Anamosa - A Reminiscence 1838 - 1988

The definitive history of the community of Anamosa, Iowa, USA The definitive history of the community of Anamosa, Iowa, USA


Michael D. Folkers. Roy H. Folkerts. Marvin W. Frederick. Laverne L. Fulwider. Darrel G. Geitz. Robert M. George. Verne H. Goettsch. Donald B. Goodman. Dale W. Hackett. George T. Hall. Dilon H. Hall. John S. Hanna. John E. Heiserman. John D. Humpal. Leroy C. Humpal. Lyle E. James. William L. Jensen. Charles D. Josifek. Leonard H. Ketelsen. John A. Kloster. Wilson R. Kouba. Gerhard H. Kray, Larry J. Krull. Joseph E. Legg. Jr.. Erwin W. Lowe. Gilman F. Lozier. Ben A. Marlenee. Verne H. McClurg. Milton A. Meeks. Walter H. Merritt. Donald L. Michels. Raymond O. Miller. Ronald E. Moyer. Lynn D. Murfield. Nick F. Nassif. Frank Nelsen. Dale R. Newman. John W. Parham. Donald F. Parkin. Verner J. Paschal]. Robert A. Peck. Mount Moriah Chaper 16 of the Order of the Eastern Star was founded in 1881 as a social organization for the wives. widows. mothers. daughters and sisters of Masons. A charter was granted to the chapter June 2. 1881. with 35 members. Mrs. Harriet Ercanbrack was the first Worthy Matron. a position she held for 18 years. In 1889 she was elected High Worthy Grand Treasurer in the General Grand Chapter. a national post. She held that position for 25 years. She also served as Worthy Grand Matron of Iowa. During World War II. the chapter purchased war bonds and the members spent many hours in Red Cross work. They also sent treats to the Veterans’ Hospitals. A pageant of the first 75 years was written and presented by Veryle Purcell in 1956 and a special program commemorating the chapter's 100th anniversary was enjoyed in 198 1 . under the direction of Martha Switzer. Worthy Matron. The chapter has been honored to have several members appointed to serve Grand Chapter: Martha Switzer. Leischen Robertson. Bettymae Ketelsen. Wilma Westphal was appointed Grand Comittee member. Mt. Moriah has cooperated with many projects. including OES Home Fund march: Eastern Star Training Awards for Religious Leadership. donations of crutches and other sickroom needs to the Red Cross. and in 1987 began granting $100 scholarships to two Past Matrons was organized in 1920 for the purpose of meeting socially without the duties required of them while serving as the leaders of the Order of the Eastern Star. While meetings were held monthly in the past. they are now held twice a year. either in the homes of the members or at the Masonic Temple. Current officers are Lori Shelton. president: Josephine Russell. vice president: and Shirley Stelzer. secretary- treasurer. Order of Eastern Star Mount Moriah Chapter 16 Order of Eastern Star Past Matrons Robert W. Peet. Norman W. Plath. Howard C. Porter. James E. Porter. George L. Postel. Clellan D. Randolph. Kenneth K. Rands. Douglas E. Rees. Warren J . Rees. David M. Remley. Howard M. Remley III. Richard N. Robertson. Donald S. Ruhl. James W. Scott. Leon E. Shaffer. Lawrence R. Shaw. Larry A. Shelton. James E. Shipley. Melvin H. Sievers, Carl A. Stoltz. Verne H. Stover. William L. Stusak. Richard D. Switzer. Steve A. Tilton. Teroid T. Tilton. Jesse P. Turner. Fay G. Van Kirk. Virgil A. Van Kirk. Lewis C. Vernon, George E. Watters. John L. Westphal. Jon H. Westphal. Julius H. Westphal. Gary A. Winders. James R. Wink. Ronald E. Wood. Jay D. Wortman. Harold R. Yeoman. and Harold W. Zink. high school seniors. The chapter met for many years in the third floor of the Odd Fellows building on Main Street. In 1983 a new Masonic Temple was constructed on Linn Street. through a bequest to the Masons by member Charles J . Tyler and his wife. Golda. The temple is fully equipped with kitchen facilities. and Eastern Star members have been serving meals to pay the rent for their use of the hall. and to help the Masons pay off the remaining debt on the building. Current officers are: Worthy Matron. Josephine Russell Worthy Patron. Verne McClurg Associate Matron. Lori Shelton Associate Patron. Price Slate Secretary. Leischen Robertson Treasurer. Martha Slate Conductress. Wilma DeLancey Associate Conductress. Evelyn McClurg Chaplain. Dorothy Murphy Marshal. Janice Cass Organist. Phyllis Michels Adah. JoAnn Walters Ruth. Marilyn Winders Ester. Shirley Stelzer Martha. Helen Hawley Electa. Bessie Lee Courtney Warder. Travis Walters Sentinel. Jim Porter Members are Ruth Blood. Blanche Brickley. Marjorie Bowen. Janice Cass. Bessie Courtney. Wilma DeLancy. Elsie Deyo. Emma Grafft. Helen Hawley. Lelas Heefner. Phyllis Michels. Margie Moore. Dorothy Murphy. Mary Postel. Veryle Purcell. Sylvia Ralston. Jo Russell. Leischen Robertson. Lori Shelton. Martha Slate. Martha Switzer. Shirley Stelzer. Lucille Tebbe. Wilma Westphal and Marilyn Winders. ‘Wts; is- 7 ..___ iii 279

The Order of Rainbow for Girls The Order of Rainbow for Girls was instituted in Anamosa on May 27. 1961. under the sponsorship of an advisory board of Mt. Moriah Chapter 16. Order of the Eastem Star. Mrs. Wilma Westphal was Worthy Matron. With three terms of office each year. many girls between the ages of 12 and 20. were afforded the opportunity for leadership and service. Charter members of the organization were: Roberta Robertson. Mary Ann Rees. Sandra Cole. Pat Watkins. Janis Hamlin. Carol Bunce. Karla Kray, Marcia Pillard. Sandra Courtney. Lynette Cole. Virginia Shover. Bonnie Custis. Lois Grassfield. Mary Barnes. Debbie Brostrom. Carol Eichelberger. Lucia Folkerts. Frances The Rotary Club is a world-wide service organization composed of over a million members in 23.000 clubs in 161 countries. Rotary's purpose is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise. and in particular to encourage and foster: First — The development of acquaintances as an opportunity for service. Second — High ethical standards in business and profession. Third — The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian in his personal. business and community life. Fourth - The advancement of international understanding. good will. and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional men united in the ideal of service. The Anamosa club was organized March 28. 1924. and celebrated its Golden Anniversary on June 3. 1974. Dr. A.N. Trevarthen. dentist. was its last living charter member. He died in September 1978 at age 89. Charter members of the club were A.G. Hejinian, surgeon; Clifford Niles. motion pictures; James E. Remley. lawyer: Tom E. Watters. banker; W.B. Skinner. drugs: A.E. Walton. monuments: Floyd S. Yetter. engineer; J.E. Tyler. meat market: L.W. Russell. automobiles; A.N. Trevarthen. dentist: F.B Sigworth. medical doctor: Henry Morey. cattle buyer: J .H. Ramsey. insurance; A.L. Remley. grocer: and F.L. Stoughton. druggist. Each year the club participates in local and national service projects. They participate in exchange studies of both high school and college students. They are currently involved in a world-wide project to immunize all the children of the world against polio. One of our most notable projects in the community was building the clock tower at City Hall. The Rotary Foundation is a trust. voluntarily supported by Rotary clubs. and friends throughout the world. The objective is the furthering of international understanding and friendly relations among peoples of different nations through projects of an educational or charitable nature. In 1947 an ambitious program of Rotary Foundation Fellowships of International Understanding was launched. For that year. 18 fellowships were awarded to graduate students from seven countries. These students attend a college. or university of. their choice. in a foreign country for a year with travel. subsistence submitted by Josephine Russell Anamosa Rotary by Aaron P. Randolph. M.D. 280 Hawley. Karen Heskett. Linda Humpal. Diann Larson. Gloria Lindley. Jann Mayberry. Karen Rogers. Marlys Rogers. Merridy Schweitzer and Patty Truesdell. The flrst Worthy Advisor was Sandra Courtney. followed by Lynette Cole. Frances Hawley. Diann Larson. Mary Ann Rees. Marlys Rogers. Gloria Lindley. Lois Grassfield. Roberta Robertson. Jann Hamlin. Pat Truesdell. Marie Von Sprecken. Karen Lowe. Becky Robertson. Jackie Leesekamp. Roberta Von Muenster. JoAnn Russell. Phyllis Slate. Carole May. Gayle Young. Randi Ketelsen. Sherrie Carson. Cathy Campbell. LuAnn Poppe. JoAnn Russell (second term) and Pam Wilson. Mrs. Ethel White was Mother Advisor for many years. The group surrendered its charter in 1972. and school expenses paid by the Rotary Foundation. During the year these students also travel in the country and act as “ambassadors of good will" by attending clubs and group meetings and participating in programs. After returning to their native country. the students also participate in group and public meetings. Two Anamosa girls received fellowship grants in the 1980s. Sarah Meredith. of rural Anamosa. studied a year in Germany. furthering her education in music. Jane Siebels studied international finance for one year in Norway The Foundation also funds exchange groups. who spend several weeks on a goodwill visit to Rotary clubs in host districts in other countries. In 1982. Anamosa hosted an exchange group from New Zealand. Anamosa Rotarians have also hosted a number of foreign exchange high school students while they attended Anamosa High School. In Rotary. thoughtfulness of others is regarded as the basis of service and helpfulness to others as the expression. Rotary helps men develop their abilities to render service in their vocation and their communities. Rotary expects each member to be faithful to his religion and loyal in his citizenship. Our motto is “Service Above Self and He Profits Most Who Serves Best." Current officers are Frank Deutmeyer. president: Dale W. Hackett; treasurer. Don Goodman: Michael Dooley. president-elect. Past presidents are James E. Remley. 1924: A.E. Walton. 1925: Dr. A.N. Trevarthen. 1926: Floyd Yetter. 1927: Frank L. Stoughton. 1928: John Bodenhofer. 1929: J.H. Peet. 1930: A.L. Remley. 1931: Henry Morey. 1932: Frank Jones. 1933: Dr. Frank F. Dolan. 1934: Max Wortman. 1935: John W. McNamara. 1936; Oscar Miller. 1937: William H. Fraser. 1938: J.R. Cooper. 1939; Paul N. Smith. 1940: Glen B. Kinser. 1941; Irvin J. Hovet. 1942: Norman W. Plath. 1943: J.E. Heiserman. 1944; Lance V. Candee. 1945: William M. Thompson. 1946-47: Thomas B. Powell.Jr.. 1947: Joseph A. Beavo. 1948: Presley Hanna. 1949: I-Iarold Hartman. 1950; Lemar L. Albaugh. 1951: Lloyd Brickley. 1952: Kenneth W. Kennedy. 1953: John W. Fahey. 1954: Joe E. Legg. 1955: Verne H. Goettsch.

The Order of Rainbow for Girls<br />

The Order of Rainbow for Girls was instituted in<br />

<strong>Anamosa</strong> on May 27. 1961. under the sponsorship of an<br />

advisory board of Mt. Moriah Chapter 16. Order of the<br />

Eastem Star. Mrs. Wilma Westphal was Worthy<br />

Matron.<br />

With three terms of office each year. many girls<br />

between the ages of 12 and 20. were afforded the<br />

opportunity for leadership and service.<br />

Charter members of the organization were: Roberta<br />

Robertson. Mary Ann Rees. Sandra Cole. Pat Watkins.<br />

Janis Hamlin. Carol Bunce. Karla Kray, Marcia Pillard.<br />

Sandra Courtney. Lynette Cole. Virginia Shover.<br />

Bonnie Custis. Lois Grassfield. Mary Barnes. Debbie<br />

Brostrom. Carol Eichelberger. Lucia Folkerts. Frances<br />

The Rotary Club is a world-wide service organization<br />

composed of over a million members in 23.000 clubs in<br />

161 countries. Rotary's purpose is to encourage and<br />

foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy<br />

enterprise. and in particular to encourage and foster:<br />

First — The development of acquaintances as an<br />

opportunity for service. Second — High ethical<br />

standards in business and profession. Third — The<br />

application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian in<br />

his personal. business and community life. Fourth -<br />

The advancement of international understanding. good<br />

will. and peace through a world fellowship of business<br />

and professional men united in the ideal of service.<br />

The <strong>Anamosa</strong> club was organized March 28. 1924.<br />

and celebrated its Golden Anniversary on June 3. 1974.<br />

Dr. A.N. Trevarthen. dentist. was its last living charter<br />

member. He died in September 1978 at age 89.<br />

Charter members of the club were A.G. Hejinian,<br />

surgeon; Clifford Niles. motion pictures; James E.<br />

Remley. lawyer: Tom E. Watters. banker; W.B.<br />

Skinner. drugs: A.E. Walton. monuments: Floyd S.<br />

Yetter. engineer; J.E. Tyler. meat market: L.W. Russell.<br />

automobiles; A.N. Trevarthen. dentist: F.B Sigworth.<br />

medical doctor: Henry Morey. cattle buyer: J .H.<br />

Ramsey. insurance; A.L. Remley. grocer: and F.L.<br />

Stoughton. druggist.<br />

Each year the club participates in local and national<br />

service projects. They participate in exchange studies<br />

of both high school and college students. They are<br />

currently involved in a world-wide project to immunize<br />

all the children of the world against polio. One of our<br />

most notable projects in the community was building<br />

the clock tower at City Hall.<br />

The Rotary Foundation is a trust. voluntarily<br />

supported by Rotary clubs. and friends throughout the<br />

world. The objective is the furthering of international<br />

understanding and friendly relations among peoples of<br />

different nations through projects of an educational or<br />

charitable nature.<br />

In 1947 an ambitious program of Rotary Foundation<br />

Fellowships of International Understanding was<br />

launched. For that year. 18 fellowships were awarded<br />

to graduate students from seven countries. These<br />

students attend a college. or university of. their choice.<br />

in a foreign country for a year with travel. subsistence<br />

submitted by Josephine Russell<br />

<strong>Anamosa</strong> Rotary<br />

by Aaron P. Randolph. M.D.<br />

280<br />

Hawley. Karen Heskett. Linda Humpal. Diann Larson.<br />

Gloria Lindley. Jann Mayberry. Karen Rogers. Marlys<br />

Rogers. Merridy Schweitzer and Patty Truesdell.<br />

The flrst Worthy Advisor was Sandra Courtney.<br />

followed by Lynette Cole. Frances Hawley. Diann<br />

Larson. Mary Ann Rees. Marlys Rogers. Gloria Lindley.<br />

Lois Grassfield. Roberta Robertson. Jann Hamlin. Pat<br />

Truesdell. Marie Von Sprecken. Karen Lowe. Becky<br />

Robertson. Jackie Leesekamp. Roberta Von Muenster.<br />

JoAnn Russell. Phyllis Slate. Carole May. Gayle Young.<br />

Randi Ketelsen. Sherrie Carson. Cathy Campbell.<br />

LuAnn Poppe. JoAnn Russell (second term) and Pam<br />

Wilson. Mrs. Ethel White was Mother Advisor for many<br />

years. The group surrendered its charter in 1972.<br />

and school expenses paid by the Rotary Foundation.<br />

During the year these students also travel in the<br />

country and act as “ambassadors of good will" by<br />

attending clubs and group meetings and participating<br />

in programs. After returning to their native country.<br />

the students also participate in group and public<br />

meetings.<br />

Two <strong>Anamosa</strong> girls received fellowship grants in the<br />

1980s. Sarah Meredith. of rural <strong>Anamosa</strong>. studied a<br />

year in Germany. furthering her education in music.<br />

Jane Siebels studied international finance for one year<br />

in Norway<br />

The Foundation also funds exchange groups. who<br />

spend several weeks on a goodwill visit to Rotary clubs<br />

in host districts in other countries. In 1982. <strong>Anamosa</strong><br />

hosted an exchange group from New Zealand.<br />

<strong>Anamosa</strong> Rotarians have also hosted a number of<br />

foreign exchange high school students while they<br />

attended <strong>Anamosa</strong> High School.<br />

In Rotary. thoughtfulness of others is regarded as the<br />

basis of service and helpfulness to others as the<br />

expression. Rotary helps men develop their abilities to<br />

render service in their vocation and their communities.<br />

Rotary expects each member to be faithful to his<br />

religion and loyal in his citizenship. Our motto is<br />

“Service Above Self and He Profits Most Who Serves<br />

Best."<br />

Current officers are Frank Deutmeyer. president:<br />

Dale W. Hackett; treasurer. Don Goodman: Michael<br />

Dooley. president-elect.<br />

Past presidents are James E. Remley. 1924: A.E.<br />

Walton. 1925: Dr. A.N. Trevarthen. 1926: Floyd Yetter.<br />

1927: Frank L. Stoughton. 1928: John Bodenhofer.<br />

1929: J.H. Peet. 1930: A.L. Remley. 1931: Henry<br />

Morey. 1932: Frank Jones. 1933: Dr. Frank F. Dolan.<br />

1934: Max Wortman. 1935: John W. McNamara. 1936;<br />

Oscar Miller. 1937: William H. Fraser. 1938: J.R.<br />

Cooper. 1939; Paul N. Smith. 1940: Glen B. Kinser.<br />

1941; Irvin J. Hovet. 1942: Norman W. Plath. 1943:<br />

J.E. Heiserman. 1944; Lance V. Candee. 1945: William<br />

M. Thompson. 1946-47: Thomas B. Powell.Jr.. 1947:<br />

Joseph A. Beavo. 1948: Presley Hanna. 1949: I-Iarold<br />

Hartman. 1950; Lemar L. Albaugh. 1951: Lloyd<br />

Brickley. 1952: Kenneth W. Kennedy. 1953: John W.<br />

Fahey. 1954: Joe E. Legg. 1955: Verne H. Goettsch.

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