SzSA YearBook 2016/17

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Földes Ferenc High School<br />

Address: Hősök tere 7., H-3525 Miskolc, Hungary<br />

E: szentesi@ffg.sulinet.hu<br />

T: +36 20/365-9313<br />


I completed my studies in biology and geography at the Kossuth Lajos<br />

University (University of Debrecen) in 1998. To this day, I have taught in my<br />

former high school, Földes Ferenc Grammar School in Miskolc. In 1998, I also<br />

completed a teaching degree in the field of environmental protection at the<br />

Eszterházy Károly College in Eger. In 2005, I passed an examination in public<br />

school management and teaching. In 1996, I joined the County Institute<br />

of Education, and I was appointed a municipal consultant in biology and<br />

environmental protection between 1998 and 2011. Since 2005, I have been a<br />

board chair for the advanced Matura examination in my subject areas and am<br />

also engaged in coordinating the corrections for the advanced written Matura<br />

examination. During my career, I have organised lectures and held practical<br />

in-service training for my colleagues in the county. I have participated in<br />

testing digital teaching materials, preparing task sheets and editing geography<br />

coursebooks as well as serving as a mentor teacher for a number of student<br />

teachers from the University of Debrecen. As of 2015, I have also worked as<br />

a master teacher and an educational inspection and teacher certification<br />

expert. In 1997, my colleagues and I launched the Árokszállásy Biology and<br />

Environmental Protection Competition, of which I am the main organiser. My<br />

school has had a great natural sciences tradition. My work in preparing my<br />

students for the advanced Matura examination and in my capacity as a form<br />

teacher is a top priority for me. I prepare my students continuously, hold special<br />

after-school lessons, and organise fieldwork and lectures. I have received a<br />

number of certificates at national competitions through my students as well<br />

as a certificate of appreciation from the city. My greatest source of pride is my<br />

students’ success and the happy smiles on their faces when they achieve their<br />

goals.<br />


Dóra Zwillinger<br />

veterinarian<br />

Szent István University, Budapest<br />

• Kitaibel Pál Competition 2007, 6 th place<br />

Bálint Lakatos<br />

PhD student<br />

Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest<br />

• National Secondary School Competition<br />

(OKTV) Biology 2010, 45 th place<br />

Lukács Lesinszki<br />

demonstrator<br />

Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest<br />

• OKTV Biology 2014, 5 th place<br />

• Árokszállásy Competition 2014, 2 nd prize<br />

Ferenc Fónagy<br />

Corvinus University, Budapest<br />

• Lóczy Geography Competition 2009,<br />

13 th place<br />

• Less Geography Competition 2010, 8 th place<br />

• OKTV Geography 2011, 35 th place<br />

2012, 12 th place<br />


Szentesi Csilla. (2014). Biológia munkafüzet és tanári segédlet 7.8.10. évfolyam<br />

[Biology workbook and teacher’s guide for grades 7, 8 and 10]. Miskolc: Miskolc<br />

Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzat<br />


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