September 2017

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Your choice. Their future. Our family. โรงเรียนนานาชาติการ์เด้นอีสเทิร์นซีบอร์ดบ้านฉาง <strong>September</strong> <strong>2017</strong><br />

Find us at:<br />

Website: w w w .gardenrayong.com<br />

Twitter: w w w .tw itter.com/ gisrayong<br />

Facebook: w w w .facebook.com/ pages/ Garden-International-School-Rayong-Thailand/128699487157809<br />

Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/gardenrayongthailand<br />

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From Mrs Hawtree: Principal<br />

Dear GIS Community,<br />

It seems almost unbelievable that we are already approaching the mid-term break. It has been an incredibly<br />

busy start to the term with a number of parent events (and a couple still to come), a successful careers’ fair, a<br />

wide range of trips, a whole host of Wednesday afternoon activities, some early sporting successes and preparations<br />

underway for a variety of arts and cultural events. Our Community Service programme got off to a<br />

good start with a launch assembly, followed by planning meetings, and we are already starting to see these<br />

plans being put into action with fundraising activities including a rice drive and ball-shooting competition, and<br />

trips being organised to visit some of our service partners.<br />

We were delighted to receive our 5-year report from the IB which gave us a clean bill of health in every area of<br />

the programme, and commended us on some areas of our practice. As the oldest IB school on the Eastern<br />

Seaboard, we continue to meet the IB’s high standards in every respect, and this is reflected in the excellent<br />

results our students achieve year on year.<br />

Earlier this month, we said an emotional ‘goodbye’ to Ms Emmy, one of or much-loved boarding parents. She<br />

has been as GIS for nearly 10 years, and many of our students – boarders and otherwise – very much looked<br />

upon her as a mother-figure. We wish her all the best for her new life in the USA.<br />

October is going to be a sad month in Thailand, and as a school we are reflecting the mood of the nation by<br />

once again limiting festivities and staff are wearing more sombre clothes as we approach the anniversary of<br />

the passing of H.M. King Rama IX.<br />

Whether you are staying in Thailand, or travelling further afield, I wish you all a peaceful and safe mid-term<br />

break.<br />

Warm regards,<br />

Ms Dinah Hawtree<br />

Principal<br />


Upcoming Events<br />

Whole School<br />

Oct 2: World Habitat Day<br />

Oct 6: Friends of Garden action group meeting, 8am, canteen<br />

Oct 10: World Mental Health Day<br />

Fri Oct 13: Public holiday in remembrance of HM King Rama IX<br />

Oct 16-29: Half-term Break<br />

Mon Oct 30: School re-opens<br />

Nov 1: House T-shirt Day<br />

Primary<br />

Oct 30-Nov 3: Nit-Busting Week<br />

Oct 31: Hallowe’en Party<br />

Secondary<br />

Oct 5: Parent Forum: Digital Natives<br />

Oct 6: Trip to see West Side Story / 19th International Festival of Dance and Music in Bangkok<br />

Oct 9-12: KET and PET assessments<br />

Oct 9: Secondary Grade Cards distributed<br />

Oct 10: Years 7-10 and IB1 Parent Conference, 6pm in the Main Hall<br />

Oct 29-Nov 2: U15 FOBISIA Games in Phuket<br />

Oct 30-Nov 3: Final Extended Essay meeting for IB2 students<br />

Many thanks to our generous GIS sponsors:<br />

Platinum<br />

Aditya Birla<br />

Encounter Church<br />

Indorama<br />


Head to our Facebook page for the latest news on<br />

what’s been happening at GIS. This month, you<br />

can read about:<br />

www.facebook.com/gardeninternationalschool<br />

You can also watch our latest videos about what’s<br />

been happening at GIS by going here:<br />

www.youtube.com/user/gardenrayongthailand<br />

Follow us on Instagram! Find us at<br />

garden_international_school or search for<br />

#gistitans<br />

Check out our Pinterest page and see the dozens<br />

of photos showcasing life at GIS.<br />

Follow our tweets on Twitter!<br />

https://www.twitter.com/gisrayong<br />

See our snaps and stories on Snapchat!<br />

Our username is gisthailand<br />



The International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) has praised Garden International School (GIS)<br />

following a 5-year review.<br />

The review, which is a standard procedure for all IB World schools, looked at every aspect of how the IB<br />

Diploma Programme is run at GIS. This included examining the curriculum, the school's educational beliefs,<br />

its leadership, resources and the teaching and learning that takes place.<br />

The 30,000-word document, written by GIS, was sent off earlier this year and the IBO has now released its<br />

findings. They found that: 'Based on the findings included in the report, the IB has not identified any matters<br />

to be addressed.'<br />

The report also commended GIS in several areas, including how the school promotes Thai language by<br />

offering Thai A as a subject (and discounts for students taking it) and also how the IB's learner profile is<br />

reflected in several subjects.<br />

IB Co-ordinator Mr Mark Beales said: "It's fantastic news to have such a positive report. This confirms<br />

everything that we already believed about GIS - that we offer excellent-value education and the highest<br />

academic levels."<br />

News of the review comes after this year's examination results, where for the second-year running GIS<br />

students had a 100 per cent pass rate in the IB Diploma. The IB Diploma is the world's leading qualification<br />

for 16-18 year olds. It is a challenging course that opens doors to the world's leading universities. GIS is<br />

the most-experienced IB Diploma school in this part of Thailand.<br />


From Mr Walsh: Head of Primary<br />

Dear parents and carers,<br />

House Football Tournament<br />

On Wednesday, <strong>September</strong> 6, Primary had the House Football Tournament.<br />

The sky was clear, with a bright sun beating down, making the field burning<br />

hot!<br />

The Primary students were separated into three groups; Year 1 and 2, Year 3<br />

and 4, and Year 5 and 6. The games were really fun and exciting, with many<br />

matches ending up in nerve-wracking penalty shootouts. Teams were screaming<br />

and cheering in dire need for their team to score and teachers were coaching<br />

to improve their team’s performance. Everyone was dripping head to toe in<br />

sweat.<br />

In the end, Eagles won the Year 1 and 2 group, Cobra won Year 3 and 4, and<br />

Gecko won Year 5 and 6. The overall winner was Cobra!<br />

By The House Captains<br />

Wednesday Afternoon Activities – Global Action and Science Technology Engineering Art &<br />

Mathematics (STEAM) groups<br />

Some of the Wednesday afternoon activities this year will be devoted to developing environmental or<br />

social issues, and helping students to apply STEAM skills.<br />

Access to Water Gender Poverty Gardening<br />

In this group children<br />

will learn that<br />

not everyone in the<br />

world has access to<br />

clean water. They<br />

will learn about the<br />

uses, value and<br />

conservation of water<br />

and how it can<br />

be extracted and<br />

moved.<br />

This group is about<br />

students understanding<br />

that people can be<br />

treated differently because<br />

of their gender.<br />

They will take part in<br />

discussions and activities<br />

designed to develop<br />

their attitudes<br />

and challenge gender<br />

stereotypes.<br />

This group should<br />

help children to understand<br />

the different<br />

lives led by people<br />

with different<br />

incomes and different<br />

life chances.<br />

They will understand<br />

some difficulties<br />

faced by families<br />

in poverty.<br />

This group will use<br />

a variety of skills<br />

to help grow<br />

plants. Students<br />

will understand<br />

the effort and processes<br />

that go<br />

into producing<br />

crops that are<br />

used for different<br />

purposes.<br />

Natural<br />

Resources<br />

This group will<br />

learn about how<br />

local resources<br />

are used. They<br />

will learn to construct<br />

objects<br />

from locally<br />

available resources.<br />

Mosaic<br />

This group will<br />

use a range of<br />

skills to make<br />

a mosaic that<br />

will be displayed<br />

in the<br />

Primary<br />



The GIS Primary Swim Team travelled to the first swim gala of the year at St Andrews International<br />

School. GIS took a team of students who have been working very hard to develop their skills and<br />

stamina. For some students, it was their first swimming competition experience. Despite competing<br />

against three bigger schools, the GIS swimmers performed extremely well. In fact, we took the majority<br />

of the 1st and 2nd places. This was wonderful to share with the large group of enthusiastic parents<br />

who had come to cheer the team. Well done, all hardworking students who took part!<br />


It has been a very peaceful month with two events based around peace happening in <strong>September</strong>.<br />

There was Greenpeace Day where many students dressed as hippies, and International Peace Day<br />

on 21 <strong>September</strong> which was celebrated in many ways by children across the school. Here is what<br />

Reception did:<br />

The children in Reception drew a picture of what ‘peace’ is on a little piece of paper and we added it<br />

to the Secondary students Wall of Peace. They also listened to a story called "The Peace Book",<br />

then put their finger prints on our peace dove, wrote an extra page to the book and coloured<br />

pictures of peace.<br />


CLUBS<br />

The Primary students have enjoyed a whole range of clubs run by the multi-talented academic staff. We also<br />

have lots of multi-talented students and after the mid-term break some of the clubs will be student-led.<br />

This means that though the clubs will be supervised by an adult, the activities and resources will have been<br />

planned by some of our Year 6 students. The student-led clubs will include Slime Club, Football Club, Basketball<br />

Club and Nerf Club. As with all of the clubs, these will be designed for specific age groups. We are<br />

happy that so many of our Year 6 students have volunteered to run a club; it will help to develop their leadership<br />

and organisational skills as well as their ability to assess risks. The student-led clubs will all take<br />

place on Tuesdays to leave the Year 6 students free to continue with Spanish club. LAMDA club will also<br />

start on Thursdays next half term and will be open to Year 5 and Year 6 students.<br />


Year 2 Trips<br />

Plants<br />

Year 2 had a wonderful time learning about plants with two<br />

exciting trips. First we went to the Siri Charoenwat Royal Forest<br />

Project at Silverlake for an exciting forest trail. The children<br />

loved seeing all the wonderful different trees that grow there and<br />

we finished the trail by learning about the lifecycle of a lotus<br />

plant.<br />

Our second trip was to the Birds and Bees Resort in Pattaya.<br />

The children visited the kitchen garden to learn about sustainable farming, hydroponics<br />

and ways to maximise the space that you have to grow food.<br />

We had a brilliant time, finishing up with an exploration and playtime in the beautiful resort<br />

gardens.<br />


Why did we go to the<br />

weather station?<br />

In Year 3 we are learning all about weather and<br />

climate. Part of this is to know how different types<br />

of weather are recorded and formed into a reliable<br />

and useful weather forecast.<br />

The Royal Thai Weather Station is a great example<br />

of this, as it is very important for naval ships<br />

to know whether the weather will be dangerous<br />

or not. The weather station has many great<br />

examples of real weather instruments and plenty<br />

hands on activities for the children to get involved<br />

in.<br />

What did we do and what did we<br />

learn?<br />

The meteorologists gave us a presentation about<br />

the importance of weather forecasts and then<br />

showed us all the different instruments they use.<br />

We learned what part of the weather each one<br />

measures.<br />

After the presentation we went to the roof<br />

to launch large red weather balloons into<br />

the atmosphere. We also had a chance to<br />

look at the clouds through a telescope.<br />

It was great to see all the real equipment<br />

they use and the people who make the<br />

weather forecasts happen.<br />

A few children’s comments ...<br />

“I loved launching the balloon!”<br />

“We saw a rainbow in the sky!”<br />

“I would like to go again.”<br />

“I liked looking through the telescope”<br />

Overall, it was a great<br />

morning out and all the<br />

children were well behaved.<br />



Students marked World Peace Day with some messages of hope.<br />

At GIS, students watched videos promoting peace and then wrote various peace messages and posted them<br />

on a large noticeboard. The event was organised by the school's Global Action Committee.<br />


Both GIS and the Friends of Garden group<br />

held a surprise party for one of our boarding<br />

parents, Emmy.<br />

She has been working at GIS as a boarding<br />

parent for 9 years and has been an<br />

active member of the Friends of Garden<br />

group. She is going to migrate to the US -<br />

we wish her all the best and thank her for<br />

all her hard work.<br />



Students and staff from GIS dressed as hippies<br />

to raise money for charity.<br />

Flower power and peace signs were everywhere<br />

as everyone made a donation, which<br />

will go to charity.<br />



Students have been planning how they can make a difference in our local community.<br />

At a whole school assembly, GIS launched its Community Service plan for the year.<br />

This involves helping six charities in the Ban Chang/Pattaya area. Two year groups (one<br />

from Primary and one from Secondary) have been assigned to each charity.<br />

At the assembly, they met people from the charities and then learned more about their work.<br />

The students then brainstormed ideas about the different ways they could help.<br />


From our Head Student<br />



In this past month we have had many exciting events take place<br />

to encourage students to think about their future and work collaboratively<br />

with others.<br />

In terms of considering their future, we had a large variety of<br />

speakers come in and talk about their careers to us GIS students,<br />

as well as students from REPS and GIS Bangkok. We<br />

have also had a "Succeeding at IB" evening where our university<br />

counsellors and IB Co-ordinator Mr Beales advised us IB students<br />

on how to do well.<br />

Earlier in the month, we had students work collaboratively by<br />

putting together a music video choreographed by our new House<br />

captains to represent each House as a whole.<br />

Rachel — GIS Head Student<br />

As well as all this - we had a whole school hippie-themed mufti<br />

day, which managed to raise over 17,000 baht for charity.<br />

There was also a World Peace Day board organised, where<br />

each student contributed by sticking post-it notes with messages<br />

rated to world peace on the peace board.<br />

For some exciting up coming events our school is organising<br />

Diwali, which is always a great evening, and there will be some<br />

Halloween events after the half-term break.<br />

Also, this year’s Secondary production 'Almost Maine' is coming<br />

soon, which is all very exciting! I hope you enjoy and participate<br />

in as many of these events as possible.

We have some great school blogs to tell you about life at GIS. Click<br />

on the links below to see what’s been going on!<br />


Early Years http://earlyyears.gardenrayong.com/<br />

Nursery http://nursery.gardenrayong.com/<br />

Reception http://reception.gardenrayong.com/<br />

Year 1 http://year1.gardenrayong.com/<br />

Year 2 http://year2.gardenrayong.com/<br />

Year 3 http://year3.gardenrayong.com/<br />

Year 4 http://year4.gardenrayong.com/<br />

Year 5 http://year5.gardenrayong.com/<br />

Year 6 http://year6.gardenrayong.com/<br />

ESL Blog: http://primaryels.gardenrayong.com<br />


Year 7-9<br />

IGCSE<br />

IB<br />

ELS<br />

http://year7to9.gardenrayong.com/<br />

http://gisigcse.gardenrayong.com/<br />

http://ib.gardenrayong.com/<br />

http://secondaryels.gardenrayong.com<br />


Extra-curricular Sport<br />

Extra-curricular Music<br />

http://gissport.gardenrayong.com/<br />

http://gismusicblog.gardenrayong.com/<br />

Extra-curricular Drama http://gisdrama.gardenrayong.com/<br />

Library<br />

http://library.gardenrayong.com/<br />

Community Programmes http://communityprogrammes.gardenrayong.com/<br />

Community Service<br />

Friends of Garden<br />

Boarding<br />

http://gisserviceprojects.gardenrayong.com/<br />

http://friendsofgarden.gardenrayong.com/<br />


From Mr Share: Head of Secondary<br />

Dear parents and carers,<br />

We are very proud of the large number of sporting activities and opportunities at GIS. Just this week we<br />

saw some excellent results from an athletics meet at Regent’s. As a small school we regularly take part in<br />

FOBISIA and local competitions against larger schools who have a larger pool of students and coaches,<br />

yet we continually punch above our weight and show passion to succeed. It is common for parents to not<br />

be aware of the importance of sport to our community. We have been lucky enough to host FOBISIA last<br />

year and have visits from Olympians and international professional athletes. We compete regularly against<br />

local schools with pupils swimming personal bests, and the boys and girls football, badminton, volleyball,<br />

netball and basketball teams, are developing and competing at all age groups.<br />

We publish our results to students, parents and staff via our Facebook and Twitter feeds and we rightly<br />

celebrate our wins, but also recognise that when we are not winning we analyse what we did well and how<br />

we could develop. People often overlook the benefits of good quality sport provision at school and do not<br />

see how much it complements our students developing our Core Values and building a resilient attitude to<br />

success and loss, and having a growth mindset.<br />

Physical literacy is the act of running, jumping, catching and throwing of which all Primary school students<br />

are expected to graduate from Year 6. Research has shown that at all ages where schools have good PE<br />

provision, SATs results, attendance records and behaviour tend to improve. Young people’s participation<br />

in sport improves their numeracy scores by 8% on average above non-participants. It is well known that<br />

there is the need for exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle, but our sport provision dovetails with our learning<br />

in all areas of the school.<br />

Pupils are challenged to be independent and constantly practising to improve. Students are provided with<br />

personal targets to achieve personal bests and also have to work collaboratively as part of a team. Our PE<br />

teachers and additional coaches drawn from across all our staff ask pupils to reflect and analyse on performance.<br />

The physical and mental challenge of trying an array of sports or competing with peers and in front<br />

of crowds, builds character, encourages risk taking and helps focus students which links with our values<br />

for good behaviour.<br />

The flourishing nature of our PE and After School sports programmes gives students access to a range of<br />

opportunities to perform at many levels. Our sports provision helps build the idea of community amongst<br />

students, staff and parents who come to support. Please do check the week ahead notices to see when<br />

there are fixtures and if they are home or away. We all appreciate the support and it is a great chance to<br />

interact and celebrate a student’s willingness to compete, improve and succeed. If you are a parent and<br />

would like to help, use our facilities or even raise a team to compete against our staff in any sport please<br />

get in contact. We already have parents joining us for dancing, football and Zumba. Sport is a great way to<br />

further build on our successful community and we are constantly looking for new opportunities.<br />

Regards<br />

Mr Share<br />

Head of Secondary<br />


International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma<br />

Succeeding at GIS<br />

GIS has run several evening events<br />

explaining how to succeed at school.<br />

The three evenings were aimed at<br />

helping students in Years 7-9,<br />

IGCSE students and those studying<br />

for the IB Diploma.<br />

Parents and students came along to<br />

hear some advice and tips on how to<br />

study, do well in examinations and<br />

enjoy the experience of learning.<br />


Our IB2 students have been giving their Theory of Knowledge (TOK) presentations.<br />

These presentations are a large part of the TOK assessment, which is part of the IB Diploma,<br />

the world's most-recognised qualification for 16-18 year olds.<br />

Students have to plan their presentation then deliver it front of a live audience as part<br />


Parents of Year 11 and IB2 students had a chance to hear about their child’s progress at a<br />

Parent Conference. Students in both years will have important examinations in May and June<br />

2018, so it was a good chance for teachers and parents to discuss what needs to be done to<br />

achieve the best-possible grades.

PILOTS, doctors and journalists talked about<br />

their jobs as part of a successful Careers’<br />

Day at GIS.<br />


@GIS<br />

Around 200 students, including visitors from<br />

GIS Bangkok and REPS, came to the Main<br />

Hall on <strong>September</strong> 27 for the event.<br />

Introduced by Head Student Rachel, the<br />

event aimed to give real-life examples of<br />

success in various professions and also to<br />

inspire students from Year 10 and above<br />

who are starting to think about possible professions.<br />

A dozen talks were given by various speakers,<br />

including Dr Iain Corness, a Consultant<br />

at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, Mr Stephen<br />

Street, who talked about international banking,<br />

pilot Tomasz Bankowics and Lonely<br />

Planet travel writer Mark Beales. Other topics<br />

covered were accounting, teaching in<br />

Early Years, engineering, marketing and<br />

science and research.<br />

Students listened to the talks then had a<br />

chance to chat and ask questions with the<br />

various guests.<br />

Many of the GIS students are currently studying<br />

for their IGCSEs or IB Diploma, which<br />

will give them a pathway into the world’s<br />

leading universities.<br />


We continue to celebrate all the countries represented at GIS by flying a different nation’s<br />

flag each week. Here are the countries that have recently been recognised at the<br />

front of the school. These are compiled by our Humanities’ Prefect Aniela.






GIS students had the opportunity this year to visit<br />

Thailand’s Cultural Centre and experience the<br />

19 th anniversary of the Spanish performing arts<br />

group ‘Torera- Antonio Andrade flamenco’.<br />

After arriving early in Bangkok, students had the<br />

chance to watch cultural Thai dancing beautifully<br />

accompanied by traditional costumes and southern<br />

instrumental rhythm. The Bangkok Cultural<br />

Museum also has an art gallery displaying the<br />

works of experienced artist ‘Suthep Sungpetch’,<br />

who, delighted by our interest, generously<br />

demonstrated the process of his paintings. With<br />

the sounds of rain and flowing water currents in<br />

the background, he proceeded to “use paint to<br />

visually represent what he hears”.<br />

We then took our seats in the theatre and the audience<br />

was greeted with an interactive first dance<br />

performance followed by several more artistic<br />

pieces. The intricate and colourful fiesta of outfits<br />

glimmered in the spotlight and caught the whole<br />

theatre’s attention with every twirl, all through to<br />

their spectacular ending. It is a must see, perfectly<br />

synchronized, festive performance to look forward<br />

to next year.<br />

Garden International School<br />

Your choice. Their future. Our family.<br />

Find us at:<br />

Website: www.gardenrayong.com<br />

Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Garden-International-School-Rayong-Thailand/128699487157809<br />

Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/gardenrayongthailand<br />

Twitter:<br />

www.twitter.com/gisrayong<br />

Accredited by<br />

Affiliated to<br />


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