Martin Luther

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Published Books<br />

by Prof.M.M.Ninan<br />

www.mmninan.com<br />

A Study On Baptism<br />

Acts of the Apostle Thomas.Ambedkar's Philosophy of Hinduism and Contemperory Critiques<br />

Angels, Demons and All the Hosts of Heaven and Earth<br />

Apocryphal Thomas<br />

Apostle Paul Architect and Builder of the Church: Life and Mission<br />

Arius: Who is Jesus<br />

Bible Canon<br />

Christ vs. Krishna<br />

Comparitive study of Kuku and Hebrew<br />

Cosmos - The Body of God<br />

Created in the Image of God<br />

Cultural Anthropology.for Missions..<br />

Dalit Theology<br />

Flying Together<br />

Foundations of Faith in Jesus<br />

Four Gospels<br />

Hinduism: A Christian Heresy; What Really Happened in India<br />

History of Christianity in India<br />

Honeymoon in Ethiopia<br />

I AM: Symbols Jesus Used to explain himself<br />

Introduction to Revelation<br />

Introduction to Biblical.Hermeneutics..<br />

Introduction to Revelations<br />

Isavasya Upanishad:The doctrine of the Immanence of Jesus<br />

Jamaica: The Land We Love<br />

James & John: Sons of Thunder<br />

Jiva, Jada & Isvara<br />

Joys of Ghana Col<br />

Katha Upanishad - The Complete...<br />

Kingdom Parables<br />

Krishna Yajur Veda<br />

Laws of Manu<br />

Life and Legacy of M.M.Thomas<br />

Life, Legacy and Theology.of M.M.Thomas..<br />

Lord's Appointed Festivals<br />

Nestorius: Understanding Incarnation

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