Brahamaputra Basin

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<strong>Brahamaputra</strong> <strong>Basin</strong><br />

6. Water quality<br />

6.1 Surface water quality observations<br />

Surface water has played an important role in the development of human civilization. Good water<br />

quality resources depends on a large number of physio-chemical parameters and the magnitude and<br />

source of any pollution load; and to assess that, monitoring of these parameters is essential.<br />

Brahmaputra and its tributaries are one of the main and important sources of water for a large<br />

population in basin for drinking and irrigation and its quality directly affects their lives. Central Water<br />

Commission operates 72 stations which carry out observations for testing the surface water quality<br />

of 68 water quality parameters which are considered to be the “Standard Hydrology Project Water<br />

Quality Parameters” in the Brahmaputra basin.<br />

Other organisation like Brahmaputra Board and the State Pollution Control Boards of Assam,<br />

Nagaland and Sikkim at 68 locations are also doing the water quality monitoring of the River<br />

Brahmaputra and it’s several tributaries in the basin (Source: STATUS OF WATER QUALITY IN INDIA<br />

2009, CPCB).<br />

All physical, chemical and biological water quality parameters are categorized further under sub<br />

categories like field determinations, nutrients, organic matter, alkalinity, hardness, other inorganics,<br />

major ions, coliforms and others. When compared to the other major rivers in India, the<br />

Brahmaputra is less polluted but it has it is also facing problem of water pollution due to petroleum<br />

refining units draining most of the industrial pollution load into the river along with other medium<br />

and small industries. The problem is severe in Dibrugarh. Increasing trend in BOD level of<br />

Brahmaputra river has been noticed when compared against 9.2 mg/l in 2011 and 6.3 mg/l in 2010<br />

(Sourcs: CPCB website, Central Pollution Control Board Programme Projects Water Quality Pollution<br />

NWMP).<br />

The major ion chemistry of the Brahmaputra is characterized by high bi-carbonate content and<br />

source rock influence. While higher values of TSM than TDS during monsoon indicate predominance<br />

of physical weathering over chemical weathering, chemical weathering is relatively more<br />

pronounced during the dry season. On average, 60 % of the bi-carbonates in the Brahmaputra water<br />

come from silicate weathering and the rest from the carbonates.<br />

Surface suspended sediments range from fine sand to clay,the size fraction greater than 12µm<br />

constitute a large number. Surface suspended sediments are moderately to poorly sorted with<br />

greater amounts of finer material in the distribution, particulalryduring the rainy season. The detrital<br />

contribution in the from of Quartz, Feldspar and Mica make up more than 80% of the mineralogy.<br />

Chlorite, Illite, and Kaolinite constitue about 95 % of the clay minerals. Suspended sediments play a<br />

significant role on the overall solute and sediment bio-geochemistry of the river.<br />

It has been also observed that river water of the basin is generally alkaline with comparatively high<br />

bicarbonate, sulphate and dissolved silica concentration. Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical<br />

Oxygen Demand (BOD), Fecal Coliform and turbidity are observed to be the common violating<br />

parameters for most of the rivers of the basin. The higher values of TSM than TDS during monsoon<br />

season also indicate predominance of physical weathering over chemical weathering in the<br />

Brahmaputra River. The un-treated sewage waste and effluents of major towns situated along the<br />

river also getting inside the main stream of river and degrading its quality for use in irrigation and<br />

drinking purposes.<br />

www.india-wris.nrsc.gov.in 56

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