SzSA YearBook 2016/17

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Premonstratensian St. Norbert Secondary School,<br />

Technical School for Church Music and Dormitory<br />

Address: Takács Menyhért út 2., H-2100 Gödöllő, Hungary<br />

E: szirtisas33@gmail.com<br />

T: +36 20/823-1520<br />


I earned a degree from the József Attila University (University of Szeged) as both<br />

a biology teacher and a biologist with a specialization in ecology. I began my<br />

teaching career as a part-time biology teacher at the Dugonics András Piarist<br />

Grammar School in Gödöllő, moving on to the Premonstratensian (Norbertine)<br />

Grammar School in the same town in 1998. I taught biology to students within<br />

the regular curriculum and advanced elective courses in biology for those<br />

preparing to study the subject at university as well as other enthusiasts. We<br />

launched a specialized program in biology and chemistry in 2014–15, and,<br />

as department head, I played an active role in developing its content and<br />

structure. Since our school boasts a great many outstanding students, my<br />

teaching activity has become focused on engaging with young people with<br />

particular talent. In order to carry out the work in a truly professional manner,<br />

I also completed a course to become a talent development teacher at the<br />

University of Debrecen and attended the Geniusz in-service training (“Nurturing<br />

excellence among talented biology students”). One regular, favourite form of<br />

dealing with talented young people is the Path to Science program, through<br />

which research teams of five students are formed to learn and improve<br />

thinking through joint research activity on a particular topic area. At the end<br />

of the project, the research teams share their results in a presentation every<br />

year at the TUDOK regional and national conferences. For my work in nurturing<br />

excellence, I have so far received the Kontra György Award (2010), Bonis Bona<br />

Award (2013) and a Ministerial Certificate of Recognition (<strong>2016</strong>).<br />


Kerényi Z. (2004). Pilisjászfalu madárvilága [The bird world of Pilisjászfalu]. In<br />

Pilisjászfalu I. Pilisjászfalu: Pilisjászfaluért Közalapítvány.<br />

Kerényi Z. (2011). A Gödöllői-dombság állatvilága [The animal world of the<br />

Gödöllő Hills]. In Szabó L. (Ed.): A Gödöllői-dombság természeti- és gazdaságföldrajzi<br />

viszonyai. Budapest: Agroinform Kiadó.<br />

Kerényi Z, Ivók E. (2013). Nestsite characteristics of the European Bee-eater<br />

(Merops apiaster L.) in the Gödöllő Hills. ORNIS HUNGARICA 21(2): 23-32.<br />


Bence Prehoda<br />

university student<br />

Faculty of Medicine,<br />

Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest<br />

• National Secondary School Competition<br />

(OKTV) Biology 2012, 4 th place<br />

• OKTV Biology 2013, 12 th place<br />

• IBO national selection, 3 rd place<br />

Flóra Takács<br />

university student<br />

University College London<br />

• OKTV Biology 2014, 8 th place<br />

• IBO 2015, silver medal<br />

• ICYS 2015, silver medal<br />

Márton Csaba<br />

university student<br />

Faculty of Medicine,<br />

Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest<br />

• OKTV Biology 2015, 12 th place<br />

• TUDOK national finals 2015, grand prize<br />

• KutDiák essay-writing competition 2014,<br />

1 st prize<br />

István Krisztofer Tóth<br />

Bartók Conservatory, Liszt Academy<br />

• Hlavay József National Environmental<br />

Science Students Conference 2014, 1 st prize<br />

János Farkas<br />

university student<br />

Faculty of Chemical Technology and<br />

Biotechnology, Budapest University of<br />

Technology and Economics<br />

• TUDOK national finals 2015, grand prize<br />

• KutDiák essay-writing competition 2014,<br />

1 st prize<br />

• Avram Hershko Science Competition 2014<br />

and 2015, 1 st prize<br />


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