
THE Magazine on Coercive Control. Making the Invisible Visible.

THE Magazine on Coercive Control.
Making the Invisible Visible.


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<strong>CCChat</strong><br />

The Magazine on Coercive Control<br />

September 2017<br />

Issue 1<br />




why we need to talk about it<br />

BE A MAN!<br />

Author Chris Hemmings, on the launch of his new<br />

book, talks macho culture.<br />



Contents<br />

Editor's Notes<br />

4 Welcome to this new magazine<br />

edition of <strong>CCChat</strong>.<br />

Be a Man<br />

5 Chris Hemmings on his new<br />

book and macho culture.<br />

Marital Rape<br />

10 Why we need to start talking<br />

about it.<br />

Meet <strong>CCChat</strong> Sponsor LSTA<br />

14 London Stansted Training<br />

Academy - A new way of learning<br />

The Lived Experience<br />

18 Survivors tell, in their own<br />

words, of living with abuse.<br />

Events 2017<br />

36 Coercive Control Conference in<br />

Isle of Wight Nov 2017<br />

Events 2018<br />

17 Voices 4 Victims<br />

<strong>CCChat</strong> September 2017

Contents<br />

Wood You Believe It?<br />

18 <strong>CCChat</strong>'s resident columnist, Jo<br />

Wood, MBE says it as it is.<br />

Ask The Audience<br />

22 Need a question answered?<br />

Let's share knowledge<br />

Exposing Bad Practice<br />

28 Q; Who is an SCA?<br />

A: A 'So Called Advocate'<br />

Charity insider<br />

23 This month:<br />

Suzy Lamplugh Trust<br />

Risk Paranoia<br />

37 Why creating fear and panic is<br />

as bad as ignoring risk.<br />

Discussion Point<br />

35 Conversations we need to have.<br />

<strong>CCChat</strong> goes Live!<br />

39 Launching a new CC Discussion<br />

Group in Bury St Edmunds<br />


Editor's Notes<br />


Min Grob started<br />

Conference on Coercive<br />

Control in June 2015<br />

following a relationship<br />

that was coercive and<br />

controlling.<br />

Since then, there have<br />

been three national<br />

conferences, various<br />

speaking engagements<br />

and a newsletter. 2018<br />

will see the start of<br />

<strong>CCChat</strong> Live<br />

Discussion Groups as<br />

well as details of the<br />

next Conference on<br />

Coercive Control which<br />

will be held in<br />

Gloucester.<br />

Let's grow the<br />

conversation!<br />

Welcome to this new look <strong>CCChat</strong><br />

A big hello to readers - both old and new- of <strong>CCChat</strong>. I am very<br />

excited about this new magazine format. It has been a huge labour<br />

of love starting so soon after a house move whilst still in the school<br />

holidays but it is finally here! It has been worth every second and<br />

if it results in a better understanding of coercive control and a<br />

greater awareness of what is going on outside of someone's usual<br />

sphere, then doubly so.<br />

<strong>CCChat</strong> has already received a really positive response and I hope<br />

this is continued as the newsletter transitions into an altogether<br />

more glossy production which will hopefully grow with its<br />

readership.<br />

It was launched as a newsletter in March 2017, in response to<br />

many requests for extra information. by attendees getting in touch<br />

after various conferences. The aim was to keep coercive control at<br />

the forefront of abuse discussion to enable a better understanding<br />

amongst a large cross section of the population: victims, survivors,<br />

frontline, students and academics.<br />

It fills me with great joy that we are all talking much more openly<br />

about domestic abuse and coercive control. This isn't a<br />

conversation to be reserved for law enforcement, the justice<br />

system and support services, this is a conversation that needs to be<br />

had by all if we are to lift the lid on abuse that is invisible in plain<br />

sight.<br />

Min Grob<br />

Editor<br />

Contact: contact@coercivecontrol.co.uk<br />

Editor's Notes<br />

photo by Alex Kilbee of https://www.museportraits.co.uk/

Chris Hemmings on<br />


Chris Hemmings - Be A Man

The Interview<br />

Chris Hemmings<br />

Chris Hemmings is<br />

an author, journalist<br />

and producer.<br />

His book BE A MAN<br />

has recently been<br />

published and is<br />

available as a<br />

paperback and as a<br />

Kindle version.<br />

<strong>CCChat</strong> interviewed<br />

Chris on what<br />

inspired him to write<br />

the book and on<br />

other random<br />

things....<br />

T<br />

hank<br />

you for agreeing to this interview.<br />

I am currently reading BE A MAN and<br />

enjoying it immensely. You cover a<br />

subject matter that is very important<br />

but do so in a very engaging way which<br />

is great as it will have wide appeal.<br />

So, just starting off gently: Are you a<br />

shower or a bath person?<br />

Shower – I'm too tall for most baths. Just my<br />

bum and ankles end up getting wet.<br />

Are you an early bird or a night owl?<br />

I like a simultaneous early night and a lie in. But<br />

I also love staying up really late – it's when the<br />

fun happens.<br />

For the benefit of those who haven’t<br />

heard of your book, what is it about?<br />

Partly about my experiences of macho culture<br />

and how it damaged both me and those around<br />

me, but mainly a journalistic research piece<br />

about the many ways in which the<br />

determination to be macho and prove one's<br />

masculinity can damage men, women, boys,<br />

girls and society as a whole.<br />

Chris Hemmings - BE A MAN

They've suggested I get a sex change,<br />

am homosexual or have 'given in to the<br />

feminist canard', amongst other<br />

things. Some men are determined to<br />

ensure we continue to teach young<br />

boys that machismo is of the utmost<br />

importance. They are appalled that<br />

someone dares to question their<br />

masculinity, and only serve to prove<br />

my point that macho culture doesn't<br />

allow us to accept our flaws.<br />

" They are appalled that someone<br />

dares to question their masculinity.'<br />

Thankfully there are a decent amount<br />

of men who've accepted there may be a<br />

problem, but unfortunatel, it's not<br />

them we all need to convince.<br />

"Macho culture doesn't allow us to<br />

accept our flaws"<br />

What gave you the inspiration<br />

to write this book?<br />

I'd written a few articles on the<br />

subject, but about 18 months I was<br />

watching Grayson Perry's Channel 4<br />

documentary, 'All Man', and felt it<br />

was time someone who had given in<br />

to the pressures of masculinity<br />

should speak out and take<br />

ownership of the many issues it is<br />

responsible for. I wrote a chapter<br />

and a half that night, and was<br />

commissioned two weeks later.<br />

How do men react when you<br />

tell them that being macho<br />

is bad for them?<br />

Unsurprisingly there has already<br />

been a visceral backlash from many<br />

men who are terrified that I'm trying<br />

to somehow 'feminise' them.<br />

What is your response to a<br />

typical Twitter statement that<br />

feminism damages men?<br />

I tend to mostly ignore the idiots<br />

online. Some need correcting, but most<br />

are desperate for the attention. But my<br />

favourite quote is one I've used in the<br />

book: "When you're accustomed to<br />

privilege, equality feels like<br />

oppression"<br />

What is the first step for any man<br />

wanting to shed some of his<br />

machismo?<br />

Step 1 is to listen to the people who are<br />

negatively affected by it. Listen to the<br />

women and girls who've been illtreated,<br />

the men and boys who've been<br />

mentally damaged and the<br />

professionals who've worked with all<br />

these people and have recognised the<br />

common thread of machismo as the<br />

catalyst for problems.<br />

Chris Hemmings - BE A MAN

You may be familiar with the<br />

recent tweets by a boxer by the<br />

name of Andrew Tate who has<br />

stated that depression isn’t real<br />

and that most depressed<br />

people are unhappy with their<br />

lives and pretend they caught<br />

some disease to absolve all.<br />

What would you say to that?<br />

I'd say that as a 20 year old I was<br />

also one of those abhorrent people<br />

who was convinced anyone with<br />

depression simply needed to 'cheer<br />

up'.and learned just how horribly<br />

wrong I had been.<br />

Weekday: wake up at 7.45am, turn<br />

on the Today Program, read the<br />

news, shower, hop on my Vespa to<br />

work. Morning news meeting,<br />

poached eggs and smashed avocado<br />

on toast for breakfast, then get on<br />

with the day job as Planning Editor.<br />

Go home, maybe do some exercise<br />

(unless I can avoid it), eat<br />

something relatively healthy (unless<br />

I can avoid it), then meet up with<br />

my partner, Zoe. She often takes me<br />

to the theatre, or we watch a film. I<br />

try and get to bed by 10pm, though<br />

often fail, as I love having at least 8<br />

hours.<br />

"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality<br />

feels like oppression.”<br />

But, over the years, through my<br />

work as a journalist, I began talking<br />

to those diagnosed with depression.<br />

I found out friends and colleagues<br />

suffered, too. Again, it's only<br />

through engaging with those you<br />

clearly don't understand that you<br />

begin to grasp the reality of what is<br />

happening inside their head<br />

.<br />

I know you work at LBC as well<br />

as being an author. What does<br />

a typical day look like?<br />

Weekend: varied. During the<br />

summer I'm barely in the house. I<br />

go to lots of music festivals, and<br />

love being out in the sun. I'm<br />

often found at vintage fairs and<br />

flea markets, or at food events.<br />

Failing all of that, a good day in a<br />

beer garden suits me fine.<br />

I can't remember what I do in the<br />

winter. I spent all last winter as a<br />

hermit writing my book.<br />

In your opinion, what are the<br />

qualities you most admire in<br />

men?<br />

Men are brilliant, and proper<br />

male camaraderie is an absolute<br />

joy to be a part of.<br />

Chris Hemmings - BE A MAN

I also believe that the confidence and<br />

strength of mind associated with men<br />

is a quality that should be admired.<br />

I'd really like to further explore the<br />

various ways masculinity presents<br />

itself in various different cultures<br />

around the world. My book is very<br />

much focussed on white, western<br />

culture, but while male-dominated<br />

environments exist across the planet,<br />

not all of them present in the same<br />

way. Also, having focussed on the<br />

many negatives of masculinity/macho<br />

culture, I'd now like to go and speak to<br />

the many fabulous men around the<br />

world who are already doing amazing<br />

work to try and help their brothers out.<br />

Chris is on Twitter: @Hemmch<br />

BE A MAN is available from<br />

Amazon as a paperback or for<br />

Kindle.<br />

http://amzn.eu/0yMFDtq<br />

"I'd now like to go and speak to the many fabulous men around the<br />

world who are already doing amazing work to try and help their<br />

brothers out."<br />

Finally, you’re stranded on a<br />

desert island. Which 3 things<br />

could you not live without?<br />

Zoe, humous and crisps for my<br />

humous. But if you're kind<br />

enough to let me have 'crisps and<br />

humous' as a single entity, then<br />

I'd also take a notepad and pen.<br />

(wait, is that five things?)<br />

Thank you so much for giving<br />

up your time.<br />

No, thank you for giving me a<br />

platform.<br />

Reviews for BE A MAN:<br />

" I love this book. It's what I've been<br />

longing for- a young man who, as a<br />

result of his own experience, is<br />

courageous enoughrto say<br />

tradiotional masculinity is bad for<br />

everyone. Bravo Chris Hemmings!"<br />

Dame Jenni Murray<br />

" A beautiful, searing book which<br />

drips with courage and insight about<br />

how unreconstructed, tradiotional<br />

masculinity is bad for men and<br />

women alike. The policing if gender<br />

norms hurts us all- and this book is<br />

a critical contribution to how we<br />

overcome it."<br />

Owen Jones<br />

Chris Hemmings - BE A MAN

Marital Rape<br />

By anonymous<br />

*content warning*<br />

Marital Rape - ANONYMOUS


My story.......<br />

L<br />

ooking<br />

back, it is hard to remember what it was like.<br />

Except for the bad dreams and the flashbacks. I still<br />

get them, nearly 4 years on and they still have an<br />

impact that shakes me to the core. I am talking about<br />

marital rape or, more specifically, sleep rape.<br />

Rape is rape. I have been told this often. Many times by those who work<br />

within the law. It feels a bit like 'ALL lives matter' and "ALL genders suffer<br />

abuse' Yes, that is true, but it isn't as simple as that. Im not going to enter a<br />

debate. This was my situation and disclosing it may lead to a better<br />

understanding of why rape within marriage is still too taboo to be discussed.<br />

But it NEEDS to be discussed. So much of abuse that is unreported is too<br />

humiliating, degrading and deeply shameful to talk about and it is this shame<br />

which keeps victims silent. For me, it started when I fell pregnant. He no<br />

longer wanted intercourse but he had his needs. It's fair to say that, for the<br />

majority of the pregnancy, I was relegated to a perfunctory sex object. He<br />

would masturbate and then ejaculate on me . I was, if you like, his semen<br />

ashtray, his tissue, his sock.<br />

Within days of the pregnancy he had decided that he didn't want to be a father<br />

and he did not want to be married. We had been married less than 6 months.<br />

As the pregnancy advanced, the humiliation got worse. At first, he would wake<br />

me up to ask if he could come over me later I would wake to find my back wet,<br />

or my hip or my hair. He became erratic and would start shouting without<br />

warning and would storm off - often not returning for days - I never asked him<br />

why. I was too busy trying not to vomit as the nausea was constant and I felt<br />

like I was sailing choppy waters- in more ways than one.<br />

He would wake me up by rubbing himself on me or I would wake up to find<br />

his penis stroking my face with him kneeling over me. It's no lie to say that<br />

there were times when I really wanted to bite it off.<br />

He never stopped reminding me that he did not want to be a father and that<br />

he did not want to be with me. Before the pregnancy, I was his 'soul mate' his<br />

'twin flame' and insisted I go to certain people who would confim this. When<br />

they didn't, he angrily denounced them as charlatans.<br />

Marital Rape - ANONYMOUS.

Yet he insisted that I was the angry<br />

one. He told me that I brought out the<br />

worst in him. He was not himself when<br />

he was with me. I was exhausted and<br />

stressed and scared. At the time, I<br />

believed that I needed him, that I<br />

could not cope with the baby, without<br />

him. I was frightened and felt so shaky<br />

it was easy to believe him.<br />

I dreaded the nocturnal routine. Each<br />

night: Demand sex at bed time, fall<br />

asleep, wake up 2 hours later, demand<br />

sex. This would go on at least 3, maybe<br />

4 times. He had always had difficulties<br />

maintaining an erection. He blamed<br />

his past cocaine use. He was only able<br />

to maintain an erection for any length<br />

of<br />

After he had ejaculated, he would call<br />

me a dirty bitch, a whore. Sneer at me,<br />

telling me that I was always gagging<br />

for it, I never said no.<br />

It was safer to ignore him or to sob<br />

silently and hope he did not notice.<br />

At other times the 7 am alarm would<br />

signal time for sex. If I refused, he<br />

would rant then stomp out. If I let it<br />

continue, I would be late, the kids<br />

would be waiting for breakfast, they<br />

would knock on the door. I would have<br />

to tell them to go away to stop them<br />

from walking in. The pressure was<br />

unbelievable.<br />

“I would wake up to a shaking bed, not<br />

immediately realising what was happening"<br />

of time upon waking. When the<br />

relationship disintegrated he no longer<br />

asked me to 'put it in.'<br />

I would wake up to a shaking bed, not<br />

immediately realising what was<br />

happening. Was I dreaming? Was it an<br />

earthquake? I was so exhausted from<br />

the baby, the stress of the relationship,<br />

my whole existence lived out on<br />

eggshells that it barely registered that<br />

it was him, that it was rape. If I pushed<br />

him off or said 'no' he became furious<br />

and I was terrified his ranting would<br />

wake up the children.<br />

He started getting up at 4am to read<br />

on the toilet for an hour or so. when he<br />

came back up, he would demand sex.<br />

He did not always wipe properly and<br />

appeared to enjoy degrading me.<br />

This is just a small fraction of what it<br />

was like.The relationship ended<br />

suddenly and traumatically. It<br />

included a break in, his mental health<br />

nurse friend, the police and a rape<br />

investigation but that is for another<br />

day.<br />

I didn't understand it at the time but I<br />

reacted by telling everyone I had been<br />

raped. I now recognise this to<br />

be trauma, the consequence of having<br />

lived , for so long, on eggshells. At the<br />

time I felt that if I stayed silent, I<br />

would physically explode, that it had to<br />

come out.<br />

Those around me reacted -predictably<br />

it turns out- by retreating. By avoiding<br />

me. with dismissive<br />

responses, discomfort, even with<br />

aggression.<br />


I grew used to hearing the following:<br />

How can a husband rape his wife?<br />

But is it rape if you've already had sex?<br />

You can't let your child think the father<br />

is a rapist.<br />

Think about the family, what happens<br />

at Christmas?<br />

This will cause embarassment to the<br />

family.<br />

You'll never be able to prove it.<br />

It took me by surprise. If I'm being honest, it<br />

took my breath away. His friends, colleagues,<br />

even family members, who had all previously<br />

acknowledged his temper, his drug use, his<br />

disinterest in his family became his<br />

staunchest defenders.<br />

If our child had been a boy, not a girl , I<br />

might have caved in to the pressure and just<br />

'put up with it' 'Deal with it- for the sake of<br />

the children' as has so often been said to me.<br />

But how could I live with myself if the<br />

message I passed onto my daughter is that<br />

rape is rape UNLESS you are married and<br />

have children by him then<br />

it needs to stay buried or people will<br />

turn against you?<br />

I couldn't do that.<br />

“ I had no idea of the level of denial that would be employed to<br />

maintain the fiction of his image as a man with integrity."<br />

And on and on it went . I was so<br />

desperate to prove that he had done it,<br />

that I wasn't lying , desperate to be<br />

believed. It created a distance.<br />

At the time I had no idea of how<br />

uncomfortable it made people- many<br />

of them women with children- but it<br />

was clear that certain things were not<br />

to be talked about in polite society.<br />

I had no idea of the pressure I would<br />

be under to just accept what happened,<br />

to grin and bear it ' for the sake of the<br />

children'. I had no idea of how his<br />

family and friends would unite to show<br />

that I was mentally ill, that he was a<br />

wonderful family man, that he was a<br />

wonderful father. I had no idea of the<br />

level of denial that would be employed<br />

to maintain the fiction of his image as<br />

a man with integrity.<br />

I now speak about rape within<br />

marriage. It still pisses off a lot of<br />

people but here is one thing I want to<br />

make perfectly clear: It is not malice. It<br />

is not revenge. Nor is it anger or<br />

hatred.<br />

I want my daughter to grow up<br />

knowing that it is ok to say 'no'. That it<br />

is wrong to be woken up with an<br />

unwanted and uninvited penis inside<br />

you. I want her to know that she is<br />

much much more important than the<br />

family reputation or what happens at<br />

Christmas.<br />

I want others to know they are not<br />

alone and that the shame is not theirs<br />

to carry, it is the shame of the rapist.<br />

ANON<br />

Marital Rape

London Stansted<br />

Training Academy<br />

London Stansted Training Academy

A New Way<br />

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We are a specialist provider of accredited vocational work based<br />

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Katharine Robinson<br />

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For Essex, Herfordshire, Bedfordshire<br />

Jo Waddell<br />

07948 419878 joanne.w@thelsta.co.uk<br />

London Stansted Training Academy

Meet Jo Wood, resident<br />

columnist at <strong>CCChat</strong>.<br />

This month Jo talks about<br />

milking...<br />

Jo Wood

Milking Time<br />

T<br />

here exists……cloaked in the robes of<br />

professionalism and respectability……. A form<br />

of abuse so well-orchestrated and accepted,<br />

that potentially even the abuser is unaware of<br />

its impact.<br />

It is becoming accepted and acceptable to the point that people are shouting<br />

about it on social media – screaming out for more “victims” to exploit – and<br />

the vulnerable fall for it – jump right in and are left to handle the fallout for<br />

the rest of their days. I call it “milking” The process of milking anything –<br />

animal, vegetable or mineral, involves obtaining something from said object/<br />

person/creature that can be used for your advantage – otherwise you wouldn’t<br />

be doing it.<br />

The most common “milker” is the over enthusiastic and naïve journalist. I<br />

choose my words carefully because said journalist may have worked in their<br />

profession for years and be very good at what they do. his does not however,<br />

make them empathic, sensitive or even slightly understanding of, victims and<br />

survivors of interpersonal abuses. An example – very early in my work with<br />

victims and survivors, while still relatively naïve and trusting, I subjected<br />

myself to an interview with a journalist on a dark and wet Friday afternoon. I<br />

can recall almost every detail of that afternoon – as clearly as one does<br />

following a serious assault, rape or sexual abuse from childhood. It seemed<br />

like a good time to do so as she required urgent quotes for a weekend breaking<br />

story.<br />

Regrettably I told her – effectively first disclosures – things I had never<br />

spoken about before – because they were exactly the sort of things she was<br />

seeking for her article and because I could easily – or so I thought – provide<br />

first hand accurate information. Almost one hour in, she caught sight of the<br />

clock, stopped me in my tracks, told me she had enough “material “and raced<br />

out of the door into a waiting taxi. She had the decency to call before being<br />

swallowed up in traffic noise and apologised for her abrupt departure – citing<br />

train times as her need for urgency.<br />

And so, I sat, on a dark and rainy Friday afternoon, in a dark and empty<br />

house, devoid of humans as the weekend had begun, shocked into utter silence<br />

and immobility by the full force of what had happened. The emotions washed<br />

over me, painful to the point of doubling over, clutching at my<br />

Jo Wood -Milking Time

stomach and eventually wailing in<br />

agony – emotional agony as the past<br />

decades were dug up, raked over and<br />

cast aside as “enough material” leaving<br />

me to pick up the pieces.<br />

And I decided in that moment, never<br />

to subject any other victim or survivor<br />

to such abuse and torture, no matter<br />

what. It is no rare event.<br />

Several times a month, well-meaning<br />

journalists of printed matter, radio and<br />

TV make contact for what we now call<br />

“dial a victim” – specifying exactly the<br />

type of “victim” they want to speak to<br />

–anonymised of course – must be<br />

under 30,preferably good looking<br />

There is very little chance that she will<br />

have had the opportunity to access any<br />

form of counselling or aftercare<br />

support so soon after the rape/assault/<br />

abuse, so – telling a complete stranger<br />

for the benefit of the perving masses<br />

–it just isn’t going to happen.<br />

Then the calls for “victims” – always<br />

“victims” who may have been subject<br />

to online abuse, rape following a date,<br />

arranged through a dating agency,<br />

someone abused on public transport,<br />

in their home, by their father, by their<br />

mother, on the number 26 bus, while<br />

wearing a black skirt, after visiting a<br />

“ it is gross exploitation of a victim in order to<br />

bring a touch of reality to a news report"<br />

it would be amazing if she could be a<br />

virgin - and was out last weekend with<br />

her friends in town, got raped on the<br />

way home and has already reported to<br />

the police – we want to know what it<br />

was like going through the forensic<br />

examination…………. How many things<br />

are wrong with such an enquiry?<br />

First of all it is gross exploitation of a<br />

victim in order to bring a touch of<br />

reality to a news report. Then there is<br />

the recency of the events – the painful<br />

rawness will only have just begun to<br />

kick in.<br />

It is unlikely that the victim will have<br />

so far, or indeed ever, wish to tell<br />

anyone about the horrors she has<br />

recently endured – if she can even<br />

remember them herself<br />

particular club, while walking through<br />

the woods, while under 18,while still a<br />

virgin, at school, by a teacher, by a<br />

doctor…………… like we have a handy<br />

library of case studies sitting on<br />

shelves in boxes – waiting to be<br />

wheeled out and exploited for public<br />

consumption, judgement and<br />

comment.<br />

So – the answer is generally – no – no<br />

we don’t do that – we don’t do that<br />

because any individual who has<br />

recovered sufficiently from what<br />

happened to them to leave our service<br />

will only be retraumatised if we call<br />

them up and say “Hey –fancy reliving<br />

that hell you endured, with a<br />

journalist who wants a decent<br />

story? Anonymously of<br />

course……you'll be OK, you’ve had<br />

counselling<br />

Wood You Believe It

And if they are still in service, the<br />

impact could be even more traumatic –<br />

an abuse of trust, a loss of confidence,<br />

a loss of security and a feeling of utter<br />

despair and exploitation – so no – we<br />

don’t do that<br />

Remember – in the eyes of the law<br />

many “victims” are simply and remain<br />

“alleged victims” because they never<br />

report, police are never involved and<br />

there has never been a prosecution –<br />

so although we believe them and<br />

support them 100% - we (support<br />

services) are are unique in this<br />

approach. For many survivirs of<br />

interpersonal violence, we are the<br />

ONLY organisations who will support<br />

but no reputable, professional, safe<br />

support agency would ever ask their<br />

clients to take part in such.<br />

It employs harmful and damaging<br />

prejudices. It uses words of abuse –<br />

historic, alleged, potential victim,<br />

vulnerable, drunk……..the language of<br />

abuse – the language of blame – the<br />

language of retraumatisation with far<br />

reaching and potentially fatal effects.<br />

It can restart the cycle of personal<br />

blame – the endless rehashing of one’s<br />

personal experiences – the blame, the<br />

recovery – the self-doubt and the loss<br />

of trust in the sight of such blatant<br />

exploitation. It is exploitive.<br />

“ We don’t validate, we don’t ask for<br />

proof.We support ”<br />

unconditionally. We don’t VALIDATE,<br />

we don’t ask for proof, we don’t get<br />

references, seek information on<br />

previous partners or sexual adventures<br />

– we support that individual sitting in<br />

front of us – or at the end of the<br />

phone.<br />

Yes we conduct risk and needs<br />

assessments – as inconspicuously and<br />

professionally as possible. Yes we<br />

introduce safeguarding measures<br />

where so indicated and yes we ensure<br />

full and complete confidentiality at all<br />

times but we never have “alleged<br />

survivors”<br />

With so much in the media about child<br />

sexual abuse, rape, exploitation and<br />

trafficking, I guess it is only human<br />

nature to want to hear first-hand from<br />

those who have experienced it<br />

It is harmful and without full and<br />

compete – and often long-term care<br />

and support – can be life changing or<br />

life taking.<br />

There will always be a handful of<br />

survivors who want their voices to be<br />

heard – and we will always support<br />

them to be heard – but only after<br />

careful consideration and assessment.<br />

Ensuring they are in a good place<br />

mentally and physically and are going<br />

to be supported long after their story is<br />

heard – that they understand the<br />

potential harm they are invoking on<br />

themselves and that they are going to<br />

be helped to cope with the fallout and<br />

aftermath when the public, including<br />

past, present and future perpetrators<br />

get to have their say and comment<br />

Jo Wood Milking Time

The repercussions and impacts<br />

of such disclosures are huge and<br />

potentially damaging and this<br />

point is missed in the rush for a<br />

good story. Victims and<br />

survivors are not “for sale” they<br />

are not samples to be paraded<br />

for funding purposes – they are<br />

not case studies for public<br />

consumption.<br />

It has to stop.<br />


Need a question answered?<br />

Submit it to <strong>CCChat</strong> on:<br />

contact@coercivecontrol.co.uk<br />

with QUESTION in the subject<br />

heading and the question will be<br />

posted in the next issue of <strong>CCChat</strong><br />

for a reader to answer.<br />

<strong>CCChat</strong> -Raising Public Awareness<br />

and Bringing Professionals<br />

Together<br />

Most victim and survivor<br />

supporting organisations are<br />

staffed by qualified<br />

professionals who will happily<br />

give quotes and speak endlessly<br />

about the impacts and effects of<br />

interpersonal violence.<br />

Listen to them<br />

Get the reality in print but leave<br />

the victims and survivors to<br />

heal.<br />

Once they have healed, leave<br />

those wounds closed and stop<br />

picking at the edges in the<br />

hopes of some gory seepage that<br />

might just make the front page.<br />

Not for sale.<br />

Not now.<br />

Not ever.<br />

Jo Wood Milking Time

Charity Insider<br />

Suzy Lamplugh Trust<br />

S<br />

uzy<br />

Lamplugh Trust was founded in 1986 by Paul and Diana<br />

Lamplugh after their 25 year old daughter, Suzy, went missing<br />

while she was working as an estate agent.<br />

“Suzy Lamplugh Trust runs the<br />

National Stalking Helpline.”<br />

Since then, the charity has aimed to reduce the risk of violence and<br />

aggression through campaigning, education and support. The charity's<br />

vision is a society in which people are safer - and feel safer - from<br />

violence and aggression.<br />

Suzy Lamplugh Trust runs the National Stalking Helpline. The National<br />

Stalking Helpline exists to provide practical advice and information for<br />

victims of stalking and those supporting them. Since opening in 2010,<br />

the helpline has assisted over 22,000 individuals, including ongoing<br />

casework and advocacy work with a number of clients.<br />

The helpline's aim is to empower victims of stalking to explore all options<br />

available which can make them safer – including reporting to the Police,<br />

taking civil legal action, and personal safety planning to manage risk.<br />

Charity Insider

Suzy Lamplugh Trust /National Stalking Helpline

Suzy Lamplugh Trust receives<br />

funding to develop and test new<br />

interventions with stalking<br />

perpetrators<br />

S<br />

uzy<br />

Lamplugh Trust, which runs the National Stalking Helpline,<br />

has today announced that it has secured funding from the Police<br />

Transformation Fund,via the Mayor's Office for Policing And<br />

Crime (MOPAC), for a pioneering project working with<br />

perpetrators of stalking<br />

“Recent research has found that 55% of stalking<br />

perpetrators go on to reoffend, and 36% have a previous<br />

conviction for harassment. .”<br />

The initiative, which is the first of its kind worldwide, will aim to improve<br />

responses to stalking across the criminal justice system and the health sector<br />

through rehabilitative treatment for stalkers. Ultimately, it is hoped that<br />

working with perpetrators can help to make victims of stalking safer.<br />

Stalking is a devastating crime which is characterised by obsession and<br />

fixation, and commonly causes prolonged suffering for victims. On average,<br />

stalking lasts for six months to two years, with around a third of all cases<br />

involving physical violence.<br />

Recent research has found that 55% of stalking perpetrators go on to reoffend,<br />

and 36% have a previous conviction for harassment. However, the complex<br />

psychological issues associated with the crime often fail to be addressed<br />

within current criminal justice solutions.<br />

By contrast, the new intervention programmes will aim to gain a better<br />

understanding of any mental health problems associated with stalking. The<br />

countrywide pilots intend to use an integrated, multi-agency approach. The<br />

initiative will assess risk, gain understanding of psychological drivers, and<br />

encourage cessation and desistance of stalking behaviours.<br />

Suzy Lamplugh Trust

The project will see the UK's leading<br />

personal safety and stalking charity,<br />

Suzy Lamplugh Trust, develop and test<br />

perpetrator interventions in<br />

conjunction with partners including<br />

Cheshire Constabulary, Hampshire<br />

Constabulary, the Metropolitan Police<br />

Service, Barnet, Enfield and Haringey<br />

Mental Health Trust, Southern Health<br />

NHS Foundation Trust, and North<br />

West Boroughs Healthcare NHS<br />

Foundation Trust.<br />

Chief Executive of Suzy Lamplugh<br />

Trust, Rachel Griffin, said: "We're<br />

delighted to be awarded this grant by<br />

the Police Transformation Fund via<br />

MOPAC<br />

concerning behaviours are more likely<br />

to be prevented from escalating if they<br />

are recognised quickly. A continued,<br />

specialist focus on preventing harm<br />

and changing behaviour is necessary to<br />

keep stalking victims safe.<br />

It's fantastic to be at the forefront of<br />

this ground-breaking piece of work;<br />

our hope is that we can reduce the<br />

impact that stalking has on victims."<br />

Sarah Newton, Minister for Crime,<br />

Safeguarding and Vulnerability said: "I<br />

am pleased the Suzy Lamplugh Trust is<br />

taking forward this important work<br />

with the support of the Police<br />

Transformation Fund, which will help<br />

build our understanding of how best to<br />

Chief Executive of Suzy Lamplugh Trust, Rachel<br />

Griffin: "We're delighted to be awarded this grant "<br />

This funding will allow us to work in<br />

partnership with criminal justice and<br />

health professionals across the country<br />

to develop intervention programmes<br />

for perpetrators of stalking.<br />

At Suzy Lamplugh Trust, we are<br />

committed to protecting victims of<br />

stalking and, by working with<br />

perpetrators, we hope to reduce<br />

reoffending.<br />

Stalking is a crime of obsession which<br />

can have devastating and grave<br />

consequences for victims. This project<br />

aims to break the cycle of obsession,<br />

fixation and harm. Studies have shown<br />

that early intervention in stalking<br />

cases can reduce the risk to victims,<br />

and that<br />

address stalking behaviours. Stalking<br />

and harassment are devastating crimes<br />

which cause great distress to victims.<br />

That is why we have strengthened the<br />

law and are taking steps to introduce a<br />

new civil stalking protection order to<br />

protect victims at the earliest possible<br />

stage.<br />

Five years ago this Government<br />

created specific stalking offences to<br />

ensure those responsible facejustice,<br />

and through the Policing and Crime<br />

Act 2017 the maximum sentences for<br />

both stalking and harassment were<br />

raised from 5 to 10 years.<br />

We encourage police forces to continue<br />

their efforts to protect victims and<br />

pursue offenders.<br />

Suzy Lamplugh Trust

Exposing SCAs*<br />

*so called advocate<br />

Q<br />

uestion:<br />

When can someone who works<br />

with victims make the victim's situation<br />

worse?<br />

Answer: When the person in question is a<br />


Hardly a day goes by without some form of contact from a victim or survivor<br />

who discloses that the support they have received made their situation worse.<br />

In fact, that is probably the mildest response I have had. Many more talk<br />

about the advice given as being reckless, dangerous even. On more than one<br />

occasion I have heard of victims having to leave social media because of<br />

harassment and threats. Some have even become suicidal as a result. Threats<br />

of police action and legal action are common but also threats to disclose<br />

personal information, contact the perpetrator for 'verification', disclosure of<br />

address details. The list goes on.<br />

These aren't the common or garden variety of trolls that tap out bile for kicks.<br />

These are people who claim to be *professionals*. People who offer to help<br />

vulnerable people who are desperate and, unfortunately, ripe for exploitation<br />

by the unscrupulous. These are people who can only be described as lab rat<br />

scientists who experiment, who test out their dubious theories- all with the<br />

aim of gaining recognition as a * Leader In Their Field*.<br />

They use many tactics to snare the victim into utilising their services.<br />

A popular one is discrediting all the major support providers.<br />

Another one is by deliberately creating a situation of greater fear. The aim of<br />

this is to get the victim to panic, to not think straight, to see the so called<br />

advocate as their only hope. The only option to keep them protected, safe,<br />

supported. It creates a codependancy on the so called advocate.<br />

However you look at it, this kind of *help* is dangerous not just to the<br />

individuals they come across but also to the sector.<br />

It's not enough to ignore and hope they will go away. We need to talk about it.<br />


The Lived Experience<br />

"It's only stalking if he says it is."<br />

B<br />

ut<br />

did he hurt you?” the voice on the phone<br />

asked. After several minutes of trying to<br />

explain I was ready to put the phone down.<br />

It was so painful having to fight to be heard, to educate in order to receive help, to<br />

be told that the police cannot help unless I was physically hurt of threatened.<br />

Coming out of a thirteen year marriage with a man, father of my children, who<br />

repeatedly lied, stole, manipulated, has been the most exhausting, and testing time<br />

of my life. Every charity, every person placed in organisations to protect me,<br />

needing me to also teach them as to why I was scared.<br />

My son was ill a few months back, immediate medics were sent out, hospital visits<br />

followed. Weeks and months of worry. His father did not ask to see him or support<br />

him. Did not call. Instead he concentrated on his needs, his financial status, his<br />

need to cut down his maintenance. Until I noticed another pattern, what appeared<br />

to be a new pattern in February.<br />

Looking through bank statements to clarify financial matters, I found he was in the<br />

shops at the bottom of my road regularly in November, and in December. Then<br />

increasing in January to February, till he was at the carry out takeaway near my<br />

house most nights. He mailed to tell me how important I still was to him, how much<br />

I meant to him. He works long city hours, eats at work, and drinks heavily at the<br />

highest profile places in London. Why come and get chips from the place near me<br />

after a night out?<br />

Walking out of my local library I saw a familiar figure walking away from my road.<br />

As the figure drew closer I saw my ex, look away from me, angry, then look back<br />

smiling, reconciliatory …… “I wasn’t doing anything”. What else can be said to that<br />

with a child present? Someone who always worked long hours, never took time off<br />

to help, was standing in front of me in his suit after not turning up to see the<br />

children the day before. I ran home feeling my chest tightening, and rang my case<br />

worker, in tears.<br />

She failed to understand why I was so upset. “Did he threaten the children?” No.<br />

“Well remember their also his children, and if he is paying maintenance you have no<br />

right to stop him being near you or even in the house. Start earning your own money<br />

or divorce him”.<br />

An audible sigh of irritation on the other side of the phone.<br />

Total erasure of my experiences.<br />

The Lived Experience

"Think of the children, do you<br />

really want them to go through<br />

this with you?”.<br />

The words stung and went against<br />

everything I had read about charities ,<br />

or support workers. I started keeping<br />

the blinds closed during the day,<br />

asking friends to look out for his car. If<br />

I go out in the evening, which is rare, I<br />

have people go with me on both<br />

journeys, watch the kids, and provide<br />

back-up should there be an emergency.<br />

This man has stolen my post, did not<br />

allow me to attend medical<br />

appointments, had sex with me when I<br />

slept, refused to use contraception,<br />

strangled me in bed, and had my<br />

computer tapped.<br />

The responses I get are:<br />

“he is gone now though, he cannot hurt<br />

you”<br />

“did you fight back, did you tell him it<br />

was not something he was supposed to<br />

do”<br />

and “Think of the children, do you<br />

really want them to go through this<br />

with you?”.<br />

Yet at night when I hear footsteps<br />

outside the house, a cold vice gripping<br />

my spine, the familiar chilled lava<br />

seeps through my body. I hold my<br />

breath as my brain races to the<br />

children, passports, and emergency<br />

cash . It will be ok.<br />

He does not live here anymore.<br />

What do you<br />

think of the<br />

magazine<br />

version of<br />

<strong>CCChat</strong>?<br />

Let us know!<br />

The Lived Experience

The Lived Experience:<br />

Bad Practice<br />

“ I needed to feel believed, and I<br />

needed to feel safe”<br />

I'm grateful to have had a fabulous<br />

career in domestic violence and abuse<br />

and I am also a survivor. So when I<br />

needed help and support for rape, I<br />

expected to find the same level of<br />

trauma informed service that I provide<br />

for others. I needed to feel believed,<br />

and I needed to feel safe in their<br />

specialist knowledge and support.<br />

What I actually encountered was<br />

deeply worrying. Upon reporting, I was<br />

told that I should have used a 'safe<br />

word', not just by one individual, but<br />

two, from different types of<br />

organisations.<br />

I found and still find this comment to<br />

be a re-victimising and re-traumatising<br />

statement. Specifically, this is victim<br />

blaming at its ugliest.<br />

I then looked into the different<br />

practice models that are approved by<br />

Rape Crisis.<br />

and although my nearest centre was an<br />

86 mile round trip out of county, I was<br />

grateful to have found the<br />

Empowerment Model and in my<br />

humble opinion, Best Practice, as all of<br />

my professional and personal values<br />

were held within this model.<br />

(*Survivors: It's worth noting here,<br />

that if you cannot engage with an<br />

individual or organisations practice,<br />

you are entitled to seek support with<br />

another practitioner elsewhere).<br />

Although I had made a Police<br />

statement, I have been unable to<br />

progress with the ABE (Achieving Best<br />

Evidence) video, a recorded statement<br />

the police take. The irony does not<br />

escape me that the statement cut<br />

deeper than the rape but fortunately,<br />

there's hope as there is no time limit in<br />

bringing the perpetrator to justice<br />

Bad Practice

“Untrained practitioners are<br />

dangerous.”<br />

I have experienced and found that the<br />

unconscionable conduct of some<br />

individuals in the DV & VAW sector -<br />

that I personally hold sacrosanct -<br />

have far reaching consequences, not<br />

only for the individual, but for the<br />

wider community of victims and<br />

survivors they allege to support; for<br />

the police and Criminal Justice<br />

System.<br />

Ultimately, it's accountability of the<br />

perpetrator and justice and health and<br />

wellbeing for the survivor. Analysing<br />

the impact of this experience<br />

highlights several issues for victims,<br />

survivors and the 3rd Sector. This type<br />

of poor practice model needs bringing<br />

to cessation.Untrained practitioners<br />

are dangerous.<br />

Increase funding for longer<br />

counselling sessions or community<br />

therapeutic options and mandatory<br />

trauma training for all practitioners.<br />

It's not good enough that these<br />

individuals and organisations go<br />

unchecked and are not held<br />

accountable. Professionally and<br />

personally, Best Practice is where it's<br />

at for survivors in the DVSA sector and<br />

when an organisation supports a<br />

model that mentally and physically<br />

abuses a survivor, questions need to be<br />

asked.<br />

How do we hold these individuals to<br />

account? To whom? How can we<br />

implement Best Practice Models<br />

nationwide?<br />

The ramifications of not<br />

addressing these issues will<br />

have safeguarding and<br />

economic consequences.<br />

Note:<br />

Because there is an open<br />

joint constabulary to<br />

remain anonymous.<br />

investigation, the writer<br />

Bad Practice

The Lived Experience:<br />

False Allegations-<br />

The Other Side of Injustice.<br />

“It is a system that is, quite literally, set up to try us.”<br />

Women are often ostracised for<br />

suggesting that men commit rape<br />

against women at an alarming rate.<br />

Another issue that is linked concerns<br />

false rape accusations.<br />

If anyone has spoken out or reported<br />

rape or sexual violence , you will know<br />

how draining and emotionally taxing it<br />

can be. The reporting process is brutal<br />

whether male or female but<br />

accusations of false allegations tend to<br />

be directed at women.<br />

Sometimes, the procedures and<br />

repetative, questioning nature of<br />

reporting can result in impacting<br />

emotional health and wellbeing. It is a<br />

system that is, quite literally, set up to<br />

try us.<br />

I attempted to report several times and<br />

each time my mental health was badly<br />

affected, the worry of not being<br />

believed didn't help.<br />

"I could sign a declaration stating I had<br />

given a false statement "<br />

I soon realised that it was a mistake.<br />

The thought of that report always being<br />

on file connected to my name. I felt that<br />

it would always follow me and define<br />

me and what happened to me would<br />

always be used against me and I was<br />

desperate to have all connection to it,<br />

removed.<br />

I was no longer in control of it and I<br />

wanted it gone.<br />

I spoke to police about dropping the<br />

complaint and having it removed<br />

completely, they informed me this<br />

wasn't possible. They informed me I<br />

either had to sign another declaration<br />

stating I was being intimidated to drop<br />

charges, which would make the<br />

investigation more intense or I could<br />

sign a declaration stating I had given<br />

a false statement which would lead to<br />

prosecution.<br />

The Lived Experience

I was desperate and felt trapped. My<br />

mental health prevented me from<br />

continuing so the investigation<br />

continued until I could take it no more.<br />

Not surprisingly it was NFAd-no<br />

further action - and I haveto live not<br />

only with the connection to what<br />

happened to me but the knowledge<br />

that the file will remain accessible to<br />

police whenever they wish to question<br />

me again.<br />

There are many in similar situations,<br />

with similar feelings who have signed<br />

that decaration to say they have given<br />

a false statement which has led to<br />

prosecution or a huge back lash.<br />

She, like many other victims, needed<br />

trauma therapy not to be accused of<br />

making it up.<br />

There are women who manage.to get<br />

their rapist convicted but still, even<br />

after conviction they are often accused<br />

of lying.<br />

Knowing,even after trial,the victim<br />

could still face accusations of false<br />

allegations or be further interrogated<br />

is only one of many reasons why<br />

women do not want to report.<br />

It is a system that traps us.<br />

“I was no longer in control of it and I wanted it gone. ”<br />

There are many reasons why a victim<br />

withdraws: Not wanting anything to do<br />

with the process, feeling overwhelmed,<br />

force/coercion to make the police<br />

report, Lack of adequate information<br />

prior to making a statement,<br />

misleading information of the process,<br />

wanting to forget it happened and<br />

many other varients for agreeing to<br />

sign the declaration that a false<br />

allegation was made.<br />

I knew a woman with moderate<br />

learning difficulties who relived her<br />

rape every day like ground hog day,<br />

where each day she would report the<br />

rape as a new rape.<br />

Each time she was told she was lying<br />

which only fuelled the trauma she was<br />

experiencing,<br />

There ARE women who make false<br />

allegations and the reasons are not<br />

always straightforward. These<br />

situations need to be looked at<br />

properly and dealt with appropriately.<br />

Prison is not always the answer. There<br />

are many reasons behind what appears<br />

to be a false allegation and the intense<br />

reaction from the media and the<br />

baying for blood from certain groups<br />

does nothing to help identify ACTUAL<br />

allegations of falsehood.<br />

Anyone who cheers when a woman is<br />

accused of false reporting and accuses<br />

a female rape victim of having lied<br />

when her rapist has been convicted<br />

needs to take a long hard look at their<br />

motives and biases.<br />

The Lived Experience

Rapists walk free all the time. Many<br />

because the victim will not report,<br />

others because there has not been<br />

enough evidence for either the CPS to<br />

take it on or because the high<br />

threshold of 'beyond reasonable doubt'<br />

has not been reached.<br />

The conviction rate for rapists who<br />

have been reported is less than 10%<br />

but there are those who would prefer<br />

to focus on the ones that get convicted<br />

once they have been charged.<br />

The notion that because one woman is<br />

accused of lying, all women must be<br />

lying - this is a thought process which<br />

directly benefits violent men.<br />

Men also make false accusations,<br />

I find it interesting there are no<br />

statistics for this.<br />

“Anyone who cheers when a woman is accused of false<br />

reporting and accuses a female rape victim when she .”<br />

It is still easier for many to believe it is<br />

better for a woman who has been<br />

raped to suffer the injustice of not<br />

having the perpetrator incarcerated<br />

than to think of an innocent man<br />

behind bars.<br />

But what if this was<br />

Your daughter?<br />

Your mother?<br />

Your sister?<br />

Your girlfriend?<br />

Would you still feel the same<br />

way?<br />

Think about it.<br />


"It ain't what you do, it's the<br />

way that you do it"<br />

With reference to the above<br />

statement, how does this relate to<br />

a person who advocates, supports<br />

or raises awareness of abuse?<br />

Is the message all that matters or<br />

is the way it is conveyed<br />

important also?<br />

Please send responses to<br />

contact@coercivecontrol.co.uk<br />

using Discussion Point in the<br />

subject heading. Results will be<br />

published in October's <strong>CCChat</strong>.<br />

The Lived Experience/ Discussion Point

VAWG Conference<br />

Isle of Wight 22nd Nov 2017<br />

Tickets from EventBrite<br />

Isle of Wight Conference

Risk<br />

Paranoia<br />

Risk Paranoia



A number of people have contacted me<br />

recently with accounts of so called<br />

*professionals* in the sector who have<br />

given poor, if not dangerous, advice.<br />

This is of huge concern ( see the article<br />

on Bad Practice) and is something I<br />

would briefly like to touch on here. A<br />

more comprehensive piece will be<br />

posted in next month's <strong>CCChat</strong> but for<br />

now:<br />

I have heard, on more than one<br />

occasion, of SCAs ( so called<br />

advocates) having such a negative<br />

effect on victims and survivors that<br />

they have had to come off social media<br />

or have even contemplated suicide.<br />

Much of this has been as a result of<br />

bullying and threats that have put a<br />

victim in fear, increased anxiety and<br />

effectively silenced them from<br />

speaking out.<br />

In certain cases the SCA had personal<br />

information they hold on the victim<br />

and insinuated this would be put in the<br />

public domain or made available to the<br />

perpetrator. This is not all.<br />

I am aware of SCAs who create panic<br />

in a victim or survivor, informing them<br />

that established support services will<br />

fail them, that only they can keep a<br />

victim safe thereby creating a<br />

codependency on the SCA. This will be<br />

explored in greater depth in the next<br />

issue of <strong>CCChat</strong>.<br />

Risk Paranoia

<strong>CCChat</strong> Goes Live!<br />

T<br />

he<br />

first Coercive Control<br />

Discussion Group will take place<br />

in a town centre location in Bury<br />

St Edmunds.<br />

Make the Invisible Visible<br />

This discussion group will meet periodically ( frequency dependant on<br />

participants wishes and availability) and is open to frontline professions and<br />

any one working with people who may be affected by coercive control.<br />

The group will look at the recognition of coercive control, how it is being<br />

viewed and is an ideal opportunity for practioners to share experiences in<br />

order to gain greater understanding.<br />

The group is suitable for:<br />

Police Officers<br />

Lawyers<br />

Court Staff<br />

Social Workers<br />

Cafcass<br />

Teachers<br />

Safeguarding<br />

Paramedics<br />

Emergency Room Staff<br />

Probation Officers<br />

Victim Support<br />

It is not a DV forum, it is a group for interested individuals to learn and share.<br />

Anyone wishing to apply to the group will need to apply by email to<br />

contact@coercivecontrol.co.uk<br />

Further details coming soon.<br />

<strong>CCChat</strong> Discussion Group

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