Parish Cake Autumn 2017

Your slice of Cranbrook and Sissinghurst life - published by Cranbrook and Sissinghurst Parish Council

Your slice of Cranbrook and Sissinghurst life - published by Cranbrook and Sissinghurst Parish Council


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usiness<br />

Harnessing the<br />

Power of the<br />

Web in theWeald<br />

You don’t need to rely on customers walking past<br />

your shop or office door, writes Emma Wood of<br />

Hothouse - Wealden Growth Agency<br />

I WANT to share with you just how important a website<br />

and the internet is to any business, particularly in<br />

rural areas such as ours. The World Wide Web has<br />

transformed the way that businesses trade<br />

regardless of just how remote some might be.<br />

Whilst numerous businesses have risen to<br />

the challenge of harnessing the web, there<br />

is often apathy from some small and even<br />

large business owners to having a website<br />

and putting their business online. Here are<br />

my reasons why it is so critical to do so.<br />

i. Potential customers are searching for you<br />

and you aren’t there. Consumers use the<br />

internet to search for products and services, as<br />

well as to do research about products and services<br />

that they need. Your competitors are putting their<br />

goods online and so should you.<br />

ii. With a mobile-responsive, optimised website to<br />

direct traffic to your products and services giving the<br />

customer what they need, you can compete.<br />

iii. Online traffic is trackable: Smaller businesses,<br />

particularly rural ones, do have smaller budgets.<br />

With online marketing, you can start by investing<br />

small amounts and be able to measure the results. By<br />

utilising direct response messaging on your offline<br />

advertising you can drive potential customers to<br />

dedicated landing pages on your website, enabling<br />

you to better monitor return from your investment<br />

in publications, television, radio or other media.<br />

iv. Because digital marketing is trackable from day one,<br />

this means that you can measure which channel or<br />

message is getting better sales conversions. You can<br />

adapt your messaging, change your promotions and<br />

alter your products along the way.<br />

v. When you have a website you convert more business.<br />

People will search for a product or service, or name<br />

of your business, and go to your website. In today’s<br />

world, most searches are conducted on a mobile<br />

telephone rather than going, for example, to a<br />

printed directory.<br />

BELOW: Emma<br />

Wood is founder of<br />

INTOtheWeald.co.uk<br />

more info<br />

vi. With various advertising tools available you can<br />

reach a global audience. It is easy to run a campaign<br />

across the globe. If your product or service is<br />

transportable you can increase your turnover and<br />

profits from international customers and not be<br />

reliant purely on visitors to your locality, or those<br />

residing in Cranbrook or Sissinghurst and the<br />

surrounding area.<br />

And of course with local customers in mind it is also<br />

important to remember that according to Google<br />

statistics:<br />

• 72% of customers that do a local search visit a store<br />

within five miles<br />

• Local searches lead to 50% of mobile visitors to visit<br />

stores within a day<br />

• 78% of mobile searches result in offline purchases.<br />

So no matter what size, nature or location of your<br />

enterprise in the Weald, I cannot emphasise enough<br />

how important is it that you harness the World Wide<br />

Web by having a website to promote your business.<br />

If you would like to discuss how you can make the most<br />

of trading on the World Wide Web call Emma on<br />

01580 715772.<br />

Emma Wood is founder of INTOtheWeald.co.uk – the<br />

community and enterprise portal that supports and<br />

promotes all things local, managing director of Wealden<br />

Growth Agency - HotHouseGrowth.co.uk and strategy &<br />

business development director at MaxMediaGlobal.com –<br />

International Expansion Specialists.<br />

<strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Cake</strong> • <strong>Autumn</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 39

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