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tHE quest<br />

Barney heads off to Shropshire to try<br />

to answer a question which has been<br />

bugging him – why are there so many<br />

good riders from such a quiet county?<br />


Quests are nebulous things. The definition is suitably vague<br />

– “the search for something”, but it’s fair to say that journeys<br />

are involved. An uncovering. And perhaps, if you’re very<br />

lucky, a big reveal. I’d not go so far as to require an epiphany,<br />

but something hiding in plain sight that suddenly becomes<br />

obvious? That’ll do nicely. I fancied a good quest. I fancied<br />

sallying forth to uncover some age-old secret or two. Perhaps<br />

I could amass a motley crew of latter-day knights with whom<br />

I could gallivant around the countryside, righting wrongs<br />

and rescuing people from peril? Or, perhaps it might be more<br />

accurate to replace the word ‘people’ with ‘beer’. And the<br />

word ‘peril’ with ‘fridges’.<br />

It had long niggled me that I knew so little of Shropshire.<br />

I’d ridden the Long Mynd, sure – and a wonderful thing it<br />

is too – but I’d always skirted over the county’s other charms<br />

en route to more conspicuous trails in either North or South<br />

Wales. But gradually it dawned on me that Shropshire seemed<br />

to be rather over-blessed with good riders. Very, very good<br />

riders. People like Helen Mortimer, Marc Beaumont, Neil<br />

Donoghue, Andrew Titley, Neil Halcrow – and there are<br />

plenty more.<br />

This seems odd, considering it’s not blessed with huge<br />

mountains or an overabundance of people – in fact, it’s one<br />

of the least populous counties in England. So what is it about<br />

Shropshire that breeds competence on a mountain bike? A<br />

need to investigate rammed its way into my brain like an<br />

overlarge pimento into a particularly dense olive. A quest!<br />


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