
Life after the changeover. No one ever thought i would get this bad, it did. Everything started 2 nights ago. I need someone to talk to, someone who knows how I feel. Please help me. I don't know what I've done to deserve this.

Life after the changeover. No one ever thought i would get this bad, it did. Everything started 2 nights ago. I need someone to talk to, someone who knows how I feel. Please help me. I don't know what I've done to deserve this.


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<strong>Deformed</strong><br />

Written and Produced by Noah Brinsden

04/06/84<br />

I’ve decided to start writing to you because I’ve been feeling down<br />

lately, you’re not just a diary but you’re a friend. I think I’ll call you<br />

Lizzy, that suits you, anyway, I’m 13 years old and I want to talk to<br />

you about something. The other day it started, I had my first<br />

reminiscence, it’s not something that’s supposed to happen and<br />

I’m annoyed that it happened to me, it’s only one in six thousand<br />

that get reminiscences.

Seeing as you’re not conscious, you<br />

what a reminiscence is, they are<br />

government hate, they<br />

have them are<br />

The ones that<br />

brainwashed. I<br />

for me soon and<br />

be relentless,<br />

until they have<br />

probably won’t know<br />

flashbacks that the<br />

think that us people that<br />

creations of the devil.<br />

couldn’t be<br />

know they’ll be here<br />

I know that they’ll<br />

they won’t stop<br />

me.<br />

I’m scared.

07/06/84<br />

Hi Lizzy, today is the first day back at school, my friend Zoe is coming to pick me up at 8:40. I’m excited to<br />

see how people have changed over the last few weeks, I’m expecting some people to be unrecognizable,<br />

well, that’s what happened last year, I didn’t even realize that my friend, Ella was in the same class as me<br />

because she looked completely different.<br />

I’ll catch up with you this afternoon and tell you all about my day! Bye!

Today was a, well, it was an interesting<br />

day to say the least, Josh has absorbed<br />

his third leg in the last 4 years but to<br />

counter that he has grown another ear<br />

on his arm. I bet his hearing must be<br />

exceptional now! Arthur and Perry are<br />

both shrinking after eating some<br />

mangoes sold at the local supermarket,<br />

but it’ll wear off soon. My head started<br />

to hurt at about three forty-five in the<br />

afternoon so I’ll be expecting another<br />

recurrence tonight. I’ll update you<br />

sometime soon.<br />

Love Abby!

08/06/84<br />

Lizzy, last night I saw something. Everyone was buzzing with joy, they all<br />

had bodies with 4 limbs and a head placed on top of a neck, I know<br />

that they were from the past because I’ve seen pictures of people from<br />

the past in my ‘dark history’ books at school.

I witnessed people having a meal together at the park, it was a gathering of some<br />

sort, nothing like what we have here. After seeing the such a large family all eating<br />

together and two boys throwing a ball through the air, a word just burst into my<br />

head ‘picnic’. I’ve never heard a word that sounds or is spelt like that. It’s bothering<br />

me because I don’t know what it means, is that what the gathering that the family<br />

was having called? I’m gonna go to sleep now, my head hurts and maybe a rest will<br />

help. Good-bye.<br />


11/06/84<br />

Hey Lizzy, I woke up this morning and I was in a room, metal all over<br />

with only one thing, you. So far, there has been no sign of anyone, no<br />

click-clacks of footsteps and no murmurs from outside the shiny, steel<br />

door. By the way, I’ve tried to open the door, I’m not that stupid.

While I’m waiting, I’ll explain the recurrences I’ve had over the last few days.<br />

Recurrence 1; The sun was rising above a large body of water, it seemed endless<br />

and was the deepest blue I’ve ever seen, the suns rays glistened off the water and<br />

reflected colours of bright pink, orange and purple. The sky was ablaze like a fire, a<br />

rainbow of colours that stood still in time, the beauty mesmerized me, I wish I<br />

could’ve stayed longer but no. Only two words came to me during this occurrence,<br />

sunset and ocean. The words feel like a foreign language to me but at the same<br />

time I feel as if I’ve known them all my life.


Recurrence 2; There was a cluster of dark, ominous, and gloomy clouds<br />

that blew in from the ocean, along with hem they brought a liquid<br />

substance, it was the freshest thing that I’ve ever tasted as the droplets<br />

flew into my mouth from above. Rain. A flash of lit up the sky in a blaze<br />

of glory. The sound that came seconds after rattled in my brain for<br />

what felt like forever, you could not see it but the beauty of it all<br />

overwhelmed me. Lightning. Thunder. Storm. I really hope that one day<br />

you’ll be able to witness these Lizzy, they are a creation that should<br />

never have been taken away from our ‘perfect’ world.

Lightning<br />

Thunder<br />


Recurrence 3; this is what scares me most Lizzy, this one was the most vivid, bright<br />

colours raided my mind along with a woman dressed in blue, she wore a hat,<br />

almost like a chefs hat but smaller, it had a red cross on it. She rushed in with a<br />

table, it was rolling on wheels and she looked terrified, there was a body on the<br />

table, wrapped in a toilet paper like material to hide his or her wounds. What I saw<br />

next horrified me, I contemplated whether I should really tell you this but I decided<br />

I would because I promised to confess everything in you.

She lifted the material off of her body. The<br />

body had no face. No eyes. A distorted<br />

nose and a broken mouth. Nothing. The<br />

body was featureless, it had six extra limbs,<br />

four legs growing at an abnormal rate, they<br />

didn’t even stop though, they kept on<br />

growing, they flopped off the bed and<br />

became still. The nurse quickly checked the<br />

body’s pulse, nothing.

No-one should ever have to witness something as gruesome as that, it must’ve<br />

happened once because it was so vivid, like a memory. I’ll just keep on waiting and<br />

crying. Lizzy, I’m scared. What’s happening to me?

13/06/84<br />

Hi Lizzy, every time I wake up there’s a loaf of wholemeal bread. I have<br />

that much to eat each day, nothing more, nothing less. There’s still no<br />

sign… They’re outside. They’re talking. They’re men, one of them said<br />

‘she’s ready’. What does that mean? Lizzy, thank you for being here.<br />

You’re the only one that I’ve ever been able to really connect with.

I love you.

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