Anamosa - A Reminiscence 1838 - 1988

The definitive history of the community of Anamosa, Iowa, USA The definitive history of the community of Anamosa, Iowa, USA


S.M. Petronella Edlen; S. Mary Corpery; S. Therese Martensen; Marie Fitzpatrick; S. Germaine Sabelka; S.M. Agnela S. Karen Koblassa; S. Peggy Murphy; S. Imelda Peck; S. Judith Meyers: S. Sheila Maloney: S.M. St. Hipler:S.M. Charlene Chase: S. Lavonne Roling; S. Ber- Therese: S. Patricia Daly; S. Betty Carr: S. Rose Marie nadette Kelly; S. Connie Howe and S. Marilyn Ward. Betty Norton. Nelda Miller. Betty Westhoff. Jo Haverly. Verna Lewison. Judith Hahn. Eunice Conley. Janice Hartwig. Eileen Mardorf. Fern Bigelow. Arlene Brainard. Elinor Harris. Rosemary Root. David E. Bertling. Barb High. Lay Teachers Barrie Reynolds. Patricia Delagardelle. Jane Fink. Chris Bondensteiner. Debra Bulger. Susan Daily Van- Woert. Linda George. Janet Kuhl Khader. Ann Ure. Lenore Frederick. Mary Kay Tabor. Fran Parker. James Lovett. Phyllis Michels and Doris Pazour. Faculty of Anamosa Schools — 1938- 1987 1938 — Mabel Shelquist. Harold Sweet. Ruth Prall. Miss Lawson. Mr. Bealls. Margery Bryan (Reid). Mary McLung. J.R. Wright. Josephine Killerlain. 1939 -— Elizabeth Brown. Alma Boyer. Walter C. Schwank. Loretta Larson (Stone City). James E. Dardis. Rita McLaughlin. Miss Ziemke. Marian Busby. Miss Lehman. Miss Drake. Gladys Gamier (Bock). 1940 —- C.B. Jessen. Bernice Grouwinkle (Newhard). Catherine Kline (Remley). Evelyn Brunskill. Virginia Warren. 1941 — Leila Freiden (Dobson). Wilma Bolsinger (Remley). I.A. Mlrick. Genevieve Ostergaard. Lora Reville. 1942 — Fred Shadle. Marian Kennedy. Loretta Curran. Dorothy Dreibelbis (Lazio). Harold I-Iof. Charlene Jackson. Blanche Speers. Arlene Johnson (Brainard). Helen M. Reed (Stone City School). Borden Buchanan. I943 — Stanley Sosnouski. Earl Klinzman. Audrey Leinen. Ann Taylor. Alice Miller. Pearl Sturm. Barbara Beard. Donald Olson. Ella Zumbach. Frances Schultz. Donna Olden. Doris Meyer. Edna Landsiedel. Bertha Reed (Stone City School). 1944 — Johanna Kehren. Mary K. Guritz (Tabor). Margaret Skinner. Stanley Vesely. Myrna McCorlde (McLaughlin). 1945 — Ruth Swanson. Eleanor I-lill. Kathleen Conboy (Dougherty). Mae Moore. Ethel Halvorson. Fern Mangold. Elizabeth Roys. Virginia Fogde. May DeLite. Wendel K. Lisle. Marie Haas (Keseberg). Alice Conway. Jean Dunlap. Marian Eck. 1946 — William Stusak. Jack Pence. Margaret Skrivseth. Marian Bates. Martha Brasher. Viola Joyce. Nan Walsh (Stone City School). Kay Charlson. Ruth Herrman. Imogene Cherry. Jane Groom. Norma Lou Baker. LaVerle Cummings. Frances Hobson. Mrs. Josephine Rees. Florence Reusch Culver. Margaret Sanders. 1947 — Marjorie Stivers. Wayne Grady. Charles Joss. Leon Pine. 1948 — Viola Joyce. Evelyn Mulnlx. Marion Bates. Olive Abel. S. Warner Kirlin. Lavon Martin. Lorena Martin. Kamilla Knapp. 1949 — Yvonne Lagle. Donna Hood (Waggoner). Arthur Johnson. Clair Laughlin. 1950 — Virgil S. Lagomarcino. Frances Niesen. Max E. Fliehler. Miss Keifer. Berniece Struntze. Miss Nicoll. Miss Fuller. Theodore Thuesen. Jr. 1951 — Betty Jones. Wanda Rodman. Carol Cripe. Margaret Rowley. Marvin Calvert. Clarence Gardner. 1952 -—- Elmer Johnson. Miss Holzinger. Lucille Woodward. William Kloster. 1953 —— Paul Weller. 1954 — Claremont Drube. Robert George. Charlene 241 George. Lorna Coxon. Phyllis Lumpa. Nelson Andrus. Constance Mayo. Wilma Russell. Shirley Highland. 1955 — Frank Allen. Rae E. Mize. Florence Tibbals. Ted Lawrene. I956 — Barbara Henry. Frances Baker. Alberta Deal. Patricia Pisney. Donald Brown. Zeima Grimm. Wm. Birner. Frances Miller. Shirley Bollhoefer. Virginia Pfaltzgraff. 1957 — Kathleen Dougherty. Betty Witterwyler. Carole Schumaker. Anita Kosterboer. Mary Eggers. Richard Brickley. Richard Lanoghan. John Reed. Grover Hedemann. Glenn Brostrom. 1958 — Don Underwood. Joan Sienknecht (Haverly). Helen O'Connor. Betty Jean Stoner. Sue Donelson. Irene Swanson. Nancy Van Epps. Joyce Moore. Arlene Schutte. Irene Fletcher. Richard Bristol. Esther Holbert. 1959 — Barbara Bergeman. Alice Goedken. Joyce Vacek. Margo Gowdy. Marlys Miller. Sandra Otteson. Leland Keaney. Robert Warner. Roger Brockmeyer. Kenneth Jensen. John Healey. I960 — Mary Lou Harrington. Mrs. Paul Jarmann. Mary Ellen Twigg. Christie Kramer. JoAnn Ramsey. Sandra Cody. Janet Juggenheimer. Marilyn Hansen. Betty Boyd. Shirley Adrean. Dale Hackett. Duane Thompson. Marlene Warner. Betty Nelson. Dloras Gordon. 1961 — Mildred Fischer. Linda Young. Dale Stevens. Jean Bauer. Harold Farrier. Janice Schumacher (Pearson). Ralph Matteson. Dale Black. Pearl Cochran. Allen Jones. Margaret Fischer. Larry Fudge. Henry Biere. Karen Biere. Ralph Matteson. 1962 — Mary McShane. Irene Parks. Wilma Cox. Lelynn Beaty. Robert Malake. Joanne Bruhn. Joyce Weber. Marie Keseberg, Margaret James. Margaret Downing. Marcella Muhl. 1963 — Anna Maria Power. Marvin Kaune. Rosella Hewitt. Joel Alderdyce. Patricia Fudge. Sandra Jutz. Ann Schrader. Paul Lewison. Mary Jo Belorit. Robert Gates. Ruth Duncan. Robert Nau. Sharon Hennessy. Helen Pulfer. Kenneth Fearing. Mable Kaufman Byron Paup. Margaret Ketelsen, Marilyn Keehr. Mrs. Art Goodall. Midred Hightower. Peter Bungum. Vickie Burroughs. Ruth Duncan. Marilyn Peterson. Joan Laing. Janice Ann Thomas. Betty Poffenberger. Beatrice Blong. Roger Starr. 1963 — FROM SCHOOL REORGANIZATION — Marlon Salts. Edna Derga. Jean Straub. Rosalie Luett. Wilma Walton. Beryl Secrist. Gerturde Nost. Dorothy Miller. Lorena Carlson Phyllis Bunting. Clara Schwirtz. Ethel Kirkpatrick. Helen Rickels. Jesse Boxwell. Lois Patton. Ted Hungerford. Marian Hungerford. 1964 — Elsie Fairbanks (Clark). Sandra Pace. Betty

Brandt. David Twombley. Virginia Peet. Ruth Sweitzer.Lyle Wilharm.Mrs. Ray Beighle. Amber Barger. Pat Clark. Mrs. Maurice Gunn. Mrs. Roger Grow. Ron Alderson. Joe Lambert. Oririn Stephen. Donna Oltmann, Paul Pinney. Marilyn Harrington. Greg Hemesath. Kay Ward. Don Southard. Mrs. R.S. Bronemann. 1965 — Jane Fuller. Carla Stephens. Erika Drallmeier. Blanche Swift. Brian Cummings. Pat Breser. Sheryl Grant. Mrs. Ervin Von Sprecken. Mary Oldfield. Darlene Liabo. Susan Hope. Jan Muller. Ron Beaver. Jerry Bramer. Ray Boehmke. Jim Bishop. 1966 — Donna Benway. Janice Nielsen. Jan Koppenhaver. Carolee Chapman. Mrs. Robert Graham. Mrs. Earl Weller. Richard Stanaway. Frank Smith. Max Peterson. Bob Haglund. Bob Graham. I967 — Ron Ruess. George McBee. Doug Albertson. Barbara Ann Wools. 1968 — Bob Algoe. Sharon Tapper. Mrs. Frank Frostestad. MR5. John Wilson. Terry Brennan. Karen Dasenbrock. Mrs. Larry Luxford. Don Harmon. Mrs. A.J. Hostutler. Gwen Wiegmann. 1969 — Ken Nichols. Larry Dorn. William Bogner. Janice Rion. Mrs. Tom Elvin. Tom Kramer. Cynthis Carbee. Eleanor Hyde. Dorothy Miller. Marlyn Oeltjen. Mrs. Richard Finson. Nancy Allen. Heschel Nuzum. Marvin Craver. Jan Pearson. Bill Martin. Shirley Mitchefl. 1970 — James Fields. Bonnie Albertson. Terry Bahl. Brinda Caldwell. Jim Fluegel. Pat Fluegel. Denise Grundemeier. Jim Heitland. Jack Nims. Pat Nims. Alix Pryhoda. David Beck. Barbara Read. Dan Reed. John Middents. Leigh Russ. Eunice Conley. Reona Ford. Frances Parker. Margaret Scott. Janice Larson. Marj Mayer. Cal Johnson. Linda Reichert. 1971 —— Wayne Bohlken. Donna Hellmich. Dennis Heth. Sandra Flesner. Bertha Reth. Doris Bries. Bonita Yoder. Bernard Luensman. Judith Smeltzer. Roger Hrubetz. Charles Hill. 1972 — Janette Bohlken. Mary DeWerrf. Tana Stingley. (Barsness). Nancy Dunn. Marilyn Huinker. Jan Meyer. David Marshall. Charles Hill. Jan Goettsch. Ray Moothart. Maureen Frantz. 1973 — Jean Bliss. Dorothy Koester. Judy Warrington. Thelma Spahr. Caroline Cueno. Anne Dunne. Sharon Hey. Mike Manning. Alyn Anderson. John Struck. Walt Fortney. Curt Duwe. Bill Oliver. Bob Warrington. Tom Ewald. Dick Stout. Phylis Michels. Sharon Alcorn. Tom Palmer. 1974 —— Debra Lacock. DeeAnn Oliver. Paul Wignall. Richard Delagardelle. Randy Jersa. Janice Pearson. Roger Scott Peper. Dale Reck. Carl Achenbach. Suzanne Tenley. 1975 — Ed Gross. Keith Fick. Dale Andrews. Richard Moore. Dale Johnson. Jean Pedelty. Pete Radl. Carolyn Dake. Martin Leiserowitz. Bernard R. Keeney. 1976 — Arlie Willems. Wilma Wolf. Virginia Beck. Rex VanDyke. Larry Meendering. I977 — Linda Kerton. Cheri Francik. Mary Brewer. Cindy Loomans. M. Hugh Shaw. Kevin Driscoll. Craig Becker. Bob Hines. 1978 — Nancy Lubben (Stout). June Mueller. Jane Upmeier. Deb Larson. Deb Clemens. Carla Jones. Mary Ann Siebels. Lea Braun. Debra Unsicker. Steve Litts. Robert Miller. 1979 — Tom Conley. Jane Fink. Sherry Johnson. Dorothy Litts. Barb Anderson. Bill Peck. Bernie Paulson. Paul Hawkins. Melanie Johnson. Julie Conmey. Wendy Bouslong. Pam Olson. Joan Kuhns. 1980 — Laura Krumm. Angeline Paulson. Kay Prasil. Rhonda Weers. Jane Upmeyer. Berleen Dostal. Lucille Durchenwald. Craig McEnany. Karen Nelson. I981 —- Doris Pazour. Terry Travis. Mary Achenbach. Don Powers. Rebecca Stuck. Don Bayliss. Dennis Christenson. Rosalyn Koehn. Nancy Kula. Nancy Lacey. 1982 — Diana Hubler. Christine Harreld. Mary Thissen-Milder. Dixie Whitman. 1983 — Wendy Hearn. Barbara Kleis. Teresa Mercer. Barbara Lemmer. Charles Smith. 1984 — Valerie Brucckrnan. Jolee Caskey. Matt Ellis. Timothy Stamp. 1985 — DruAnn Bufllngton. Julie Kurtz. Penny Williams. Ann Gorman. Patricia Plueger. Gary Otting. 1986 — Martha Harrington. Kathy Houstman, Jan Kopf. Lynn Leibold. Kathleen McVeigh. Joan Kuhns. Mary Shanney. I987 — Nancy Mueller. Marcy Hahn. Ann Tiedt. Hazel Knoll School compiled by Mildred Brown Located on a winding dead-end road north of Anamosa is the remains of the Hazel Knoll Family boarding School which was begun in 1859 by the Rev. and Mrs. Bishop Isbell. educators and religious workers who came here from Williamstown. Mass. The Isbells and their daughters. Eliza. Adelaide. and Emily. arrived in Anamosa in 1858 and construction of the residence and the school building began in 1859. The school was opened in 1860. The house. a two-story stone structure. was the first to be erected. It still remains. The educational unit. a two-story wooden building. with classrooms and dormitory was built later. and has long since been torn down. Organized as a girls‘ finishing school. the curriculum consisted of subjects considered beneficial for the culture of females of marriageable age. Besides mid- Victorian etiquette. instructions included grammar. 242 mathematics and a smattering of domesticity. with foreign languages. music and art electives. Enrollment was enlisted from the local area and from the river cities of Dubuque. Clinton. and Davenport. Mrs lsabell. who had taught in several Massachusetts schools. became the superintendent. Eliza. the eldest daughter. assumed the principaiship and was director of art. Emily. the youngest. was in charge of music. while Adelaide was an assistant. Once the school was in operation. the Rev. Isbell. 48. returned to ecclesiastical work as supply pastor for the Anamosa Methodist church. Among his charges was a church nine miles north of town. Eliza's death and Mrs. Isbell's ill health made it necessary to close the school in 1872. Mrs. Isbell died in 1879 and the Rev.Mr. Isbell died in 1893. The family is buried in the Riverside Cemetery at Anamosa.

Brandt. David Twombley. Virginia Peet. Ruth<br />

Sweitzer.Lyle Wilharm.Mrs. Ray Beighle. Amber<br />

Barger. Pat Clark. Mrs. Maurice Gunn. Mrs. Roger<br />

Grow. Ron Alderson. Joe Lambert. Oririn Stephen.<br />

Donna Oltmann, Paul Pinney. Marilyn Harrington.<br />

Greg Hemesath. Kay Ward. Don Southard. Mrs. R.S.<br />

Bronemann.<br />

1965 — Jane Fuller. Carla Stephens. Erika<br />

Drallmeier. Blanche Swift. Brian Cummings. Pat<br />

Breser. Sheryl Grant. Mrs. Ervin Von Sprecken. Mary<br />

Oldfield. Darlene Liabo. Susan Hope. Jan Muller. Ron<br />

Beaver. Jerry Bramer. Ray Boehmke. Jim Bishop.<br />

1966 — Donna Benway. Janice Nielsen. Jan Koppenhaver.<br />

Carolee Chapman. Mrs. Robert Graham.<br />

Mrs. Earl Weller. Richard Stanaway. Frank Smith. Max<br />

Peterson. Bob Haglund. Bob Graham.<br />

I967 — Ron Ruess. George McBee. Doug Albertson.<br />

Barbara Ann Wools.<br />

1968 — Bob Algoe. Sharon Tapper. Mrs. Frank<br />

Frostestad. MR5. John Wilson. Terry Brennan. Karen<br />

Dasenbrock. Mrs. Larry Luxford. Don Harmon. Mrs.<br />

A.J. Hostutler. Gwen Wiegmann.<br />

1969 — Ken Nichols. Larry Dorn. William Bogner.<br />

Janice Rion. Mrs. Tom Elvin. Tom Kramer. Cynthis<br />

Carbee. Eleanor Hyde. Dorothy Miller. Marlyn Oeltjen.<br />

Mrs. Richard Finson. Nancy Allen. Heschel Nuzum.<br />

Marvin Craver. Jan Pearson. Bill Martin. Shirley Mitchefl.<br />

1970 — James Fields. Bonnie Albertson. Terry Bahl.<br />

Brinda Caldwell. Jim Fluegel. Pat Fluegel. Denise<br />

Grundemeier. Jim Heitland. Jack Nims. Pat Nims. Alix<br />

Pryhoda. David Beck. Barbara Read. Dan Reed. John<br />

Middents. Leigh Russ. Eunice Conley. Reona Ford.<br />

Frances Parker. Margaret Scott. Janice Larson. Marj<br />

Mayer. Cal Johnson. Linda Reichert.<br />

1971 —— Wayne Bohlken. Donna Hellmich. Dennis<br />

Heth. Sandra Flesner. Bertha Reth. Doris Bries. Bonita<br />

Yoder. Bernard Luensman. Judith Smeltzer. Roger<br />

Hrubetz. Charles Hill.<br />

1972 — Janette Bohlken. Mary DeWerrf. Tana<br />

Stingley. (Barsness). Nancy Dunn. Marilyn Huinker.<br />

Jan Meyer. David Marshall. Charles Hill. Jan Goettsch.<br />

Ray Moothart. Maureen Frantz.<br />

1973 — Jean Bliss. Dorothy Koester. Judy Warrington.<br />

Thelma Spahr. Caroline Cueno. Anne Dunne.<br />

Sharon Hey. Mike Manning. Alyn Anderson. John<br />

Struck. Walt Fortney. Curt Duwe. Bill Oliver. Bob Warrington.<br />

Tom Ewald. Dick Stout. Phylis Michels. Sharon<br />

Alcorn. Tom Palmer.<br />

1974 —— Debra Lacock. DeeAnn Oliver. Paul Wignall.<br />

Richard Delagardelle. Randy Jersa. Janice Pearson.<br />

Roger Scott Peper. Dale Reck. Carl Achenbach.<br />

Suzanne Tenley.<br />

1975 — Ed Gross. Keith Fick. Dale Andrews. Richard<br />

Moore. Dale Johnson. Jean Pedelty. Pete Radl. Carolyn<br />

Dake. Martin Leiserowitz. Bernard R. Keeney.<br />

1976 — Arlie Willems. Wilma Wolf. Virginia Beck.<br />

Rex VanDyke. Larry Meendering.<br />

I977 — Linda Kerton. Cheri Francik. Mary Brewer.<br />

Cindy Loomans. M. Hugh Shaw. Kevin Driscoll. Craig<br />

Becker. Bob Hines.<br />

1978 — Nancy Lubben (Stout). June Mueller. Jane<br />

Upmeier. Deb Larson. Deb Clemens. Carla Jones. Mary<br />

Ann Siebels. Lea Braun. Debra Unsicker. Steve Litts.<br />

Robert Miller.<br />

1979 — Tom Conley. Jane Fink. Sherry Johnson.<br />

Dorothy Litts. Barb Anderson. Bill Peck. Bernie<br />

Paulson. Paul Hawkins. Melanie Johnson. Julie Conmey.<br />

Wendy Bouslong. Pam Olson. Joan Kuhns.<br />

1980 — Laura Krumm. Angeline Paulson. Kay Prasil.<br />

Rhonda Weers. Jane Upmeyer. Berleen Dostal. Lucille<br />

Durchenwald. Craig McEnany. Karen Nelson.<br />

I981 —- Doris Pazour. Terry Travis. Mary Achenbach.<br />

Don Powers. Rebecca Stuck. Don Bayliss. Dennis<br />

Christenson. Rosalyn Koehn. Nancy Kula. Nancy<br />

Lacey.<br />

1982 — Diana Hubler. Christine Harreld. Mary<br />

Thissen-Milder. Dixie Whitman.<br />

1983 — Wendy Hearn. Barbara Kleis. Teresa Mercer.<br />

Barbara Lemmer. Charles Smith.<br />

1984 — Valerie Brucckrnan. Jolee Caskey. Matt Ellis.<br />

Timothy Stamp.<br />

1985 — DruAnn Bufllngton. Julie Kurtz. Penny<br />

Williams. Ann Gorman. Patricia Plueger. Gary Otting.<br />

1986 — Martha Harrington. Kathy Houstman, Jan<br />

Kopf. Lynn Leibold. Kathleen McVeigh. Joan Kuhns.<br />

Mary Shanney.<br />

I987 — Nancy Mueller. Marcy Hahn. Ann Tiedt.<br />

Hazel Knoll School<br />

compiled by Mildred Brown<br />

Located on a winding dead-end road north of<br />

<strong>Anamosa</strong> is the remains of the Hazel Knoll Family<br />

boarding School which was begun in 1859 by the Rev.<br />

and Mrs. Bishop Isbell. educators and religious workers<br />

who came here from Williamstown. Mass.<br />

The Isbells and their daughters. Eliza. Adelaide. and<br />

Emily. arrived in <strong>Anamosa</strong> in 1858 and construction of<br />

the residence and the school building began in 1859.<br />

The school was opened in 1860.<br />

The house. a two-story stone structure. was the first<br />

to be erected. It still remains. The educational unit. a<br />

two-story wooden building. with classrooms and<br />

dormitory was built later. and has long since been torn<br />

down.<br />

Organized as a girls‘ finishing school. the curriculum<br />

consisted of subjects considered beneficial for the<br />

culture of females of marriageable age. Besides mid-<br />

Victorian etiquette. instructions included grammar.<br />

242<br />

mathematics and a smattering of domesticity. with<br />

foreign languages. music and art electives.<br />

Enrollment was enlisted from the local area and from<br />

the river cities of Dubuque. Clinton. and Davenport.<br />

Mrs lsabell. who had taught in several Massachusetts<br />

schools. became the superintendent. Eliza. the eldest<br />

daughter. assumed the principaiship and was director<br />

of art. Emily. the youngest. was in charge of music.<br />

while Adelaide was an assistant.<br />

Once the school was in operation. the Rev. Isbell. 48.<br />

returned to ecclesiastical work as supply pastor for the<br />

<strong>Anamosa</strong> Methodist church. Among his charges was a<br />

church nine miles north of town.<br />

Eliza's death and Mrs. Isbell's ill health made it<br />

necessary to close the school in 1872.<br />

Mrs. Isbell died in 1879 and the Rev.Mr. Isbell died in<br />

1893. The family is buried in the Riverside Cemetery at<br />


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