Summer 2016

Summer 2016

Summer 2016


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TABLE 1 | Minimum Width For Vegetative Filter Strips Where Soil Is Tilled. 1<br />

Slope (%)<br />

Minimum Width in Feet<br />

1–3 25<br />

4–7 35<br />

8–10 50<br />

1<br />

Standards and specifications No. 393, USDA-NRCS field office guide, 2004.<br />

TABLE 2 | Effectiveness Of Filter Strips In Reducing Fecal Coliform Levels Under<br />

Fecal Coliform<br />

Reduction (%)<br />

Slope (%)<br />

Varying Conditions. 2<br />

Buffer Width<br />

In Feet<br />

Runoff Source<br />

43 -74 9 30± Poultry Litter On No-Till Cropland<br />

>99 4 3 -82 Manure On Improved Pastureland<br />

2<br />

Mike Marshall, Texas A&M-Institute of Renewable Natural Resources.<br />

capacity of ponds and lakes.<br />

Water from precipitation also percolates or moves downward<br />

through soil pores to replenish underground aquifers. Pores<br />

in bare ground become sealed and there is essentially no<br />

water percolation; so sparsely covered soil negatively impacts<br />

groundwater supplies.<br />

A covered soil holds more water by binding it to organic<br />

matter and loses less water to runoff and evaporation. The<br />

amount of organic matter increases in soil when it is covered<br />

by vegetation and dead plant material residue. Organic matter<br />

holds 18 to 20 times its weight in water and recycles nutrients for<br />

plants to use. One percent organic matter in the top six inches of<br />

soil holds approximately 27,000 gallons of water per acre.<br />

“Big trees growing along streams can shade the water and<br />

provide good fish and wildlife habitat,” Nelle continues. “Their<br />

massive, far-reaching root systems reinforce the banks against<br />

flood damage and help provide stability. Depending upon the<br />

area, riparian trees can include pecan, elm, cypress, sycamore,<br />

cotton wood, willow or oak.<br />

“Invasive exotic plants such as giant cane, saltcedar, Chinese<br />

tallow and others may sometimes dominate riparian areas. These<br />

plants may form near monocultures and crowd out native plants.<br />

In these cases, selective control measures are warranted.”<br />


Selective control measures can involve mechanical removal of<br />

unwanted species leaving the desirable plants undisturbed.<br />

Mechanical methods include various types of saws and<br />

tree grubbers or excavators. A second option is individual<br />

plant treatments (IPT) with herbicides, which includes basal<br />

treatments and stem/leaf sprays. Read and understand the<br />

product label before using any herbicide. Ensure that the<br />

target plants are listed on the label and pay special attention<br />

to any precautions or restrictions on use of the particular<br />

herbicide around water.<br />

“It’s important to avoid overgrazing riparian areas in order<br />

to keep them in healthy condition,” says Marshall. “Animals<br />

may need to be fully excluded from these areas or only given<br />

access for short periods. If the creek, lake or pond is used for<br />

watering livestock, consider other water sources.”<br />

“Grazing is the most important factor that influences<br />

riparian vegetation,” says Nelle. “Heavy and prolonged<br />

grazing damage riparian vegetation and render it ineffective<br />

at retaining sediment. Management in riparian settings<br />

should strive to provide short livestock grazing periods<br />

followed by long rest periods to maintain or enhance desired<br />

plant communities. Only two to four weeks of grazing each<br />

year with a large number of animals may be appropriate<br />

for maintaining good riparian vegetation. This type of flash<br />

grazing can take advantage of large volumes of high quality<br />

forage while still retaining good riparian vegetation. Separate<br />

riparian pastures combined with an observant and diligent<br />

manager will permit this kind of specialized grazing.”<br />

Fencing livestock out of lakes, creeks and rivers reduces<br />

water contamination from soil, manure and urine. Total or<br />

partial exclusion of livestock also helps maintain dense<br />

vegetation to catch and stabilize sediments. For animal<br />

access to water, areas can be graveled where banks are less<br />

likely to erode. These watering areas should be fenced to<br />

prohibit livestock from moving further into the stream.<br />

“Grazing animals with unrestricted access to riparian areas<br />

may remove streamside vegetation, compact or disturb soils,<br />

and break down banks, resulting in both channel incision and<br />

widening of stream beds. Additionally, when grazing animals<br />

have free access to riparian areas, their manure is deposited<br />

or washed into streams. This results in excessive nutrients,<br />

organic matter and pathogenic organisms,” says Machtinger.<br />

“If grazing is managed, livestock manure and urine are<br />

deposited in thick vegetation where it is lodged in place,<br />

quickly decomposed and used by plants,” says Nelle.<br />

“Very little manure and urine get into the water when the<br />

riparian area is heavily vegetated.”<br />

In addition to over-grazing, humans degrade riparian<br />

zones by heavily manicuring and mowing, grading or<br />

paving stream and river banks. Constant use of all-terrain<br />

vehicles (ATVs) and other equipment in riparian areas<br />

and deposition of trash and other foreign material into<br />

rivers and streams are also detrimental to these systems.<br />

Dysfunctional riparian zone characteristics include exposed<br />

soil or gravel on banks and in the floodplain, a wide channel with<br />

shallow water, increased flood flows and excessive erosion often<br />

resulting in stream bank collapse. Other signs of a degraded<br />

riparian system are lack of shade or over-hanging vegetation and<br />

absence of large wood or downed trees in the stream bed. This<br />

results in the loss of fish and wildlife habitat and the dominance<br />

of non-native invasive plants and/or upland species.<br />

In most cases, recommendations by NRCS and other<br />

land management agencies on repairing dysfunctional<br />

riparian zones are to cease or alter damaging practices<br />

and then let nature take its course. Nelle states that<br />

some heavily disturbed riparian plant communities,<br />

especially where the water table has been lowered or<br />

flows interrupted, may not recover in our lifetime. But<br />

most are extremely resilient and can recover as long as<br />

they have time, rest, and adequate water.<br />


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