare combination of cancellations<br />

3534<br />

3534 F 1 (2) 6 € 200<br />

1894, 1 C. first issue, two newspaper wrappers, each with pair USED<br />

IN ITALY (Roma ferrovia to Bagnaia), very rare, signed Catania

14<br />


3535<br />

3535 F 1(4),2(3),3(3) 6 € 250<br />

1893, First Emission: 1 C. strip of four, 2 C. (3) and 5 C. strip of three,<br />

on cover from ASSAB to Camberwell/London, appealing 25 C.-rate,<br />

uncommon destination<br />

3538<br />

3538 F 5 6 € 80<br />

1893, Il Governatore della Colonia Eritrea: official cover with 20 C.<br />

Umberto I., single franking from MASSAUA to S. Giovanni a Teduccio/<br />

Napoli, arrival marking on reverse, signed Diena<br />

3536<br />

3536 F 6(2) 6 € 130<br />

1896, registered cover with 25 C. (2) Umberto I., from MASSAUA via<br />

Suez to Alexandria/Egypt, arrival marking, small paper fault<br />

3539<br />

3539 F 8,10 6 € 180<br />

1900, registered cover with 1 L. ( perforation imperfections) and 45 C.<br />

Umberto I., to Roma/Italy with arrival marking on reverse, paper<br />

imperfections, rare franking<br />

3537<br />

3537 F 6 6 € 80<br />

1895, 25 C. Umberto I., single franking on cover from MASSAUA via<br />

Suez to Alexandria/Egypt, arrival marking<br />

3540<br />

3540 F 7,8,15 6 € 150<br />

1899, registered cover with three-colour-franking 10 C., 25 C. and<br />

40 C. Umberto I. from MASSAUA to via Milano to Lucerne/Suisse,<br />

arrival marking on reverse


15<br />

3541 F 7,8,9,11 6 € 1.500<br />

1894, registered cover with 40 C., 45 C., 60 C. and 5 L. Umberto I. from MASSAUA via Milano to Luzern/Suisse, small<br />

flap imperfection on reverse, very rare genuine (philatelic) usage of the 5 Lire high-denomination, signed Diena<br />

3541<br />

3542<br />

3542 F 5,6,8 6 € 150<br />

1896, registered cover with 20 C., 25 C. and 45 C. Umberto I., from<br />

ASMARA to Hannover/Germany, with arrival marking on reverse, paper<br />

imperfections, signed Sorani<br />

3543<br />

3543 F 18 6 € 90<br />

1901, registered cover with 45 C. Umberto, single franking from ASMARA<br />

to Roma, arrival marking, "Minerva"-Cinderella-stamp backside, signed<br />


16<br />


3544<br />

3544 F GA, 22,24 6 € 180<br />

1905, Overprinted Stationary Card (Biglietto Postale) 15 C., rare<br />

registered usage with 10 C. and 25 C. additional franking Vittorio<br />

Emanuele, from ASMARA to Würzburg/Germany with arrival marking<br />

on reverse, appealing combination<br />

3547<br />

3547 F GA, Ital. Eritrea 6 € 800<br />

1905, 1 G. stationery card-Ethiopia with Harar provisional overprint<br />

"5 c/m" in violet, precanceled Harar. Additionally franked 10 C. Italian<br />

occupation“Colonia Eritrea” from ASMARA to Rome/Italy, then redirected<br />

to Napoli and Macerata. Rare and appealing<br />

3545<br />

3545 F GA 6 € 80<br />

1905, Overprinted Stationary Card: 10 C., from ASMARA to Milano/<br />

Italy, with arrival marking on front<br />

3548<br />

3548 F GA, 39 A 6 € 90<br />

1917, Stationary Card 7½ C. (without reply-part), additional franking<br />

5 C., from ASMARA to Posto soccorso/Zona di guerra and redirected<br />

to Padova<br />

3546<br />

3546 F 6 € 100<br />

1906, registered cover with 50 C. Vittorio Emanuele single franking,<br />

from MASSAUA-ERITREA (B) via Suez, Alexandria to Costantinopoli/<br />

Turkey, with arrival marking Galata, small paper imperfection<br />

3549<br />

3549 F 42 A (2),62 6 € 80<br />

1921, cover with rare mixed franking to Paris/France (cancellation<br />

with wrong year)


17<br />

3550<br />

3550 F 42 A(2) 6 € 100<br />

1928, 25 C. (2) on "Ricevuta di ritorno", cancelled "Asmara/Eritrea/<br />

Raccomandate" and arrival marking Tempio Pausania/Sassari, rare<br />

usage<br />

3553<br />

3553 F 89 6 € 100<br />

1927, 1 Lire red overprint, rare single franking from MASSAUA to Vienna/<br />

Austria<br />

3551<br />

3551 F 6 € 100<br />

1919-1928, three covers and five cards with different frankings with<br />

1910 Definitives, incl. rare mixed franking, mixed condition<br />

3554<br />

3554 F 82,89,115 6 € 150<br />

1927, registered cover with rare mixed franking incl. 1 L. red overprint,<br />

cancelled MASSAUA TELEGRAFO via Napoli to Livorno/Italy, with<br />

arrival marking<br />

3552<br />

3552 F 43-46 6 € 80<br />

1919, Red Cross Issue, cpl. set on cover (philatelic), registered usage<br />

from ASMARA via Genova to Savona/Italy with arrival marking<br />

3555<br />

3555 F 101 C(2), 102 C(2) 6 € 100<br />

1925, two Registered Covers: each with pair 60 C. and 1 L. Vittorio<br />

Emanuele III., from MASSAUA via Catania to Genova/Italy with arrival<br />

markings, fine commercial usage

18<br />


3556<br />

3556 F 137 6 € 80<br />

1929, 50 C. Vittorio Emanuele III., single franking on "Ricevuta di ritorno"<br />

from ASSAB to Villanova-Monteleone/Italy, redirected with arrival<br />

marking<br />

3559<br />

3559 F 233-238 6 € 180<br />

1934, registered cover with Airmail Definitives 25 C. to 2 L., from<br />

MASSAUA via Alexandria to Roma/Italy with arrival marking<br />

3557<br />

3557 F 99,146,147,149,150 6 € 80<br />

1929, registered cover with five-colour-franking, from MASSAUA to<br />

Graz/Austria, different transit-markings<br />

3560<br />

3560 F 120 bC(Sassone esp.10) 6 € 100<br />

1937, Espresso Overprint Stamp: 1,25 Lire, rare usage, mixed-franking,<br />

from ASSAB via Roma to Firenze/Italy with airmail marking<br />

3558<br />

3558 F 200(2),203 6 € 120<br />

1932, registered cover with rare usage of 2,50 Lire Vittorio Emanuele III.,<br />

from ASMARA to Cairo/Egypt with arrival marking, unusual "RR Poste<br />

Procura del RE Asmara" cancellation on reverse<br />

3561<br />

3561 F 120 aA(Sassone Esp.9) 6 € 100<br />

1937, airmail cover with Espresso Overprint 1,25 Lire, rare usage with rare<br />

mixed-franking from MASSAUA via Asmara, Roma to Firenze/Italy with<br />

arrival marking


19<br />

3564<br />

3564 F 6 € 400<br />

ADIGRAT - 1896, Soldier's Cover with cancellation "Adigrat/Eritrea"<br />

(Type 1) in black to Catanzaro/Italy with arrival marking on reverse, rare<br />

military mail from Tigre province<br />

3562<br />

3562 F Sass. 14,15 6 € 100<br />

1899, 2 postcards from ITALIAN P.O. "Massaua" to Germany, each<br />

arrival mark, good condition<br />



3565<br />

3565 F 6 € 300<br />

ADIGRAT - 1896, Soldier's Cover with "Adigrat/Eritrea" cancellation in<br />

black (Type II), to Bari/Italy, rare manuscript note: "Ufficio sprovvisto di<br />

bollo" and countersigned by commanding officer, very rare<br />

3563<br />

3563 F 6 € 200<br />

ADI CAIÈ - 1898-1928, seven cards and one cover, with different<br />

cancellations (three types) and usages<br />

3566<br />

3566 F 6 € 250<br />

ADIGRAT - 1896, Overprinted Stationary Card: 10 C. Umberto, with<br />

cancellation "Adigrat/Eritrea" (Type I), to Napoli/Italy with arrival<br />

marking, unique usage

20<br />


3567<br />

3567 F 6 € 150<br />

ADI UGRI/ASMARA - 1896, Official Cover (Red Cross) to Roma/Italy,<br />

with rare cancellation "GENIO MILITARE SERVIZIO TELEGRAFICO"<br />

in black<br />

3570<br />

3570 F 6 € 120<br />

ASSAB (AFRICA) - 1889, Stationary Card, 10 C., from Italy (without<br />

overprint) to Saló, paper folding, rare usage<br />

3568<br />

3568 F 6 € 180<br />

ADI UGRI - 1901-1918, seven postcards with different cancellations<br />

(four Types), i.e. rare censored usage to Tripoli/Lybia<br />

3571<br />

3571 F 6 € 150<br />

ASMARA - 1899-1919, two covers and eight cards, with different<br />

cancellations and usages<br />

3569<br />

3569 F 6 € 100<br />

AGORDAT - 1904-1919, four postcards with different usages to Italy,<br />

mixed condition<br />

3572<br />

3572 F 6 € 90<br />

BARENTÚ - 1910-1914, two cards with rare cancellations of this small<br />



21<br />

3573<br />

3573 F 6 € 300<br />

CASSALA/CHEREN - 1896, 60 C. Umberto, single-franking on cover, to Massaua with arrival marking. Very<br />

rare cancellation from the Sudan-border.<br />

3574<br />

3574 F 6 € 250<br />

CASSALA/CHEREN - 1897, Stationary Card: 10 C., to Castel Bolognese/<br />

Italy with indistinct arrival marking on front. Unique usage from<br />

Sudan-border-village.<br />

3575<br />

3575 F 6 € 100<br />

CHEREN/ERITREA - 1896, Registered Cover: 45 C. Umberto, singlefranking,<br />

via Massaua to Pietrasanta/Italy with arrival marking (soldier's<br />

letter from Scuadrone Cavalleria Keren)

22<br />


3576<br />

3576 F 6 € 100<br />

KEREN/ERITREA - 1893, Registered Cover: 45 C. Umberto, single-franking,<br />

via Bologna to Rimini/Italy with arrival marking on reverse<br />

3579<br />

3579 F 6 € 160<br />

GHINDA - 1899-1912, three covers and three cards with different<br />

cancellations (Ghinda stazione, Ghinda Massaua, Ghinda Eritrea),<br />

mixed condition<br />

3577<br />

3577 F 6 € 120<br />

CHEREN/ERITREA - 1896: pair of 10 C. Umberto I. on cover, to Faenza/Italy<br />

with arrival marking, rare "GENIO MILITARE SERVIZIO TELEGRAFICO"<br />

cancellation in blue, signed Diena<br />

3578<br />

3578 F 6 € 180<br />

GHINDA/MASSAUA - 1896, Soldier's Cover to Sparanise/Italy with<br />

arrival marking on reverse, small paper imperfection, rare usage (zona di<br />

guerra divisione Heusch)<br />

3580<br />

3580 F 6 € 130<br />

MASSAUA (MAR ROSSO) - 1893/95, two Official Covers from "Il<br />

governatore dell' Eritrea" (generale Baratieri) to Italy, each redirected<br />

and with arrival marking on reverse, one signed Diena


23<br />

3581<br />

3581 F 6 € 100<br />

MASSAUA /ERITREA - 1896, Stationery Card: 10 C. Umberto I., to<br />

Rotterdam/Netherlands with arrival marking, rare destination<br />

3582<br />

3582 F 6 € 180<br />

MASSAUA - 1893-1907, 11 postcards and one cover with different<br />

usages and cancellations, interesting group<br />

3583<br />

3583 F 6 € 200<br />

SAGANEITI, 1896-1913, five cards and two covers, with interesting cancellations<br />

(Saganeiti/Asmara, Saganeiti/Eritrea), one soldier's letter etc., rare group

24<br />



3584<br />

3584 F GA, 4,5 6 € 180<br />

1893, "Bollettino di spedizione" 60 C. overprinted, with additional<br />

franking 10 C. and 20 C. Umberto I., from ASSAB to Genova/Italy<br />

with arrival marking, rare early usage<br />

3587<br />

3587 F GA Italy 6 € 250<br />

1891, "Bollettino di spedizione" 60 C. special overprint from Italy,<br />

used in ASMARA to Bologna/Italy with arrival marking, small paper<br />

imperfection, unique usage of this domestic document in the colonies<br />

3585<br />

3585 F GA, 25 6 € 150<br />

1904, "Bollettino di spedizione" 60 C. overprinted with additional<br />

franking 40 C. Vittorio Emanuele III., from ASSAB to Genova/Italy<br />

3588<br />

3588 F GA, 4,5(2) 6 € 200<br />

1895, "Bollettino di spedizione" 60 C. overprinted, additionally franked<br />

with 10 C. and 20 C. (2) Umberto I., from ADIGRAT (blue cancellation)<br />

to Gravina di Puglia/Italy with arrival marking, appealing combination<br />

3586<br />

3586 F GA, 17(3) 6 € 180<br />

1902, "Bollettino di spedizione" 60 C. overprinted, additionally<br />

franked with three times 25 C. Umberto I., from ASMARA to Rimini/<br />

Italy with arrival marking, signed Diena<br />

3589<br />

3589 F GA, 7(4), 14 6 € 200<br />

1902, "Bollettino di spedizione" 60 C. overprinted, additional franking<br />

with 5 C. and 40 C. (4) Umberto I., from GHINDA via Massaua to<br />

Rimini/Italy with arrival marking on reverse, very rare combination


25<br />

3590<br />

3590 F GA (4) 6 € 120<br />

1896-1904, "Bollettino di spedizione" 60 C. overprinted, four different<br />

usages in MASSAUA (three diff. cartellini, one in red, one manuscript),<br />

each with arrival marking<br />

3593<br />

3593 F GA, P13,28,30(2) 6 € 130<br />

1936, "Bollettino di spedizione" 2 L. with overprint "Eritrea", additional<br />

franking with 50 C., 2 L. and 4 Lire (2), first part of "Pacchi"-stamps,<br />

from ADUA to Mantova/Italy with arrival markings<br />

3591<br />

3591 F GA, 8(2) 6 € 150<br />

1897, "Bollettino di spedizione" 60 C. overprinted, additional franking<br />

with 45 C. (2) Umberto I., from Cheren to Palermo/Italy<br />

3594<br />

3594 F PA 1(2) 6 € 150<br />

1925, "Vaglia parte A", red overprint Eritrea, additional franking with<br />

pair of 20 C. "Segnatasse di vaglia" stamps, from ASMARA to Roma/<br />

Italy with arrival marking, rare usage<br />

3592<br />

3592 F GA, 5,9(2) 6 € 180<br />

1896, "Bollettino di spedizione" 60 C. overprinted, additional franking<br />

with 20 C. and 60 C. (2) Umberto I., from CHEREN to Riace/Catanzaro<br />

with arrival marking, rare combination

26<br />


3597<br />

3597 F GA (6) 6 € 200<br />

1894, "Cartolina vaglia", six different items, denominations of 1, 2, 5,<br />

6, 9 and 10 L., from Asmara, Massaua and Keren, one domestic usage,<br />

each with arrival marking, scarce group<br />

3595<br />

3595 F PA 2 6 € 120<br />

1925, "Vaglia parte A", red overprint Eritrea, additional franking with<br />

40 C. of "Segnatasse di vaglia" stamp, from ASMARA to Roma/Italy<br />

with arrival marking, fine and rare<br />

3596<br />

3596 F PA 3,4,5 6 € 300<br />

1925, "Vaglia parte A", red overprint Eritrea, additional franking with<br />

50 C., 1 L. and 2 L. "segnatasse di vaglia" stamps, from ASMARA<br />

to Milano/Italy with arrival marking, unique franking and high<br />

denomination of 425 Lire


27<br />


3598<br />

3598 F 6 € 400<br />

QUARTIER GENERALE (1) - 1896, Soldier's Cover, to Sparanise/Italy<br />

with arrival marking on reverse, small paper imperfections, very rare<br />

genuine usage<br />

3601<br />

3601 F Italy16 6 € 200<br />


cover (generale Baldissera), carried to Roma/Italy, franked 20 C.<br />

Italy for domestic usage to Palermo with arrival marking, scarce<br />

combination<br />

3599<br />

3599 F 3 (4) 6 € 350<br />

QUARTIER GENERALE (1)- 1896, cover with two pairs of 5 C. first<br />

overprint emission, two fine strikes of this rare cancellation, Massaua<br />

arrival marking on reverse, rare<br />

3602<br />

3602 F 6 € 100<br />

1896, "R.POSTE DEPOSITO DELLA COLONIA ERITREA" - cancellation<br />

in blue on official cover to Leno with arrival marking, backside<br />


combination<br />

3600<br />

3600 F 6 € 600<br />

ERITREA (1) - 1896, Soldier's Cover to Alessandria/Piemonte, with<br />

arrival marking, paper imperfections, very rare usage and fine strike<br />

of this seldom seen cancellation

28<br />


3604<br />

3604 F 6 € 500<br />

"SABARGUMA" - 1896, blue single-line cancellation (traced with ink) on soldier's letter, Massaua/Mar<br />

Rosso cancellation on front and on reverse, with Sparanise arrival marking. Very rare usage from 2.<br />

Reggimento di fanteria Africa/Brigata Valles , written near Ghinda (letter with written content).<br />

3603<br />

3603 F 15 6 € 80<br />

1903, "1. BATTAGLIONE INDIGENI/3. COMPAGNIA" - card from<br />

ADI UGRI to Fossano/Italy, with rare strike in violet from Ascari<br />

garrison<br />

3605<br />

3605 F 6 € 100<br />

1888, Stationery Card, Umberto I., with "Servicio Postale per i reggimenti<br />

di campagna in Abessinia-Gratis" inscription, rare anticolonial-propaganda<br />

item, unused in fine condition


29<br />


3608 F 6 € 100<br />

1935, Flight ASSAB-BERBERA/British Somaliland, with arrival marking<br />

on front, rare<br />

3606<br />

3606 F 6 € 150<br />

1935, Flight ASSAB-CASSALA/Sudan, with "Unclaimed"-cancellation,<br />

handwritten notice in red, with arrival marking on reverse, only six<br />

covers flown, very rare<br />

3609<br />

3609 F 6 € 100<br />

1935, Flight ASSAB-DJIBOUTI/French Somaliland, with arrival marking<br />

on reverse, rare<br />

3607<br />

3607 F 6 € 150<br />

1935, Flight ASSAB-KHARTOUM/Sudan, with "Unclaimed"-cancellation,<br />

handwritten notice, with arrival marking on reverse, only six covers flown,<br />

very rare<br />

3610<br />

3610 F 6 € 180<br />


and ASSAB-ROMA, four airmail covers, flown to/via Roma/Italy, rare<br />


30<br />


3611<br />

3611 F 6 € 120<br />

1935, Flight ASSAB-ASSOUAN and ASSAB-ALEXANDRIA, two airmailcovers,<br />

each with arrival marking<br />

3613<br />

3613 F 6 € 100<br />

1935, Flight ASSAB-SIRTE/Tripolitania, four-colour-franking with<br />

arrival marking on reverse, rare<br />

3614<br />

3614 F 6 € 100<br />

1935, Flight ASMARA-BERBERA/British Somaliland, airmail cover via<br />

Djibouti/French Somaliland, with arrival marking on front<br />

3612<br />

3612 F 6 € 150<br />

1935, Flight ASSAB-ATBARA and ASSAB-WADI HALFA, two airmailcovers<br />

to rare destination Sudan, each with arrival marking, only a<br />

few flown<br />

3615<br />

3615 F 6 € 150<br />

1935, Flight ASMARA-ROCCA LITTORIO/Somalia Italiana, with<br />

arrival marking on front, send back "AL MITTENTE", very rare


31<br />

3616<br />

3616 F 6 € 120<br />

1935, Flight MASSAUA-KASSALA/Sudan, "Unclaimed"-cancellation and<br />

handwritten notice in red, on reverse arrival marking and "Returned<br />

letter office"-cancellation, rare<br />

3619<br />

3619 F 6 € 150<br />


MASSAUA-ALEXANDRIA, three airmail-covers to Egypt and Sudan with<br />

arrival markings<br />

3617<br />

3617 F 6 € 100<br />

1935, Flight MASSAUA-KHARTOUM/Sudan, with "Unclaimed"-<br />

cancellation on reverse, "Sudan Airmail" and "Returned letter office"-<br />

cancellations, rare<br />

3620<br />

3620 F 6 € 200<br />

1936, Crash Cover with one stamp Eritrea remaining from OM HAGER,<br />

official cancellation "RICUPERATA INCENDIO IDROVOLANTE I-RODI"<br />

(crash in Bengasi), with arrival marking Finale Emilia on reverse,<br />

unique<br />

3618<br />

3618 F 6 € 150<br />

1935, Flight MASSAUA-SOLLUM/Egypt, four-colour-franking on<br />

airmail-cover with arrival marking on reverse, only a few flown, very<br />

rare destination<br />

3621<br />

3621 F 6 € 150<br />

1936, "FOGLIO BREVETTATO PER POSTA AEREA AOI", rare airmailfolder<br />

from CHEREN to Firenze/Italy with arrival marking, backside<br />

small part of the flap missing, very rare

32<br />


3622 F 6 € 100<br />

1934, Illustrated Cover with three-colour-franking, "MASSAUA<br />

POSTA AEREA SPECIALE"-cancellation, adressed to pilot Lombardi<br />

in Mogadiscio with arrival marking "MOGADISCIO POSTA AEREA<br />


3622<br />


3623<br />

3623 F 33 6 € 120<br />

1915, "R.NAVE STAFFETTA", blue shipmail cancellation on postcard<br />

from Massaua to Constantinople/Turkey, with arrival marking on front,<br />

fine and rare<br />

3625<br />

3625 F 6 € 120<br />

1918, "R.NAVE CALABRIA", mixed franking with shipmail-cancellation<br />

on cover to Firenze/Italy, with arrival marking, rare usage, a little<br />

stained<br />

3624<br />

3624 F 6 € 180<br />

1915-19, Shipmail Censorship: four postcards from "R.N.ERITREA",<br />

"R.N.AGORDAT" (2) and "R.N.MAGNAGHI" with each rare censorcancellations<br />

on board of the Regia-Nave-ships, scarce group


33<br />


3628<br />

3628 F AOI 29 etc. 6 € 100<br />

1939, Registered Airmail Cover from ASMARA to München/Germany,<br />

four-colour-mixed-franking with rare usage of the 5 Lire airmail high<br />

denomination, flap missing, on reverse censorstrip<br />

3626<br />

3626 F 6 € 250<br />

1902-1916, ten postcards from different ships, with cancellations<br />




"R.N.VOLTURNO", scarce group<br />

3629<br />

3629 F AOI 6,16 6 € 80<br />

1939, Registered Cover from ASMARA to Germany, rare usage of<br />

2,55 L. in combination with 20 C., with marking from "Devisenkontrolle<br />

Magdeburg" on reverse and arrival marking "Schönebeck"<br />

3627<br />

3627 F 6 € 250<br />

1899-1924, eight postcards and one cover with "PIROSCAFI POSTALI"-<br />

cancellations, i.e. from "AMERIGO VESPUCCI", "SAVONA", "IOSTO",<br />

"VINCENZO FLORIO", "FLAVIO GIOJA", "CAIRO", one directed to<br />

India, mixed condition, rare offer<br />

3630<br />

3630 F 6 € 250<br />

1938, Printed Matter from registration office in ASMARA to TRIPOLI/LIBIA,<br />

redirected (rispedizione) to Asmara and send to FARO VICENTINO, very<br />

rare mixed franking between two Italian colonies, genuine commercial<br />


34<br />


3634 F 6 € 180<br />

1936-39, "VAGLIA-RICEVUTE" - 12 different usages in AXUM,<br />


unfranked), scarce group<br />

3631<br />

3631 F AOI 19,30,32 6 € 150<br />

1938, Registered Exprés Cover from ADI UGRI via Asmara to Roma/<br />

Italy with arrival marking, with unique mixed franking of 2 times 10 Lire<br />

high denominations and 2 Lire Espresso-stamp<br />

3635<br />

3635 F 6 € 150<br />

1936, four "RICEVUTA DI RITORNO" with interesting usages, i.e.<br />

domestic usage Barentú-Asmara with "DOPO LA PARTENZA"-<br />

cancellation, rare usage in the colonies<br />

3632<br />

3632 F 6 € 100<br />

1940, "UOGORÓ"- Registered Cover via Asmara to Firenze/Italy with<br />

arrival marking, rare cancellation and provisional registered label<br />

3636<br />

3636 F GA Italy 6 € 200<br />

1939, Italian Annexation: 30 Centesimi stationery card from ITALY<br />

(without overprint), from "DECAMERE/ERITREA" to Ornavasso/Italy<br />

with arrival mark, commercial usage<br />

3633<br />

3633 F 6 € 180<br />

1935-39, ASMARA: nine franked "VAGLIA-RICEVUTE", with different<br />

frankings (one unfranked), scarce group, commercial usages<br />



35<br />

VARIA<br />

3637<br />

3637 F 6 € 350<br />

ca. 1920-42, POSTCARDS: lot with 46 original postcards from Italian annexation period, all<br />

coloured with very rare Propaganda/War items, seldom offered<br />

3638 F 6 € 250<br />

Ca. 1930-42, POSTCARDS: lot with 45 original postcards from Italian annexation-period, all<br />

coloured with i.e. three different thematic series, good condition, rare offer<br />


36<br />


3639 F 6 € 150<br />

Ca. 1936-42, POSTCARDS: lot with 18 original postcards regarding ITALIAN MILITARY AIRMAIL<br />

(Aeronautica militare), all coloured with very rare propaganda items from A.O.I.<br />

3639<br />

3640<br />

3640 F 6 € 200<br />

Ca. 1920-42, POSTCARDS: lot with 38 black/white cards<br />

with rare propaganda items, i.e. troops, portraits (Badoglio,<br />

Mussolini, Vittorio Emanuele etc.), war scenes etc., rare group


37<br />

EAST AFRICAN WAR 1941-1945<br />


3643 F Sudan 6 € 120<br />

INDIAN F.P.O.: 1941, "Field Post Office 174", cover with Sudanfranking,<br />

from Tessenei/Eritrea region (La Gideon Force), censored<br />

via airmail to Rangoon/Burma, with arrival marking, small flap-part<br />

missing on reverse, rare<br />

3641<br />

3641 F Sudan 6 € 80<br />

INDIAN F.P.O.: 1940, "Base Field Post Office 2", cover with Sudanfranking,<br />

from Indian Infantry Brigade on border to Eritrea, two<br />

different censor markings, to Rawalpindi/India, with arrival marking<br />

3644<br />

3644 F Sudan 6 € 90<br />

INDIAN F.P.O.: 1941, "Field Post Office 174", printed cover (on active<br />

service) with Sudan-franking, censored from border-region Eritrea/<br />

Sudan to England, roughly opened<br />

3642<br />

3642 F Sudan 6 € 180<br />

INDIAN F.P.O.: 1941, "F.P.O. 23", cover with rare three-colour-franking<br />

of Sudan-stamps, from Tessenei/Eritrea-region (5. Inf. Division),<br />

censormarking and censorstrip, to Boston/USA, very rare<br />

3645<br />

3645 F Sudan 6 € 70<br />

INDIAN F.P.O.: "Field Post Office 13", cover with Sudan-franking,<br />

from Keren/Massaua region to England, cover partly reduced at left<br />


38<br />


3646<br />

3646 F Sudan 6 € 80<br />

INDIAN F.P.O.: 1941, airmail cover with Sudan-franking, from JUBA/<br />

Somalia to England, censored, first civilian mails after occupation<br />

(17./18.02.1941), rare<br />

3649<br />

3649 F India 6 € 80<br />

1941, "F.P.O. N. 88", Airmail Cover with eight Annas India-franking,<br />

censored, from MASSAUA/Eritrea region to Bombay/India with arrival<br />

marking<br />

3647<br />

3647 F 6 € 180<br />

1940/41, SOUTH AFRICAN FORCES, four covers with postmarks, i.e.<br />

"A.P.O.-U-M.P.K. 2", with censor marks, one cover with franking, to<br />

Ireland, England and South Africa, scarce group<br />

3650<br />

3650 F India 6 € 90<br />

1941, "F.P.O. N. 88", Airmail Cover with India-franking, censored, to<br />

London/England<br />

3651<br />

3651 F 6 € 120<br />

1941, "F.P.O. - N. 90", two cards and one cover with usages from<br />

ASMARA/Eritrea to England and Scotland, censored<br />

3648<br />

3648 F India 6 € 80<br />

1941, "F.P.O. N. 86", Airmail Cover with eight Annas India-franking,<br />

censored, from DECAMERE/Eritrea region to Poona/India with arrival<br />



39<br />

3652<br />

3652 F GB 6 € 70<br />

1943, "F.P.O. N. 88", Airmail Letter Card with Great-Britain-franking<br />

3 P., from Massaua/Eritrea-region, censored via "F.P.O. 90" to<br />

England<br />

3655<br />

3655 F 6 € 150<br />

1941, "E.A.-A.P.O. 60", printed italian Airmail Cover (servizio vaglia postali),<br />

used from Internment-camp 356, to ADI UGRI with censormarking "E.A.<br />

N. 7" in red, unique usage<br />

3653<br />

3653 F 6 € 150<br />

1941, Official Cover from "Deputy Chief Political Office - Police<br />

Ethiopia" to Singida/Tanganyika, "E.A.-A.P.O. 2"-cancellations on<br />

front, with arrival marking, redirected via "Express letter Service" to<br />

Daresalaam, very rare<br />

3656<br />

3656 F 6 € 100<br />

1941, "E.A.-A.P.O. 60", cover from Addis Abeba to England, with rare<br />

censor-marking "Passed by military censor AND POSTAL FRANK",<br />

countersigned<br />

3657<br />

3657 F 6 € 80<br />

1941, "E.A.-A.P.O. 63", cover from Neghelli/Galla e Sidama-province<br />

to Nairobi/Kenya, with censormarking<br />

3654<br />

3654 F 6 € 100<br />

1942, "E.A.-A.P.O. 55", two covers, censored, from GIGGIA/Ethiopia<br />

to NAIVASHA/Kenya, each with arrival marking

40<br />


3658<br />

3658 F 6 € 80<br />

1942, "E.A.-A.P.O. 64", cover from MEGA/Ethiopia to Uplands/Kenya<br />

with censormarking<br />

3661<br />

3661 F 6 € 180<br />

1942, "E.A.-A.P.O. 75", Registered Cover franked 30 C. KUT, from<br />

HARAR/Etiopia, censored, with rare "R-Army Postal Services"-boxed<br />

registered-cancellation and Nairobi/Kenya arrival marking, rare<br />

commercial usage<br />

3659<br />

3659 F 6 € 120<br />

1943, "E.A.-A.P.O. 70", cover from BABILE/Ethiopia to Glasgow/<br />

Scotland, censor-marking on front and "A.P.O. 2" on reverse, rare<br />

origin<br />

3662<br />

3662 F 6 € 300<br />

1941-43, "A.P.O.2 -77", 17 covers with i.e. No. 56, 57, 60, 62, 64, 67,<br />

69 and 75 from Addis Abeba, Gondar, Neghelli, Dire Daua, Yavello,<br />

Babile and Harar, with censormarkings and different destinations,<br />

mixed condition, scarce group<br />

3660<br />

3660 F 6 € 80<br />

1943, "E.A.-A.P.O. 75", cover with rare cancellation from HARAR/Etiopia<br />

to Nairobi/Kenya, censored, "A.P.O. 2" on reverse<br />

3663<br />

3663 F USA 6 € 100<br />

1942-43, "U.S. ARMY A.P.O. 617", two covers from Eritrea to New York<br />

City/USA, one censored, rare war-time usages


41<br />


3664<br />

3664 F 6 € 100<br />

1941, RED CROSS: "E.A.-A.P.O. 51", Airmail Cover from Camp 365<br />

(Londiani/Kenya) with Red-Cross-cancellation from Geneva, "U.C.P.E.I."-<br />

cancellation, censorstrip on reverse and arrival marking MEL/Belluno,<br />

rare<br />

3667<br />

3667 F 6 € 120<br />

1942, "RED CROSS - PRISONER OF WAR-POSTCARD", from Trento/<br />

Italy to Camp 365 (Londiani/Kenya), rare incoming mail, different<br />

censor-markings<br />

3665<br />

3665 F 6 € 150<br />

1941, "RED CROSS - PRISONER OF WAR POSTCARD", from Camp 3<br />

in ADDIS ABEBA/Ethiopia to Napoli with Italian, South-African and<br />

Eritrean censorship, rare<br />

3668<br />

3668 F € 80<br />

1946, RED CROSS - REPLY-CARD, from Camp 365 (Londiani/Kenya)<br />

to Milano/Italy with official arrival marking, paper imperfections<br />

3666<br />

3666 F 6 € 100<br />

1941, RED CROSS-cover from Camp 365 (Londiani/Kenya), "E.A.-<br />

A.P.O. 51"-cancellation, censorship and "U.C.P.E.I."-cancellation, on<br />

reverse censorstrip and arrival marking MEL/Belluno<br />

3669<br />

3669 F 6 € 120<br />

1942, Printed Form of VATICAN-RED CROSS-DELEGATION, from<br />

ASMARA/Eritrea to Milano, on reverse response, with different<br />

cancellations, i.e. DELEGATIO APOSTOLICA AEGYPTI", paper<br />

imperfections, rare document

42<br />



3672<br />

3672 F 6 € 100<br />

1941, two covers from MOMBASA/NAIROBI to Dessié/Adi Ugri<br />

(Ethiopia), each with "A.P.O. 60" and "F.P.O. 90"-cancellations, censored<br />

3670<br />

3670 F 6 € 200<br />

1942-44, five RED CROSS - MESSAGES/ENQUIRIES-forms, all from<br />

Italy to ASMARA/Eritrea, with interesting cancellations, censorship<br />

etc., rare A.O.I.-incoming items<br />

3673<br />

3673 F 6 € 80<br />

1943, two postcards, from Camp NAIVASHA/Kenya (Nr. 352) to Italy<br />

with "POW-E.A.C."-cancellations, censored<br />

3671<br />

3671 F 6 € 150<br />

1942-45, four RED CROSS - MESSAGES/ENQUIRIES-forms from ASMARA<br />

to Italy, with interesting cancellations, censorships etc.<br />



43<br />

3674 F 6 € 100<br />

1944-45, two postcards & one cover, from CAMP GILGIL/Kenya<br />

(camp 352), censored and one with rare "WRITTEN IN.."-cancellation<br />

3677 F 6 € 80<br />

1944, CAMP ELDORET/Kenya: rare cover as incoming-mail from<br />

Internment-camp 1 in Tanganyika to Camp 356, censored and "POW-<br />

E.A.C."-cancellation<br />

3675<br />

3675 F 6 € 80<br />

1943, CAMP NANYUKI/Kenya, two covers: one from Mogadiscio as<br />

incoming mail, one to Italy with Postage-Paid-mark, censored<br />

3678<br />

3678 F 6 € 80<br />

1943, CAMP BURGURET/Kenya: two postcards to Italy with censormarks<br />

and "P.O.W.-E.A.C."-cancellations<br />

3676<br />

3676 F 6 € 100<br />

1942, CAMP ELDORET/Kenya: two covers to Adi Ugri and Asmara in<br />

Eritrea, censored, one with "FUORI ZONA"-mark<br />

3679<br />

3679 F 6 € 80<br />

1942-43, CAMP NDARUGU/Kenya: postcard and cover, from Camp 360<br />

to Italy, censored and P.O.W.-cancellations<br />


44<br />


3682<br />

3682 F 6 € 100<br />

1943, CAMP LONDIANI/Kenya: two covers, from Italy to Camp 365, rare<br />

incoming mail<br />

3680<br />

3680 F 6 € 80<br />

1944, CAMP NDARUGU/Kenya: two postcards, from Camp 360 to<br />

Italy with censormarks and P.O.W.-cancellations, one with arrivalmarking<br />

3681<br />

3681 F 6 € 120<br />

1942, CAMP LONDIANI/Kenya, Airmail Cover: from Italy (Ministero Africa Italiana - Posta per Italiani A.O.I.) to Camp<br />

365, censored with different markings, appealing incoming mail


45<br />

3683<br />

3683 F 6 € 120<br />

1943-44, CAMP JINGA/UGANDA: three postcards to Italy with<br />

censormarks and P.O.W.-cancellations<br />

3686<br />

3686 F 6 € 80<br />

1942, CAMP YOL in DHARAMSALA/INDIA, censored P.O.W.-cover, to<br />

Italy<br />

3684<br />

3684 F 6 € 100<br />


Prisoner of War-card ("For notification of capture only"), from Camp<br />

308 to Italy with censormarks<br />

3687<br />

3687 F India 6 € 150<br />

1942, CAMP YOL in DHARAMSALA/INDIA, censored and franked<br />

cover with 8 Annas, by airmail to Roma/Italy with censormarks and<br />

censortape, rare<br />

3685<br />

3685 F 6 € 80<br />

1942, MEF-CAMP ISMAILIA/EGYPT: special postcard (prigioniero di<br />

guerra), to Italy with different censor-markings

46<br />



Per i servizi settimanali tra ASSAB e MASSAUA e poi per i servizi mensili della “Bombay”-line , si use un annullo in cartella.<br />

Per la linea per ADEN e viceversa (P&O – line), uso di bolli rettangolari e di un annullo circolare con bandeletta.<br />

Italian shipment to Eritrea 1893/1901: in the late 1880s was used a weekly service between ASSAB and<br />

MASSAUA (Rubattino shipping company).<br />

For 1893 –1901 mails from and to the Italian colony of Eritrea were transferred to ADEN.<br />

Framed handstamps/boxed marks and a keyhole-datestamp were used on different shipping-services.<br />

3688<br />

3688 F 6 € 150<br />

1612, "MARE RUBRUM"- nice handcoloured map of Red Sea from<br />

Suez to Aden, original, Bertius/Amsterdam, 122x86 mm<br />

3690<br />

3690 F 6 € 350<br />

1897, "POSTE ITALIANE ADEN MASSAUA", framed handstamp "21.<br />

LUG. 1897" on postcard 10 Pfg. German Empire (reply part), on reverse<br />

Alexandria and Galata/Turkey-cancellations, Napoli and Goldberg arrival<br />

marking on front, unique<br />

3689<br />

3689 F 6 € 500<br />

1897, "POSTE ITALIANE ADEN-MASSAUA", framed handstamp on<br />

cover: franked 20 C. Italy Umberto I., from Sparanise/Italy to SAATI/<br />

Eritrea (officer of the 2. Ascari Battalion), rare incoming item via<br />

shipmail, stained<br />

3692<br />

3692 F Eritrea 16 6 € 350<br />

1897, "POSTE ITALIANE MASSAUA ADEN", framed handstamp on<br />

cover with 20 C. Umberto I. overprinted (perforation faults), to Mantova/<br />

Italy with arrival marking, nice appearance


47<br />

3691<br />

3691 F 6 € 200<br />

1898, "POSTE ITALIANE ADEN MASSAUA", framed handstamp on stationary-envelope 2 Mill. from Egypt to<br />

MASSAUA (customs office), on reverse cancellations from Cairo, Mansoura and Zagazig<br />

3694<br />

3694 F Sassone 39 6 € 250<br />


handstamp on reverse of cover from Mistretta/Messina via Brindisi,<br />

Massaua to ASMARA/Eritrea (to an officer of Ascari Battalion). Paper<br />

imperfections, signed Sorani.<br />

3695<br />

3695 F 6 € 300<br />


handstamp on cover with 20 C. Umberto I (without overprint), singlefranking<br />

via Napoli to Porto Recanati/Italy, fine strike, signed Diena

48<br />


3693<br />

3693 F 6 € 1.200<br />

1900, "POSTE ITALIANE SUEZ MASSAUA", framed handstamp on reverse of cover from Santa Catharina/Brazil (three<br />

stamps 100 Reais, one defective), via Rio de Janeiro, Massaua to ASMARA/Eritrea with arrival marking. One of the<br />

rarest shipmail-cancellations, only 2-3 strikes on cover reported. UNIQUE combination from South America.<br />

3696<br />

3696 F Sassone Italy 44(4) 6 € 500<br />


handstamp, three strikes on reverse of cover with strip of four 5 C.<br />

Italy, on front same handstamp, address re-inked, with Palermo<br />

arrival-marking. Imperfections, impressive combination


49<br />

3697<br />

3697 F 6 € 400<br />


handstamp on reverse of 1 P. stationery envelope of Egypt. From<br />

Alexandria via LLoyd Triestino (P.K.XP. 62) to Brindisi and via Suez<br />

to Massaua, directed to the Swedish Mission in Bellesa/Hamazen.<br />

Paper imperfections. UNIQUE<br />

3700<br />

3700 F 6 € 250<br />

1897, Stationery Card: 10 C. overprinted "Colonia Eritrea", from<br />

Massaua to PERIM (island on Bab-al-Mandeb without post office),<br />

with arrival marking ADEN. Addressed to an Italian telegrafist.<br />

UNIQUE<br />

3698<br />

3698 F Sassone 39 6 € 250<br />


handstamp (2) on reverse of cover from Torino/Italy, franked 20 C.<br />

Umberto I., to Massaua/Eritrea<br />

3701<br />

3701 F Sassone 4 (2) 6 € 100<br />

1900, Official Cover: pair of 10 C. Umberto I., from "R.Dogana e<br />

Capitaneria di Porto MASSAUA" via Asmara to CHEREN/Eritrea<br />

3702<br />

3702 F 6 € 150<br />


from Massaua to Constantinople/Turkey with arrival marking of<br />

Italian P.O. on front, rare<br />

3699<br />

3699 F 6 € 300<br />


datestamp on reverse of commercial cover, 2 x 5 Mil. franking, from<br />

Cairo/Egypt via Suez to ASMARA/Eritrea, cover roughly opened, fine<br />

to good strike, signed Catania

50<br />



1892 – 1902, situé sur le Golfe d‘ ADEN , le port de OBOCK fut acquis 1862 et DJIBOUTI en 1888.<br />

1894: creatión de la Cóte de Somalis depuis la construction de la ligne de chemin de fer de Addis Abeba /Ethiopie.<br />

Utilisation de timbres OBOCK (1892/1894), de DJIBOUTI (protectorat francais depuis 1894) et mixte.<br />

1892 – 1902, situated on the Gulf of ADEN, the seaport of OBOCK was acquired by the French in 1862 and<br />

DJIBOUTI was made into a port in 1888.<br />

1894: after the construction of the railway-connection to Addis Abeba/Ethiopia, the Somalicoast was established.<br />

Stamps of OBOCK used in 1892/1894,of DJIBOUTI after 1894 (protectorat francais) and mixed frankings/usages.<br />

OBOCK<br />

3703<br />

3703 F 1-12 I * € 500<br />

1892, 1 C. to 1 Fr. french colonies issue with "OBOCK" arched<br />

handstamp (Type I) in black, cpl. set of 11 stamps, fresh colour, fine<br />

condition<br />

3704<br />

3704 F 3 II - 12 II * € 150<br />

1892, 4 C. to 1 Fr. french colonies issue, with "OBOCK"-linear handstamp<br />

in black (Type II), cpl. mint set


51<br />

3707 F 24-36 * € 70<br />

1892, Navigation and commerce issue, 1 C. to 1 Fr., cpl. set, mint<br />

3705<br />

3705 F 3 II - 12 II 3 € 150<br />

1892, 4 C. to 1 Fr. french colonies issue with "OBOCK"-linear handstamp<br />

in black (Type II), cpl. set, fine used<br />

3708<br />

3708 F 37/38 3/5 € 70<br />

1893-94, 2 Fr. and 5 Fr. Camelrider, cpl. used set incl. 5 Fr. on coverfront<br />

3709<br />

3709 F 39-51 * € 50<br />

1894, 1 C. to 1 Fr. Somaliwarriors, cpl. set, mint<br />

3706<br />

3706 F 13-23 * € 400<br />

1892, 1 C. to 5 Fr. with additional surcharge, handstamps in black, red and<br />

blue, mainly fine mint condition (4 C. on 15 C. with gum imperfection),<br />

rare offer<br />

3710<br />

3710 F 39-51 5 € 50<br />

1894, 1 C. to 1 Fr. Somaliwarriors, cpl. set on one piece, each stamp<br />

with centric OBOCK-cancellation<br />


52<br />


3712<br />

3712 F 52-56 * € 300<br />

1894, 2 Fr. to 50 Fr. Camelrider, cpl. set, some gum-imperfections, fine mint condition<br />

3713 F Obock 32, Djibouti 10 6 € 250<br />

1900, registered cover with rare mixed franking 30 C. Obock and 10 C.<br />

Djibouti, from Djibouti via french shipmail to Paris and redirected to<br />

Nancy/France, with arrival marking<br />

3711<br />

3711 F 53 3/5 € 50<br />

1894, 5 Fr. Camelrider, used and on coverfront, Djibouti & Obockcancellations<br />

3714<br />

3714 F 45 H(2), 46H 6 € 180<br />

1901, cover with 20 C.(2) and 25 C. Somaliwarriors, each bisected,<br />

from Djibouti to Argenton/France with arrival marking on reverse<br />

3713<br />

3715<br />

3715 F 45 H,46H 6 € 140<br />

1901, cover with 20 C. and 25 C. Somaliwarriors, each bisected, local<br />

usage in Djibouti with arrival marking (same day) on reverse


53<br />

3721<br />

3721 F P 1II - 14 II * € 300<br />

1892, Postage Due: ten overprinted stamps (Type II) ex. 1 C. to 5 Fr.,<br />

incl. high denominations 1 Fr. to 5 Fr., mint with original gum<br />

3716<br />

3716 F 44,46 6 € 180<br />

1902, registered cover with 15 C. and 25 C. Somaliwarriors, from<br />

Djibouti to Switzerland, on reverse with Bressonaz arrival marking<br />

3717<br />

3717 F 27,46,47,48 6 € 200<br />

1900, registered cover with rare mixed-franking 5 C. Allegorie and 25 C.,<br />

30 C. and 40 C. Somaliwarriors, from Djibouti via Aden (registered) to<br />

Nimes/France with arrival marking<br />

3722<br />

3722 F P 5 II - 14 II 5 € 300<br />

1892, Postage Due: 5 C. to 5 Fr., ten overprinted stamps (Type II) on<br />

small pieces, with fine OBOCK-c.d.s on each stamp<br />

3718 3719 3720<br />

3718 F P 6I * € 70<br />

1892, Postage Due: 10 C. with arched handstamp (Type I), mint with<br />

original gum<br />

3719 F P 9I * € 80<br />

1892, Postage Due: 30 C. with arched handstamp (Type I), mint with<br />

original gum<br />

3720 F P 11I * € 100<br />

1892, Postage Due: 60 C. with arched handstamp (Type I), mint with<br />

original gum

54<br />


3723<br />

3723 F Obock,France 6 € 150<br />

1903, cover franked 25 C. Obock-issue and 5 C.(2) and 15 C. French<br />

stamps. By private hands from Addis Abeba (A. Savour & Cie., Addis<br />

Abeba backside) to Djibouti, then by ship to France. In Cette/Herault<br />

cancelled and sent to London, with arrival mark. A couriosity.<br />


3724<br />

3724 F 1 II(2) 3 € 70<br />

1893, 5 C. Obock issue with "D.J."-overprint and bar on Obock<br />

inscription, two stamps with blue and black cancellations<br />

3729<br />

3729 F 5 * € 500<br />

1894, 5 Fr. Camelrider with handstamp "DJIBOUTI", rare stamp with<br />

certificate Brun (1986)<br />

3725 3726 3727<br />

3725 F 1 II 3 € 50<br />

1893, 5 C. Obock issue with "D.J."-overprint and bar on Obock<br />

inscription, very fine stamp from left margin, with Djibouti cancellation<br />

3726 F 3 * € 100<br />

1893, 50 C. on 1 C. overprint in red and blue, provisional issue, fine<br />

mint<br />

3727 F 3 * € 90<br />

1893, 50 C. on 1C. overprint in red and blue, provisional issue, fine<br />

mint<br />

3728<br />

3728 F 4 * € 180<br />

1894, 1 Fr. on 5 Fr. Camelrider, handstamp "1" and "DJIBOUTI" in<br />

blue, mint<br />

3730<br />

3730 F 20+21 * € 250<br />

1894/1900, 25 Fr. and 50 Fr. "Crossing desert" issue, with overprint "S"<br />

(SPECIMEN), two rare high denominations


55<br />

3734<br />

3734 F 27 * € 90<br />

1902, "0,75" Fr. handstamp on 5 Fr. Djibouti, provisional issue, high<br />

denomination, mint<br />

3731<br />

3731 F ex. 6-19 (26) 3 € 80<br />

1894/1900, Definitives: 1 C. to 5 Fr., 26 stamps with i.e. good strikes<br />

of Djibouti cancellations<br />

3735<br />

3735 F 28-35 * € 100<br />

1902, overprints of new denominations on six different stamps, cpl.<br />

issue, mint<br />

3732<br />

3732 F 23 3 € 350<br />

1902, "0,05" Fr. blue overprint on 75 C. Somaliwarriors, very rare<br />

provisional handstamp issue, fine used<br />

3736<br />

3736 F 28-35 */3 € 80<br />

1902, overprints of new denominations on five used and one mint<br />

stamp, cpl. provisional issue<br />

3733<br />

3733 F 24-27 * € 350<br />

1902, "0,05"-"0,75" Fr., blue/black handstamp on 75 C., 1, 2 and 5 Fr.,<br />

cpl. provisional issue

56<br />


3737<br />

3737 F Obock/Djibouti 3/5 € 100<br />

Ca. 1901, eight bisected stamps from Obock and Djibouti, different<br />

denominations with seven fragments of covers, clear strikes of<br />

"Djibouti"-c.d.s<br />

3738<br />

3738 F ex. 6-10 6 € 150<br />

1897, seven stamps of "Views of Djibouti" issue, on cover to MEZE/<br />

France with arrival marking. Each stamp with clear strike of french<br />

shipmail "LIGNE N PAQ. FR. N. 5", rare usage<br />

3740<br />

3740 F Obock44,46 Djibouti 10 6 € 200<br />

1909, registered cover with 15 C. and 25 C. Obock and 10 C. Djibouti<br />

issue, from Djibouti to Port Said/Egypte with arrival marking. Rare<br />

mixed three-colour-franking.<br />

3739<br />

3739 F 9,15 6 € 90<br />

1900, registered cover with 5 C. and 50 C. "Views of Djibouti", from<br />

Djibouti to Neuchatel/Switzerland with arrival marking. Cover partly<br />

reduced, signed Bolaffi.<br />

3741<br />

3741 F 10 H 6 € 280<br />

1901, Newspaper Wrapper: single franking with 10 C. bisected (small<br />

imperfection on top), from Djibouti via french shipmail to Lyon/Poste<br />

restante with arrival marking. Very rare genuine commercial usage.


57<br />

3744 F Obock 46, Djibouti 10 H,13 H 6 € 300<br />

1901, registered cover with mixed franking Obock/Djibouti incl. rare<br />

30 C. bisected, from Djibouti via french shipmail to New York/USA,<br />

with indistinct arrival marking. Small paper imperfections, unique<br />

usage<br />

3742<br />

3742 F 12 6 € 150<br />

1894, 25 C. "Views of Djibouti", single-franking on cover from<br />

Djibouti via Obock & Aden to Paris/France<br />

3745<br />

3745 F 14 6 € 180<br />

1903, 40 C. "Views of Djibouti", single-franking, from Djibouti via<br />

Aden and Bombay to Calcutta/India with arrival marking<br />

3743<br />

3743 F 10 H (3) 6 € 180<br />

1901, 10 C. "Views of Djibouti", three bisected stamps on commercial<br />

cover, from Djibouti via french shipmail to MOISSEY/France with<br />

arrival marking. Small paper imperfections.<br />

3746<br />

3746 F 15 6 € 150<br />

1895, registered cover with 50 C. "Views of Djibouti", single-franking,<br />

from Djibouti to BOIS-COLOMBES/France with arrival marking<br />


58<br />


3749 F 16,17,18 6 € 150<br />

1896, three-colour-franking 75 C., 1, Fr. and 2 Fr. "Views of Djibouti",<br />

on cover from Djibouti via french shipmail (LIGNE N PAQ.FR. N 8)<br />

to Bern/Switzerland with arrival marking.<br />

3747<br />

3747 F 16,17 6 € 250<br />

1899, Insured Cover (1.500 Fr.): 75 C. and 1 Fr. "Views of Djibouti",<br />

from Djibouti via french shipmail to MARSEILLAN/France with arrival<br />

marking. Rare usage, only a few "Valeur-declarée" usages known<br />

3750<br />

3750 F ex. 9-17 6 € 200<br />

1898, registered cover with five-colour-franking ex. 5 C. to 1 Fr.,<br />

from Djibouti via London/registered to Oxford/England with arrival<br />

marking. Small imperfections at top<br />

3748<br />

3748 F 17 6 € 200<br />

1898, 1 Fr. "Views of Djibouti", single-franking on cover, from Djibouti<br />

to Trieste/Austria with arrival marking in front. Stained, on reverse<br />

shipmail cancellation of Lloyd Austriaco.<br />

3751<br />

3751 F 22 6 € 90<br />

1899, registered cover with "0,40" overprinted on 4 C. "Views of<br />

Djibouti", single-franking, from Djibouti via french shipmail to<br />

PARIS/France with arrival marking<br />

3752<br />



59<br />

3752 F 22 6 € 80<br />

1899, registered cover with "0,40" overprinted on 4 C. "Views of<br />

Djibouti", single franking from Djibouti to PARIS/France via french<br />

shipmail, arrival marking. Small paper imperfections on reverse.<br />

3755 F Obock 46, Djibouti 29,30,31 6 € 300<br />

1903, registered cover with very rare mixed-franking Obock 25 C. (on<br />

reverse) and three provisional-overprint stamps 5 C. and 10 C., from<br />

Djibouti via french shipmail, Transit Suez to CAIRO/Egypt with arrival<br />

marking<br />

3753<br />

3753 F Obock 43,Djibouti 24 I 6 € 200<br />

1892, 10 C. Obock and provisional-overprint "0,05" Fr. on 75 C. Djibouti<br />

"Views of Djibouti"-issue, very rare mixed-franking on local cover<br />

3756<br />

3756 F 33 6 € 180<br />

1902, "10 Centimes Djibouti"-overprint on 25 C. Obock on postcard<br />

as single-franking from Djibouti to France, there redirected with<br />

arrival marking, scarce<br />

3754<br />

3754 F 27 6 € 300<br />

1902, "0,75" Fr.-provisional overprint, single-franking on local-cover<br />

Djibouti, rare usage, signed Bloch<br />

3757<br />

3757 F 34 var (Yvert 32 A) 6 € 400<br />

1902, "10 Centimes Djibouti"-overprint on 2 Fr. with rare variety:<br />

"DJIBOUTI INVERTED", very rare usage to France<br />

3755<br />

3758<br />

3758 F 28,29,34,35 6 € 180<br />

1908, registered cover with four-colour-franking "Djibouti"-overprints<br />

on Obock high denominations, from Djibouti to Paris/France with<br />

arrival marking, philatelic usage

60<br />


AIRMAIL 1929-1942<br />

3761<br />

3761 F Somalicoast 6 € 100<br />

1929, Flight DJIBOUTI - ADDIS ABEBA/Ethiopia (1.service avion),<br />

single franking with special cancellation on stamp and special "Par<br />

avion Djibouti-Addis Abeba"-label<br />

3759<br />

3759 F Somalicoast 6 € 120<br />

1930, Coronation flight, registered envelope from Djibouti to Addis<br />

Abeba, special registered label and Somalicoast franking, on reverse<br />

rare blue cancellation (airplane-cachet)<br />

3762<br />

3762 F Somalicoast 6 € 90<br />

1930, Flight DJIBOUTI - ADDIS ABEBA/Ethiopia (2. service avion),<br />

three-colour-franking with special "Registered"-label, redirected to<br />

Djibouti<br />

3760<br />

3760 F Somalicoast 6 € 100<br />

1929, Flight DJIBOUTI-DIRRE DAOUA/Ethiopia (1. service avion), with<br />

special cancellation on cover and stamps, with arrival mark<br />

3763<br />

3763 F Somalicoast 6 € 90<br />

1930, Flight DJIBOUTI - ADDIS ABEBA/Ethiopia (2. service avion),<br />

three-colour-franking with special "PAR AVION Djibouti-Addis Abeba"-<br />

airmail-label and cancellation


61<br />

3764<br />

3764 F Somalicoast 6 € 90<br />

1930, Flight DJIBOUTI - ADDIA ABEBA/Ethiopia ( 2.service avion), 1,50<br />

Fr. - rate definitives with special cancellation and special "airmail"-label<br />

3767<br />

3767 F Somalicoast 6 € 80<br />

1931, Flight DJIBOUTI - ADDIS ABEBA/Ethiopia (5. service avion),<br />

colourful franking definitives on cover to Mr. Zervos<br />

3765<br />

3765 F Somalicoast 6 € 100<br />

1930, Flight DJIBOUTI - ADDIS ABEBA/Ethiopia (3. service avion), special<br />

cancellation and on reverse rare rectangular commemorative airplanecachet<br />

from Addis Abeba<br />

3768<br />

3768 F Somalicoast 6 € 80<br />

1931, Flight DJIBOUTI - ADDIS ABEBA/Ethiopia (5. service avion),<br />

mixed franking six stamps on cover<br />

3766<br />

3766 F Somalicoast 6 € 120<br />

1931, Flight DJIBOUTI - ADDIS ABEBA/Ethiopia (4. service avion), with<br />

four-colour-mixed-franking, registered usage with cross-cancellation,<br />

rare<br />

3769<br />

3769 F Somalicoast 6 € 90<br />

1931, Flight DJIBOUTI - ADDIS ABEBA/Ethiopia (6. service avion),<br />

single-franking 3 Fr. on registered cover with special cancellation in<br />


62<br />


3770<br />

3770 F Somalicoast 6 € 100<br />

1931, Flight DJIBOUTI - ADDIS ABEBA/Ethiopia (6. service special),<br />

three-colour-franking with two special cancellations in blue<br />

3773<br />

3773 F Somalicoast 6 € 90<br />

1932, Flight DJIBOUTI - DAKAR/Senegal (1. service avion), registered<br />

cover with mixed franking, special cancellation in blue, redirected<br />

3771<br />

3771 F Somalicoast 6 € 180<br />

1931, registered cover with mixed franking, special" Registered" and<br />

red "PAR AVION Djibouti-France"-label, cancellation "1. Service<br />

Avion France Madagascar Aller retour via Djibouti", to BRUNOY/<br />

France via Paris with arrival marking, very rare<br />

3774<br />

3774 F Somalicoast 6 € 100<br />

1932, Flight DJIBOUTI - DAKAR/Senegal (1. service avion), registered<br />

cover with special cancellation in blue (2), rare<br />

3772<br />

3772 F Somalicoast 6 € 80<br />

1931, airmail cover with four-colour-franking, "PAR AVION"-label<br />

(partly cut-out ), to TANANARIVE/Madagascar with arrival marking<br />

3775<br />

3775 F Somalicoast 6 € 120<br />

1932, Flight DJIBOUTI - ROMA/Italy (1. service avion), registered cover<br />

with mixed franking, "PAR AVION"-provisional label (cut out), on<br />

reverse Torino and Roma transit and Toulouse/France arrival marking


63<br />

3776<br />

3776 F Somalicoast 6 € 100<br />

1932, Flight DJIBOUTI - ROMA/Italy (1. service avion), registered<br />

cover with four-colour-mixed-franking, special cancellation, via Torino<br />

and Roma to Paris/France with arrival marking (Caproni-airplane)<br />

3779<br />

3779 F Somalicoast 6 € 90<br />

1934, Flight DJIBOUTI - ADDIS ABEBA/Ethiopia (10. service avion), with<br />

Junkers-airplane, addressed to Pilot Weber, stained, rare<br />

3777<br />

3777 F Somalicoast 6 € 100<br />

1932, Flight DJIBOUTI - ROMA/Italy (1. service avion), registered<br />

mixed-franking on postcard to MASSAUA/Eritrea with arrival marking,<br />

only 250 flown<br />

3780<br />

3780 F Somalicoast/Ethiopia 6 € 180<br />

1931, Flight DJIBOUTI - ADDIS ABEBA/Etiopia (5. service avion),<br />

registered-mixed-franking Ethiopia Air definitives (4) and Somalicoast<br />

(3) on reverse, with special "PAR AVION"- labels, addressed to pilot<br />

P. Corriger and redirected, cover opened for display, very rare<br />

3778<br />

3778 F Somalicoast 6 € 80<br />

1932, Flight DJIBOUTI - ADDIS ABEBA/Ethiopia, with Ethiopian singleline-cancellation,<br />

addressed to Mr. Zervos

64<br />


3781<br />

3781 F Somalicoast 6 € 80<br />

1935, Flight DJIBOUTI - ALEXANDRIA/Egypt, rare first flight-cover<br />

from Bayér-correspondence<br />

3784<br />

3784 F Somalicoast 6 € 80<br />


- cover with three-colour-franking and special cancellation, censored<br />

3782<br />

3782 F Somalicoast 6 € 80<br />

1935, Flight DJIBOUTI - WADI HALFA/Sudan, redirected to Roma/<br />

Italy (Bayér correspondence)<br />

3785<br />

3785 F Somalicoast 6 € 120<br />


- registered cover with special imprint, arrival marking Toulouse/<br />

France, very rare<br />

3783<br />

3783 F Somalicoast 6 € 90<br />

1935, First flight (Ala Littoria) DJIBOUTI - ASMARA/Eritrea, three colourfranking<br />

with overprinted definitives, rare<br />

3786<br />

3786 F Somalicoast 6 € 140<br />


DJIBOUTI" - special cachet from flight (pilot Codos) to MARIGNANE/<br />

France, rare usage (british war-time blockade)


65<br />

3788 F Somalicoast 6 € 140<br />


DJIBOUTI" - airmail-cover (pilot Casanova) from 12. flight from<br />

Djibouti to MARIGNANE/France, rare (british war-time blockade)<br />

3787<br />

3787 F Somalicoast 6 € 140<br />


DJIBOUTI" - special cachet on F.M. (Franchise militaire)-letter,<br />

censored, flight (pilot Codos) to Lyon/France, rare (british war-time<br />

blockade)<br />

3789<br />

3789 F Somalicoast 6 € 100<br />


DJIBOUTI" - airmail-cover (pilot Gambade) from 11. flight to Doila/<br />

Bamako, Sudan francaise, rare ( british war-time blockade), stained<br />


66<br />



We proudly present an UNIQUE offer of stamps, blocks, rare and spectacular overprint- errors and covers<br />

arranged by the three types of overprints.<br />

After nearly 40 years (Robson Lowe Auction Geneve/Switzerland 11.11.1978), the most remarkable study of<br />

this airmail-issue of Ethiopia is available for the market.<br />

Also included several seldom seen first flights 1929 – 1946.<br />

AIRMAIL 1929<br />

3790<br />

3790 F 121-130 (2) var. * € 400<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., cpl. sets in horizontal pairs<br />


(Type II), UNIQUE and spectacular<br />

3791<br />

3791 F 121-130(2) var. * € 450<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ⁄8 1 M. to 3 Th., cpl. sets in horizontal<br />

pairs (se-tenant), BLACK/GREEN OVERPRINT COMBINATION (Type<br />

II), UNIQUE and spectacular


67<br />

3792 F 121-130 (2)var. * € 400<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., cpl. sets in horizontal pairs<br />


(Type II), UNIQUE and spectacular<br />

3792<br />

3793<br />

3793 F 121-130 * € 300<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., BLACK<br />

OVERPRINT (Type II), cpl. set mint, very rare<br />

3794<br />

3794 F 121-130 * € 300<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., BLACK<br />

OVERPRINT (Type II), cpl. set mint, very rare

68<br />


3795<br />

3795 F 121-130 * € 400<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. - 3 Th., BLACK<br />

INVERTED OVERPRINT (Type II), cpl. set, very rare,<br />

signed Sanabria<br />

3796<br />

3796 F 121-130 * € 300<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th. GREEN<br />

OVERPRINT (Type II), cpl. set mint, very rare<br />

3797<br />

3797 F 121-130 * € 350<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., GREEN<br />

INVERTED OVERPRINT (Type II), cpl. set mint, very<br />



69<br />

3798<br />

3798 F 121-130 * € 400<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., blue<br />

overprint (Type II) cpl. set mint, very rare<br />

3799<br />

3799 F 121-130 * € 400<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., BLUE<br />

OVERPRINT (Type III), cpl. set mint, very rare<br />

3800<br />

3800 F ex. 121-130 var. (25) * € 400<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 25 stamps Type I, II and III<br />

with overprints in black, blue, green, red and violet, incl.<br />

very rare varieties, scarce group

70<br />


3801<br />

3801 F 121-130 I,II,III * € 300<br />

1929 AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., Type I. cpl. set overprint in<br />

red and violet, Type II cpl. set overprint in red and violet, Type III cpl.<br />

set overprint in red and violet, scarce group (6 sets)<br />

3803<br />

3803 F ex. 121-130 (8) * € 250<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., Type I, eight rare varieties<br />

with red overprint, from seldom offered first printing<br />

3802<br />

3802 F ex. 122-130 (8) * € 250<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄4 M. to 3 Th., Type I, eight rare varieties<br />

with violet overprint from first printing<br />

3804<br />

3804 F 121-130 (6) * € 180<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., VIOLET overprint (Type II),<br />

cpl. set in blocks of six, rare multiples<br />

3805 F 121-130 var. * € 150<br />


II), cpl. set mint, rare<br />



71<br />

3806<br />

3806 F ex. 121-129 (30) * € 150<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 2 Th., violet overprint Type II, five<br />

blocks of six with INVERTED overprints each, rare multiples<br />

3809<br />

3809 F ex. 121-130 (26) * € 250<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., RED INVERTED<br />

OVERPRINT Type II, 26 stamps with i.e. multiples, scarce group<br />

3810<br />

3810 F ex. 121-130 * € 200<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., violet overprint Type III,<br />

eight multiples with overprint on sheet margins or gutter, very scarce<br />

3807<br />

3807 F 121-130(4) * € 120<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., RED overprint Type II , cpl.<br />

set in blocks of four, rare multiples<br />

3808 F 121 - 130 * € 150<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., RED INVERTED OVERPRINT Type II, cpl. set mint, rare<br />


72<br />


3811 3812 3815<br />

3816<br />

3811 F ex. 121-130 * € 300<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., 11 blocks of four with<br />

variety: "one stamp without overprint", unique group<br />

3812 F 121-130 (4) * € 120<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., violet overprint Type III, cpl.<br />

set in blocks of four, rare multiples<br />

3815 F ex. 121-130 * € 200<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ex. 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., six blocks of four, each<br />

with one stamp without overprint, rare group<br />

3816 F ex. 121-130 * € 150<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ex. 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., red overprint Type III,<br />

six multiples with overprint on the "gutter", scarce group<br />

3813<br />

3813 F ex.121-130 (78) * € 400<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ⁄8 1 M. to 3 Th., violet overprint Type III,<br />

78 stamps with varieties, i.e. double-overprints, inverted overprints,<br />

overprints sideways etc., exceedingly rare group<br />

3817<br />

3817 F ex. 121-130 * € 250<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ex. 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., red overprint Type III,<br />

40 stamps with varieties, mostly overprint sideways, incl. multiples<br />

with combinations, scarce group<br />

3814<br />

3814 F 121-130 (4) * € 120<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., RED overprint Type III, cpl.<br />

set in blocks of four, rare multiples<br />

3818<br />

3818 F ex. 121-130 * € 300<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ex. 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th., red overprint Type III,<br />

58 stamps with varieties, i.e. inverted, misplaced and doubleoverprints,<br />

very scarce group


73<br />

3819 F 121-130 6 € 600<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th. BLACK overprint,<br />

Type II, cpl. set on registered cover with special "PAR<br />

AVION"-label, from Addis Abeba to Dirre-Daoua with arrival<br />

marking, a rarity, UNIQUE<br />

3819<br />

3820<br />

3820 F 121-130 6 € 800<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ⁄8 1 M. to 3 Th. BLACK INVERTED overprint, Type II, cpl. set on cover with special "PAR<br />

AVION"-label, from Addis Abeba to Dirre-Daoua with arrival marking, UNIQUE

74<br />


3821<br />

3821 F 121-130 6 € 600<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th. cpl. set with GREEN overprint ,Type II, on cover with special "PAR AVION"-label, from<br />

Addis Abeba to Dirre-Daoua with arrival marking, UNIQUE<br />

3822 F 121-130 6 € 800<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 ⁄8 M. to 3 Th. GREEN INVERTED overprint, Type II, cpl. set on cover with special "PAR AVION"-label,<br />

from ADDIS ABEBA to Dirre-Daoua with arrival marking, UNIQUE<br />



75<br />

3826 F 100,121,124,126 6 € 120<br />

1930, AIR PROVISIONALS: mixed franking RAS TAFARI with 1 ⁄8 M.,1 M.<br />

and 4 M. Air provisionals violet overprint (Type I), on registered cover to<br />

LONDON/UK, rare usage<br />

3823<br />

3823 F 124,126I 6 € 150<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: 1 M. and 4 M. (Type I), registered-cover<br />

with mixed-franking from ADDIS ABEBA to DJIBOUTI (pilot Maillet),<br />

arrival marking<br />

3827<br />

3827 F 101,122,123,126 6 € 150<br />

1930, AIR PROVISIONALS: mixed franking ZEODITU with ⁄4 1 M., ⁄2 1 M.<br />

and 4 M. (Type I/II), on registered cover to SUTTON-COLDFIELD/<br />

England, rare combination<br />

3824<br />

3824 F 121-126 6 € 150<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ⁄8 1 M. to 4 M. red and violet overprints<br />

(Type II), registered cover from ADDIS ABEBA to DIRRE-DAOUA with<br />

special "PAR AVION"-label, arrival marking<br />

3825<br />

3825 F 121-126 6 € 150<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ⁄8 1 M. to 4 M., red and violet overprints,registered<br />

cover with special "PAR AVION"-label, from ADDIS<br />

ABEBA to DIRRE-DAOUA with arrival marking<br />

3828<br />

3828 F ex. 123-130 6 € 200<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: airmail cover with five stamps each with<br />

INVERTED overprint in violet incl. 3 Th. high denomination, special<br />

"PAR AVION"-label and DIRRE-DAOUA arrival marking , UNIQUE<br />

3826<br />

3829<br />

3829 F ex. 121-130 6 € 200<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: airmail cover with five stamps each with<br />

INVERTED overprint in red and violet, special "PAR AVION"-label,<br />

from ADDIS ABEBA to DIRRE-DAOUA with arrival marking, UNIQUE

76<br />


3830<br />

3830 F 121-126 6 € 200<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: airmail-cover with 1 ⁄8 M. to 4 M. with<br />

INVERTED overprints in red and violet (Type II), special "PAR<br />

AVION"- label, from ADDIS ABEBA to DIRRE-DAOUA with arrival<br />

marking, very rare<br />

3833<br />

3833 F ex. 121-130 6 € 200<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: airmail cover with five stamps ex. ⁄8 1 M. to<br />

3 Th., each with INVERTED overprint in red (Type II), special "PAR<br />

AVION"-label, from ADDIS ABEBA to DIRRE DAOUA with arrival<br />

marking, very rare<br />

3831<br />

3831 F 121-130 6 € 150<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ⁄8 1 M. to 3 Th., cpl. set with overprint in<br />

red, special "PAR AVION"-label , from ADDIS ABEBA to DIRRE-<br />

DAOUA with arrival marking<br />

3834<br />

3834 F 121-126 6 € 200<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: airmail cover with ⁄8 1 M. to 4 M.<br />

INVERTED overprint in red and violet (Type II), special "PAR<br />

AVION"-label, from ADDIS ABEBA to DIRRE DAOUA with arrival<br />

marking<br />

3832<br />

3832 F ex. 122-129 6 € 200<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: airmail cover with five stamps ex. ⁄4 1 M.<br />

to 2 Th. each with red INVERTED overprint (Type II), special "PAR<br />

AVION"-label, from ADDIS ABEBA to DIRRE DAOUA with arrival<br />

marking, very rare<br />

3835<br />

3835 F ex. 122-129 6 € 200<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: airmail cover with five stamps ex. ⁄4 1 M. to<br />

2 Th., violet and red overprint (1 Th. double/one inverted overprint),<br />

special "PAR AVION"-label, to DIRRE DAOUA with arrival marking,<br />



77<br />

3836<br />

3836 F 121-130 6 € 180<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ⁄8 1 M. to 3 Th., cpl. set with violet overprint<br />

(Type III), special "PAR AVION"-label from ADDIS ABEBA to DIRRE<br />

DAOUA with arrival marking, rare<br />

3839<br />

3839 F 121-126 6 € 150<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: registered-airmail-cover with ⁄8 1 M. to 4 M.,<br />

red and violet overprint (Type III), special "PAR AVION"-label, to<br />

DIRRE DAOUA with arrival marking<br />

3837<br />

3837 F 121-130 6 € 120<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ⁄8 1 M. to 3 Th., cpl. set with violet overprint<br />

(Type III), addressed to Mr. Zervos in Djibouti, arrival marking<br />

3840<br />

3840 F ex. 121-129 6 € 200<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: airmail cover with five stamps ex. ⁄8 1 M.<br />

to 2 Th., violet INVERTED overprint (Type II), special "PAR AVION"-<br />

label, very rare usage<br />

3838<br />

3838 F 121-126 6 € 150<br />

1929 AIR PROVISIONALS: registered-airmail-cover (pilot Maillet) with<br />

1⁄8 M. to 4 M. red and violet overprints (Type III), special "PAR AVION"-<br />

label, from ADDIS ABEBA to DIRE DAOUA with arrival marking<br />

3841<br />

3841 F 121-130 6 € 120<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ⁄8 1 M. to 3 Th., cpl. set red overprint (Type<br />

III), on airmail cover to DJIBOUTI (Zervos correspondence)

78<br />


3842<br />

3842 F 121-126 6 € 180<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ⁄8 1 M. to 4 M., six stamps red overprint<br />

(Type III), with overprint-varieties, special "PAR AVION"-label on<br />

registered-cover to DIRRE-DAOUA with arrival marking<br />

3845<br />

3845 F 121-130 6 € 80<br />

1930, AIR PROVISIONALS: ⁄8 1 M. to 3 Th., cpl. set red and violet<br />

overprints (Type II), registered cover with philatelic inspiration<br />

with six commemorative airmail-cancellations in violet, c.t.o., for<br />

comparison<br />

FIRST FLIGHTS / AIRMAIL 1929-1946<br />

3843<br />

3843 F 121-126 6 € 150<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ⁄8 1 M. to 4 M., six stamps red and violet<br />

overprint (Type III), on registered cover with special "PAR AVION"-<br />

label, to DIRRE DAOUA with arrival marking<br />

3846<br />

3846 F 124(4) 6 € 100<br />

1929, Flight ADDIS ABEBA - DJIBOUTI (premier service), rare franking<br />

block of four 1 M. Air Provisionals red overprint, arrival marking<br />

3844<br />

3844 F 121-126 6 € 150<br />

1929, AIR PROVISIONALS: ⁄8 1 M. to 4 M., six stamps red overprint<br />

(Type III), on registered cover with special "PAR AVION"-label to<br />

DIRRE DAOUA with arrival marking<br />

3847<br />

3847 F 124(4) 6 € 100<br />

1929, Flight ADDIS ABEBA - DJIBOUTI (premier service), registered<br />

cover with block of four 1 M. Air Provisionals red overprint, arrival<br />



79<br />

3851<br />

3848<br />

3848 F 130 6 € 100<br />

1929, Flight ADDIS - DJIBOUTI (premier service), rare single franking<br />

3 Th. high denomination Air Provisionals violet overprint, arrival<br />

marking<br />

3851 F 164, 170(2) 6 € 100<br />

1931, Flight ADDIS - DJIBOUTI (3. service spécial), mixed franking<br />

Mehalek/Air Definitives with arrival marking<br />

3849<br />

3849 F 125 (2) 6 € 100<br />

1930, Flight ADDIS - DJIBOUTI (2. service spécial), rare franking 2 M.<br />

Air Provisionals violet and red overprint, arrival marking<br />

3852<br />

3852 F 169-172 6 € 120<br />

1931, Flight ADDIS - DJIBOUTI (4. service spécial), four-colour-franking<br />

Air Definitives on registered cover with special "PAR AVION"-label,<br />

arrival marking<br />

3850<br />

3850 F 128 6 € 100<br />

1930, Flight ADDIS - DJIBOUTI (2.service spécial), single-franking<br />

1 Th. Air Provisionals violet overprint, arrival marking<br />

3853<br />

3853 F 169(2) 6 € 100<br />

1931, Flight ADDIS - DESSIÉ (premier service), pair 1 G. Air Definitives,<br />

addressed to Mr. Zervos, arrival marking

80<br />


3854<br />

3854 F 171 6 € 100<br />

1931, Flight DESSIÉ - ADDIS (premier service), 4 G. Air Definitives<br />

single franking, with arrival marking<br />

3857<br />

3857 F 169(2),170(2) 6 € 200<br />

1932, Flight ADDIS - DJIBOUTI (6. service spécial), 1 G. (2) and 2 G.<br />

(2) Air Definitives on cover with arrival marking, cover signed by pilot<br />

P. CORRIGER, rare<br />

3855<br />

3855 F 169,170 6 € 120<br />

1932, Flight ADDIS - DJIGDJIGA (premier service), 1 G. and 2 G. Air<br />

Definitives on cover with arrival marking, rare<br />

3858<br />

3858 F 169(2) 6 € 90<br />

1932, Flight ADDIS - DJIBOUTI (2. service spécial), pair 1 G. Air Definitives<br />

on cover with arrival marking<br />

3856<br />

3856 F 169,170 6 € 120<br />

1932, Flight DJIGDJIGA - ADDIS (premier service), 1 G. and 2 G. Air<br />

Definitives on cover with arrival marking, rare<br />

3859<br />

3859 F 169,170,177 6 € 90<br />

1934, Flight ADDIS - DJIMMAH, mixed franking with "PAR AVION"-<br />

label and arrival marking


81<br />

3860<br />

3860 F 171 6 € 90<br />

1932, Flight DESSIÉ - ADDIS (2. service spécial), 4 G. Air Definitives<br />

single-franking with arrival marking<br />

3863<br />

3863 F 169(2),170(2) 6 € 300<br />

1934, Flight ADDIS - ZEILA (British-Somaliland), 1 G. (2) and 2 G. (2)<br />

on cover flown with JUNKERS-airplane, addressed to pilot L. WEBER,<br />

arrival marking, only 10 covers flown, very rare<br />

3861<br />

3861 F 169,170,177 6 € 80<br />

1934, Flight DJIMMAH - ADDIS ABEBA, mixed franking with cancellation<br />

in blue and "PAR AVION"-label, arrival marking<br />

3864<br />

3864 F 169,170 6 € 100<br />

1932, Flight ADDIS - DJIMAH (premier service), 1 G.and 2 G. Air<br />

Definitives, arrival marking, rare<br />

3862<br />

3862 F 170 6 € 100<br />

1932, Flight ADDIS - DJIMAH (premier service), 2 G. single franking,<br />

arrival mark<br />

3865<br />

3865 F 170 (2) 6 € 100<br />

1932, Flight DJIMAH - ADDIS (premier service), pair 2 G. Air Definitives,<br />

arrival marking, rare

82<br />


3866<br />

3866 F 170,171 6 € 200<br />

1934, Flight ADDIS - DJIBOUTI, 2 G. and 4 G. Air Definitives, addressed<br />

to pilot L. WEBER, rare flight with JUNKERS-airplane<br />

3869<br />

3869 F 169,176,178 6 € 100<br />

1932, Flight DESSIÉ - ADDIS (3. service spécial), rare mixed franking,<br />

arrival marking<br />

3867<br />

3867 F 170 6 € 100<br />

1932, Flight ADDIS - DESSIÉ ( 3. service spécial), 2 G. Air Definitives<br />

single franking, arrival marking<br />

3870<br />

3870 F 202,203 6 € 150<br />

1945, Flight ADDIS - STOCKHOLM/Sweden, first flight Ethiopia-<br />

Sweden, 50 C. and 60 C. Selassié-Definitives, arrival marking, very<br />

rare, only 20 covers flown<br />

3868<br />

3868 F 171 6 € 180<br />

1933, Flight ADDIS - ROMA - ZÜRICH/Switzerland, 4 G. Air<br />

Definitives, single franking on cover to Roma/Italy, with rare "VOLO<br />


Roma, then to Zürich and redirected to Roma, stained, very rare<br />

3871<br />

3871 F 169,170 6 € 250<br />

1932, Flight DEBRE MARCOS - ADDIS (premier service), 1 G. and<br />

2 G. Air Definitives with special framed cancellation, cover signed<br />

C.P. (pilot Paul Corriger), rare


83<br />

3874 F GB 6 € 120<br />

1933, KHARTOUM - DJIBOUTI - DIRE DAOUA - HARAR, special envelope<br />

(test letter) with airplane watermark, on reverse different markings with<br />

arrival in Harar<br />

3872<br />

3872 F 196(4) 6 € 180<br />

1946, Flight ADDIS - GONDAR/Ethiopia (1. service aerien), 4 C. strip<br />

of four Selassié-Definitives, "GONDAR"-linear-cancellation in front<br />

and on reverse, very rare<br />

3875<br />

3875 F 169,170 6 € 250<br />

1932, Flight DEBRE MARCOS - ADDIS (3. service spécial), 1 G. and<br />

2 G. Air Definitives with special framed cancellation, cover signed P.C.<br />

(pilot Paul Corriger), rare<br />

3876 F 170,179 6 € 250<br />

Illustration and description on page 84<br />

3873<br />

3873 F 169,170 6 € 250<br />

1932, Flight DEBRE MARCOS - ADDIS (2. service spécial), 1 G. and<br />

2 G. Air Definitives with special framed cancellation and manuscript<br />

date, cover signed P.C. (pilot Paul Corriger), rare<br />

3877<br />

3877 F 170,179 6 € 100<br />

1932, Flight ADDIS - DJIMAH (2. service spécial), mixed franking with<br />

arrival marking<br />

3874<br />

3878<br />

3878 F 176(2),177,178(2) 6 € 100<br />

1932, Flight DJIMAH - ADDIS (2. service spécial), three-colourfranking<br />

Definitives with arrival marking

84<br />


3876 F 170,179 6 € 250<br />

1932, Flight DEBRE MARCOS - ADDIS (6. service spécial), mixed franking with<br />

special framed cancellation, cover signed by pilot BABITSCHEFF, rare<br />

3876<br />

3879<br />

3879 F 169,170 6 € 90<br />

1934, Flight DESSIÉ - ADDIS (10. service spécial), 1 G. and 2 G. Air<br />

Definitives on cover with arrival marking<br />

3880<br />

3880 F 169,180 6 € 80<br />

1933, Flight DESSIÉ - ADDIS (7. service spécial), mixed franking on<br />

cover with arrival marking, paper imperfections


85<br />

3881<br />

3881 F 169,170 6 € 100<br />

1933, Flight DIRE-DAOUA - ADDIS (service special), 1 G. and 2 G. Air<br />

Definitives on cover with arrival marking<br />

3884<br />

3884 F 169,170,176,179 6 € 250<br />

1934, Flight ADDIS - DEBRE MARCOS (GODJAM) (7. service spécial),<br />

mixed franking with very rare "GODJAM"-cancellation in violet on<br />

reverse, (see Menelik's journal Vol.20/4/2004)<br />

3882<br />

3882 F 169,170,172 6 € 140<br />

1933, Flight ADDIS - DJIBOUTI (R-label)- CAIRO - KARACHI -<br />

COLOMBO (Imperial Airways), three-colour-franking on registered<br />

cover, Port-Taufiq transit, Colombo/Ceylon arrival marking<br />

3885<br />

3885 F 171,176,177 6 € 250<br />

1934, Flight DEBRE MARCOS (GODJAM) - ADDIS (7. service spécial),<br />

mixed franking with very rare "GODJAM"-cancellation in violet on<br />

three stamps, arrival marking. UNIQUE (see Menelik's journal Vol.<br />

20/4/2004)<br />

3883<br />

3883 F 170,172 6 € 80<br />

1933, Flight ADDIS - DJIBOUTI (R-label) -CAIRO-LONDON-<br />

BIRMINGHAM, 2 G. and 8 G. Air Definitives on registered cover, without<br />

arrival markings<br />

3886<br />

3886 F 169(2),176(2),178 6 € 90<br />

1934, Flight ADDIS - DIRE DAOUA (service spécial), mixed franking<br />

with "PAR AVION"-label and arrival marking

86<br />




3887 F Ital.-Ethiopia 2,4,5 6 € 150<br />

1937, "DEDER" - linear-provisional-cancellation on registered-airmail-cover<br />

to Roma/Italy, on reverse Dire-Daoua and Napoli-transit, arrival marking,<br />

very rare (Bayér-correspondence)<br />

3887<br />

3888<br />

3888 F Eritrea/Ethiopia 6 € 90<br />

1935, "ADUA/ETIOPIA" - registered cover with mixed franking 5<br />

Lire Eritrea/2 M. Ethiopia Definitives, philatelic souvenir-cover from<br />

occupation of ADUA (5 ottobre 1935 DIVISIONE GARINANA), send<br />

via Posta Militare N. 70, Brindisi-Napoli-transit, VIETRI SUL MARE<br />

arrival marking<br />

3889<br />

3889 F Eritrea 210,212 6 € 100<br />


registered cover from ADDIS ABEBA, with three different<br />

censormarkings, send to ATHENS/Greece, arrival marking and<br />

censorstrip, nice usage "full of character"


87<br />

3890<br />

3890 F Eth.3,Somalia 182(2) 6 € 150<br />

1937, "AISCIA" - linear provisional cancellation on airmail cover with<br />

mixed franking Ethiopia/Somalia via Dire Daoua to TRIESTE/Italy with<br />

arrival marking, very rare, signed Catania<br />

3893<br />

3893 F Somalia 179 (3) 6 € 100<br />

1936, "POSTE IMPERIALI ITALIANE HARRAR" - linear-provisionalcancellation<br />

on cover with Somalia-franking to BERCA/Cirenaica,<br />

paper imperfections, rare<br />

3891<br />

3891 F Eritrea 6 € 150<br />

1937, "MEHESO" - linear-provisional-cancellation on airmail cover with<br />

Eritrea-franking, to ROMA/Italy with arrival marking, rare<br />

3894<br />

3894 F Eritrea/AOI 6 € 120<br />

1939, "ADDIS ABEBA - CORRESPONDENZE CITTÁ" - airmail cover with<br />

mixed franking Eritrea/AOI, to Athens/Greece with arrival marking, this<br />

cancellation seldom seen on foreign mail<br />

3892<br />

3892 F Eritrea/Somalia 6 € 90<br />

1936, "POSTE IMPERIALI ITALIANE DIRE-DAUA" - provisional- linearcancellation<br />

in black on cover with mixed franking Eritrea/Somalia,<br />

Ethiopian cancellation DIRE-DAOUA on stamps and Addis Abeba<br />

arrival marking<br />

3895<br />

3895 F Italy 6 € 100<br />

1938, "ADDIS ABEBA SUCC. 5 - SEZIONE MILITARE" - airmail cover<br />

from NAPOLI (1,25 Lire Augusto-franking) to ADDIS-ABEBA (marinecenter)<br />

with arrival marking, paper imperfections, rare cancellation

88<br />


3896<br />

3896 F AOI 6 € 180<br />

1940, "ADDIS ABEBA DAUANLÉ (GIBUTI)-MES. A" - rare cancellation in<br />

black from railway-station on border to French-Somalicoast, on postcard<br />

to ROMA/Italy<br />

3899<br />

3899 F Ital.-Ethiopia 1,2(3),6,7 6 € 120<br />


ABEBA RISPARMI CONTICORRENTI" - three different cancellations<br />

on registered cover with four-colour-franking to London/England, on<br />

reverse cover-flap missing, rare combination<br />

3897<br />

3897 F Eritrea 6 € 90<br />

1939, "ADDIS ABEBA VERIFICATORE" - exprés-airmail-cover with mixed<br />

franking via Roma to TRENTO/Italy with arrival marking<br />

3900<br />

3900 F Eritrea 6 € 100<br />

1940, "DEMBIDOLLO (GALLA E SIDAMA)" - airmail cover from Sudanborder<br />

(SAIO) to COSTIGLIOLE DI SALUZZO/Italy with arrival marking<br />

3898<br />

3898 F Eritrea 6 € 120<br />

1940, "ADDIS ABEBA ACCETT. RACC." - registered cover with single<br />

franking 5 Lire to Istanbul/Turkey with arrival marking, unusual<br />

destination<br />

3901<br />

3901 F Somalia 6 € 100<br />

1940, "GHIMBI (GALLA E SIDAMA)" - 1,25 Lire Somalia-franking on<br />

"avviso di ricevimento" to GENOVA/Italy, rare cancellation


89<br />

3902<br />

3902 F AOI 6 € 90<br />

1940, "IUBDO (GALLA E SIDAMA)" - airmail cover to ROMA/Italy with<br />

arrival marking, stamp corner imperfection, rare cancellation<br />

3905<br />

3905 F Italy 6 € 130<br />

1936, "ADIGRAT-ETHIOPIA" - airmail cover with 50 C. and 1 Lira Italian<br />

stamps used in the colonies, to ROVIGO/Italy with arrival marking<br />

3903<br />

3903 F Eritrea/Ethiopia 6 € 100<br />

1937, "SAIO (GALLA E SIDAMA)" - airmail cover with mixed franking<br />

Ethiopia/Eritrea via Alexandria/Egypt to SIDI-GABER/Egypt with arrival<br />

marking, cover opened for display<br />

3906<br />

3906 F Ital.-Ethiopia 2 6 € 90<br />

1937, "PFO. POSTALE ITALIANO ROSANDRA" - violet shipmailcancellation<br />

on cover to Mogadiscio, rare<br />

3904<br />

3904 F 6 € 100<br />

1940, "ADA (Governo dello Scioa)" - cover to La Spezia/Italy with very<br />

rare censormark "GOVERNO GENERALE DELL'A.O.I. - Ispettorato<br />

Generale di Polizia dell'Africa Italiana-Ufficio censura" in violet and<br />

censorstrip on reverse<br />

3907<br />

3907 F 6 € 100<br />

1938, "PFO. POSTALE AVENTINO" - rare shipmail-cancellation on<br />

cover with mixed franking Ital.-Ethiopia/Colonies, arrival marking<br />


90<br />



3908<br />

3908 F Eritrea,Et.187 var 6 € 200<br />

1936, Italian Annexation: airmail cover with colourful mixed franking<br />

(on reverse three stamps), incl. 2 C. Ethiopian provisional issue "I"<br />

(IMPERIO) - overprint, from Addis Abeba to Roma/Italy with arrival<br />

marking, scarce<br />

3911<br />

3911 F Et. 3(2),4,5(2) 6 € 150<br />

1936, Flight ADDIS ABEBA - ROMA via Ala Littoria, three-colourfranking<br />

on registered cover redirected to VIAREGGIO/Italy with<br />

arrival marking<br />

3909<br />

3909 F Somalia, Et. 188 var 6 € 180<br />

1936, Italian Annexation: airmail cover with Somalia-franking, incl. 3<br />

C. Ethiopian provisional issue "I" (IMPERIO) - overprint, from Addis<br />

Abeba to ROMA/Italy with arrival marking, scarce<br />

3912<br />

3912 F Eritrea, Et. 3(2),4,5(2) 6 € 150<br />

1936, Flight ADDIS ABEBA - DJIBOUTI/French Somalicoast via Ala<br />

Littoria, mixed franking Eritrea/Ethiopia on registered cover with arrival<br />

marking<br />

3910<br />

3910 F Somalia, Et. 190 var 6 € 200<br />

1936, Italian Annexation: airmail cover with Somalia-franking and 10 C.<br />

Ethiopian provisional issue "I" (IMPERIO) - overprint (double!), from<br />

Addis Abeba to Roma/Italy with arrival marking, a rarity<br />

3913<br />

3913 F Eritrea, Et. 3,4,5 6 € 150<br />

1936, Flight ADDIS ABEBA - ROMA/Italy via Ala Littoria, mixed<br />

franking Eritrea/Ethiopia on cover with arrival marking


91<br />

3914<br />

3914 F Et. 3(2),4,5(2) 6 € 200<br />

1936, Flight DIRE DAUA - ROMA/Italy, registered cover with threecolour-franking<br />

and blueish cancellation, Napoli transit and arrival<br />

marking<br />

3917<br />

3917 F Eritrea 6 € 100<br />

1937, illustrated (map of italian colonies) airletter from Addis Abeba to<br />

ROMA/Italy with arrival marking, rare<br />

3915<br />

3915 F Et. 3(2),4,5(2) 6 € 200<br />

1936, Flight GIGGICA - ROMA/Italy, registered cover with threecolour-franking,<br />

very rare, only 25 covers flown<br />

3918<br />

3918 F 6 € 180<br />


cancellation on cover (airplane crash in Bengasi/Libia) from HARAR/<br />

Ethiopia to VARESE/Italy with arrival marking, stamps missing, rare<br />

3916<br />

3916 F Eritrea,Ethiopia 6 € 150<br />

1939, illustrated (map of AOI) airletter with mixed franking from Addis<br />

Abeba to FIRENZE/Italy with arrival marking. One stamp detached<br />

to point out Propaganda-slogan: "VECCHI CONTI REGOLATI: AMBA<br />

ALAGI DIC. 1895 - FEBBR. 1936", rare

92<br />


MILITARY AIRMAIL A.O.I. (Aeronantica Militare)<br />

3919<br />

3919 F 6 € 400<br />


cancellation on official registered cover from Italian airforce (STORMO<br />

BOMBARDAMENTO) at Gura airport/Eritrea via "Posta militare 12" to<br />

Palermo/Italy with arrival marking, very rare<br />

3922<br />

3922 F 6 € 200<br />

1936, military stationery card from "ASMARA CONCENTRAMENTO UFF.<br />


with rare "POSTA MILITARE-CAMPO AVIAZIONE A.O.I." cancellation<br />

(on front and on reverse) to LONIGO/Italy with arrival marking, rare and<br />

expressive<br />

3920<br />

3920 F 6 € 150<br />

1940, official cover from "ADDIS ABEBA SUCC.6" to MONTEMARANO/<br />

ITALY with arrival marking. Sender was the "SETTORE AERONAUTICO<br />


from Italian airforce<br />

3923<br />

3923 F Eritrea 6 € 120<br />

1936, military stationery card with Eritrea-franking and "POSTA<br />

MILITARE N. 12"-cancellation to Berlin/Germany (sender: airforce pilot<br />

in ASSAB-airport)<br />

3921<br />

3921 F 6 € 200<br />

1936, military stationery card from "ASMARA CONCENTRAMENTO UFF.<br />


with rare "POSTA MILITARE-CAMPO AVIAZIONE A.O.I."-cancellation<br />

(on front and on reverse), to LONIGO/Italy with arrival marking, paper<br />

imperfections, rare and expressive<br />

3924<br />

3924 F Eritrea,Ethiopia 6 € 150<br />

1937, "POSTA MILITARE 126 E" - airmail cover with mixed franking<br />

Eritrea/Ethiopia from AEROPORTO ASSAB (sender pilot A.O.I.) to<br />

Alessandria/Italy with arrival marking, rare


93<br />

3925<br />

3925 F Et. 3(2),4,5(2) 6 € 250<br />

1936, Military flight GORAHEI - ROMA/Italy (Bayér-correspondence),<br />

with three-colour-franking and cancellation/registered-label "UFFICIO<br />

P.M. 133 S", exceedingly rare<br />

3927<br />

3927 F AOI,Eritrea 6 € 150<br />

1940, military stationery card with additional mixed franking A.O.I./Eritrea,<br />


DELL'A.O.I.), to ROMA/Italy with arrival marking, a little stained, rare<br />

3926<br />

3926 F 6 € 180<br />

1941, military stationery card 15 C. with "FRANCHIGIA"-overprint,<br />

send from "COMANDO AEROPORTO N. 79-POSTA MILITARE 1045<br />

A.O.I." (Gondar-region) to PALERMO/Italy, small part of arrival<br />

marking at top, very rare<br />

3928<br />

3928 F AOI,Eritrea 6 € 140<br />

ca. 1940, airmail cover with mixed franking A.O.I./Eritrea, from Gondarregion<br />

(sender: Aeropol. Bombardiere P.M. 1045 AOI), to FIRENZE/Italy<br />

with rare mute-framed-provisional cancellation in black. Seldom offered.

94<br />


SELECTED ITEMS 1897-1947<br />

3929 F 1(2),2,3 Djibouti 6 € 1.400<br />

1897, First Empire Definitives, envelope with three-colour-franking from Harar, additionally franked<br />

25 C. Djibouti (Djibouti octagonal paquebot datestamp) via French shipmail "La Reunion a Marseille<br />

L.N 2" to Rome/Italy, arrival marking on reverse, small part of flap missing, fine combination cover<br />

3929<br />

3931<br />

3931 F 1-7 I Essays 6 € 2.800<br />

1901, ESSAYS by H. Mühle, the first postmaster of Addis Abeba: ¼ to 16 G., complete set First Empire Definitives,<br />

tied by cds. "ADIS ABEBA 25. VI.1903" on two registered covers to Stuttgart/Germany. Combination frankings with<br />

OBOCK 50 C. tied by blue cds. of Djibouti on reverse, via French shipmail "LA REUNION A MARSEILLE N.3" with<br />

arrival mark. UNIQUE and spectacular franking.


95<br />

3930<br />

3930 F 1-7 Pr. 6 € 400<br />

1896, ¼ to 16 G. set Menelik used on registered cover from Harar<br />

(amharic cancellation) via Djibouti and French shipmail to well known<br />

stamp-dealer Maury from Paris/France, nice appearence, on reverse<br />

part of flap missing<br />

3931 F 1-7 I Essays 6 € 2.800<br />

Illustration and description on page 94<br />

3934<br />

3934 F 3 III, Djibouti 6 € 750<br />

1902, 1 G., "BOSTA" handstamp, on postcard from ADIS ABEBA,<br />

additionally franked 5 C. Djibouti-issue, via French shipmail to<br />

Interlaken/Switzerland with arrival mark, creased, rare mixed franking<br />

3932<br />

3932 F 1 II – 7 II * € 250<br />

1901, ¼ to 16 G., control handstamp "Ethiopie" type II, overprint in<br />

BLACK, rare set<br />

3935<br />

3935 F GA 6 € 250<br />

1898, 1 G. stationery card from Harar (precancelled). Written 20th<br />

April 1900 in Djibouti (no additional franking), via "LIGNE N. PAQ.<br />

FR. N. 4" to Castelnaudary/France with arrival mark<br />

3936<br />

3936 F GA, Somalicoast 6 € 350<br />

1904, 1 G. stationery card, overprinted "MALEKT", additionally franked<br />

pair 5 C. Somalicoast-issue from Addis Abeba via Harar and Djibouti to<br />

Berlin/Germany with arrival mark<br />

3933<br />

3933 F 2 I DD 6 € 200<br />

1902, local cover from Harar, franked with ½ G., double handstamp<br />

blue/violet, addressee/company registration marking, stained and<br />

creased, very rare

96<br />


3937<br />

3937 F GA, Somalicoast 6 € 300<br />

1905, 1 G. stationery card overprinted "MALEKT", without additional<br />

franking via Djibouti to Drauburg/Germany, arrival mark in front<br />

3940<br />

3940 F Somalicoast 6 € 350<br />

1904, postcard with rare "DIRE DAOUA-HARAR" single-line cancellation<br />

in blue, additionally franked 1 C. (2), 2 C.(2) and 4 C. Somalicoast-issue<br />

in Djibouti, sent to Feuerthalen/Switzerland with arrival mark. Soiled<br />

and creased, rare "Camelpost"-combination.<br />

3938<br />

3938 F 1 V – 7 V 3 € 250<br />

1903, ¼ to 16 G., handstamp "MALEKATHE" in BLACK, cpl. set fine<br />

used<br />

3941<br />

3941 F 8 6 € 200<br />

1905, postcard with single franking "o5"-numeral on ¼ G., from Harar<br />

to Hamburg/Germany, no other markings<br />

3939<br />

3939 F Somalicoast 6 € 250<br />

1905, rare photo-postcard from Harar, cancelled "Harar Postes Francaises",<br />

franked 10 C. Somalicoast-issue, via Djibouti to Vienna/Austria<br />

3942<br />

3942 F 8 III, 8IIIK,15 5 € 350<br />

1905, Harar-Provisionals: "BOSTA" with "05"-overprint, with "o5"<br />

inverted overprint, and "5 c/m" overprint (corner fault). 3 rare stamps<br />

on piece cancelled Harar. Philatelic origin, but very rare, small quantity<br />

overprinted (50 and 450), inverted overprint not listed


97<br />

3946 F A46-G46 6 € 400<br />

1911, DIRE DAOUA Provisionals: ¼ to 16 G. set cpl. on registered<br />

cover to Harar, redirected, neatly cancelled "DIRE DAOUA-POSTES",<br />

cover slightly soiled, signed Calves<br />

3943<br />

3943 F 8 III (2) * € 200<br />

1905, Harar-Provisionals: "05" numeral overprinted on ¼ G., "BOSTA",<br />

pair with double/normal overprint, rare multiple/variety<br />

3944<br />

3944 F 9 III, Somalicoast 6 € 850<br />

1905, "10" numeral on ½ G. "BOSTA", postcard from Harar additionally<br />

franked 5 C. Somalicoast-issue via Djibouti and Port Said to Constantinople/<br />

BPO, arrival mark. Outstanding rarity of the Provisionals, 150 stamps issued<br />

3947<br />

3947 F A46-G46 6 € 500<br />

1911, DIRE DAOUA Provisionals: ¼ to 16 G. set cpl. on cover to<br />

Santa Cruz/Tenerife/Canary Islands with arrival mark. 16 G. with<br />

corner fault. The cancellation "DIRE DAOUA-POSTES" in BLACK was<br />

used only on 3rd Oct. 1911. Very rare usage to Spain<br />

3945<br />

3945 F 25 – 31 var 3 € 250<br />

1907, DAGMAWI-Issue, ¼ to 16 G., cpl. set with overprint missing<br />

the numerals, used, very rare<br />

3948<br />

3948 F A46-G46 6 € 280<br />

1911, DIRE DAOUA Provisionals: ¼ to 16 G. set cpl. on local cover,<br />

with cancellation "DIRE DAOUA-POSTES" in BLACK, used only on<br />

3rd Oct. 1911. Small part of he cover cut out, paper faults.<br />

3946<br />

3949<br />

3949 F A 46-G46 var * € 600<br />

1911, DIRE DAOUA Provisionals: ¼ to 16 G. set cpl. with only rubber<br />

handstamp and without pen-marking, mint, very rare

98<br />


3950<br />

3950 F 96-105 Pr. (*) € 300<br />

1928, Definitive Issue / presentation cards 1925/27: two original cards<br />

from the "Atelier de Fabrication des Timbres-Poste-Paris", adopted design<br />

and colours, very rare<br />

3951<br />

3951 F 121-130 var. * € 300<br />

1929, Airplane overprint: cpl. set 1 ⁄8 M. - 3 Th., with overprint in GREEN,<br />

colour proof, type II, rare<br />

3952 F 131-140 Pr. * € 1.000<br />

1930, Proclamation Issue I: 1 ⁄8 M. - 3 Th., cpl. set with TRIAL overprints (vertically) in RED (incl. two stamps with<br />

overprint in BLACK), type I (HAYLE). Seldom seen proof essays, exceedingly rare<br />



99<br />

3953 F 131-140 Pr. 5 € 1.000<br />

1930, Proclamation Issue I: 1 ⁄8 M. - 3 Th., cpl. set with TRIAL overprints (vertically) in RED (incl. two<br />

stamps with overprint in BLACK), type I (HAYLE). Cancelled to order on piece, unique<br />

3953<br />

3954<br />

3954 F Ex 131-140 Pr. 3/5 € 900<br />

1930, Proclamation Issue I: 1 ⁄8 M. - 3 Th., cpl. set with TRIAL<br />

overprints (vertically) in RED (including two stamps with overprint in<br />

GREEN), type I (HAYLE), additionally three stamps cancelled to order,<br />

very rare<br />

3955<br />

3955 F 141-150 Pr. * € 400<br />

1930, Coronation Provisionals: ⁄8 1 M. - 3 Th., cpl. set with overprint in<br />

BLUE, mint fine and rare proofs

100<br />


3956<br />

3956 F 141-150 Pr. 3 € 400<br />

1930, Coronation Provisionals: 1 ⁄8 M. - 3 Th., cpl. set with overprint in<br />

BLUE, cancelled to order, fine and rare proofs<br />

3959<br />

3959 F III-V Pr. **/* € 300<br />

1936, unissued Red Cross stamps: 25 C., 50 C. and 1 Thaler in pairs<br />

with proof overprints in different types, rare<br />

3960<br />

3960 F III-V Pr. * € 150<br />

1936, unissued Red Cross stamps: 25 C., 50 C. and 1 Thaler with<br />

proof overprints in different types<br />

3957<br />

3957 F 151-157 Pr. (*) € 250<br />

1930 Coronation II: 1 G. - 5 Th., presentation card on white carton,<br />

adopted colours, fine condition, rare<br />

3958 F 176-185 Pr. (*) € 2.500<br />

Illustration and description on page 101


101<br />

3958<br />

3958 F 176-185 Pr. (*) € 2.500<br />

1931, Ordinary Definitives: 1 ⁄8 G. - 5 Th., cpl. set in adopted colours on WHITE SILK, imperforated.<br />

Original prints from the "INSTITUT DE GRAVURE - PARIS", appealing RARITY<br />

3961<br />

3961 F 199 var * € 400<br />

1942, Restoration Definitives: "0,10 $" (amharic and new value),<br />

TRIAL-overprint in black, very rare<br />

3962<br />

3962 F 199 var */5 € 450<br />

1942, Restoration Definitives: "5 Centimes" new value unadopted<br />

overprint in black and red, mint and on piece, very rare

102<br />


3966 F 204-206 var 5 € 1.400<br />

1942, Restoration Definitives: 4 to 20 C. with "OBELISK" handstamp,<br />

on piece with Addis Abeba cancellation, c.t.o., printed in a number of<br />

40 each, presented by the emperor during the inauguration ceremony.<br />

A STUNNING RARITY, ex Michealides<br />

3963<br />

3963 F 204-206 var * € 1.200<br />

1942, Restoration Definitives: 4 C., 10 C. and 20 C. with overprint<br />

interchanged (amharic below the roman types), mint set, an outstanding<br />

RARITY<br />

3967<br />

3967 F 207-211 6 € 400<br />

1943, Obelisk Typographed Issue: registered envelope with cpl. set 5<br />

to 30 C. (plus 20 C. additionally), marked "1st day of issue", sent from<br />

Addis Abeba via Khartoum (Censor PC 90) to Reading/UK, arrival mark,<br />

cover stained, flap on reverse faults<br />

3964<br />

3964 F var * € 400<br />

1942, Restoration Definitives: "5 Centimes" unissued value with overprint<br />

interchanged (amharic inscription below), an outstanding RARITY<br />

3965<br />

3965 F 204-206 var ** € 1.400<br />

1942, Restoration Definitives: 4 to 20 C. with "OBELISK" handstamp.<br />

Printed in a number of 40 each, presented by the emperor during the<br />

inauguration ceremony. A RARITY, ex Michealides<br />

3968<br />

3968 F 207 – 211 5 € 400<br />

1943, Obelisk Typographed Issue: 5 to 30 C. overprinted, cpl. set in<br />

special presentation folder (100 issued), cancelled Addis Abeba, fine<br />

3969 F 207-211 5 € 1.500<br />

Illustration and description on page 103<br />

3966<br />

3970<br />

3970 F 212-216 Pr. (*) € 180<br />

1944, Menelik II. Centenary: 5 to 65 C., set of five proof sheetlets,<br />

adopted design, ungummed, BLUE colour, fine and rare


103<br />

3969<br />

3969 F 207-211 5 € 1.500<br />

1943, Obelisk Typographed Issue: cpl. set of five (5 to 30<br />

C.) HANDSTAMPED in presentation folder. Only 40 sets<br />

were handstamped in that way for presentation purposes<br />

by the emperor during the inauguration ceremony (27<br />

Miazia). A RARITY<br />

3971<br />

3971 F 212-216 Pr. (*) € 180<br />

1944, Menelik II. Centenary: 5 to 65 C., set of five proof sheetlets, adopted<br />

design, ungummed, ORANGE colour, fine and rare<br />

3972<br />

3972 F 212-216 Pr. (*) € 180<br />

1944, Menelik II. Centenary: 5 to 65 C., set of five proof sheetlets,<br />

adopted design, ungummed, GREEN colour, fine and rare

104<br />


3976 F 217 – 219 Pr. * € 300<br />

1945, Victory Issue: 5 C., 10 C. and 25 C. with TRIAL-overprint in<br />

BLUE, scarce<br />

3973<br />

3973 F 212-216 Pr. (*) € 180<br />

1944, Menelik II. Centenary: 5 to 65 C., set of five proof sheetlets, adopted<br />

design, ungummed, REDBROWN colour, fine and rare<br />

3977<br />

3977 F 196 var 5 € 800<br />

1947, Air Restoration of National Airmail service: TRIAL-overprint in<br />

carmine with date in amharic 12 C. on 4 C. indigo and green, fine<br />

used, c.t.o. (Berhane)<br />

3974<br />

3974 F 217 – 219 Pr. * € 300<br />

1945, Victory Issue: 5 C., 10 C. and 25 C. with TRIAL-overprint in BLACK,<br />

scarce<br />

3978<br />

3978 F 196 var ** € 800<br />

1947, Air Restoration of National Airmail service: TRIAL-overprint in<br />

carmine with date in amharic 12 C. on 4 C. indigo and green, fine<br />

unmounted mint<br />

3975<br />

3975 F 217 – 219 Pr. * € 300<br />

1945, Victory Issue: 5 C., 10 C. and 25 C. with TRIAL-overprint in GREEN,<br />

scarce<br />

3979<br />

3979 F 230-234 Specimen * € 300<br />

1947, Roosevelt-Memorial-Issue: cpl. set of five 12 C. - 2 $ with<br />

overprint "SPECIMEN" in RED, perforation imperfections, very scarce<br />



105<br />

3981 F 500-502 6 € 250<br />

1965, GEMINI 5: registered airmail cover, illustrated and franked with<br />

ITU issue, signed by Astronauts GORDON COOPER and CHARLES<br />

CONRAD, Chicago arrival mark<br />

3980<br />

3980 F 230-234Essays (*) € 1.500<br />

1947, Roosevelt- Memorial-Issue RED CROSS ESSAYS: semi-postal<br />

overprints in magenta-red (Red Cross and surtax values) on specimen<br />

basic-stamps. Mounted on black paper in a blue cardboard folder<br />

adorned on face, at lower right the metallic seal of E.A.Wright Bank<br />


3981<br />

3982 F 271-274 U ** € 350<br />

1949, UPU-Anniversary: 5 to 50 C., cpl. set imperforated, 2 stamps<br />

sheet margin, rare, only 25 sets exist<br />


106<br />



3983 F 3/5/6 € 500<br />

ERITREA: 1893-1936, collection with interesting issues of the Italian postal administration, incl. different overprints, definitives,<br />

high denominations, exprés-stamps, airmail etc., with covers , mixed condition


107<br />

3984 F 6 € 1.200<br />

ERITREA/CANCELLATIONS: ca.1936-42, A.O.I.-period: special collection with 106 covers, incl. interesting usages, i.e. from<br />

Adi Caié, Adi Quala, Agordat, Assab, Axum, Asmara, Barentú, Cheren, Decamere, Enticcio, Hausién, Enda Jesus, Macallé,<br />

Massaua, Mai Edaga, Nefassit, Quoram, Saganeiti, Senafe, Socotá, Tessenei, Tosselli and Uogoro. Included also 99 postcards to<br />

complement this appealing study with seldom offered postal history.

108<br />


3985 F 6 € 500<br />

ERITREA/Postal stationery: ca. 1895-1930, collection with 70 items, i.e. "BOLLETINI", "BIGLIETTI POSTALI", "CARTOLINE CON<br />

RISPOSTA" etc., mainly mint, a few used and c.t.o., fine condition with five special precursors


109<br />

3986 F 6 € 350<br />

ERITREA/A.O.I.: 1917-1939, TELEGRAMME: 12 used telegrams from ASMARA (3), OUM - HAGER (2), TESSENEI (6) and<br />

MOGADISCIO (1), with interesting usages and texts, i.e. from AMADEO DI SAVOIA, GENERALE GUZZONI, MINISTERO<br />

COLONIE ROMA etc, originals

110<br />


3987 F 6 € 1.000<br />

ETHIOPIA/CANCELLATIONS: ca. 1936-1941, A.O.I.-period: collection with 75 covers and 66 postcards, with interesting usages<br />

and cancellations of different districts, i.e. from Dauanlé, Economato, Tafki, Moggio, Adama, Aiscia, Assele, Goba, Siré, Ticcio,<br />

Ualanciti, Debra Berhan, Ambó, Gimma and Neghelli. Interesting offer for postal historians.


111<br />

3988 F 6 € 500<br />

A.O.I./AIRMAILS: 1936-1942, Airmail and Military airmail-usages: collection with 27 covers and 28 postcards, with seldom<br />

offered items/cancellations from Italian administration in Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia (3)

112<br />


3989 F 6 € 400<br />

PROPAGANDA-LEAFLETS: 1940-41, collection of 24 different Propaganda-leaflets (13 originals and 11 copies), with very rare items<br />

in Amharic, Italian and Arabic (1), some with illustrations, unique offer


How to bid<br />

Here is what you do once you have received your catalogue<br />

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114<br />

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Status: January 2017<br />

The Auctioneer<br />


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Gewährleistungsansprüche gegenüber dem<br />

Einlieferer geltend zu machen. Im Falle erfolgreicher<br />

Inanspruchnahme des Einlieferers wird der gezahlte<br />

Kaufpreis einschließlich des Aufgeldes erstattet; ein<br />

darüber hinausgehender Anspruch – auch auf<br />

Erstattung von Kosten der Reklamation wie Porti,<br />

Prüfgebühren u.a. – ist ausgeschlossen.<br />

4. Der Zuschlag erfolgt nach dreimaligem Aufruf an<br />

den Höchstbietenden. Der Versteigerer kann in<br />

begründeten Fällen den Zuschlag verweigern oder<br />

unter Vorbehalt erteilen. Er kann den Zuschlag<br />

zurücknehmen und die Sache erneut ausbieten, wenn<br />

ein rechtzeitig abgegebenes Gebot übersehen<br />

worden ist oder wenn der Höchstbietende sein Gebot<br />

nicht gelten lassen will oder sonstige Zweifel über<br />

den Zuschlag bestehen. Bei gleichhohen Geboten hat<br />

ein schriftliches Gebot Vorrang vor Geboten im Saal.<br />

Telefonische Gebote bedürfen nachfolgender<br />

Bestätigung in Schriftform, wie auch der Versteigerer<br />

grundsätzlich keinerlei Haftung für das<br />

Zustandekommen der Telefonverbindung und der<br />

Übermittlung bzw. des Empfangs der – auch der per<br />

Email oder über das Internet abgegebenen – Gebote<br />

übernimmt. Bei Vorbehaltszuschlägen ist der Bieter<br />

bis zur Klärung mit dem Einlieferer an sein Gebot<br />

gebunden, mindestens jedoch sechs Wochen; das<br />

gleiche gilt bei Abgabe von Untergeboten und<br />

Nachverkauf. Gebote wie „bestens“ steigern bis zum<br />

zehnfachen Ausrufpreis mit.<br />

5. Die Teilnahme über das Internet („Live-Bidding“)<br />

und die Nutzung der dafür vom Auktionshaus bereit<br />

gehaltenen Systeme ist beschränkt auf den Stand der<br />

aktuellen technischen Ausstattung des<br />

Auktionshauses. Das Auktionshaus behält sich vor,<br />

entsprechende Änderungen zu implementieren. Die<br />

Teilnehmer akzeptieren, dass technische Störungen<br />

auftreten können und sind gehalten, das<br />

Auktionshaus entsprechend zu informieren.<br />

Auktionshaus und Auktionator haften nicht für<br />

Störungen der Online-Verbindung, ebenso nicht für<br />

die Kompatibilität der verwendeten Hard- und<br />

Software. Verkäufer und Bieter haben keine<br />

Ansprüche gegen Auktionshaus und Auktionator,<br />

wenn ein Gebot bzw. Zuschlag nicht bzw. nicht<br />

rechtzeitig zustande kommt.<br />

6. Mit der Erteilung des Zuschlags geht die Gefahr für<br />

nicht zu vertretende Verluste oder Beschädigungen<br />

auf den Erwerber über. Das Eigentum an der<br />

ersteigerten Sache wird erst mit vollständigem<br />

Zahlungseingang beim Auktionshaus auf den<br />

Erwerber übertragen.<br />

7. Der Zuschlag verpflichtet zur Abnahme. Die Sachen<br />

sind sofort nach der Auktion in Empfang zu nehmen.<br />

Falls im Inland der Erwerber Versendung wünscht,<br />

geht sie auf seine Kosten und, soweit er selbst<br />

Unternehmer ist, auch auf seine Gefahr.<br />

8. Die zu versteigernden Lose werden<br />

differenzbesteuert verkauft. Die Berechnungsgrundlage<br />

für das vom Käufer zu zahlende Aufgeld<br />

bildet der Zuschlagspreis.<br />

Pro Auktionslos wird eine Gebühr von € 2,- erhoben.<br />

Bei differenzbesteuerter Ware wird keine<br />

Mehrwertsteuer ausgewiesen.<br />

Für Käufer aus Ländern der Europäischen Union gilt:<br />

Verbraucher zahlen einheitlich ein Aufgeld von 23,8<br />

% zuzüglich Losgebühr, Porto und Versicherung.<br />

Für Gewerbetreibende im Sinne des UStG zahlen bei<br />

differenzbesteuerter Ware 23,8 % Aufgeld<br />

(im Aufgeld ist die gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer von<br />

19% enthalten) zuzüglich Losgebühr, Porto und<br />

Versicherung. Für Händler wird bei regelbesteuerter<br />

Ware ein Aufgeld von 20 % zuzüglich 19 % MwSt. auf<br />

die Summe aus Zuschlag, Aufgeld, Losgebühr und<br />

Porto/Versicherung erhoben. Der innereuropäische<br />

Warenverkehr kann gemäß den gesetzlichen<br />

Bestimmungen von der Umsatzsteuer befreit werden.<br />

Für Käufer mit Wohnsitz in Drittländern (außerhalb<br />

der EU) gilt: Käufer zahlen 20 % Aufgeld zuzüglich<br />

Losgebühr, Porto und Versicherung. Führt das<br />

Auktionshaus Ulrich Felzmann GmbH & Co. KG die<br />

Ware selbst in Drittländer aus, wird die Rechnung<br />

ohne gesetzliche Umsatzsteuer erstellt. Wird die<br />

Ware vom Käufer selbst oder durch Dritte ins<br />

Drittland ausgeführt, wird die gesetzliche<br />

Umsatzsteuer berechnet, bei Vorlage der<br />

notwendigen Ausfuhrnachweise erstattet.<br />

Im Drittland anfallende Importsteuern oder Zölle<br />

trägt der Käufer in jedem Fall selbst.<br />

Für Goldmünzen, die umsatzsteuerbefreit sind, gilt<br />

ein Aufgeld von 20 %.<br />

9. Der Rechnungsbetrag ist mit dem Zuschlag fällig<br />

und zahlbar in bar oder durch bankbestätigten<br />

Scheck. Zahlungen auswärtiger Erwerber, die<br />

schriftlich oder telefonisch geboten haben, sind<br />

binnen einer Woche nach Rechnungsdatum fällig. Bei<br />

Kauf für einen Dritten haftet der Bieter mit diesem<br />

als Gesamtschuldner.<br />

10. Bei Zahlungsverzug oder Abnahmeverweigerung<br />

der zugeschlagenen Lose verliert der Käufer seine<br />

Rechte aus dem Zuschlag. Als Verzugsschaden<br />

werden 1,5 % Zinsen pro Monat berechnet. Im<br />

Übrigen kann das Auktionshaus wahlweise Erfüllung<br />

oder nach Fristsetzung Schadensersatz wegen<br />

Nichterfüllung verlangen; der Schadensersatz kann<br />

dabei auch so berechnet werden, dass die Sache in<br />

einer weiteren Auktion nochmals versteigert wird und<br />

der säumige Käufer für einen Mindererlös gegenüber<br />

der früheren Versteigerung und die besonderen<br />

Kosten der wiederholten Versteigerung einschließlich<br />

der Gebühren des Versteigerers aufzukommen hat.<br />

Bei der endgültigen Nichtabnahme zugeschlagener<br />

Lose, spätestens jedoch drei Monate nach dem<br />

ursprünglichen Versteigerungstermin, stellt der<br />

Versteigerer dem Schuldner mindestens die<br />

ausgefallenen Versteigerungsprovisionen als<br />

Schadensersatz wegen Nichterfüllung in Rechnung.<br />

Dem Schuldner bleibt vorbehalten nachzuweisen,<br />

dass dem Versteigerer ein Schaden überhaupt nicht<br />

oder in wesentlich geringerer Höhe als diese<br />

Pauschale entstanden ist.<br />

11. Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand für den<br />

kaufmännischen Verkehr ist Düsseldorf. Es gilt<br />

deutsches Recht; das UN-Abkommen über Verträge<br />

des internationalen Warenkaufs findet keine<br />

Anwendung.<br />

12. Vorstehende Bedingungen gelten sinngemäß auch<br />

für den Nachverkauf. Die Bestimmungen über<br />

Verkäufe im Fernabsatz finden keine Anwendung. Der<br />

Nachverkauf unverkaufter Lose findet für einen<br />

begrenzten Zeitraum statt. Die über einen<br />

Onlinekatalog oder eine Onlineplattform erteilten<br />

Zuschläge oder Zusagen über einen Zuschlag per<br />

Email, Telefon oder sonstige Art, gelten erst ab<br />

Zugang der Rechnung als verbindlich. Zu den<br />

Zuschlagsbeträgen werden die Aufgelder gemäß<br />

Punkt 8 dieser Bedingungen berechnet.<br />

13. Sollte eine der vorstehenden Bedingungen ganz<br />

oder teilweise unwirksam sein, bleibt die Gültigkeit<br />

der übrigen davon unberührt. Bei fremdsprachiger<br />

Losbeschreibung ist stets die deutsche Fassung<br />

maßgeblich.<br />

Stand: Januar 2017<br />

Der Versteigerer<br />

Mit der Abgabe von Geboten für Lose aus der NS-Zeit, die mit NS-Emblemen und/oder NS-Symbolen oder ähnlichem versehen sind, verpflichtet sich der Bieter<br />

dazu, diese lediglich für historisch-wissenschaftliche Sammelzwecke zu erwerben und in keiner Weise propagandistisch im Sinne des § 86, 86a StGB zu benutzen.


So bieten Sie mit...<br />

Nachdem Sie Ihren Katalog erhalten haben, geht es so für Sie weiter<br />

Falls Sie nicht persönlich an der Auktion teilnehmen können, haben Sie folgende Möglichkeiten, uns Ihre Gebote mitzuteilen.<br />

Sollten Sie eine gesonderte Zahlungsvereinbarung wünschen, bitten wir um entsprechende Information bei Abgabe Ihrer Gebote.<br />

Schriftliche Vorabgebote<br />

Per Post/Fax/Email: Schriftliche Gebote<br />

geben Sie bitte auf dem beiliegenden<br />

Gebotszettel ab und schicken uns<br />

diesen per Post, per Fax oder unter<br /> zu.<br />

• Ihr Auftrag wird immer in Ihrem<br />

Sinne streng interessewahrend<br />

ausgeführt.<br />

Bei schriftlichen Geboten können Sie<br />

Oder-Gebote für weitere Lose abgeben.<br />

Außerdem ist es möglich, dass Sie Ihren<br />

Auftrag auf eine Gesamtzuschlagssumme<br />

limitieren. Bitte markieren Sie Ihre<br />

Sonderwünsche bei der Gebotsabgabe<br />

deutlich. Eine Gewähr für die vollständige<br />

Erfassung eingehender Gebote ist<br />

nur gegeben, wenn diese bis zum Vortag<br />

der jeweiligen Versteigerung vorliegen.<br />

Live im Auktionssaal<br />

Sie können vor Ort dabei sein und direkt<br />

im Auktionssaal mitbieten. Am Empfang<br />

bekommen Sie dafür eine Saalbieternummer.<br />

Über<br />

Für eine Onlineabgabe der Gebote ist<br />

eine einmalige Anmeldung auf unserer<br />

Homepage nötig. Gehen Sie für die Gebotsabgabe<br />

in unserem Online-Katalog<br />

auf die Losdetailseite des Loses, auf das<br />

Sie bieten möchten, setzen Sie das Los<br />

auf Ihre Gebotsliste und senden Sie Ihre<br />

Gebote an uns ab.<br />

Live-Bidding<br />

In Echtzeit online bieten ist bei uns<br />

ohne Zusatzsoftware wie z.B. Java möglich.<br />

Sie müssen sich lediglich vor der<br />

Auktion bei uns auf der Homepage über<br />

den Login-Bereich registrieren.<br />

• Nach Ihrer Registrierung erhalten<br />

Sie automatisch ein Onlinelimit<br />

von 1.000€ zum Mitbieten. Eine<br />

Erhöhung Ihres Limits müssen Sie<br />

spätestens einen Werktag vor dem<br />

Auktionstag bei uns beantragen.<br />

• Anträge ohne Email und<br />

Telefonnummer können leider<br />

nicht berücksichtigt werden.<br />

Live als Telefonbieter<br />

Sie möchten selber bieten, doch Sie können<br />

nicht persönlich vor Ort sein? Nutzen<br />

Sie unser Angebot, als Telefonbieter<br />

an der Auktion teilzunehmen. Unsere<br />

Mitarbeiter im Saal rufen Sie rechtzeitig<br />

an und geben Ihr Gebot live weiter.<br />

Sie sind sofort über den Erfolg Ihres<br />

Gebotes informiert. Selbstverständlich<br />

fallen keine Zusatzkosten an.<br />

Füllen Sie bitte das Feld Telefonbieter<br />

auf dem Gebotszettel vollständig<br />

aus und senden Sie uns diesen per<br />

Post, Email oder Fax zu. Bitte stellen<br />

Sie sicher, dass Sie am jeweiligen Tag<br />

erreichbar sind.<br />

• Bei telefonischen Geboten sind<br />

Untergebote nicht möglich<br />

• Für eine Erhöhung des Onlinelimits<br />

benötigen wir bei Neukunden<br />

aussagefähige Referenzen.<br />

Ihr Kontakt für Internet & Telefon:<br />

Herr Axel Möller<br />

Tel. (+49)211 - 550 44 16<br /><br />

Ihr Kontakt für Gebote:<br />

Frau Sonja Hendel-Tayahi<br />

Tel. (+49)211 - 550 44 22<br /><br />

Unsere Steigerunsstufen: bis 100 €: 5 €<br />

Um Ihnen das Mitsteigern bei der ab 100 €: 10 €<br />

Auktion zu erleichtern, haben wir für ab 300 €: 20 €<br />

Sie in der nachstehenden Übersicht die ab 700 €: 50 €<br />

Steigerungsstufen in Euro aufgelistet. ab 1.000 €: 100 €<br />

ab 3.000 € : 200 €<br />

ab 7.000 €: 500 €<br />

ab 10.000 €: 1.000 €<br />

ab 30.000 €: 2.000 €<br />

ab 70.000 €: 5.000 €<br />



Nach der Auktion...<br />

Abholung, Zahlungarten, Ergebnisse und Nachverkauf<br />

Abholung<br />

Ihre ersteigerten Lose können Sie unmittelbar<br />

nach Zuschlag bezahlen und<br />

mitnehmen. Informieren Sie dafür kurz<br />

den Empfang. Unsere Mitarbeiter werden<br />

Ihre Ware dann für Sie bereitstellen.<br />

Eine persönliche Abholung Ihrer Ware<br />

ist auch in den Wochen nach der Auktion<br />

möglich. In diesem Fall vereinbaren<br />

Vorauskasse<br />

Die Lieferung von Auktionslosen<br />

erfolgt an Neukunden nur gegen<br />

Vorauskasse. Dies gilt ausnahmslos,<br />

es sei denn, es wurden nachprüfbare<br />

Referenzen genannt. Nach der Auktion<br />

erhalten Sie Ihre Rechnung per Post<br />

und nach Zahlungseingang bekommen<br />

Sie Ihre Ware von uns zugeschickt.<br />

Sie telefonisch einen Termin, nachdem<br />

Sie Ihre Rechnung erhalten haben.<br />

• Sie haben grundsätzlich erst<br />

nach vollständiger Bezahlung Ihrer<br />

Rechnung<br />

Stammkunden, die regelmäßig an<br />

unseren Auktionen teilnehmen, erhalten<br />

Ihre Ware direkt per Rechnung. Jede<br />

Rechnung ist sofort nach Erhalt ohne<br />

Rechnungssumme Anspruch auf<br />

die Lieferung der Auktionslose.<br />

Andere Lieferformen bedürfen<br />

der schriftlichen Zustimmung des<br />

Auktionators vor jeder Auktion.<br />

Abzüge fällig.<br />

PayPal & Kreditkarte<br />

Bei Zahlung mit PayPal und Kreditkarte<br />

kontaktieren Sie uns bitte; Sie erhalten<br />

dann Details zum Ablauf.<br />

Zahlungsarten & Gebühren Inland EU Non-EU<br />

Barzahlung 0 € 0 € 0 €<br />

Vorauskassenrechnung 0€ 0 € 20 €¹<br />

Rechnung 0 € 0 € 20 €²<br />

SEPA-Überweisung (IBAN & BIC) 0 € 0 € 0 €¹<br />

Kreditkarte (Visa & Mastercard) 4 % 4 % 4 %<br />

PayPal 3 % 6 % 6 %<br />

Auktionsergebnisse<br />

Die Ergebnisse der Auktion finden Sie<br />

direkt am jeweiligen Auktionstag auf<br />

unserer Homepage:<br />

Die komplette Ergebnisliste wird innerhalb<br />

weniger Tage an alle Katalogempfänger<br />

versandt.<br />

Nachverkauf<br />

Bei der Auktion nicht zugeschlagene<br />

Objekte bieten wir im Nachverkauf an.<br />

Nicht limitierte Lose können Sie abzüglich<br />

10% vom Ausruf erwerben.<br />

Bei höheren Untergeboten kontaktieren<br />

wir für Sie den Einlieferer.<br />

• Am offiziellen Nachverkaufstag,<br />

etwa zwei Wochen nach der<br />

Auktion, bieten wir Ihnen erneut<br />

die Möglichkeit, Lose in unseren<br />

Geschäftsräumen ausführlich zu<br />

besichtigen.<br />

• Der Nachverkauf startet<br />

direkt nach der Auktion und<br />

dauert ca vier Wochen.<br />

¹ Bei Überweisungen aus der Schweiz können Gebühren anfallen.<br />

² Max. Gebühren; abhängig von Zahlungsart/-details (zB. gebührenfrei bei Nutzung europäischer Konten<br />

(IBAN/BIC) nicht bei schweizer Konten)<br />

118<br />

Ihr Kontakt für Zahlungen:<br />

Frau Hilke Schneider<br />

Tel. (+49)211 - 550 44 24<br /><br />

Ihr Kontakt für den Versand:<br />

Herr Salvatore Gentile<br />

Tel. (+49)211 - 550 44 20<br />

160. Auktion<br />

Auktionsauftrag<br />

Auction bid form/Formulaire de Soumission aux enchères<br />

1. Ihre persönlichen Daten /Your personal data/Vos données personnelles<br />

Name:/ Nom:<br />

Straße:/Street:/Rue:<br />

PLZ, Ort:/Postcode, City:/ Code postal, Ville:<br />

Falls bekannt, Kunden-Nr.:<br />

Customer no. if known/ Numéro du client si connu<br />

Tel:/Tél:<br />

Fax:<br />

E-Mail:<br />

Ich begrenze meinen Auftrag auf ca.:<br />

I limit the sum of my bids to ca:<br />

Je limite le montant de mes offers à une somme d’environ:<br />

(exkl. Aufgelder)<br />

(excl. commissions)<br />

(commission exclue)<br />

Wenn notwendig erhöhen Sie mein Gebot wie folgt:<br />

If necessary please increase my bids as following/ Si nécessaire, veuillez faire monter mon enchère comme suit<br />

◦10 % ◦20 % ◦30 % ◦50 %<br />

2. Ihre schriftlichen Gebote /Your written bids/Vos offres écrites<br />

Gebot in €<br />

(ohne Aufgelder)<br />

Gebot in €<br />

(ohne Aufgelder)<br />

Gebot in €<br />

(ohne Aufgelder)<br />

Gebot in €<br />

(ohne Aufgelder)<br />

Los-Nr.<br />

Lot No.<br />

Nr. de Lot<br />

Maximum bid in €<br />

(w/o commissions)<br />

Enchère maximale en €<br />

(sans commission)<br />

Los-Nr.<br />

Lot No.<br />

Nr. de Lot<br />

Maximum bid in €<br />

(w/o commissions)<br />

Enchère maximale en €<br />

(sans commission)<br />

Los-Nr.<br />

Lot No.<br />

Nr. de Lot<br />

Maximum bid in €<br />

(w/o commissions)<br />

Enchère maximale en €<br />

(sans commission)<br />

Los-Nr.<br />

Lot No.<br />

Nr. de Lot<br />

Maximum bid in €<br />

(w/o commissions)<br />

Enchère maximale en €<br />

(sans commission)<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

€ € € €<br />

Bitte vergleichen Sie die Los-Nummern vor Gebotsabgabe und geben Sie Ihre Gebote rechtzeitig ab! Vielen Dank.<br />

Please check the lot numbers before you submit your bids. Please submit your bid in with enough time. Thank you.<br />

Veuillez vérifier le numéro du lot avant de soumettre vos offres. Nous vous prions de bien vouloir soumettre vos enchères à temps. Merci.<br />

Datum /Date<br />

Unterschrift /Signature<br />

telefonische Gebote/Telephone bids<br />

Zahlungsarten/Payments<br />


3. Ihre telefonischen Gebote* /Your telephone bids/Vos offres téléphonique<br />

Los-Nr.<br />

Lot No.<br />

Nr. de Lot<br />

Los-Nr.<br />

Lot No.<br />

Nr. de Lot<br />

Los-Nr.<br />

Lot No.<br />

Nr. de Lot<br />

Los-Nr.<br />

Lot No.<br />

Nr. de Lot<br />

Los-Nr.<br />

Lot No.<br />

Nr. de Lot<br />

Los-Nr.<br />

Lot No.<br />

Nr. de Lot<br />

*Auf folgende Lose möchte<br />

ich telefonisch bieten und<br />

biete mindestens den Ausruf.<br />

I wish to bid by telephone for the following<br />

items and bid at least the starting price.<br />

Je souhaite enchérir par téléphone les<br />

articles ci-contre et je propose plus que<br />

la somme de départ (minimum).<br />

Am Auktionstag bin ich unter folgender Telefonnummer zu erreichen:/ On the auction day I will be<br />

reachable under the following telephone number:/ Je serai joignable pendant les enchères sur les numéros de télephone ci-dessous:<br />

<br />

Mobil /Mobile phone:/ Portable:<br />

4. Konditionen /Conditions /Conditions<br />

Hiermit beauftrage ich die Firma<br />

Auktionshaus Ulrich Felzmann<br />

GmbH & Co. KG, Düsseldorf, für<br />

mich und für meine Rechnung<br />

unter Anerkennung der geltenden<br />

Bedingungen folgende Auktionslose<br />

bis zur Höhe der nachstehenden<br />

Gebote zu ersteigern. Werden die<br />

gebotenen Preise nicht erreicht, so<br />

wird das entsprechende Los niedriger,<br />

ggf. zum Ausrufpreis, zugeschlagen.<br />

Neukunden und Auslandsbieter<br />

erklären sich mit Erteilung des<br />

Auftrages ausdrücklich einverstanden,<br />

Vorauskasse zu leisten.<br />

Herewith I authorize Ulrich Felzmann GmbH & Co.<br />

KG, Düsseldorf, to buy the lots for my account up to the<br />

limits stated below. I agree to the effective conditions.<br />

Unless otherwise agreed lots will only be despatched<br />

after receipt of full payment. The maximum bid will only<br />

be executed to the extend necessary to overbid other<br />

offers. In case of no competetive bids, the lots will be<br />

sold at the starting price. New customers and foreign<br />

bidders declare their consent to advance payment.<br />

Ci-joint j´autorise Ulrich Felzmann GmbH &<br />

Co. KG, Düsseldorf d´acheter les lots à mon<br />

compte dans les limites indiquées ci-dessus.<br />

J´accepte les conditions effectives c´est à dire:<br />

Au cas où le prix de l´enchère de départ n´est atteint,<br />

l´article sera vendu au prix inférieur correspondant<br />

à l´offre proposée au départ, ansi en cas de non<br />

soumissions concurentielles, les lots seront vendus<br />

au prix de départ plus la surtaxe. Les nouveaux<br />

clients et acheteurs (soumissionaires) étrangers<br />

déclarent leur consentement de payer à l´avance.<br />

5. Ihre gewünschte Zahlungsart /Your payment type: / Votre type de paiement:<br />

◦ Vorausrechnung /Advance invoice / Paiement à l´avance<br />

◦ Rechnung /On invoice / Sur facture (Nur für Stammkunden, mit Referenzen / only applicable for domestic and r egular customers/applicable uniquement pour les clients réguliers)<br />

◦ Abholung der Lose nach Rechnungserhalt / I will pick up the lots on invoice/Retrait des lots après reception et paiement de la facture<br />

6. Ihre Unterschrift /Your signature /Votre signature<br />

Datum / Date<br />

Unterschrift / Signature

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