DAILY DEVOTIONAL TO ENCOURAGE AND EMPOWER YOU EACH DAY OF YOUR LIFE. You will be lifted up spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally! Don't miss a single day without reading THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ENCOURAGER!! It's all about our daily devotion and commitment to GOD and His WORD!! Stay connected to your power source... JESUS!!

DAILY DEVOTIONAL TO ENCOURAGE AND EMPOWER YOU EACH DAY OF YOUR LIFE. You will be lifted up spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally! Don't miss a single day without reading THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ENCOURAGER!! It's all about our daily devotion and commitment to GOD and His WORD!! Stay connected to your power source... JESUS!!


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P E A C E P R E C I O U S O N E<br />

S E P T E M B E R D E V O T I O N A L<br />

GOD is our Refuge and<br />


Dear PreciousOne,<br />

Do you ever nd that you have so much on your to do list that you<br />

don t even know what to do next? The question is, is all of that<br />

really necessary? Scripture says there is only one thing needed in<br />

life and that is to sit at the feet of Jesus. When we sit in His<br />

presence, we get to know Him. We hear His voice and He shows us<br />

the way that we should go. When we don t take time for Him, that s<br />

when we feel the cares and worries of the world.<br />

My dear friend, you will not lose out when you take time to sit<br />

down and listen to Gods Word. Even your health and well-being<br />

will be blessed. (Proverbs 4:22) So take time today to meditate on<br />

His Word. It will make your way prosperous (Joshua 1:8 9), and<br />

give you divine health and good success! Someone said; The<br />

gospel brings man to God; devotions keep him close to God.<br />

May you accomplish great things for Gods glory and honor in the<br />

month of <strong>SEPTEMBER</strong> and the rest of the months in 2017. You will<br />

shine brighter for Christ. You will be strong and be immovable<br />

and bold in the midst of any adversity the devil brings.<br />

I encourage you to dive into this months issue of <strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong><br />

<strong>ENCOURAGER</strong> DEVOTIONAL. Feed your spirit on the spiritual<br />

truths and insight each day as you read and meditate on Gods<br />

WORD. Don t miss a single page! And be sure to share the<br />

Devotional with your friends and family. It is my prayer that you<br />

will reach your fullest potential in Christ as you seek Him daily.<br />

Peace PreciousOne

ay you accomplish<br />

Mgreat things for<br />

God’s glory and<br />

h o n o r i n t h e m o n t h o f<br />

<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong> and the rest of<br />

2017. You will shine brighter for<br />

Christ. You will be strong and be<br />

immovable and bold in the midst<br />

of any adversity the devil brings.<br />

In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!!

<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong><br />

September 1<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name. Praise the<br />

LORD, my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all your sins and heals all<br />

your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and<br />

compassion”<br />

Psalm 103:1-4<br />

<strong>THE</strong> REWARDS OF PRAISE!<br />

Anytime I m feeling down, turning my heart to praise God has been one<br />

of the most upli ing things I can do. When I am able to turn my<br />

thoughts from my problems to the high praises of the God I love, it<br />

seems I am able to get get things into perspective .<br />

When you praise and worship the Lord, you will experience victory in<br />

your battles. God inhabits the praises of His people. When you praise<br />

and worship Him, His presence will descend and be with you, and ll<br />

every situation that you are facing; then you will experience victory.<br />

When you praise and worship the Lord in times of battle, the Lord will<br />

cause confusion in the camp of the enemy and make them destroy<br />

themselves. The Lord will grant us a glorious victory.<br />

When you praise and worship the Lord, you will experience a<br />

breakthrough in your live and the hindrances to your blessings will be<br />

removed.<br />

No matter what you may be facing today, forget not His bene ts! God<br />

wants to satisfy you with good things. If you need healing today, healing<br />

is a bene t. If you ve made mistakes in your life, forgiveness is a bene t.<br />

If you feel tired and overwhelmed, strength is a bene t. As you turn<br />

your thoughts toward the Father today, He will ll you with His peace<br />

and strengthen you to live as an overcomer in every area of your life<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Dear Lord, thank You for<br />

Yo u r b l e s s i n g s a n d<br />

bene<br />

ts in my life. I<br />

choose to focus on Your<br />

goodness and believe You<br />

have so much more in<br />

store for me. I honor You<br />

today in all that I do in<br />

Jesus name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 2<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good<br />

thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.”<br />

Psalm 84:11<br />

<strong>THE</strong> FAVOUR OF GOD IS YOURS!<br />

Favour is a part of your inheritance! You don t have to beg God for it; as a<br />

believer in Jesus, you are in covenant with Him. That means that<br />

everything He has is yours!<br />

The way you tap into that favor, or activate it, is by thanking Him for it.<br />

Say, Father, thank You for Your favour today. Thank You that Your<br />

favour is causing me to be at the right place at the right time. Thank You<br />

that Your favor is causing people to want to be good to me. See, you<br />

don t have to pray about something that you already have, just receive it<br />

by thanking Him.<br />

Is there someone or something else you ve been relying on for<br />

protection or direction? Why don t you let go of whatever you ve been<br />

leaning on and choose to lean of God. Open your heart and trust that He<br />

has great things for your future. Receive His favor, blessing and<br />

protection today because He is your sun and shield!<br />

Believing in God and trusting Him is easy when everything is going<br />

well, but to truly declare God's goodness even when trials and confusion<br />

surround you is really trusting God. He wants you to grow, mature, and<br />

learn from so many different situations.<br />

Today, activate His promises by faith. Praise and thank Him for His<br />

goodness and for blessing your life. Receive His Word as truth and hold<br />

it in your heart because He has already given His favour and blessing to<br />

you!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly Father, thank<br />

You for loving me and<br />

choosing to pour out Your<br />

favor and blessing on me<br />

today. Thank You for<br />

g i v i n g m e a n e w<br />

beginning and making me<br />

blameless in Your eyes.<br />

Search my heart today and<br />

s h o w m e i f t h e r e i s<br />

anything that would keep<br />

me from You today. In<br />

Jesus Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong><br />

September 3<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“And if you faithfully obey the voice of the LORD your God, being careful to do all his<br />

commandments that I command you today, the LORD your God will set you high above<br />

all the nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake<br />

you, if you obey the voice of the LORD your God.”<br />

Deuteronomy 28: 1-2<br />


I know many of us have prayed for things and now we are waiting for the<br />

answer. You ve been praying for that son or daughter, that loved one to<br />

come in. Have you been going to God for a miracle? Have you been<br />

tithing, wondering when God was going to open up the window in<br />

heaven that he talks about in Malachi and begin to POUR out the<br />

blessings that you can not contain? I ve got a word for you today. IT S<br />

COMING!<br />

Shout to God with a voice of triumph right now, it s coming.<br />

I came to encourage you, edify you and build you up today!. This word is<br />

for you. It s from God and He wants to bless you with it right now. Get<br />

excited about it NOW! You can t hear me. I m talking to the one who is<br />

reading this Daily Encourager Devotional right now.<br />

It doesn t matter how long you ve prayed for it, cried over, and fasted<br />

about it and spoken to God about it. The Lord says to you, it s coming.<br />

Delay is not denial. Gods way is not your way. His time isn t your time.<br />

His thoughts are above our thoughts. Don t try to gure it out. Just<br />

believe it. It s coming. Shout it out. It s coming!<br />

Your Miracle is on the way. It s Coming!<br />

In Mark 5:21-24, Jesus had to stop along the way to raise Jairus' daughter<br />

from the dead and a sick woman. Your miracle is in route. Your<br />

Blessings are on the way. It s Coming!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, today I bless and<br />

li You up because You are<br />

worthy. I dedicate myself<br />

to You afresh and anew.<br />

Keep me close to You and<br />

h e l p m e s e e Y o u r<br />

goodness as I obey Your<br />

Word and honor You in all<br />

that I do. I open my heart<br />

and mind to You right<br />

now. Fill me with Your<br />

goodness and overtake<br />

me with Your blessings. I<br />

invite You to use me to be a<br />

blessing to others in Jesus<br />

name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 4<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you<br />

apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations”<br />

Jeremiah 1:5<br />


You are not an accident. Your birth was no mistake or mishap, and<br />

your life is no uke of nature. Your parents may not have planned you,<br />

but God did. He was not at all surprised by your birth. In fact, he<br />

expected it.<br />

God told Jeremiah He knew him before I formed you in your mother's<br />

womb. Notice that God selected him and had an assignment for him<br />

before he ever got there. God was saying in effect, Jeremiah, you didn't<br />

just start when your mother gave birth to you. Before you were in her<br />

womb, you were with Me. In other words, my past didn't start with my<br />

family; it started with my God. And I didn't come from my mother. Of<br />

course I love and respect my mother, but I didn't come from her; I came<br />

through her. I came from Almighty God. He gave me life. He gave me<br />

breath.<br />

God has chosen you and appointed you to do great things in this life. He<br />

has set you apart for a unique purpose. You can have con dence today,<br />

knowing whose you are and that you're destined for great things. In<br />

Gods eyes, there is no such thing as being illegitimate.<br />

Remember, He knew you before you were ever born! Find con dence in<br />

His love knowing that you are a person of destiny, and you are part of<br />

His mighty plan!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

choosing me before I was<br />

ever born. Thank You for<br />

k n o w i n g m e a n d<br />

revealing Yourself to me. I<br />

trust that You are working<br />

in my life today, even<br />

when I can't see it. I stand<br />

in faith knowing that You<br />

have a mighty plan for me<br />

in Jesus' name. Amen.<br />


<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong><br />

September 5<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”<br />

Proverbs 4:23<br />


Be careful what you allow into your heart and mind. Your heart's<br />

condition depends on the things you allow into your heart. These things<br />

form your thoughts and attitudes, and ultimately, shape the deepest<br />

part of your being. No matter what your circumstances are, if your<br />

heart is right, you're going to be okay. But if wrong things in our hearts<br />

go unattended, they will become deeply rooted and harder to deal with.<br />

The quicker you can detect a wrong heart condition and get it<br />

straightened out, the better off you are.<br />

I'm convinced the enemy is constantly trying to poison our hearts. He is<br />

constantly trying to give us a little bitterness, a little resentment, a little<br />

jealousy, a little pride. But don't take this bait. If your heart is not pure,<br />

it's going to affect everything about you.<br />

You're in charge of guarding your own heart. Realize that it's pretty<br />

much a full-time job because we don't know on any given day what's<br />

going to come up. You don't know what somebody may say to you that<br />

may hurt you, disappoint you or let you down. Then suddenly, there's a<br />

wound in there that needs to be dealt with. Since you just don't know,<br />

you have to constantly be working with the Holy Spirit to keep your<br />

heart right.<br />

When you guard your heart, God will guard everything else for you!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father God, thank You for<br />

Your Word which is truth<br />

that sets me free. Help me<br />

to guard my words and<br />

sow good seed into my<br />

future. I repent today for<br />

a ny wo rds t h a t h ave<br />

brought destruction into<br />

my life or the lives of those<br />

around me. I choose to<br />

hide Your Word in my<br />

hear t. I ask that You<br />

uproot every negative<br />

seed. Keep me close to You<br />

and<br />

help me to always<br />

choose words of life in<br />

Jesus name! Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 6<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from<br />

here.”<br />

Exodus 33:15<br />

<strong>THE</strong> POWER OF HIS PRESENCE!<br />

You ever notice that anytime you read the gospels about the life of Jesus<br />

that wherever He went good things always happened in the end?<br />

Someone would be healed, protected, forgiven, or enlightened. There<br />

was something about the presence of Jesus that made all the difference.<br />

Isn t the same true for us today? Didn t He promise to be with us always?<br />

If we could really believe in the presence of Jesus in our lives today our<br />

stories; the chapters of our lives would always have happy endings. You<br />

ever notice that His power never ran out? Ours does. We get tired,<br />

confused, discouraged, overwhelmed. Because we are drawing from<br />

our own source of strength, we run out. If we could learn to rely on His<br />

presence than we could have all the power we need.<br />

Developing an intimate relationship with God takes time and effort. It<br />

doesn t happen overnight. The only thing that can set you apart from<br />

others is God's being with you, leading you, guiding you, working His<br />

will in and through you.<br />

When God's Spirit is present with us, you can be strong and courageous,<br />

because no enemy can harm you!<br />

I encourage you to seek him with all your heart, and desire HIS<br />

PRESENCE in your daily life. Then you will know and experience the<br />

incredible glory of God!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Dear Father, thank You for<br />

another day to serve and<br />

follow You. Thank you for<br />

the gi of your love and<br />

t h e p r o m i s e o f yo u r<br />

presence in my life as I<br />

seek you everyday of my<br />

life. Search my heart and<br />

m i n d r i g h t n o w a n d<br />

remove anything that<br />

would keep me from Your<br />

holy presence. I choose to<br />

keep my mind on You as I<br />

follow Your steps. In Jesus'<br />

Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong><br />

September 7<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing:<br />

Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to<br />

win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”<br />

Philippians 3:13-14<br />


Gods choice of people with signi cant failure in their past shows that<br />

failure is never nal.<br />

It is so good to be reminded that our past failures are not nal and our<br />

pain need not be fatal. It s good to know that our Creator is willing to<br />

work with us, to be patient and understanding with us, to give us many<br />

opportunities to learn and grow. He doesn t cast us away when we fail.<br />

He doesn t turn His back on us.<br />

Our failures thankfully, do not tie Gods hands. God is a potter who<br />

works with mud and is able to take that which is marred and remake it<br />

into a thing of beauty. God loves to restore the broken and brittle and<br />

then parade them before the world as trophies of His grace.<br />

Failure doesn t mean you have blown everything. It means you have<br />

some hard lessons to learn. It doesn t mean you are a permanent loser.<br />

It doesn t mean you should give up. It means you need the Lord to show<br />

you the next step. It doesn t mean that God has abandoned you. It means<br />

that God has a better plan. Failure is never nal unless you give up!<br />

It s your choice whether you want to be the kind of person God uses to<br />

accomplish his purpose.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father in heaven, I receive<br />

Your Word which is life<br />

and health to me today.<br />

Thank you for choosing<br />

m e d e s p i t e m y<br />

imperfections. I le go<br />

every spirit of failure in<br />

my life.<br />

I choose to<br />

release old thinking, old<br />

habits, and anything that<br />

would keep me from Your<br />

best. Strengthen me by<br />

Your Spirit so that I can<br />

live my life in a way that<br />

pleases You. In Jesus'<br />

Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 8<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him. They will be<br />

like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear<br />

when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and<br />

never fails to bear fruit.”<br />

Jeremiah 17:7-8<br />

LIKE A TREE BY <strong>THE</strong> WATER!<br />

When you trust in the Lord and make Him your hope and con dence,<br />

the Scriptures goes on to say that you are strong and secure like a tree<br />

planted along the riverbank. Trees that are near the water have a strong,<br />

healthy root system. They aren't easy shaken when the storms of life<br />

come. They aren't bothered by the heat or worried about long months of<br />

drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.<br />

Why? Because they are so close to their life source, the refreshing water<br />

of the river.<br />

I believe that's the way you and I are. Because we've put our trust and<br />

con dence in Almighty God, even though we may go through some dry<br />

seasons, even though times get tough and things don't go our way, we<br />

keep growing. In the nature, we should be down and discouraged. But<br />

because our roots go down deep, we know that our dry season are not<br />

going to affect us. Our leaves are going to stay green.<br />

No matter what the economy does, no matter what the medical reports<br />

says, you don't have to worry. God said He's not only going to bring you<br />

through it, but He is going to cause you to prosper in spite of it. Your job<br />

is not your source. God is your source. The medical report may look<br />

impossible, but God can do the impossible.<br />

You need to keep this vision in front of you: Even in my touch times, I'm<br />

going to go on producing luscious fruits Because I trust God, I am like a<br />

tree planted by the living water!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I love You so much<br />

today. Thank You for Your<br />

Word which is truth and<br />

water to my soul. Thank<br />

You for giving me the<br />

p o w e r t o l i v e i n<br />

abundance. I choose to be<br />

faithful to You and Your<br />

W o r d . I c h o o s e t o<br />

diligently follow Your<br />

commands and ask that<br />

You bless everything I set<br />

my hands to do. Search<br />

me, know me and guide<br />

me in the way that I should<br />

go as I am planted in Your<br />

Word in Jesus name.<br />

Amen.<br />


<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong><br />

September 9<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.<br />

Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”<br />

John 14:27<br />


In this world we all encounter and endure troubles. Jesus told us that<br />

this would be the case. But He also told us that through Him we could<br />

have peace - These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might<br />

have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer;<br />

I have overcome the world. John 16:33<br />

No matter what may be going on all around you today, you can still live<br />

in perfect peace. Peace isn t about what s going on around you, it s about<br />

what s going on in you. It says in today s verse, do not let your heart be<br />

troubled. That tells us that we have control over whether or not allow<br />

our hearts to be troubled.<br />

You don t see the blessings when you allow your heart to be gripped by<br />

worry or fear. So when fearful, anxious thoughts come, remind yourself<br />

of Jesus words: Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.<br />

When things appear to get worse, say, Lord, I refuse to worry about<br />

this. In the midst of all this, I see the nished work of Christ. He said, It<br />

is nished! So my childs healing is accomplished. My marriage is<br />

blessed. My debts are cleared. I will let not my heart be troubled by<br />

these things.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Dear God, thank You for<br />

the gi of peace which<br />

passes all understanding.<br />

I choose to hold it close to<br />

me always. I receive Your<br />

Word as truth and life to<br />

my soul and trust that You<br />

are leading and guiding<br />

me in the good plan You<br />

have prepared for me. I<br />

refuse to allow my heart to<br />

be troubled. Flood every<br />

area of my life with Your<br />

peace in Jesus name.<br />

Amen<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 10<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“…For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but<br />

the Lord looks at the heart.”<br />

1 Samuel 16:7<br />


Picture David when he was a shepherd boy. Many who knew him in his<br />

pre-Goliath days would very likely have seen just an ordinary youth, one<br />

who lived at home with his parents and siblings, enjoyed the outdoors<br />

and loved music. But where others saw a typical teenager, God saw a<br />

king in young David. He saw Davids name being uttered in honor<br />

forever for even the Lord Jesus is called the Son of David!<br />

Picture Moses a er he had settled down comfortably in the desert with<br />

a beautiful wife, lovely children and good in-laws. He might have seen<br />

himself happily retiring in the near future. But God had bigger plans for<br />

him. God had big dreams for him. God saw the Red Sea opening up<br />

before him and an entire Egyptian army being wiped out in his<br />

presence. God saw in Moses the deliverer of His people.<br />

Beloved, God does not see as man sees. God saw in fearful Gideon a<br />

mighty man of valor and called him, even when he was hiding from his<br />

enemies in fear. God saw in young David a king and anointed him as<br />

one. God saw in meek Moses a deliverer and drew him out from<br />

obscurity.<br />

Today, God looks beyond what man sees and says about you, and He has<br />

dreams for you that are bigger than you can imagine!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

l o o k i n g b e y o n d t h e<br />

surface and seeing the<br />

real me. Thank You for<br />

Your life-changing power<br />

and strength. Thank You<br />

for placing Your potential<br />

on the inside of me. Give<br />

me the eyes to see myself<br />

and others the way You see<br />

them, from the inside out.<br />

Help me to know You<br />

more and see You more<br />

clearly so I can follow Your<br />

ways all the days of my life<br />

in Jesus name. Amen<br />


<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong><br />

September 11<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Nothing, not even a mighty mountain, will stand in Zerubbabel's way; it will become a level<br />

plain before him! And when Zerubbabel sets the final stone of the Temple in place, the people<br />

will shout: 'May God bless it! May God bless it!”<br />

Zechariah 4:7<br />


Is there a dream that you have laid down because it seems too hard? It's<br />

time to begin again. It's time to get your hopes up. It's time to get your<br />

dreams back. You may be like Zerubbabel, you started out strong. You<br />

were so excited. But had some opposition. Things didn't work out. Now<br />

years have gone by. But God is saying, It's time to begin again. It's time<br />

to start believing again. It's time to start praying again. Start expecting<br />

good things once again...<br />

When God gives you something to do, He always gives you the enabling<br />

grace to do it, regardless of how dauntingly impossible the task may<br />

seem. God's Grace, that wonderful enabling Grace, will help us get<br />

through it with a spirit of ease that will simultaneously cause dreams to<br />

manifest and come to pass. God doesn't change His mind. His plans are<br />

brilliant for us the rst time when He so diligently wrote our stories and<br />

thought up every last detail and sequentially numbered the pages of our<br />

bios long before we were ever born.<br />

I believe the Lord is saying it is time to begin again; it is time to hope<br />

again. It's time to get the vision again. It is time to believe in yourself<br />

again. It is time to bring it forth with shouts of Grace, Grace!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for the<br />

work You are doing in my<br />

life. Help me to keep the<br />

vision in front of me.<br />

Show me where to place<br />

my focus. Con rm Your<br />

Word with signs following<br />

as I stay on the course You<br />

have set for me in Jesus<br />

name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 12<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“...say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will<br />

come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.”<br />

Isaiah 35:4<br />


The Bible says that fear has torment but perfect love casts out fear. Fear<br />

can be overcome when we understand our God, our position in God,<br />

and our relationship with God.<br />

So many people today are living with less than Gods best because<br />

they ve allowed fear to creep in and take root in their lives. Fear is the<br />

greatest weapon the enemy uses to try to hold us back. Fear is not from<br />

God. Scripture tells us that fear brings torment. It s designed to paralyze<br />

us and keep us from Gods blessings.<br />

If you ve allowed fear to steal from you in any area of life, today you can<br />

be free, you can be nished with fear. Conquering the enemy starts by<br />

making the choice to close the door on fear by receiving Gods love and<br />

meditating on His promises.<br />

Most times God appears in Scripture His message begins with Fear<br />

not. Jesus both preached and lived that message. Our Savior knows<br />

that we cannot help but have emotional reactions of fear, but He says to<br />

us we need not be overcome by them. All we need to do is trust him.<br />

Anytime fear knocked at the your door, give room to your faith to<br />

answer.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father God, I come to You<br />

today declaring that I am<br />

nished with fear. Thank<br />

You for taking me to new<br />

levels. Thank You for<br />

giving me power, love and<br />

a sound mind. I choose to<br />

stand on Your promises.<br />

F i l l m e w i t h Y o u r<br />

con dence, peace, joy and<br />

assurance to embrace<br />

everything You have for<br />

m e t o d a y a s I m o v e<br />

forward in victory with<br />

You in Jesus name. Amen.<br />


<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong><br />

September 13<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; And every tongue that accuses you<br />

in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And<br />

their vindication is from Me, declares the LORD.”<br />

Isaiah 54:17<br />


A lot of people think they shouldn t encounter problems when they<br />

stand in faith for their vision. But the Bible doesn t promise us a<br />

problem-free life. Isaiah 54:17 says, No weapon that is formed against<br />

thee shall prosper . People read that scripture and misunderstand it,<br />

thinking it promises that no weapon will be formed against them. But<br />

that s not what it says. It never said the weapon wouldn t be formed; it<br />

said it wouldn t prosper. Why won t it prosper? Because God gives you<br />

faith to shout it down and possess!<br />

God loves you and He s not looking for ways to send you to the ery pit.<br />

He s searching for ways to reach your heart to help you, so that you live<br />

well on this earth. It s time for you to start seeing through the devils lies<br />

because, once you start doing that, victory is on the way!<br />

No matter where you are today, God can use you. He can open your eyes<br />

to what is exactly causing you to stumble and give you the strength to<br />

resist the devil.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I give You thanks<br />

and praise today for the<br />

promise of victory. I<br />

choose today to accept<br />

Your truth which sets me<br />

free. I declare by faith that<br />

n o w e a p o n f o r m e d<br />

against me shall ever<br />

prosper. Give me Your<br />

vision for the future so<br />

t h a t I c a n m o v e<br />

c o n<br />

d e n t l y i n t o t h e<br />

abundant life You have for<br />

me in Jesus name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 14<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him; I will surely defend my ways to His face.”<br />

Job 13:15<br />


There are some things in our lives that have to be torn down, before we<br />

can be built back up on a solid more stable foundation. Some old things<br />

need to be disposed before we can walk in a new place.<br />

There's a si ing going on in your life right now, this process separates<br />

the wheat from the tare, the good from the bad. But hold on to your<br />

faith, your mess is progress!<br />

Are you able to trust God in messy places? Do you have the faith to<br />

sustain you in the middle of a mess? When all hell is breaking loose,<br />

everything's failing, glass is shattering, concrete is bursting, dust is<br />

ying, bricks knocked out of place, when you're going through crisis<br />

are you able to stand in the middle of it all and say, LORD I Trust you!<br />

No matter what mess you're going through, God is able to bring you out!<br />

"Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.<br />

Real LIFE comes out of mishaps, messes, sorrow and tragedy. God uses<br />

people who were broken, battered, tattered and torn to heal other<br />

people. So don't give up, don't be discouraged, God is making a message<br />

and a testimony out of your mess!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father in heaven, I receive<br />

new seasons of increase into<br />

my life by faith today. I<br />

choose to stand and declare<br />

Your promises because I<br />

know You have good things<br />

in store for my future. I bless<br />

You and thank You for<br />

another day to sing Your<br />

praise. In Jesus' Name.<br />

Amen.<br />


<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong><br />

September 15<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“And I will deal severely with all who have oppressed you. I will save the weak and helpless ones;<br />

I will bring together those who were chased away. I will give glory and fame to my former exiles,<br />

wherever they have been mocked and shamed.”<br />

Zephaniah 3:19<br />


You may feel like you are as far away from God as you can possibly be;<br />

maybe you've messed up or made mistakes. Maybe people have written<br />

you off. But I can tell you with great con dence God still has a<br />

tremendous plan for your life. And if you'll just come to Him and say,<br />

"God, I messed up. I know I haven't lived the way I should, but I believe<br />

Your mercy is bigger than any mistake that I've ever made."<br />

When you come to God with that kind of boldness, it catches His<br />

attention! It opens the door for God to move mightily in your life. God<br />

will never write you off. He doesn't see you the way other people see<br />

you. He sees what He created you to be. He sees your potential.<br />

One thing I have learned in the word of God is, skin colour doesn't<br />

matter to God. Where we come from individual doesn't matter to Him in<br />

any way. The various schools we went to and the various degrees we<br />

hold certainly doesn't matter to Him either.<br />

God is drawing you to Himself. He still has a plan. You're never too far<br />

gone for God. Society may write you off, family may write you off,<br />

friends may write you off. But God wants to gather up the hurting, the<br />

lonely, and the forsaken. If you put your trust in Him, He will make<br />

something great out of your life!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, today I surrender<br />

my past. I surrender my<br />

mess and my need to have<br />

all the answers, and I<br />

choose to trust You. Break<br />

me, mold me and use me<br />

for your glory. I ask that<br />

you<br />

ll me with Your<br />

peace. Fill me with Your<br />

grace and compassion as I<br />

press forward into the<br />

victory You have prepared<br />

for me in Jesus name.<br />

Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 16<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Many years later, when Moses had grown up, he went out to visit his own people, the<br />

Hebrews, and he saw how hard they were forced to work. During his visit, he saw an<br />

Egyptian beating one of his fellow Hebrews”<br />

Exodus 2:11<br />


God can make miracles out of our mistakes. Too many people are sitting<br />

on the sidelines of life feeling washed up. They've made mistakes, and<br />

now they don't feel like they have much of a future. A negative past does<br />

not disqualify you from having a bright future. And no mistake you've<br />

made is too much for the mercy of God. Regardless of your past<br />

mistakes, God still has a great future in store for you. But you've got to<br />

stay lled with hope. This is not going to happen if you're sitting around<br />

negative, condemned, and stuck in self-pity.<br />

God is not looking for perfect people. If He was, we'd all be disquali ed!<br />

He's looking for people that have a heart that's right. If you have a heart<br />

toward God and you get up each day with a commitment to do your best,<br />

you don't have to live guilty and condemned.<br />

Moses is listed as one of the heroes of faith, but he made plenty of<br />

mistakes. As a young man, he knew that God wanted him to help deliver<br />

the people of Israel. That dream was in his heart, but he tried to do it in<br />

his own strength and messed up. But no, God never up on him. Forty<br />

years later, when God was ready to deliver the people of Israel, He didn't<br />

go nd a younger man, somebody that made fewer mistakes. He went<br />

right back to Moses. God gave him another opportunity.<br />

God has not given up on! He is always ready to give you another chance.<br />

He is going to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all you<br />

could ask, think, or imagine!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly Father, I come<br />

to You today with an open<br />

and humble heart. Thank<br />

You for choosing me and<br />

for preparing a bright<br />

future for me. today I<br />

receive every good and<br />

perfect promise You have<br />

for me. I choose to take a<br />

step of faith to activate<br />

Your Word in my life.<br />

Teach me, by Your Spirit,<br />

to walk and live<br />

according to Your<br />

precepts. I will arise and<br />

I will shine. Let<br />

everything I do bring<br />

honor to You. In Jesus'<br />

Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong><br />

September 17<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the lord<br />

of Heaven's Armies, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied”<br />

1 Samuel 17:45<br />


I love the fact that David defeated Goliath with very little equipment.<br />

They tried to put Saul's armor on him, but it was too big. So David went<br />

out to the battle eld without a sword or a shield. All he had was a<br />

slingshot and ve smooth stones.<br />

When you know who you are and whose you are, and you realize that<br />

God has armed you with strength for every battle, and He has equipped<br />

you, empowered you, and anointed you, then you too can defeat a giant<br />

with just a little bit of effort.<br />

When you're in your season, there's a grace to do things that you<br />

couldn't do before. They said, "David, you'd better not take a chance.<br />

Goliath is too big to hit." David said, "I don't think so . David spoke to his<br />

mountain. He said, "Goliath, this day I will defeat you and feed your<br />

head to the birds of the air.<br />

Have you let the giants of criticism or rejection come between you and<br />

what God has called you to do? Have you let the failings of your own<br />

heart come between you and obeying God? Do like David; Look to the<br />

God who has always been there for you as a believer, use the weapons<br />

He has given you and trust Him.<br />

Like David, God has put skills inside of you so that you can slay the<br />

giants in your life. You have the skills that can open new doors, skills<br />

that can lead to an abundant life.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

depositing in me<br />

everything that I need for<br />

victory in my life. I<br />

choose to be faithful with<br />

what You have given me.<br />

I choose to sharpen my<br />

skills. Help me prepare<br />

for every opportunity You<br />

have for my future in<br />

Jesus name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 18<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“You have armed me with strength for the battle; you have subdued my enemies under<br />

my feet”<br />

2 Samuel 22:40<br />


In the natural when things don't go our way, we would get down and<br />

discouraged and drag through life defeated. But instead, you have to<br />

have that warrior mentality, where you put your shoulders back, and<br />

you have a smile on your face. That s doing the right thing even though<br />

the wrong thing is happening to you. When you rise up in faith like that,<br />

it not only allows God to ght your battles for you, but it totally confuses<br />

the enemy.<br />

We all have things coming against us. You may be in a storm, but the key<br />

is, don't let the storm get in you. Stay in peace, stay determined, stay<br />

aggressive. You've been armed with strength for whatever you go<br />

through. If you see yourself as being weak, defeated, and not able, that<br />

will keep you down. But you can develop a new image on the inside and<br />

start to see yourself the way God sees you: strong, determined,<br />

courageous, more than a conqueror. If you see yourself that way, you'll<br />

rise to a new level. You have the power to live in victory. You have the<br />

power to endure tough times.<br />

When times get tough, you have to remind yourself, "I have the strength<br />

to overcome. God's given me the power to endure. And He has armed<br />

me with strength for the battle; He has subdued my enemies under my<br />

feet Glory Hallelujah!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

doing a work in me.<br />

Thank you for giving me<br />

the spirit of boldness and<br />

determination. Thank<br />

you for infusing me with<br />

Your I CAN DO spirit. I<br />

hold fast to Your<br />

promises because You are<br />

faithful. Thank You for<br />

Your grace and peace as I<br />

daily keep my mind<br />

stayed on You in Jesus<br />

name. Amen.<br />


<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong><br />

September 19<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Then the lord said to Elijah, “Go to the east and hide by Kerith Brook, near where it enters the<br />

Jordan River”<br />

1 Kings 17:2-3<br />


There was a place where God commanded Elijah's needs to be supplied.<br />

God told him He had commanded the ravens to feed him there. But<br />

here's what's important, it was up to Elijah to get to that place of<br />

provision. He had to be obedient. He could have said, "God, I'm<br />

comfortable where I am.<br />

Well, Elijah got down to the brook. He was obedient, and God blessed<br />

him and met all of his needs. But one day, the brook dried up. The water<br />

quit owing. The ravens quit coming. And so God told him, "Elijah, I<br />

want you to go to the city of Zarephath, for I have commanded a widow<br />

to take care of you." Notice once again, God had a speci c place where<br />

He commanded Elijah's needs to be met.<br />

The whole key was that Elijah had to keep following God's leading and to<br />

get to that place of blessing. This tells me that sometimes a brook will<br />

dry up. Sometimes a season in our life is going to be over and God's<br />

going to push you into a new area, a new place of provision.<br />

God will never mislead you. He will always lead you to the right place at<br />

the right time for you to get connected to the right source of our<br />

blessings. Just listen to Him, be obedient to His word and follow His<br />

direction!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father in heaven, today I<br />

give You thanks for Your<br />

mercy and faithfulness in<br />

my life. Thank You for<br />

leading me into a place of<br />

blessing! I will continue<br />

to follow your direction<br />

and leading. I magnify<br />

You and bless Your holy<br />

name today. In Jesus'<br />

Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 20<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“When they came to the other side, Elijah said to Elisha, Tell me what I can do for you<br />

before I am taken away And Elisha replied, Please let me inherit a double share of your<br />

spirit and become your successor”<br />

2 Kings 2:9<br />


It's so important whose leadership you put yourself under and who you<br />

allow to speak into your life. God promised Elisha that he would have a<br />

double portion of Elijah's anointing. But God said through Elijah,<br />

"Elisha, it will happen under one condition, not how much you pray, not<br />

how many Scriptures you can quote. You have to be in the right place.<br />

You have to stay close to Elijah." For years, Elisha was faithful. He<br />

followed Elijah everywhere he went. In fact, a couple of times, Elijah<br />

tried to get rid of him and tried to lose him. But Elisha stayed right with<br />

him. He was determined.<br />

I'm sure some of Elisha's friends said, "Elisha, what are you doing<br />

spending your time following this older man around? You've got dreams<br />

and desires. You need to go on with your life." But no, Elisha knew<br />

something they didn't know. He knew if he was at the right place at the<br />

right time, God was going to release a double portion of His blessing on<br />

his life. He knew as he stayed close to Elijah, little by little, that same<br />

anointing would ow through him in a greater way.<br />

Sometimes it may be dif cult and you think, "I'm serving in the house of<br />

God and nobody appreciates me. I'm doing what God told me to do, but I<br />

don't feel like anything is happening."<br />

Your destiny is connected to being at the right place, God's place of<br />

blessing. When you stayed faithful to your commitment, you will get<br />

reward exactly what God has promised you and for your life.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly Father, thank<br />

You for setting me up for<br />

a double portion of Gods<br />

anointing as I continue to<br />

serve faithfully in the<br />

House of God. Thank You<br />

for teaching me<br />

commitment. Take away<br />

every spirit of<br />

disappointment and<br />

prepared me for the<br />

victory awaiting me as I<br />

follow your direction! In<br />

Jesus' Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong><br />

September 21<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Do not despise these small beginnings..”<br />

Zechariah 4:10<br />


What has God called you to do? Are you in the day of small beginnings even<br />

now? The Lord is rejoicing to see the work begin and He will help you every<br />

step of the way. Don t take my word for it. Look at the Bible King David had a<br />

small beginning in a eld tending sheep and experienced more intense<br />

warfare than you or I will probably ever witness. Nehemiah rebuilt the wall of<br />

Jerusalem with a remnant despite the opposition and the odds. The Bible is<br />

full of examples of God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the<br />

wise.<br />

If you are in the day of small beginnings, take heart. Again, the Lord is<br />

rejoicing to see the work begin and He who called you to the work is faithful to<br />

strengthen your hands to do it, faithful to send workers into the eld he called<br />

you to, faithful to help you overcome even the devils best shot, faithful to<br />

encourage you by His Spirit and with His Word, faithful to provide all of your<br />

needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, and faithful to lead you<br />

into victory if you keep pressing toward the prize. He who calls you is faithful,<br />

who also will do it<br />

Don t despise small beginnings! You ve got to start somewhere. Do what you<br />

know to do, right now and give it all to God. He will direct you right where<br />

you re supposed to go.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

being my shelter when<br />

the storms of life rage.<br />

When I don t have the<br />

answers, I trust that You<br />

do. I put my hope in You<br />

and receive Your peace<br />

and strength. Thank you<br />

for reassuring me that<br />

you will nish the good<br />

work you have started in<br />

me and with me. Thank<br />

You for leading me in the<br />

path of victory all the<br />

days of my life in Jesus<br />

name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 22<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every<br />

moment was laid out before a single day had passed”<br />

Psalm 139:16<br />


Just as we get our natural DNA from our parents, from our natural<br />

bloodline, we get our spiritual DNA from our heavenly Father. The<br />

Scripture tells us before we ever showed up on planet Earth, God knew<br />

us. We're not an accident. God had a purpose for you before your<br />

parents or grandparents even knew each other.<br />

David said, "You saw me before I was ever born." In other words, before<br />

God even had your parents picked out, He had an assignment for you.<br />

He had something for you to accomplish. He took that unformed<br />

substance and lled it with the right DNA so you could ful ll your<br />

destiny. You have the right gi s, the right talents, the right personality,<br />

the right height. You have the courage, the strength, all the abilities that<br />

you need.<br />

One thing I can tell you for sure is the enemy does not want you to feel<br />

good about yourself. You can do a thousand things right and do one<br />

thing wrong, and you will allow that mistake to play over and over in<br />

your mind. You can have a thousand good things about you, but if there<br />

is one thing you dislike, that will stay on the forefront of your mind.<br />

I dare you to get up each morning and look in the mirror and say, Good<br />

morning, you wonderful thing. Remember, you have been fearfully<br />

and wonderfully made by God.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I praise You<br />

because I am fearfully<br />

and wonderfully made.<br />

Thank You for ordering<br />

my steps and ordaining<br />

my future. I trust that<br />

Your plan for me is good,<br />

and I choose to turn the<br />

page on the past by<br />

choosing Your ways. I<br />

forgive and release those<br />

who have wronged me so<br />

I can move forward in the<br />

next chapter You have for<br />

me. I lay aside the<br />

disappointments of the<br />

past knowing that You<br />

have blessing in store for<br />

my future in Jesus name.<br />

Amen.<br />


<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong><br />

September 23<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“But I am trusting you, O lord, saying, You are my God! My future is in your hands”<br />

Psalm 31:14-15<br />


The enemy crawls around looking for opportunities to steal your joy<br />

and tell you that God doesn't care about you anymore. It may seem, at<br />

times, that things are out of control and your life isn't going anywhere,<br />

but that's not true! Your life and times are in the hands of God; and even<br />

when things aren't going well, He promises to stay by your side and be<br />

your strength.<br />

When David said, "My future is in Your hands," he was saying, "God, I<br />

already know You've got supernatural breaks planned out for me. You've<br />

got the right people, the right opportunities, so I'm not going to live<br />

stressed out. I'm going to stay in peace knowing that You will get me to<br />

my nal destination.<br />

We have to recognize the different seasons of our lives. It's easy to get<br />

frustrated when our dreams aren't coming to pass on our timetable. But<br />

every season is not harvest. There are plowing seasons. There are<br />

planting seasons. There are watering seasons. And sure, we would love<br />

for every season to be a time of increase with abundance everywhere,<br />

but without the other seasons, we wouldn't be prepared.<br />

It's during the plowing seasons when God is bringing issues to light that<br />

we need to deal with. It is o en those same struggles that get us<br />

prepared for promotion. Your future is well positioned in Gods hands,<br />

stay connected to Him!!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father God, Thank you<br />

for having my future in<br />

your hands. Today I<br />

release every care, every<br />

concern, every situation<br />

that is beyond my<br />

control. I trust that You<br />

are working things out<br />

for my good, and You are<br />

bringing justice to me.<br />

Thank You for Your<br />

goodness and<br />

faithfulness in my life. In<br />

Jesus Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 24<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with<br />

understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your<br />

equal partner in God's gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not<br />

be hindered<br />

1 Peter 3:7<br />


The Bible says that the prayer of the righteous person avails much, but<br />

if we aren't treating others with honor, kindness, and respect, we aren't<br />

allowing God's righteousness to operate in us. It closes the door to His<br />

power in our lives and hinders our prayers. This is especially true in a<br />

marriage relationship. Marriage isn't just an agreement between two<br />

people to live life together. Marriage is a God-ordained institution that<br />

helps us understand love and unity. When two people are married, they<br />

become one; physically, spiritually, and emotionally.<br />

1 Peter 3:7, is directed to husbands but applies to all believers. We<br />

should treat others "with understanding" which means considering<br />

others' needs above our own. We have to study the people in our lives<br />

and make adjustments in order to have peaceful, healthy relationships.<br />

We should always aim to treat others with kindness, dignity, and respect<br />

and quickly choose forgiveness.<br />

When we keep healthy connections in our relationships with others, we<br />

are keeping healthy connections in our relationship with God. Honor<br />

others and treat them with respect so that your prayers will be powerful<br />

and effective the way God intends!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I want to live in<br />

Your ways. I want Your<br />

power to ow though me.<br />

Show me how to treat<br />

others with the highest<br />

level of love and respect.<br />

Let my words and actions<br />

always honor You so that<br />

my prayers will be<br />

powerful and effective in<br />

Jesus' name. Amen.<br />


<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong><br />

September 25<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Pray for us, too, that God will give us many opportunities to speak about his mysterious plan<br />

concerning Christ. That is why I am here in chains”<br />

Colossians 4:3<br />


Paul was writing these words while he was in chains in prison.<br />

Everything in his surroundings shouted "limitations," but Paul kept his<br />

eyes on his limitless God. He kept looking for the open door of<br />

opportunity that God would have for him next. He knew his<br />

imprisonment was only temporary. He was passionate about his<br />

purpose and nothing was going to hold him back!<br />

God will never lead you into something that you can't handle in His<br />

strength. He has equipped you with His power. He's promised to walk<br />

with you all the days of your life. When one door closes, another opens,<br />

but we o en look so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see<br />

the one that has opened for us.<br />

Like Paul, keep your hopes up. Keep expecting. Keep believing. Pray for<br />

those opportunities to be opened to you. If you fall, get back up and<br />

press forward with even greater determination to accomplish the<br />

dream that God has planted in your heart. The prayer of the righteous<br />

avails much, so keep praying because He promises to break the chains<br />

and open doors of opportunity in your life that no man can shut!<br />

As you seek to do Gods will and follow His path, be sensitive to the doors<br />

that God opens. Remain faithful in your devotion to God knowing that<br />

He has promised to open doors to those who ask persistently.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Lord, I invite you to<br />

open up new doors of<br />

opportunity to do Your<br />

will. Give me the<br />

discernment to know<br />

when an opportunity is of<br />

Your making and when it<br />

is not. Teach me to do<br />

Your will for you are my<br />

God and Your Spirit is<br />

good. In Jesus' name,<br />

Amen."<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 26<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“The lord says, "I will give you back what you lost to the swarming locusts, the hopping<br />

locusts, the stripping locusts, and the cutting locusts. It was I who sent this great<br />

destroying army against you”<br />

Joel 2:25<br />

<strong>THE</strong> GOD OF RESTORATION!<br />

Every one of us has had opportunities that we've missed, chances that<br />

we've blown. We can all look back and think, "Why didn't I put more<br />

effort into that relationship? Why didn't I take that job?" Or, "Why did I<br />

spend all those years running with the wrong crowd, when I should<br />

have been getting ahead?" You may be thinking; I was in the process of<br />

coming into my new seasons of increase, but I think I've missed my<br />

season." Listen, God always has another season. He is a God of<br />

restoration. He always gives us another chance.<br />

Sometimes things happen that are not our fault. You may feel like you've<br />

wasted years in a relationship that didn't work out, years on a job that<br />

turned out to be a dead end, but don't get discouraged. Instead, believe<br />

that every opportunity you've overlooked, every chance you've missed,<br />

God will restore back to you. He can bring those opportunities across<br />

your path again.<br />

You can break free from the hurt, the pain, and the mistakes of the past<br />

and recover the years, the joy, and the blessings that have been stolen<br />

from you. Not only does God want to restore these things to you, He<br />

wants to give you twice as much as you had before. He wants to give you<br />

twice as much joy, twice as much peace, twice as much con dence,<br />

twice as much love.<br />

No matter where you are today or what's happened in your past, God<br />

wants to give you a new future!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly Father, You are<br />

my Redeemer. Thank You<br />

for choosing to restore<br />

my life. Thank You for the<br />

truth of Your Word that<br />

sets me free. Fill me with<br />

Your power today so that<br />

I may stand strong and<br />

move forward on the<br />

path You have for me. I<br />

love You and bless Your<br />

Name. In Jesus' Name.<br />

Amen.<br />


<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong><br />

September 27<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will<br />

rescue us from your power, Your Majesty”<br />

Daniel 3:17<br />


When the three Hebrew teenagers, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,<br />

refused to bow down to the King's golden idol, he got so furious that he<br />

had the furnace heated up seven times hotter than normal so he could<br />

throw them in! That's what happens when you're close to a great victory;<br />

the re gets turned up, people start talking about you, and unfair<br />

situations arise. It seems that just as you get past one obstacle,<br />

something else pops up.<br />

God isn't going to save you from the re. He will bring you through it.<br />

When you walk through the re of cancer, sickness, divorce, nancial<br />

ruin , you shall not be burned.<br />

When Nebuchadnezzar threw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego into<br />

the re, their chains broke, Jesus walked with them, and they did not<br />

smell of smoke.<br />

You may feel like you're in the re today. You may feel like the heat is<br />

being turned up, that everything is coming against you. Be encouraged,<br />

because there's something great in store just on the horizon.<br />

If the res of life are threatening, take heart. The miracle of Shadrach,<br />

Meshach and Abednego is a miracle for you too. Don't give up. Your<br />

miracle is in the re. If you will stay in faith, God will do for you what He<br />

did for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. He'll be with you in the re,<br />

and He'll bring you out without even the smell of smoke on you!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father in heaven, thank<br />

You for delivering and<br />

saving me. I stand strong<br />

no matter what I may be<br />

facing, knowing that You<br />

are with me. Thank You<br />

for protecting me<br />

through the re and for<br />

leading me to the place of<br />

abundance and blessing<br />

You have prepared for<br />

me. In Jesus Name.<br />

Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 28<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“This is what the LORD says-- he who made a way through the sea, a path through the<br />

mighty waters,”<br />

Isaiah 43:16<br />


God will make a way,<br />

where there seems to be no way;<br />

He works in ways we cannot see,<br />

He will make a way for me.<br />

Our God is a way maker and He will de nitely make a way for you where<br />

there seems to be no way. Are you willing to believe that God will make a<br />

way where there seems to be no way? He works in ways we cannot<br />

see...He will make a way! God will make a way in time of your trouble,<br />

your trials, your temptation, your trusting, and your transgressions. No<br />

matter how bad the situation is, God can make a way!<br />

You may be facing a dead end right now; nancial, emotional, or<br />

relational but if you will trust God and keep on moving in faith, even<br />

when you don t see a way, He will make a way.<br />

Proverbs 4:18 says, The path of the righteous is like the morning sun,<br />

shining ever brighter till the full light of day . Very soon you ll see Gods<br />

purpose behind the path He speci cally chose for you. Put your trust in<br />

a God who can make a way even when there seem to be no way. Obey<br />

Him and do as He says.<br />

However, be patient. God knows what He s doing. God knows what is<br />

best for you. He can see the end result. You can t.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father in heaven, today I<br />

li my eyes to You. You<br />

alone are the source of<br />

my strength, peace and<br />

provision. I choose to<br />

delight myself in You<br />

knowing that You will<br />

give me the desires of my<br />

heart. In Jesus' Name.<br />

Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 29<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke<br />

upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest<br />

for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”<br />

Matthew 11:28-30<br />



We are putting things on our shoulders that don t belong there.<br />

Jesus doesn t seem to be talking about a life that is full of anxiousness<br />

and weariness as we follow Him. He makes a point to state the exact<br />

opposite on how we can nd rest in Him. He is speaking to those that<br />

labor and are heavy laden.<br />

We are not designed to carry the burden of worry, fretting, and anxiety.<br />

This load is simply too much for the human body and the central<br />

nervous system to tolerate. We may be able to manage it for a while, but<br />

eventually the physical body and mind will begin to break under this<br />

type of perpetual pressure. Man was simply not fashioned to carry<br />

pressures, stresses, anxieties, and worries; this is the reason our bodies<br />

breaks down when it undergoes these negative in uences for too long.<br />

Jesus loves you so much and is so deeply concerned about you and the<br />

dif culties you are facing that He calls out to you today, Roll those<br />

burdens over on Me. Let Me carry them for you so you can be free!<br />

If you are lugging around worries, cares, and concerns about your<br />

family, your business, or any other area of your life, why not stop right<br />

now and say, Jesus, I m yielding every one of these concerns to You<br />

today. I cast my burden on You, and I thank You for setting me free! .<br />

Father, I come to You now<br />

and give You my cares and<br />

burdens. I thank You for<br />

w o r k i n g b e h i n d t h e<br />

scenes on my behalf.<br />

Thank You for loving me<br />

and setting me free.<br />

Thank You for giving me<br />

rest for my soul and peace<br />

in my heart today in Jesus<br />

name. Amen.<br />


<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong><br />

September 30<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don't lose sight of<br />

them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them,<br />

and healing to their whole body.”<br />

Proverbs 4:20-22<br />


God, wants us to speak to the mountain and not about the mountain. So<br />

instead of complaining about your problem to others and even to God,<br />

speak to your mountain! Use your God-given authority in Christ and<br />

command the problem to go!<br />

Jesus Himself said, whoever says to this mountain, Be removed and<br />

be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that<br />

those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. (Mark<br />

11:23) Our Lord is telling us that while believing is important, speaking<br />

is even more important! So start speaking to your mountain!<br />

The words from the Bible can t stay on the pages. They must proceed<br />

out of your mouth. You need to meditate on Gods Word daily and speak<br />

it every day. It has to get in your heart and become a part of you.<br />

My friend, if you want to see the power of God come into your<br />

circumstances, you need to realise that it s not what the doctor, your<br />

friends or even your enemies say about you that matters. It s what you<br />

say about your circumstances, your future and your life that matters.<br />

Life and death is in the power of your tongue, so say what the powerful,<br />

life-producing Word of God says about you, your future and your life!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

"Heavenly Father, thank<br />

You for Your Word which<br />

is life to my spirit. I receive<br />

Your strength today and<br />

choose to speak favor to<br />

the mountains. Thank You<br />

for preparing a path of<br />

victory as I keep my heart<br />

and mind stayed on You in<br />

Jesus name. Amen<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

September 31<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“For your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. You rule throughout all generations. The<br />

LORD always keeps his promises; he is gracious in all he does.”<br />

Psalm 145:13<br />

<strong>THE</strong> ULTIMATE PROMISE KEEPER!<br />

God makes promises. Who are we that God would promise us anything?<br />

Yet, out of His love for us, He established many promises that are not<br />

hidden or secret. We can easily nd them in Scripture. God is not a<br />

human that He would lie (Numbers 23:19a, NIV). When God makes a<br />

promise to us, it will be accomplished through His sovereignty.<br />

God is trustworthy. We can count on God to ful ll His promises. He is<br />

dependable, reliable and worthy of our trust. God has already kept His<br />

greatest promise, by sending Jesus to die on our behalf so we can have<br />

eternal life in Him (John 3:16). If God ful lled this sacred promise out of<br />

love for us, how can we doubt He will keep the other promises He has<br />

made?<br />

God is faithful. Not just sometimes or when He wants to be. God is<br />

faithful in all He does (Deuteronomy 7:9). God is loyal to those He loves.<br />

He is 100 percent devoted to His children and nothing will ever change<br />

that. The vow He made to you is eternal.<br />

Life is challenging. People will disappoint us. And, yes, as much as we<br />

try, we may even fall short in keeping some of our promises to others.<br />

But no matter what happens in life, we can hold on to this profound<br />

truth: God will never break His promises. Never. He is trustworthy and<br />

faithful<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Lord, thank You for always<br />

keeping Your promises<br />

and loving me even in<br />

those moments when I<br />

haven t been faithful to<br />

You. Grow my faith and<br />

help me see You working<br />

in my life, so I can come to<br />

know You more. Let my<br />

trust in You increase as I<br />

learn to rely on Your<br />

faithfulness. Help me<br />

keep the promises I make<br />

to others. In Jesus Name,<br />

Amen.<br />


P E A C E P R E C I O U S O N E<br />

S E P T E M B E R D E V O T I O N A L<br />

GOD is our Refuge and<br />

Strength<br />


Please visit<br />

www.peacepreciousone.com<br />

or email me at<br />

thedailyencourager@gmail.com<br />

you can also Whatsapp me on<br />

402 812 8873<br />


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