Martin Luther

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PROF. M. M. NINAN<br />

But he is equally opposed to those whom he calls fanatics. They held that it is the Christian's task to<br />

seek to rule society by the principles of the Sermon on the Mount, and that evil should not be<br />

resisted, but all earthly law and power abolished.<br />

It is contrary to the will of God to try to rule the world through the Gospel. God has ordained an<br />

entirely different authority to rule the world. It is in accordance with His will that power and<br />

the sword are used to that end, and the world is under the sway of that authority, and<br />

not of the Gospel.<br />

The Two Kingdoms and the "Autonomy" of Worldly Life<br />

Since the power in the hands of an individual can be miused how can it be corrected?<br />

<strong>Luther</strong>’s answer is<br />

‘It is not the business of the spiritual ministry to bear the sword,<br />

but it must demonstrate the Christian way of bearing it.’<br />

In his "Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount," <strong>Luther</strong> remarks that :<br />

"anyone who claims to be a Christian and a child of God, not only does not start war or unrest;<br />

also he gives help and counsel on the side of peace wherever he can, even though there be a just<br />

and adequate cause for going to war.”<br />

Romans 13:1 - 2 - Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority<br />

except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.<br />

Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those<br />

who do so will bring judgment on themselves.<br />

1 Peter 2:13 - 14 - Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men:<br />

whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who<br />

do wrong and to commend those who do right.<br />

Jesus calls us to love our enemies—that means we can’t take up arms against them.<br />

The Church is betraying an essential part of its mission if it does not continually, exhort, warn, and<br />

remind those in earthly authority of the Law of God to which they are subject.<br />

It might be concluded that since the new age has come, we are to be freed from the old. But this is<br />

not wholly true. He who has come to faith through Christ has not ceased to be a child of Adam; he<br />

who has been justified through Christ has not ceased to live in this world of sin and death. .<br />

“A Christian, is at the same time justified and still a sinner. This dualism arises from his allegiance<br />

to ‘two kingdoms, God's and the world‘s. He not only owes allegiance to this world, his whole being<br />

is firmly knit with it and into it.”<br />

The relation in which the two ages stand to one another is not such that the new has supplanted the<br />

old. The old lives on, and continues to exercise its authority over the Christian. He is a dweller in<br />

two worlds, and St. Paul's words in Romans XII speak out directly to him, "Be not conformed to this<br />

world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind."<br />

The error of the fanatics is clear.<br />

They do not take the present world with due seriousness. They seem to imagine that the kingdom<br />

of God has come in the fullness of its majesty. The Gospel applicable to the new world they make<br />

into a law applicable to the old. They do not face the reality of the old world, and thus they<br />

falsify the Gospel.<br />

But God has one order for this world and another for the new, and we may not confuse the two with<br />

impunity.<br />

It is equally clear where the secularists have gone astray.<br />


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