

TRAIL HUNTER EXPLORES THOSE MUST-DO RIDES THAT SHOULD BE ON EVERY BRITISH MOUNTAIN BIKER’S BUCKET LIST. SNOWDON: THE PRINCE OF WALES Tom Fenton explores one of the ultimate must-do locations in British mountain biking. That highest, pointiest bit of Wales – Mount Snowdon. WORDS TOM FENTON PHOTOGRAPHY ANDY HEADING Apparently, an elephant never forgets. And goldfish have three-second memories. But did you know that tortoises have turtle recall? [Ba-doom-tish! Pun Ed] When it comes to bike magazines, people are more like elephants than goldfish. We remember every article ever written and constantly accuse magazines of rehashing articles. But is that fair? Do writers have goldfish memories and a lack of imagination? Or is it that there are limited places to ride and relatively limited things to do on bikes? But where, I hear you ask, is this leading? Well, North Wales, if you must know, to write about one of the most ‘articled’ rides there is. 26




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