Annual Report 2016

Saint Robert Bellarmine Parish 2016 annual report Saint Robert Bellarmine Parish 2016 annual report

50th Jubilee Celebr ation &<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 2015-<strong>2016</strong><br />

January 2017

Celebrating 50 Years<br />

As we celebrated the 50th anniversary of our parish, we were mindful of our history. On June 9, 1966,<br />

Archbishop Gerald T. Bergan announced that Father Eugene Kerwin would become pastor of Omaha’s<br />

newest parish. As a thank you to the Jesuit community and Creighton University for all the support they<br />

had given to Omaha and the Archdiocese, Archbishop Bergan chose Saint Robert Bellarmine, as the patron<br />

for the parish. The ground breaking ceremony took place on May 13, 1967, the then Feast of Saint Robert<br />

Bellarmine. “The school of Christ is the school of love. On the last day, when the great general examination takes place, there<br />

will be no question at all on the text of Aristotle, the aphorisms of Hippocrates, or the paragraphs of Justinian. Charity will be<br />

the whole syllabus.” Saint Robert Bellarmine<br />

Father Kerwin and the founding members of the parish worked to develop parish life and the school. Planting<br />

the seedlings of what would become our Blue Ribbon school, construction began ten days after the ground<br />

breaking ceremony. The school was built first and Mass was said in the school gym for the next ten years.<br />

Father Kerwin felt a parish needed a school to help grow the future church. The school was clearly a priority<br />

for our Founding Pastor and his legacy continues with each Pastor.<br />

Prior to the completion of the school and temporary church, daily Masses were held at the rectory, located at<br />

117 & Leavenworth. Sunday Masses were celebrated in the Crestridge school gym. The permanent rectory<br />

was completed along with the church in 1979.<br />

Even before the buildings were completed, young and old parishioners reached out and formed organizations<br />

and groups within the parish and community. The first parish census taken in July, 1966, showed 425<br />

registered parishioners. These people united to form the Ladies’ Guild and the Men’s Club. With time, they<br />

established other ministries both in the parish and in the community. The current parish directory and website<br />

list over 60 ministries, groups and activities. The most recent parish census claims 2852 registered families.<br />

“Charity is that virtue with which no man is lost, and without which no man is saved.” Saint Robert Bellarmine<br />

Our current buildings, including the church, Mainelli Center and new gym were completed in 2005. The<br />

rectory renovation followed in 2012. As with any human creation, time and use overtake so the church is in<br />

constant flux and need of maintenance and repair. Parishioners have always stepped up and met the needs<br />

of the church facilities and grounds. They have enhanced the church with the prayer garden, statuary,<br />

Stations of the Cross, Adoration Chapel and state designated arboretum.<br />

Spiritually, the pastors and parish have ministered to thousands over the year. Baptisms since the early years<br />

through 2015 have totaled 5461. More than that, 5705 have been confirmed. First communions number 5712<br />

and 1489 couples have been married since 1966. Fifteen-hundred students have graduated from our Catholic<br />

school; nearly the same numbers have completed the Religious Education program for public school children.<br />

Over one-thousand people have been buried out of Saint Robert’s. Many of the families were served funeral<br />

meals donated and served by the women of the parish.<br />

We have had four pastors in our 50 years as a parish, Father Kerwin, Monsignor Cupich, Father Shane and<br />

Father Stillmunks. Twenty associate pastors have assisted the pastors with the sacraments and other church<br />

activities. Our first deacon, Fred Alexander, was the first deacon in the Omaha Archdiocese. Besides Fred,<br />

we have had eight other deacons. Monsignor Cupich’s stay was short, but his impact was great. He recently<br />

was elevated by Pope Francis as a Cardinal in the church and remains the Archbishop of Chicago. All of our<br />

priests have worked hard to enhance the parish during their tenure.<br />

Our past has created our present. It has been quite a journey. But the journey continues and we will continue<br />

to glorify God in the sacraments and in our love for one another. We celebrate our 50th Jubilee with gratitude<br />

and thanksgiving as we move forward into the future, so our children can look back and say, “Charity and love<br />

was the whole syllabus.” Saint Robert Bellarmine<br />

(<strong>2016</strong> Review introduction written by parishioner Sue Bristol)

Since 1985<br />

Alumni<br />

In <strong>2016</strong> we established a permanent Saint Robert Bellarmine Alumni Association<br />

• Committee of seven began a year ago to form the permanent Alumni Association: Kelly Vasquez,<br />

Theresa Kleinsmith, Fred Franco, Kelly Kohler, the late Jason Edwards, Sara Pohl and Mary Buttell<br />

• First Task was to collect data of all the students who attended Saint Roberts School over the past<br />

47 years. This was not an easy. Where to begin? The challenge was to find contact information<br />

on students for the last 47 years. The committee began by trying to locate at least one student from<br />

every class to serve as a contact person for that class. They reached out to classmates to contact<br />

their friends through social media. Volunteers sat after church and at donut Sunday to get the word<br />

out and registered Alums. Over 1,350 Alumni signed up in the first 6 months. Over 300 Alumni<br />

attended the All Class Reunion in September of <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

Register<br />

• as a Saint Robert Alumni today. You may register online<br />

on the Saint Robert Bellarmine website or complete a<br />

registration form and return it to the Parish Office, Attention: Mary Buttell,<br />

Director of Stewardship and Development.<br />

• If you are interested in serving on the Alumni Committee, please contact<br />

Mary Buttell or (402) 333-8989

Shine An Evening with Friends<br />

The name Shine was chosen to celebrate the light we all have been given through our Catholic<br />

faith. When we work together as a parish family, we Shine. We Shine our light on those in need,<br />

we Shine our light in joy and celebration, and we Shine our light in thanksgiving for our many<br />

blessings. This event is an opportunity to join as a parish Family and Shine our collective lights<br />

to build a brighter future in Christ. 2015 Chairs: Erica and Aaron Bryant,<br />

Debbie and Mike Marcil and Sara and Paul Smith 2015<br />

“I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws” - Psalm 119:30

<strong>2016</strong> Chairs: Theresa and Joe Thibodeau<br />

and Denise and Darren Snodgrass<br />

<strong>2016</strong><br />

Save the Date: SHINE 2017: November 3, 2017<br />

Faith, Family & Fellowship

Spirit of Saint Robert Award<br />

“I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws” - Psalm 119:30<br />

2015 Award Recipients<br />

<strong>2016</strong> Award Recipients<br />

Thomas and Joan Heafey<br />

Dorie and the Late Jim Mainelli<br />

Joe and Ruth Sullivan<br />

Bob and Betsy Reed<br />

Saint Robert Bellarmine <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> • <strong>2016</strong>

Concert Series<br />

The first concert was held October 1, 2015 featuring the Nebraska Wind Symphony under the direction of<br />

Larry MacTaggart. The highlight a special arrangement of “On Eagles Wings”<br />

The second concert was December 3, 2015 celebrating Advent directed by Rick Jacobi featuring musicians<br />

and Vocalists from the Omaha Community and Parishes in the Omaha area. Along with the Creighton Prep<br />

Choral Ensemble.<br />

Faith, Family & Fellowship

Parish Mission & Youth Concert<br />

“I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws” - Psalm 119:30<br />

Saint Robert Bellarmine <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> • <strong>2016</strong>

School<br />

In September 2015 an All-School Assembly to celebrate the announcement that Saint Robert Bellarmine<br />

School has been nationally recognized by the United States Department of Education as a Blue Ribbon<br />

School. Archbishop Lucas, Pastor Father Stillmunks and Principal Sandra Suiter presided at the event in<br />

the School Gym.<br />

Faith, Family & Fellowship

Religious Education and Adult Formation<br />

Saint Robert Bellarmine Religious Education Program aims to develop the qualities of the whole<br />

student. This program is for elementary students who attend public school or who are home<br />

schooled.<br />

“I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws” - Psalm 119:30<br />

Adult Formation includes R.C.I.A., Bible study, Alpha, Adult Education and the Parish Library.<br />

R.C.I.A. the Rite of Christian Initiation<br />

Alpha is an opportunity to explore and question the of Adults, is the process where<br />

meaning of life in a friendly, open, and informal atmosphere. Catholics return to the church and<br />

people choose to be baptized into the<br />

Catholic Church.<br />

Saint Robert Bellarmine <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> • <strong>2016</strong>

Youth Ministry<br />

Youth Ministry is a comprehensive program that fosters an inner movement toward adult understanding<br />

and formation of the Catholic faith. It includes social, spiritual, and community service for middle school<br />

and high school youth.<br />

Faith, Family & Fellowship

Founders Dinner<br />

In April <strong>2016</strong>, Saint Robert Bellarmine hosted a Parish Founders Dinner for the founding<br />

members, featuring: Jack Minton, Father Andy Alexander, S.J. and Pastor Emeritus, Father<br />

Donald Shane. Father Stillmunks unveiled the newly restored Chalice of Monsignor Kerwin to be<br />

used at the Anniversary Mass. We also premiered the 50 Years Celebrating Faith, Family and<br />

Friendship Parish Video.<br />

“I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws” - Psalm 119:30<br />

Original Chalice used by Father Kerwin<br />

Saint Robert Bellarmine <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> • <strong>2016</strong>

Anniversary Picnic<br />

The Parish Picnic was organized by Angela & David Patterson<br />

and Mindy & Tim Reed along with a host of parish volunteers on<br />

Saturday, June 4, <strong>2016</strong><br />

• Featuring Food from Godfather’s Pizza, Chick-fil-A and<br />

Omaha Dawg House<br />

• Beer Garden under the direction of the Knights of Columbus<br />

• Desserts Compliments of the Ladies Guild<br />

• Carnival Games and the Band, Pink Kadillac<br />

Faith, Family & Fellowship

Anniversary Mass<br />

Solemn 50th Jubilee Anniversary Mass Sunday, June 5, 2015 at 11:00.<br />

Celebrant: Archbishop of Omaha, the Most Reverend George Lucas.<br />

Concelebrant and Homilist: Archbishop of Chicago, the Most Reverend Blase Cupich<br />

“I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws” - Psalm 119:30<br />

Saint Robert Bellarmine <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> • <strong>2016</strong>

Concelebrants: Archbishop Emeritus of Omaha, the Most Reverend Elden Curtiss, Bishop Emeritus of Great<br />

Falls-Billings, the Most Reverend Anthony Milone, Pastor Emeritus, Reverend Donald Shane, and Pastor,<br />

Reverend Steven Stillmunks.<br />

Associate Pastors: Reverend Theodore Richling, Reverend Matthew Gutowski, Reverend Patrick Harrison,<br />

Reverend Andrew Roza, Reverend Jeremy Hans, Weekend Celebrant: Reverend Andrew Alexander S.J.<br />

Deacons: Michael Fletcher and Joe Laird<br />

Faith, Family & Fellowship

Parish Leadership<br />

Development Board supports the Pastor<br />

and serves Saint Robert’s members and<br />

its many organizations, committees, and<br />

ministries.<br />

At the time of the picture not all board members were available<br />

“I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws” - Psalm 119:30<br />

Total Education Board advises the Pastor,<br />

Principal and Director of Religious Education<br />

& Youth Ministry on matters essential to<br />

maintain the school and religious education<br />

for our parish youth.<br />

Parish Council is a consultative body of<br />

parishioners who share with the pastor vision<br />

and direction for the parish.<br />

Finance Committee advises and assists the<br />

Pastor in all financial matters concerning the<br />

parish and school.<br />

Saint Robert Bellarmine <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> • <strong>2016</strong>

Organizations & Prayer Groups<br />

Ladies Guild: Circle 3: Been There, Done That, are women many of whom have been active members<br />

of Saint Roberts for many years, some from the very beginning of the parish. Circle 3 is about fostering<br />

friendships and keeping them going as we meet, visit, and enjoy entertainment and goodies.<br />

Ladies Guild Martha volunteers donate and deliver food items for parish funeral lunches. Martha<br />

volunteers also help serve the funeral lunches. You may choose to donate, serve or do both.<br />

Money Counters provide accurate counts of all Sunday and Holy Day financial contributions made<br />

through the church offertory, prepare receipts for deposit and post contributions to the parish records.<br />

Faith, Family & Fellowship

Organizations & Prayer Groups<br />

Heart of Jesus Prayer Group is a spirit<br />

filled prayer group that fucuses on praise,<br />

thanksgiving and listening to the Heart of<br />

Jesus who speaks to our hearts through the<br />

Holy Scripture.<br />

Moms of Faith meets to offer spiritual<br />

enrichment to mothers. Spiritual topics are<br />

investigated through speakers and discussion<br />

to fill the spiritual cup of moms in the parish.<br />

“I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws” - Psalm 119:30<br />

Catholic Daughters is a religious, charitable,<br />

and education apostolate open to all women of<br />

the parish.<br />

Ladies Guild: Circle 2: On a Wing and a<br />

Prayer: Organizes the “Unto Us a Savior is<br />

Born” Nativity Display each December.<br />

Ladies Guild has been thriving at Saint Robert’s since 1967. Its two purposes are to provide<br />

opportunities to gather as a faith community and foster friendship within the parish.<br />

Saint Robert Bellarmine <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> • <strong>2016</strong>

Prayer Shawl Ministry create prayer shawls to be distributed to members of the parish and the Omaha<br />

Community who are in need of healing and compassion.<br />

Legion of Mary is the glory of God and the holiness of its members, developed by prayer and active<br />

cooperation in Mary’s and the church’s work.<br />

Knights of Columbus is a family-based, fraternal service organization dedicated to serving the Catholic<br />

Church and the community.<br />

Faith, Family & Fellowship

Sacred Places<br />

“I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws” - Psalm 119:30<br />

Saint Robert Bellarmine <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> • <strong>2016</strong>

Faith, Family & Fellowship

Capital Campaign<br />

Saint Roberts Parish is dedicated to<br />

loving and serving God through word and<br />

deed. It is vital that as a community we<br />

ensure we can continue to gather, worship,<br />

educate and evangelize. One of the key<br />

needs of the Jubilee Campaign is for<br />

repairs and maintenance of the parish and<br />

school, so they may serve us for years to<br />

come.<br />

With a strong history of giving and<br />

worship, Saint Roberts has become a<br />

beacon of faith for thousands of families.<br />

At this milestone of 50 years, the Parish<br />

is undertaking a campaign to ensure the<br />

legacy of Saint Roberts. We have raised<br />

over half of our jubilee campaign goal.<br />

“I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws” - Psalm 119:30<br />

Saint Robert Bellarmine <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> • <strong>2016</strong>

Faith, Family & Fellowship<br />

Out with the Old<br />

and<br />

In with the NEW!

Financial Comments<br />

Fiscal Year 2015-<strong>2016</strong> Financial Review<br />

This year the annual financial report will cover three items:<br />

1. Operational funds of the Parish and School<br />

2. Jubilee Capital Campaign Financial<br />

3. Saint Robert Bellarmine Parish Foundation<br />

Operational Funds Income:<br />

Total income for Fiscal Year 2015/<strong>2016</strong> (FY15/16) was $4,489,797, a 5.6% increase from<br />

$4,249,165 last Fiscal Year. The increase is largely attributed to the successful return of Shine<br />

(formerly Bella Festa) parish benefit dinner and an estate gift. A further detailed breakdown can be<br />

found in the “Operational Funds Detail” section on the following page.<br />

“I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws” - Psalm 119:30<br />

Operational Funds Expenses:<br />

Total expenses for Fiscal Year 15/16 were $4,181,584, a 4.1% decrease from $4,362,346 last<br />

Fiscal Year. The reduction in expenses is largely attributed to a decrease in maintenance and<br />

repairs expenditures.<br />

Fiscal Year<br />

2015/<strong>2016</strong><br />

Fiscal Year<br />

2014/2015<br />

Saint Robert Bellarmine <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> • <strong>2016</strong>

Fiscal Year 2015 / <strong>2016</strong> Fund<br />

Faith, Family & Fellowship

Financial Comments<br />

Fiscal Year 2015 / <strong>2016</strong> Operational Funds Details<br />

Income<br />

Education Related Income 1,392,967.76<br />

Sunday, Holy Day, and Church Income 2,272,595.89<br />

Memorials, Wills, Charitable Checkbooks 269,882.12<br />

Mainelli Center/Rental Income 47,601.35<br />

Income from Endowment 150,000.00<br />

All Other Income 356,750.50<br />

Total Income 4,489,797.62<br />

“I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws” - Psalm 119:30<br />

Expense<br />

Wages, Benefits, Payroll Taxes 2,784,135.01<br />

Utilities 239,822.39<br />

Liturgical 80,604.61<br />

Archdiocese Support 332,249.68<br />

Education Related Expenses 68,230.86<br />

Parish Maintenance, Equipment & Supplies 393,299.26<br />

Property and Liability Insurance 57,776.00<br />

All Other Expenses 225,466.52<br />

Total Expense 4,181,584.33<br />

Net Ordinary Income 308,213.29<br />

Saint Robert Bellarmine <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> • <strong>2016</strong>

July 2015 - June <strong>2016</strong><br />

Ordinary Income/Expense<br />

Income<br />

Capital Improvements 1,747,343.00<br />

Debt Reduction 35,574.00<br />

Interest 559.00<br />

Total Income 1,783,475.01<br />

Expense<br />

Repairs and Maintenance 1,135,976.00<br />

Campaign Expenses 2,352.00<br />

Total Expense 1,138,328.03<br />

Net Income 645,146.98<br />

Fiscal Year 2015 / <strong>2016</strong> Saint Robert Bellarmine Parish Foundation<br />

After much effort the Saint Robert Bellarmine Parish Foundation was established. The Foundation is<br />

a separate legal entity with the sole purpose to financially support Saint Robert Bellarmine Church and<br />

School. The Foundation structure provides legal protection and oversight to the Msgr. Kerwin Parish<br />

Endowment and Fr. Shane Education Endowment to ensure longevity and growth through prudent<br />

investments and distributions.<br />

June 30, <strong>2016</strong><br />

Father Kerwin Endowment 3,524,691.00<br />

Father Shane Endowment 92,347.00<br />

Faith, Family & Fellowship

Saint Robert Bellarmine Parish<br />

11802 Pacific Street<br />

Omaha, NE 68154<br /><br />

(402) 333-8989

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