World Image Issue 48 September 2017

World Image Issue 48 September 2017

World Image Issue 48 September 2017


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National and Regional Management<br />

Gordon Longmead - England - CEO<br />

Peter Hogel - Uganda - Deputy CEO<br />

Scott Hurd - Namibia<br />

Tom Coetzee - South Africa<br />

Paul Welch—Australia<br />

Steve Cook - USA<br />

Robert Murray - Scotland<br />

Tina Andreasson - Sweden and Mexico<br />

Jack Glisson - Kentucky USA<br />

Alan Griffiths, England<br />

In This <strong>Issue</strong>:<br />

3 Goldfinch and Willow Tit - Pictures Scott Latham, England<br />

4 Spot Tutorial, Shooting the Rain isn't easy! Scott Hurd, Namibia<br />

6 People of Uganda, Gordon Longmead, England<br />

10 Australia, Gippsland Victoria with Geoff Bowers, England<br />

14 Arkansas with Louise Bradt, USA<br />

16 Sailors Welcome, Sailors Warning with Alan Griffiths, England<br />

18 Birds of a Colour, Peter Hogel, Uganda<br />

19 Nicola Jane Crawford, England<br />

20 British Icons, Gordon Longmead, England<br />

24 The River Nile … Peter Hogel, Uganda<br />

28 Just People ... No, Not Just People, Gordon Longmead, England<br />

32 Wildlife of America - Ducks and Drakes by Larry Hitchins, USA<br />

33 A Study in Nature - Jay, Pictures by Scott Latham, England<br />

34 Brooks Medieval Faire <strong>2017</strong> with Bob Breakell, Canada<br />

36 South Africa with Tony Sparkes<br />

42 Peter Hogel in Uganda<br />

46 Flowers in My Lens, Gordon Longmead, England<br />

50 The Ruin of Ayot St Lawrence<br />

52 Wildlife of America - On The Pond , Larry Hitchins, USA<br />

© Please remember that all articles and images published in this magazine are copyright protected<br />

Cover picture - Ugandan Sunset by Peter Hogel<br />

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Shooting the Rain isn't easy!<br />

My Namibian friends will think I'm deliberately teasing them by sharing this at the driest time of the year,<br />

so I'd better start with an apology. You could always practice with a sprinkler. English friends will<br />

understand, they know any time of the year can suddenly turn into the rainy season.<br />

1. Cameras hate rain - so beware! Shoot in the dry.<br />

2. Shutter speed is important. Too slow and the drops all merge together, too fast and all you get are little<br />

dots. Each storm is different and each shot is an experiment. A tripod might prove useful.<br />

3. Aperture needs thought. Do you want to focus on some of the rain or all of it.<br />

4. Usually the light will be low so use the ISO to give you the settings you need.<br />

5. Back-lighting helps make the drops stand out.<br />

6. Reflections and drops hitting puddles makes rain look more realistic.<br />

Have fun! I'd love to see your good ones.<br />

Scott Hurd, Namibia<br />

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Cape Glossy Starling - not a rare bird but to get it feeding in such a position with the sun heightening the<br />

colours was magical. The fact that the eye matched so well was a bonus.<br />

Scott Hurd, Namibia<br />

Photography - so<br />

important in so many<br />

professions around the<br />

globe. Here we were<br />

working with anti<br />

poaching units,<br />

teaching them to use<br />

cameras in very low<br />

light situations.<br />

The two photos<br />

demonstrate the use of<br />

flash to fill in the<br />

details against the<br />

sunset, something the<br />

APUs see as a luxury.<br />

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Sale Common Wetland Lakes and Reserve, and on 90 Mile Be<br />

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Camouflage at it's best...would like to see what you see<br />

in the one specific image<br />

Tom Coetzee<br />

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Sometimes I take a couple of hours off to just sit and enjoy the glorious<br />

sunshine we have here in Arkansas and get treated to lots of bird<br />

activity, including Robins, Turkey Vultures & a Juvenile Red-Tail<br />

Hawk<br />

I don't often try and get milky way shots, but last night was an<br />

opportunity too good to miss. Even with the light pollution from the<br />

neighbours and the tree closest to me which is right by the deck I was<br />

shooting from, it was still amazing.<br />

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And there she is, The River Nile floating from the<br />

source in Jinjja all the way up to Alexandria in<br />

Egypt stretching almost 7000Km.<br />

First runner up are, no big surprise there, hippos<br />

with literally thousands of hippos, they are<br />

guaranteed to be found yawning to show who’s in<br />

charge, their little tails working it like propellers to<br />

spread their dung, marking territory… lets not get<br />

too close.<br />

Our part of the Nile goes straight through Murchison<br />

NP, and we start our journey down stream and our<br />

goal is the impressive Murchison falls.<br />

On a smaller private boat we have our privacy and<br />

can quietly get closer to the animals along the way<br />

whilst sipping a glass of cool white wine or why not<br />

have a Nile (beer) on the Nile, and some delicious<br />

snacks along the way.<br />

Slowly making our way up the Nile with a nice<br />

breeze cooling us down we pass an abundant of<br />

wildlife, crocodiles sunbathing on the shore.<br />

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Families of elephants coming down to drink and<br />

cool of in the water, buffaloes and waterbuck…<br />

We see foam building up on the surface of the water<br />

and the current is picking up, we are getting closer<br />

to the falls, we are passing the landmark where the<br />

famous writer Ernest Hemingway crashed in a<br />

plane, surviving and sometime later crashing again,<br />

surviving again, the black and white Colobus<br />

monkeys sitting in the canopies, and there she is,<br />

Murchison falls.<br />

The birdlife here is amazing the small but oh so<br />

colourful kingfishers, bee-eaters fishing herons and<br />

fish eagles there is no end to it…<br />

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The Nile squeezed in to a narrow passage and<br />

falling down in a turbulent mass of water, we stay<br />

for a while, amazed over the force of the tumbling<br />

falls.<br />

This is where we jump of the boat to hike up to the<br />

top of the falls to get a second view and to stand,<br />

just at the rim with the white water furious passing<br />

by below, Watching, from a safe place.<br />

Peter Hogel, Eden Adventures, Uganda<br />

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The Photographer Academy is the largest European<br />

photography training company providing the award<br />

winning training to get inspired or instructed every day.<br />

http://thephotographeracademy.com<br />

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The Cat Survival Trust was registered as a charity in<br />

1976. The Trust's on-site objective is to promote<br />

education regarding the conservation of wild cats and<br />

their habitat by housing an array of species in natural<br />

enclosures.<br />

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http://www.catsurvivaltrust.org<br />

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Pink Eared Ducks<br />

Silver Woodduck Pair<br />

Marbled Duck or Marbled Teal<br />

Fulvous Whistling Duck<br />

Mallard Hen<br />

White Winged Wood Duck this is one of our<br />

endangered duck specie is in heavy decline with only a<br />

few scattered left.<br />

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Some of the knights that participated in the jousting at the Brooks<br />

Medieval Faire <strong>2017</strong>. This is a sanctioned event for points in<br />

international standings I understand.<br />

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A different photographic genera for me with this macro shot<br />

of the Eastern Dotted Border Butterfly (Mylothris agathina).<br />

Captured in the late afternoon in South Africa's Kruger<br />

National Park.<br />

This butterfly normally found in Mozambique, Zimbabwe,<br />

Botswana and Southern and Eastern South Africa.<br />

Fact: One of the major visual differences between butterfies<br />

and moths are the ''antenna'' You will see here this butterfly<br />

has ''clubbed'' antenna on the end where moths often have<br />

comb-like or feathery antennae, or un-clubbed<br />

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The Small Orange Acraea (Acraea alalonga) I think, a long-winged Orange Acraea which is restricted to<br />

North Eastern South Africa.<br />

Fact: Currently their are two other species of Orange AcraeaAcraea anacreon (large orange acraea), found in<br />

eastern and southern Africa, Acraea eponina (small orange acraea), widespread in tropical Africa and<br />

adjacent areas<br />

Captured this little chap the common Dwarf<br />

Mongoose (Helogale parvula) on an<br />

afternoon game drive in South Africa's<br />

Kruger National Park. It was part of several<br />

Dwarf Mongoose that were scampering in<br />

and over an old termite mound.<br />

Fact: Dwarf mongooses are territorial, with<br />

each group using an area of approximately 30<br />

-60 hectares (depending on the type of<br />

habitat). They sleep at night in disused<br />

termite mounds<br />

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While in the upper reaches of South Africa's<br />

Western Cape, in the Bontebok National Park<br />

which runs parallel with the 'Langeberg'<br />

Mountains I was lucky enough to cath this male<br />

Malachite Sunbird (Nectarina famosa) sampling<br />

some of the many winter Aloe's currently<br />

blooming all over the country. This large sunbird<br />

is found in hilly fynbos (amongst Protea as well<br />

as Aloes) cool montane and coastal scrub and up<br />

to 2,800m in South Africa.<br />

A male Eastern Golden Weaver (Ploceus<br />

subaureus) admires his work after<br />

building his nest between two bull-rushes.<br />

Bonamanzi Game Reserve - KwaZulu-<br />

Natal - South Africa<br />

Fact: The Malachite Sunbird in the Middle East<br />

and South-East Asia is also known as the 'Green<br />

Sugarbird'<br />

One of my favourite places in South Africa is the Kgalagadi<br />

Transfrontier Park for another epic trip know doubt.<br />

Besides the larger mammals, their are many smaller ones<br />

which make the park their home. Here a Brants's Whistling<br />

Rat (Parotomys brantsii) enjoying another snack in the soft,<br />

warm, golden light of late afternoon.<br />

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This juvenile Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk<br />

(Melierax canorus) I photographed it earlier in the<br />

year in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in the<br />

Northern Cape, South Africa. The adult however<br />

has grey upper parts with a white rump. The<br />

central tail feathers are black tipped with white and<br />

the outer feathers are barred grey and white.<br />

Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk females usually<br />

mate with a single male. However, a female and<br />

two males may form a trio under certain<br />

conditions.<br />

Fact: South Africa has 2 species of Chanting<br />

Goshawk - Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk<br />

(Melierax canorus) and the Dark Chanting-<br />

Goshawk (Melierax metabates)<br />

Southern Africa has many species of Hornbill (10)<br />

but our most common and photogenic by far is the<br />

Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill (Tockus<br />

leucomelas). I was fascinated by this Hornbill's<br />

feet when I took this shot in South Africa's Kruger<br />

National Park, not noticing it before it reminded me<br />

of human babies foot/sole as it was scratching<br />

itself.<br />

Fact: Once mated female Hornbill's will seal<br />

themselves inside the nest (tree hollow) by<br />

blocking the entry with a wall made from her<br />

droppings and food remains. The male will help by<br />

bringing mud for her to work with. The only<br />

opening left is a vertical slit from the top to the<br />

bottom. The male passes food to her through this<br />

slit with his beak. Her droppings and food remains<br />

are also squeezed out through this slit.<br />

The female will also shed all of her flight and tail<br />

feathers simultaneously and regrow them during<br />

the time she is sealed in the nest with the chicks.<br />

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While scouting Muzi 'pan' (body of<br />

Natal, I was fortunate enough<br />

Flamingos (Phoenicopterus minor)<br />

fairly low flight.<br />

Breeding in Africa, with their mai<br />

amongst the caustic waters of Lake<br />

South Africa, is situated at Kamf<br />

p o l l u t i o n a n d t h e e n c<br />

Despite being the most numerous s<br />

as near-threatened due to its de<br />

number of breeding sites,<br />

This rather pensive looking male Greater Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) was<br />

staring with some intent as he peered from behind a none existent bush... It<br />

was a little bit of a stand off with neither of us moving a muscle while I took a<br />

few shots of him.<br />

Kudu Fact: Their are two species of Kudu in Sub-Saharan Africa the Greater<br />

Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) of Eastern and Southern Africa and the<br />

Lesser Kudu, Tragelaphus imberbis found solely in Eastern Africa ans is near<br />

threatened.<br />

One of Africa's most dangerous<br />

(Hippopotamus amphibius) This hip<br />

along the St Lucia estuary - KwaZul<br />

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It was a waiting game for me to photograph this young male Kalahari Lion<br />

(Panthera leo bleyenberghi) at a watering hole in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier<br />

Park on a recent trip.<br />

Many hours waiting for lions to come and drink at the waterhole finally paid off<br />

when this young male (I heard him long before I saw him) walked out of the<br />

bush, drank in front of me and walked off again. It was all over in a matter of<br />

minutes....<br />

- South Africa<br />

Fact: Wiki advises subspecies of lions, provided by Haas et al. (2005), suggests<br />

that lions in the Kalahari Region are of two subspecies: Panthera leo krugeri<br />

and Panthera leo bleyenberghi.<br />

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I'm not grumpy…<br />

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I just don't like people...<br />

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Leopard in ishasha.<br />

Life in the wild is not always easy, battle for<br />

territory, food, water and females (not<br />

necessarily in that order)... This fellow was<br />

seemingly doing OK, in spite of a severely<br />

ripped off nose and teeth...<br />

Giant Kingfisher showing its true col<br />

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Karate learned the side kick from the ancestors of the Giraffe<br />

It rains in Uganda as well.<br />

Elephant making a stand, "go away"... And we did...<br />

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Ayot St Lawrence is a small village and civil parish in<br />

Hertfordshire, about three miles from Welwyn. The<br />

villages main claim to fame is that it was the home of<br />

George Bernard Shaw, who resided at what is now<br />

known as Shaw's Corner, from 1906 until his death in<br />

1950.The current village has two churches, the new one<br />

is in a Palladian style which looks more like a folly than<br />

a church, and appears totally out of place in the beautiful<br />

Hertfordshire countryside that surrounds it.<br />

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The old one, the subject of this presentation, is located in the<br />

centre of the village, was partially demolished in 1775,<br />

because it was obstructing the view from Sir Lionel Lyde's<br />

new home. So much for the gentries respect of religion and<br />

architecture.<br />

But in rural areas this was the normal behaviour of the gentry.<br />

They owned the land and everyone on it. Laugh at a ‘ladies’<br />

hat and you were flogged, pick up a stick from the side of the<br />

road, or fruit from a roadside bush, and you were charged<br />

with theft. The gentry owned the land so if you transgressed<br />

as an agricultural worker, which most of the population were<br />

(and in tied houses), you were out of a job and home.<br />

So when Sir Lionel decided to construct a new home, rather<br />

than position it differently, he did so in such a way that the<br />

church had to go. It is interesting to note that only part of the<br />

church was removed, the most obvious obstruction, the tower,<br />

still remains.<br />

The Norman nature of the church is still evident in the arches<br />

and layout of the remains, although the tower has become<br />

dangerous and unstable with time.<br />

The fact that the structure was never fully demolished<br />

suggests that his lordships objection was not the obstruction<br />

of the view from his home, but that he did not want the<br />

parishioners walking past in such proximity every Sunday<br />

morning.<br />

I suspect that Sir Lionel may also have had a falling out with<br />

the then incumbent of the church, or perhaps the church itself.<br />

Either way the partial demolition has left us with a good<br />

location for photography that should endure for a while longer<br />

at least. GLL<br />

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Eurasian Teal<br />

King Rail<br />

Pintail Drake<br />

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Red Billed Pintail<br />

Clapper Rail on the Run<br />

Ringed Teal<br />

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Kuyimba means 'to sing' in the Zambian Chinyanja language<br />

and this site is a celebration of the sights and sounds of<br />

southern Africa. Join us to experience it for yourself.<br />

Derek & Sarah Solomon<br />

www.kuyimba.com<br />

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