IVC Referral Directory 070917 FINAL high res

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Dear Colleague,<br />

As practices continue to join <strong>IVC</strong> and our network becomes ever more extensive, it<br />

makes sense to ensure all our clinicians are aware of our growing referral cent<strong>res</strong>.<br />

We’re incredibly proud of the depth of talent amongst our <strong>Referral</strong> Clinicians and their<br />

state-of-the-art facilities to provide your clients with the best veterinary care in the UK.<br />

To that end, the following pages offer a quick reference guide on our main referral<br />

practices. The second section <strong>high</strong>lights our first opinion practices that you can refer<br />

to for specific conditions. Wherever possible, and so long as it is in the best inte<strong>res</strong>ts<br />

of the patient, there are a number of benefits to referring to an <strong>IVC</strong> practice; you are<br />

referring to your colleagues with whom you can engender strong and lasting working<br />

relationships, collectively we can continue to grow our referral knowledge base which<br />

benefits the entire group and we retain the work within the <strong>IVC</strong> community which is in<br />

everyone’s inte<strong>res</strong>t.<br />

I hope you find the guide a useful tool for our continued collaboration.<br />

Paul Cowling CEO <strong>IVC</strong> – UK

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