
A big future for small things? Global Investor Focus, 02/2005 Credit Suisse

A big future for small things?
Global Investor Focus, 02/2005
Credit Suisse


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Global Investor Focus<br />

Expert know-how for Credit Suisse investment clients June 2005<br />


A big future for small things? // Karl Knop<br />

Round table discussion // Heinrich Rohrer, Rita Hofmann, Hans-Joachim Günterodt,

How big is a nanometer?<br />

1 nanometer is 0.000 000 001 meters.<br />

That is one billionth of a meter.<br />

The relationship between 1 meter and<br />

1 nanometer is the same as the relationship<br />

between Ø earth : hazelnut.<br />

CMore information on page 23

One object, four different worlds! // Tip of a pencil by eye, light microscope,<br />

scanning electron microscope and by atomic force microscope.<br />

Magnification factor:<br />

10× 100× 10,000×

CMore information on page 8


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—06<br />

Editorial<br />

“There’s plenty of room at the bottom.” // Does nanotechnology<br />

hold the key to progress in the 21st century?<br />

Perhaps. The core technology is still only in its infancy – even<br />

though products based on nanotechnology are already available on<br />

the market. And even though significant amounts of public and private<br />

money are being channeled worldwide into nanotechnology research<br />

and applications.<br />

“Nano” is the word on everyone’s lips. “Nano” is the way forward.<br />

So is “nano” a synonym for the future? A phenomenon? A blessing for<br />

humanity? Or is “nano” nothing more than hype? A curse? An illusion?<br />

A dream that will burst like a bubble?<br />

That’s what we want to find out. And that’s why we commissioned<br />

this report.<br />

In order to meet the information needs of our clients, the bank has<br />

begun to cast a critical eye over nanotechnology. Because it is our job<br />

to provide our clients with the right advice at the right time. One of our<br />

main tasks is to identify investment trends and new markets at an<br />

early stage, to realistically assess the various possibilities, and to weigh<br />

up the opportunities and risks involved. Which also answers the question<br />

as to why a bank should be looking so intensively at nanotechnology<br />

at this time.<br />

Just one more thought. Isn’t it true to say that we Swiss have a<br />

special fondness for small things? The precision engineering which<br />

finds expression in the Swiss watchmaker’s craftsmanship is famous<br />

throughout the world. And it was a Swiss scientist, Heinrich Rohrer,<br />

who together with his German colleague, Gerd Binnig, developed and<br />

built the first scanning tunneling microscope – a great achievement,<br />

for which both men received the Nobel Prize.<br />

“There’s plenty of room at the bottom.” This sentence, which was<br />

spoken by Richard Feynman in 1959, marks the birth of nanoscience as<br />

we know it. We see it as our task to get to the bottom of the matter.<br />

Arthur Vayloyan<br />

Member of the Executive Board of Credit Suisse<br />

Head of Private Banking Switzerland

p Glossary<br />

Biochip: A prefabricated plate, which together with a reacting<br />

instrument performes biochemical tests.<br />

Biological sensors: Sensors are devices that respond to thermal,<br />

electromagnetic, mechanical, or other physical stimulus by producing<br />

a signal of electrical nature. Biological sensors measure<br />

the number of particles in the vicinity of the sensing element.<br />

Bit (abbreviated b): is the most basic information unit used in computing<br />

and information theory. With two valves, 0 or 1, 8 bits<br />

form a byte (abbreviated B ) and can assume 2 8 = 256 values.<br />

Bottom-up approach: Building nanostructures atom by atom, or<br />

molecule by molecule.<br />

Electron: A negative elementary-charged particle that orbits the<br />

positively charged nucleus of an atom.<br />

Ion: An electrically charged atom or molecule. Ions may be negatively<br />

or positively charged, either by an additional or a missing<br />

electron.<br />

In situ (“in place” in Latin): A term used in biology. To examine the<br />

phenomenon exactly in place where it occurs (without removing<br />

it in some special medium, etc.).<br />

Macroscopic: Large enough to be visible to the naked eye, typically<br />

longer than a tenth of a millimeter.<br />

MEMS: Micro-Electrical-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) is the integration<br />

of mechanical elements, sensors, actuators, and electronics on<br />

a common silicon substrate through microfabrication technology.<br />

Microtechnology: Technology dealing with matter on the size scale<br />

of microns (1 millionth of a meter ). Microtechnology can refer to<br />

microelectronics, MEMS, micro-optics or any technology that<br />

manipulates matter on a micron scale.<br />

Nanometer (abbreviated nm): A millionth of a millimeter.<br />

Nanoparticles: Particles with a size of 0.1 to 100 nanometers.<br />

Nanoscience: The scientific discipline seeking to increase knowledge<br />

and understanding of nanoscale phenomena, i.e. science<br />

on the scale of 0.1 nm to 100 nm. Nanoscience encompasses<br />

the traditional disciplines of physics, chemistry, biology and<br />

engineering.<br />

<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>: The application of nanoscience in order to control<br />

processes of the nanometer scale, between 0.1 nm and 100 nm.<br />

Photon: Discrete unit of electromagnetic radiation. Behaves not as<br />

a wave only, but also like a particle (without mass).<br />

Photovoltaic cells: A photovoltaic cell is a device that turns light<br />

into electric energy.<br />

Quantum mechanics: The well-tested theory of the behavior of<br />

matter on the microscopic scales of atoms and computer chips,<br />

where the constituents of matter behave simultaneously like<br />

waves and particles.<br />

Quantum states: Matter at the scales of atoms and molecules,<br />

assumes well-defined discrete states. Any changes and reactions<br />

can occur only by jumps from one into another quantum<br />

state, whereby a discrete amount of energy may be emitted or<br />

absorbed by electromagnetic radiation in a form of a photon.<br />

Top-down approach: Downsizing materials from a larger scale to<br />

nanometer size.

p Links<br />

Avalon Photonic Inc<br />

www.avap.ch<br />

CDT Cambridge Display Technology<br />

www.cdtltd.co.uk<br />

Concentris GmbH<br />

www.concentris.ch<br />

CSEM Inc<br />

www.csem.ch/fs/nanotech.htm<br />

Deutschland BMBF<br />

www.bmbf.de/de/nanotechnologie.php<br />

EMPA<br />

www.empa.ch<br />

EPFL/Institute for Applied Optics<br />

http://ioa.epfl.ch<br />

ETH Zentrum<br />

www.nano.mavt.ethz.ch<br />

EU 6. Framework Program<br />

www.cordis.lu/nanotechnology<br />

Heptagon Oy<br />

www.heptagon.fi<br />

Ilford<br />

www.ilford.com<br />

Japan National <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> Institute NRI<br />

unit.aist.go.jp/nanotech<br />

Nanosys GmbH<br />

www.nanosys.ch<br />

Nano-World Basel<br />

www.nano-world.org<br />

NCCR Materials with novel electronic properties<br />

www.manep.ch<br />

NCCR Nanoscale Science<br />

www.nccr-nano.org<br />

Paul Scherrer Institut<br />

www.psi.ch<br />

The Royal Society<br />

www.nanotec.org.uk/finalReport.htm<br />

Top Nano21<br />

www.temas.ch/nano/nano_homepage.nsf<br />

University of Basel<br />

www.pages.unibas.ch/zmb<br />

University of Neuchâtel/IMT<br />

www-samlab.unine.ch<br />

USA National <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> Initiative<br />



<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—07<br />

Table of contents<br />

Karl Knop // i4u GmbH<br />

08 <strong>Nanotechnology</strong>: A big future for small things<br />

Billions are invested worldwide to develop the potential of nanotechnology.<br />

Where is the science heading?<br />

Expert discussion<br />

16 Unraveling the big debate over small science<br />

Four leading experts in the field of nanoscience discuss the future<br />

of this technology.<br />

Michèle Luderer // Credit Suisse Publications<br />

23 It’s a small, small world<br />

Though invisible, nanotechnology enhances many commercially<br />

available products. A look at the products of today, tomorrow and<br />

the future.<br />

Daniel Huber // Credit Suisse Publications<br />

30 “Our future inevitably led us to nanotechnology”<br />

Ilford Switzerland returns to profitability thanks to the<br />

invention of nano inkjet paper. An interview with Rita Hofmann,<br />

Head of Research and Development.<br />

Maria Custer // Credit Suisse<br />

32 Investing in nanotechnology is its own science<br />

The better investors understand the impact that nanotechnology will<br />

have on the economy, the more they will be able to profit from the<br />

expected changes.<br />

34 Author bios<br />

36 Disclaimer/Imprint<br />

Cover: A droplet of water on a nasturtium leaf doesn’t wet its surface. Instead, it acts as a dust collector, automatically cleaning the surface as it slides off.<br />

Source: University of Basel/Microscopy Center


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—08<br />

Bigger isn’t always better. // Billions of dollars are invested in nanotechnology<br />

research each year by companies and governments worldwide to substantiate this claim.<br />

Today, the “technology of the tiny” is still in its embryonic phase, but it harnesses<br />

huge potential. The benefits of this budding science are already apparent in the fields<br />

of healthcare, materials, information technology and many more.<br />

Karl Knop ⁄ nanotechnology expert, i4u GmbH ⁄ ⁄ Editor: Michèle Luderer ⁄ Credit Suisse Publications<br />

<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>: A big future<br />

for small things<br />

<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>, a science that deals with objects with the size of<br />

a few nanometers, is a field that promises astonishing advances in<br />

every facet of society, from computers, to healthcare, to the environment.<br />

Today, nanoscience has added more bounce to tennis balls,<br />

made sunscreen lotions easier to smooth on, and even made trousers<br />

stain-resistant. The first successes, however mundane, are<br />

expected to pave the way for more momentous developments, such<br />

as computers based on fundamentally new physical principles, allowing<br />

simulations of complex systems such as the human brain. Once<br />

the technology to build things from the atom up exists, scientists<br />

should be in a better position to imitate efficient mechanisms existing<br />

in nature.<br />

These scientific breakthroughs might seem far-fetched, but<br />

experts estimate that the move from laboratory demonstrations and<br />

computer simulations to reality will be made within the next 10 to 30<br />

years. This rapid development is made possible as a result of the huge<br />

sums invested into the early stages of research and development by<br />

governments around the world. The United States, for example,<br />

invested approximately 1 billion dollars in nanotechnology research<br />

and development in 2004 alone. That is double the amount invested<br />

in 2001, when former President Bill Clinton launched the National<br />

<strong>Nanotechnology</strong> Initiative (NNI). The United States is not the only<br />

country to recognize the economic and societal potential of nanotechnology.<br />

Never in history before has there been such a unique global<br />

effort in one common theme of research. According to the NNI,<br />

worldwide government funding has increased to about five times what<br />

it was in 1997, exceeding 2 billion dollars in 2002. Asian countries,<br />

including Japan, China and Korea, as well as several European countries,<br />

have made leadership in nanotechnology national priorities. At<br />

25 million dollars a year, Switzerland’s investment per capita is high<br />

by international standards. These governments are digging deep into<br />

their coffers now, because they are aware of the potential substantial<br />

returns. The U.S. National Science Foundation has predicted that the<br />

market for nanotechnology, or products containing nanotechnology,<br />

will reach 1 trillion dollars in 10 to 15 years. That also translates into<br />

an estimated 7 million jobs that will be needed to support nanotechnology<br />

industries worldwide, according to the U.S. National Science<br />

Foundation. >


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—09<br />

<strong>Nanotechnology</strong> offers the possibility to analyze, manipulate and modify materials at the atomic level and atom by atom. This is a new quality in<br />

materials engineering with unprecedented potential. / Source: University of Basel – Physics


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—10<br />

Super storage from IBM Zurich<br />

Research Laboratory<br />

These days, it’s possible to download<br />

just about anything from<br />

music to pictures, to games and<br />

programs on mobile devices,<br />

such as cell phones and personal<br />

digital assistants (PDAs). These<br />

data take up quite a bit of storage<br />

and manufacturers are working to<br />

keep up with demands for<br />

increased capacity demands. As<br />

current storage technologies are<br />

gradually approaching fundamental<br />

limits, IBM explored innovative<br />

solutions for data storage in a<br />

system called “millipede.” Using<br />

nanotechnology, scientists at the<br />

IBM Zurich Research Laboratory,<br />

Switzerland, have made it to the<br />

millionths of a millimeter range,<br />

achieving data storage densities<br />

of more than one terabit (1,000<br />

gigabits) per square inch. This is<br />

equivalent to storing the content<br />

of 25 DVDs on an area the size of<br />

a postage stamp.<br />

www.zurich.ibm.com<br />

Source: IBM Zurich Research Laboratory<br />

Stain-resistant fabrics<br />

from Schoeller<br />

Schoeller has been working in<br />

nano research and development<br />

since 1998. Using the technology,<br />

it has created textiles with special<br />

properties for stain protection<br />

and oil and water repellence. Fabrics<br />

finished with NanoSphere<br />

provide protection from stains of<br />

all kinds: Even cola, ketchup and<br />

coffee can easily be rinsed off<br />

with a little water. Thanks to nanotechnology<br />

the textile surfaces<br />

are not only easy to clean, they<br />

are robust, long-lasting and can<br />

be laundered less often and at<br />

lower temperatures. The Nano-<br />

Sphere finish is suitable for many<br />

textile applications, including<br />

outdoor, leisure and sports clothing,<br />

business suits, protective<br />

work gear, home furnishing and<br />

medical applications. Clothing<br />

manufacturers around the world,<br />

including Daniel Hechter,<br />

Mammut, The North Face, and<br />

Polo Ralph Lauren, are using<br />

NanoSphere textiles in their production.<br />

www.schoeller-textiles.com<br />

Source: Schoeller Textil AG<br />

Evolution or industrial revolution?<br />

<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>, with its promise of making systems that are smaller,<br />

faster, stronger, better and cheaper to produce, may soon be the<br />

cornerstone of every manufacturing industry.<br />

Most industries that depend critically on materials have already<br />

recognized the importance of nanotechnology for their business. The<br />

microelectronics industry is among them. The industry, which has a<br />

50-year history of making things smaller while preserving and improving<br />

their functionality, believes that breakthroughs in nanotechnology<br />

are needed for its continued growth. In 1965, computer-processing<br />

power consisted of a microchip with 30 transistors. Today, chips have<br />

40 million transistors ranging in size from 130 to 180 nanometers. By<br />

2016, the Consortium of International Semiconductor Companies<br />

expects chips to be radically scaled down and to hold billions of<br />

transistors with the size of only 10 to 20 nanometers. What does this<br />

mean for consumers? We will benefit from faster computers with<br />

larger storage capacities.<br />

While the application of nanotechnology to improve existing<br />

products has a short history, spanning just two decades, it is gaining<br />

momentum rapidly. Nanoparticles have been produced in large quantities<br />

for a long time by making materials smaller and smaller from<br />

large-scale structures into nanometer-scale structures (the so-called<br />

“top-down approach”). The process of creating things by downsizing<br />

into the micrometer scale is called microtechnology. The top-down<br />

approach came as an evolution of microtechnology.<br />

Making things smaller while preserving their functionality is<br />

advantageous. However, this is not the main reason that explains the<br />

potential of nanotechnology. The attractiveness of small particles at<br />

nanometer scale is that they behave very differently from the objects<br />

in our macroscopic world. The reason for that is very fundamental<br />

and is related to quantum phenomena that explain the behavior of<br />

atoms and molecules. Particles at nanometer dimensions behave like<br />

waves, exhibiting “strange” resonances and interacting with other<br />

particles by exchanging well-defined portions of energy called quantums.<br />

While common objects from our daily life must be permanently<br />

fed with energy to be able to move, very small objects may stay<br />

in a steady state of motion without losing energy over a long period<br />

of time. Now, new advances in nanotechnology (bottom-up approach)<br />

add to the “old” top-down approach much deeper understanding and<br />

predictability.<br />

A whole range of start-up companies are developing and selling<br />

novel products used in a wide variety of applications and markets,<br />

ranging from ultra-high precision robots and novel photovoltaic cells<br />

that harness solar energy, to flexible displays, and chip-based medical<br />

sensors. <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> is not the only key technology of the<br />

twenty-first century, but due to its inherent multidisciplinary nature,


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—11<br />

There are two different approaches in nanotechnology:<br />

the “top-down” approach, which means downsizing materials from<br />

a larger scale to the nanometer size, and the “bottom-up”<br />

approach, which refers to building nanostructures atom by atom<br />

or molecule by molecule.<br />

it certainly is laying solid groundwork for solutions to many of the<br />

urgent questions of the industrialized world.<br />

p Electronics and information technology: The development of electronics<br />

and information processing has reached a critical point. The<br />

chips used today combine hundreds of millions of interlinked elements<br />

in one chip, however, the miniaturization process has reached<br />

a point where further developments seem not to be possible without<br />

a new and different approach. <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> should provide the<br />

next leap to make further miniaturization possible. Scientists demonstrated<br />

that new significant advancements could be made using the<br />

knowledge provided by nanotechnology, including totally new concepts<br />

for computing based on quantum devices.<br />

p Life sciences: To support and improve human health on a global<br />

scale represents a challenge for the present and near future. Better<br />

insight and control of processes in the molecular scale are needed<br />

for this task. Traditionally, this task has been the domain of biochemistry<br />

and the pharmaceuticals industry. With the advent of nanotechnology,<br />

totally new approaches to manipulate, modify and eventually<br />

design and fabricate molecular structures in the atomic scale are<br />

available today and may ultimately change the whole discipline in the<br />

long term. Biochemical sensors based on nanodevices have already<br />

started to revolutionize medical diagnostics. The real impact of nanotechnology<br />

in life sciences, however, will be far more fundamental,<br />

introducing completely new methods for influencing and altering the<br />

basic processes of life. The areas of medicine and pharmaceuticals<br />

may not be the same again after nanotechnology has entered the<br />

field. The potential of applying this technology to medicine is huge.<br />

Many applications, from drug delivery to advanced diagnostics, are<br />

currently being researched. In the next five years, researches expect<br />

to make headway in drug delivery and advanced diagnostics. For<br />

example, introducing nanoparticles in medicines might make them<br />

more soluble and easier to absorb. Or implanting chips that would<br />

monitor the level of biochemicals in the bloodstream and release the<br />

appropriate level of medication, which would greatly benefit insulindependent<br />

diabetics.<br />

p Energy and new materials: The generation of mechanical energy<br />

strongly depends on the availability of suitable materials. Steel was<br />

virtually the only choice in the nineteenth century. Much stronger and<br />

lighter materials have been developed since then and used to increase<br />

efficiency. Many of these new materials owe their outstanding properties<br />

to their nanoscale crystalline structure. While in the past,<br />

material processing was based on trial and error, nanotechnology is<br />

now offering a well-controlled approach. More recently, new materials<br />

have been discovered, including carbon nanotubes (CNT), which<br />

exhibit a mechanical strength that is 20 times that of steel and just<br />

one-sixth the weight. This will enable the construction of cars ><br />

Mercedes-Benz scratchresistant<br />

cars<br />

DaimlerChrysler has developed a<br />

nanoparticle clear coat for its<br />

car lacquer that is highly resistant<br />

to scratching. It contains microscopic<br />

ceramic particles that form<br />

a densely cross-linked network<br />

when it hardens, providing a<br />

threefold improvement in scratch<br />

resistance. The effectiveness of<br />

the technology was demonstrated<br />

by the results of an extreme<br />

test conducted in an external laboratory.<br />

In long-term studies<br />

involving more than 150 test cars,<br />

the coating proved glossier<br />

and more scratch-resistant than<br />

conventional paint jobs, even<br />

after years of use. After ten wash<br />

cycles with a mixture of water and<br />

fine particulate matter – reproducing<br />

the wear-and-tear effect of<br />

some 50 to 100 regular car<br />

washes – the nano-painted sheet<br />

metal emerged with approximately<br />

40 percent greater gloss<br />

than samples with conventional<br />

lacquer.<br />

www.daimlerchrysler.com<br />

Source: DaimlerChrysler<br />

<strong>Nanotechnology</strong> in a nutshell<br />

p The prefix, nano, comes<br />

from the Greek “nanos,” which<br />

means dwarf.<br />

p <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> concerns materials<br />

and working devices<br />

that are engineered at the scale<br />

of atoms and molecules.<br />

p Atomic constructs can be measured<br />

in nanometers, which are<br />

one millionth of a millimeter in size.<br />

p Approximately 3 to 6 atoms<br />

can fit inside of a nanometer,<br />

depending on the atom.<br />

p A human hair is about<br />

80,000 nanometers wide.<br />

p Proteins, the building blocks of<br />

living organisms, are typically several<br />

nanometers in size.<br />

p Viruses, which are the smallest<br />

living organisms, can reach up<br />

to 100 nanometers, whereas bacteria,<br />

which do not qualify as<br />

nano-objects, are up to several<br />

thousand nanometers in size.


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—12<br />

Spheres of polystyrene: Tiny spheres of polystyrene, only a few micrometers in size, may build up in a self-organized manner to form layers,<br />

one above the other, exhibiting extraordinary optical properties, eventually providing trully three-dimensional bulk materials. / Source: CSEM, Inc.<br />

Nature demonstrated this long ago: Colorful opal gemstones are the result of a self-organized<br />

depositing of microscopic particles.


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—13<br />

Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL): Semiconductor lasers are omnipresent in modern society. CD and DVD devices<br />

and many other well-established products depend on them. Such lasers contain nanostructures and their evolution will be strongly influenced<br />

by nanotechnology. / Source: Avalon Photonics Ltd.<br />

DVD and CD players are a commodity today. A tiny spot of light from a semiconductor laser<br />

is used to write and read the information on the disc.


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—14<br />

Microbes: The growth of microbes strongly depends on the surface. By offering suitable topographies their presence or absence may be<br />

controlled. / Source: CSEM, Inc.<br />

Hip, knee and dental implants are routinely used today to improve the quality of life,<br />

particularly for elderly people. The critical part in these devices is the interface<br />

to the body. Proper surface treatment improves the fixation and may greatly enhance the<br />

lifetime of the implant.


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—15<br />

“The impact of nanotechnology on the health, wealth,<br />

and lives of people will be at least the equivalent of the combined<br />

influences of microelectronics, medical imaging, computeraided<br />

engineering and man-made polymers developed in this<br />

century.” // Richard E. Smalley, 1996 Chemistry Nobel Laureate<br />

with a tenfold reduced power consumption and eventually even an<br />

elevator to space, as recently studied by NASA. <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> will<br />

also have potentially significant impacts on energy efficiency, storage<br />

and production. <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> could help revolutionize the energy<br />

industry, producing advances in solar power cell technology and the<br />

development of fuel cells.<br />

No nanotechnology without the right tools<br />

In 1981, Heinrich Rohrer and Gerd Binnig at IBM Research Laboratory<br />

in Zurich developed the scanning tunneling microscope, STM, a device<br />

that enables researchers to analyze and manipulate matter at the<br />

atomic scale. This invention laid the groundwork for further advances<br />

in nanotechnology. Further progression in nanotechnology generated<br />

a demand for new commercial instruments for routine use in the handling<br />

of nanostructures and nanodevices. A whole range of tools<br />

similar to the STM, such as the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), and<br />

an entirely new generation of instruments has evolved to support microand<br />

nanotechnology. The emerging market of tools for nanotechnology<br />

will play a key role in the development of this industry.<br />

Do the benefits outweigh potential risks?<br />

While many believe that the influence of nanotechnology will be a<br />

universal cure-all, others have serious concerns about its social,<br />

political and economic effects. A primary fear is the use of nanotechnology<br />

will generate unwanted side effects, which could harm lives<br />

and the environment. It is impossible to avoid such effects completely,<br />

as almost any technology can be abused. However, internal<br />

control of scientific and technological developments in nanotechnology<br />

is inherently better than in other fields of high technology. This<br />

is due to the fact that an interdisciplinary group of scientists and<br />

engineers are ultimately responsible for their findings. Nevertheless,<br />

experts predict that governments may soon step in to create laws or<br />

regulations concerning nanotechnology.<br />

æ<br />

Miele’s easy clean ovens<br />

Oven cleaning is not a favorite<br />

chore for most people.<br />

It often gets put off until the task<br />

takes hours of scrubbing to<br />

remove burned-on grease. Knowing<br />

this, Miele has created<br />

PerfectClean enamel, a material<br />

treated with nanotechnology<br />

surface finishing that prevents<br />

food and grease particles<br />

from bonding with the oven cavity,<br />

racks and even its baking<br />

sheets. Spills also can’t burn on.<br />

This technology hasn’t abolished<br />

the need for oven cleaning,<br />

but made it significantly simpler.<br />

www.miele.de<br />

Source: Miele<br />

Hartchrom’s surface technology<br />

Hartchrom, Switzerland, and<br />

Nanogate Coating Systems,<br />

Germany, developed Nanochrome ® ,<br />

a surface technology that is<br />

antiadhesive, and corrosion- and<br />

temperature-resistant. The<br />

Nanochrome ® coating system has<br />

been used for web offset printing,<br />

and resulted in a reduction of<br />

cleaning effort for the paper guide<br />

rolls up to 85 percent. In comparison,<br />

customary paper guide<br />

rolls must be cleaned after<br />

333,000 rotations and Nanochrome<br />

® rolls require cleaning<br />

after only 850,000 to 1.3 million<br />

rotations. Nanochrome ® applications<br />

in other industrial fields,<br />

such as in paper and foil manufacturing,<br />

are being developed.<br />

www.hartchrom.com<br />

Table 1<br />

Estimated public funding of nanoscience<br />

and nanotechnology<br />

Source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung<br />

(in CHF million) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Europe 240 400 580 850 900<br />

Switzerland 20 25 25 27 30<br />

USA 360 500 680 920 1020<br />

Japan 330 720 900 950 950<br />

Others 180 250 540 600 650<br />

Source: Hartchrom, Switzerland


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—16<br />

Expert discussion // <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> has been touted as the panacea for many<br />

of the world’s ailments, but what are its real capabilities? How much of what has been<br />

reported in the popular press is speculation, and how many breakthroughs are<br />

really just around the corner? Four leading experts in the field joined a question and<br />

answer forum to help us weed the facts from the fiction.<br />

Editor: Michèle Luderer ⁄ Credit Suisse Publications<br />

The following discussion was moderated by Arthur Vayloyan, Member of the Credit Suisse Executive Board, Head of Private Banking<br />

Switzerland, and Maria Custer, biochemist, Credit Suisse Equity Research<br />

Unraveling the big debate over<br />

small science<br />

Arthur Vayloyan: Media articles have written that science has<br />

the potential to eradicate air and water pollution, eliminate viruses<br />

and disease, abolish famine and drought, create artificial intelligence,<br />

mimic the processes of life, and much more! Is this fiction or<br />

fact?<br />

Heinrich Rohrer: That is neither fiction nor fact. To date, I have<br />

not heard such claims from respectable scientists engaged in nanotech.<br />

That is part of the hype perpetuated by the media. Nanotech<br />

will provide new solutions that will substantially improve, but not<br />

eradicate these problem areas. For example, considerably reduced<br />

friction will significantly reduce wear and save energy, but some<br />

problems will remain.<br />

Viola Vogel: Engineering materials and devices at the nanoscale<br />

will enable us to do far more with far less resources. This is the driving<br />

force behind miniaturization, as exemplified by various technology<br />

developments over the last decades. By entering the nanoscale,<br />

we might find new solutions to old problems, but we will certainly not<br />

find magical cures.<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt: These examples are a collection<br />

of unrealistic hopes. Today, we are still in the state of nanoscience,<br />

which can also be defined as the beginning or early stage of nanotechnology.<br />

Nanoscience, with its supportive nature, promulgates<br />

throughout all of the scientific disciplines. As a result, it will stimulate<br />

and create new technologies in an interdisciplinary fashion in all of<br />

these fields. This will greatly impact many industrial branches to the<br />

benefit of our everyday lives, but as the others have said, it certainly<br />

will not solve all the problems of our world.<br />

Maria Custer: How is the public to distinguish between fantasy<br />

and reality? Particularly when the popular press prints inaccuracies on<br />

the topic, and science-fiction thrillers, which disparage the technology,<br />

make the bestseller’s lists?<br />

Heinrich Rohrer: Science fiction is as old as science. In fact,<br />

some of what was once considered science fiction has become reality<br />

sooner than ever anticipated. Scientists, however, can lose their<br />

credibility not just by making empty promises, but also with hasty


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—17<br />

Heinrich Rohrer, Nobel Laureate: “Nanotech should not copy nature, but<br />

should get inspired by it.”<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt, Director of the National Center of<br />

Competence in Research (NCCR), Switzerland: “Switzerland is well positioned<br />

in this emerging field.”<br />

rejections. So it is best to let science fiction be and to speak up only<br />

if science has been discredited. Science has more important things<br />

to do than crusade against fiction writers.<br />

Viola Vogel: We scientists have to play a far more active role to<br />

help society discriminate between science and fiction.<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt: The responsible sources do have<br />

an obligation to inform and educate the public and to provide them<br />

with scientific and experimental facts.<br />

Maria Custer: In my opinion, experts in biotechnology and<br />

genetics were too late vin explaining to the public what they are doing<br />

in their labs. This led to uncertainty and inacceptance of everything<br />

genetically modified. What responsibility do nanotech experts have<br />

to clear up the confusion?<br />

Viola Vogel: Recognizing this dilemma, the United States initiated<br />

extensive discussions about potential societal and ethical<br />

implications at the onset and as part of the US National <strong>Nanotechnology</strong><br />

Initiative. A discussion about the societal implications of<br />

nanotechnology has to be conducted in the framework of international<br />

economic, medical and environmental challenges. The truth is<br />

that with the rapidly increasing world population, the worldwide<br />

competition for resources will become fiercer. Better technologies<br />

are needed to use our limited resources more efficiently and in better<br />

harmony with the environment. Furthermore, current technologies<br />

are not sufficient to stop or reverse the cost explosion in the<br />

healthcare sector, which might lead to the possibility that patients<br />

do not get the care they deserve. New solutions need to be found,<br />

and accordingly we have to invest into new science and technology.<br />

The public needs to be informed about how, and in what ways, the<br />

emerging new technologies might contribute to the benefit of mankind.<br />

At the same time, we have to start asking early about possible<br />

unanticipated, negative consequences, and how these new technologies<br />

might be purposely misused. Since so many disciplines are<br />

meeting at the nanoscale, a differentiated approach involving many<br />

sectors of society is needed.<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt: The main concern is about the<br />

toxicity of nanoparticles. However, nanoparticle research is only a<br />

segment of the entire field of nanoscience. Regardless, there is no<br />

doubt that we can learn from biotechnology and genetics, how to<br />

interact with the public and let them know what we are doing.<br />

Arthur Vayloyan: Can parallels be drawn between the trend in<br />

nanotechnology and past trends in other research-intensive or highgrowth<br />

disciplines, such as biotech or information technology (IT)?<br />

Rita Hofmann: I believe there are parallels. Biotech and IT<br />

describe a wide variety of industries and applications, some of them<br />

winners and some losers. There are also parallels in the promises<br />

that are made.<br />

For example, when the laser was invented, it was said that it would<br />

change the world. It is now very widely used in telecommunications,<br />

material science physical measures, and in limited medical applications,<br />

but has fully failed in the general medical and chemical industries and<br />

many manufacturing industries. Nanoapplications will fill particular<br />

gaps, but they are not the solution to all of today’s problems.<br />

Viola Vogel: There are many parallels; however, none of the<br />

above technologies involve as many disciplines as nanotechnology.<br />

The exploration of the nanoworld is an endless resource of scientific<br />

discovery, from the physical sciences to engineering, from chemistry<br />

to biomedicine.<br />

This includes the discovery of new physical phenomena and<br />

quantum effects at the nanoscale, watching and probing the properties<br />

of single atoms and molecules, exploring how nature engineers<br />

its materials at the nanoscale, and how biological nanosystems work.<br />

Concurrently, the nanotech community is asking how to either convert<br />

these new discoveries into new technologies, or innovate already<br />

existing technologies. >


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—18<br />

Arthur Vayloyan: The nanotech vision includes revolutionizing<br />

industries, such as health and medicine, chemicals, power and energy,<br />

transportation, electronics, agriculture, engineering and defense.<br />

Is the nanotech market going to explode?<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt : If we remember how the transition<br />

from radio tubes to transistors or integrated circuits took<br />

place, what seems to be a revolution today, was evolutionary at<br />

the beginning. Fifty years ago, when the first steps were being<br />

taken with transistors, no one predicted today’s use in laptops,<br />

mobile phones or the Internet. Similar developments have to be<br />

considered for nanotech.<br />

Heinrich Rohrer: Nanotech is a term for a wide variety of processes,<br />

products, and solutions. Its ultimate goal is to perform electrical,<br />

mechanical, chemical, and thermal sensing, processing, and actuation<br />

with systems working on the nanometer scale. It will provide<br />

pervasive bridges between the virtual world of today’s pervasive data<br />

processing and the real world of action. An important aspect is also<br />

new materials with special properties due to distinct nanostructures.<br />

Therefore, it is not one technology, industry, or market – it embraces<br />

many. The transition will be evolutionary, and revolutionary. Just remember,<br />

it took 17 years to replace half of the radio tubes by transistors – an<br />

evolutionary transition. Microelectronics, however, brought the hightech<br />

revolution. Nanotech is neither about “filling particular gaps,” nor<br />

“the solution to all of today’s problems”; it is about the vast world in<br />

between. And, it will revolutionize many branches of industry and, even<br />

more importantly, create new ones.<br />

Arthur Vayloyan : In 2000, the US National Science Foundation<br />

published a report stating that market expectations could reach USD 1<br />

trillion by 2015. What is your opinion on these projections?<br />

Rita Hofmann: It depends what is counted as the market. I would<br />

feel more comfortable with an estimate of 1 percent of goods in world<br />

trade to be related to nanotechnology.<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt: It is too early to make statements<br />

on market expectations in the range of these high volumes. However,<br />

there are sufficient expectations that Swiss spin-offs, start-ups, and<br />

other companies will become interested in the field.<br />

Arthur Vayloyan: Will some trillion-dollar industries be made obsolete,<br />

or will the transition to nanotechnology be smooth?<br />

Rita Hofmann: Many big industries have their own nano programs.<br />

They will probably integrate this new technology into their current structures.<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt: I believe the transition will be smooth<br />

and has to follow commercial laws. We can learn from the introduction<br />

of new technologies in the past. Well-established manufacturers of<br />

radio tubes focused on other businesses or else were made obsolete.<br />

Intel is now the new giant in this field.<br />

Heinrich Rohrer: Obsolete? Hardly. Let’s take the electron microscope<br />

as an example on a smaller scale. It boosted research, development,<br />

and the market of the then 300-year-old optical microscopy<br />

industry. On a larger scale, the power necessary to perform a calculation<br />

decreased by a trillion times over the past five decades, yet<br />

the electricity bill for computers and peripheries increased to about<br />

USD 1 trillion per year.<br />

Going from the microscale to the nanoscale is a natural continuation<br />

of miniaturization. For example, a tera-bit in a cell phone will open<br />

new opportunities for this market, rather than make the cell phone<br />

market obsolete. Adding nanochemical analyzers and synthesizers to<br />

transmit fragrance and scent in addition to words, pictures and whatever<br />

should boost the cell phone market even more.<br />

Other developments, however, might discontinue because many<br />

properties and functions change at the transition from condensed<br />

matter behavior to atomic and molecular properties. A change from<br />

solid state to molecular components will require novel processes and<br />

technologies and, therefore, a lot of courage by the industries involved.<br />

But, it will open new horizons.


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—19<br />

Rita Hofmann, Head of Research and Development, Ilford Group,<br />

Switzerland: “Nanoapplications will fill particular gaps, but they are not the<br />

solution to all of today’s problems.”<br />

Viola Vogel, Head of the Laboratory for Biologically Oriented Materials at the<br />

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH: “We scientists have to play a<br />

far more active role to help society discriminate between science and fiction.”<br />

Maria Custer: What does the change “from solid state to molecular<br />

components” mean? Are there examples?<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt: In the past, we observed the<br />

change from vacuum or radio tubes to transistors, later the field of<br />

solid-state integrated circuits was introduced. Today, lower dimensions<br />

in the micrometer range are state-of-the-art. Smaller dimensions<br />

are not accessible by lithographic processes or limited by<br />

physical laws. Therefore, in the future transistors might be replaced<br />

by molecular components.<br />

Heinrich Rohrer: Molecules are the smallest, nanometer-sized<br />

functional components. One objective of macromolecular chemistry<br />

is to synthesize molecules of increasingly complex functionality. In<br />

many nanotech applications, the electron or ion currents become so<br />

small that we have to count electrons and ions instead of measuring<br />

currents. Using molecules as counting components seems to be a<br />

natural approach, as nature uses them abundantly, for example, molecules<br />

as adjustable holes for transfer of single ions through cell<br />

walls. Dreaming of the distant future, molecules are envisaged to<br />

serve as basic building blocks for self-assembling increasingly complex<br />

functional units and systems.<br />

Arthur Vayloyan: Will large, well-established companies control<br />

the market or is there room for smaller companies and start-ups?<br />

Rita Hofmann: There is a market now for start-ups, primarily<br />

in the equipment and medical sector, and in cases where investments<br />

in very expensive equipment are not needed. However, most<br />

of the activity will be in traditional industries and with big industrial<br />

players that invest in nanotechnology. For example, digital manufacturing<br />

and manufacturing-on-demand use manipulation on a fine<br />

scale. It is my guess that every major chemical company, every<br />

electronics company and many manufacturing industries have nanotechnology<br />

programs. There are also start-up groups in traditional<br />

industry.<br />

Heinrich Rohrer: There are opportunities for new companies,<br />

and they will appear. Just look at the developments in the data processing<br />

industry since 1960, thanks to microelectronics.<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt: Today, there are examples of<br />

activities for both alternatives. Several well-established companies,<br />

such as IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and Hitachi, hold patents. Some startups<br />

are also already making profits. The start-ups in the field of scanning<br />

probe microscopy can all be linked to universities working in this<br />

field. Therefore, it is hard to speculate on who will control the market.<br />

Arthur Vayloyan: What are your views on nanotech programs<br />

in large companies compared with small start-ups coming from the<br />

academia?<br />

Rita Hofmann: Start-ups have the disadvantage of having to<br />

develop new products for markets that might not yet exist to assure<br />

their living. For example, commercializing a new industrial product in<br />

my industry can cost anywhere from CHF 4 million to 10 million. This<br />

covers only technical development, not investing in any infrastructure<br />

or manufacturing equipment for longer-term sustainability. If startups<br />

have this kind of money available to them, they have a chance.<br />

Start-up groups in large companies do not have access to external<br />

funding.<br />

Viola Vogel: Not all products derived from nanotechnology are<br />

targeting new markets. Many start-up companies in the US are targeting<br />

existing markets with new products.<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt: I believe the topic of start-ups is<br />

linked to the academic environment. In large companies, the programs<br />

are much more focused on the extension of existing products<br />

towards the advantages of the nanoscale.<br />

Maria Custer: So, the expectation is that larger companies will<br />

be the first to successfully introduce nanotech products, and smaller<br />

companies with great ideas will most likely need to collaborate >

GLOBAL INVESTOR FOCUS <strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—20<br />

with larger institutions in order to get access to the needed infrastructure,<br />

funding and marketing expertise?<br />

Rita Hofmann: That would be a good approach. For high-tech<br />

industrial products, the funding requirements are very high (investment<br />

in safety, manufacturing equipment, research, marketing, etc.).<br />

This is a heavy burden for start-ups and for existing small enterprises.<br />

Collaboration among companies is a good solution.<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt: There are spin-offs, for example,<br />

that have successfully introduced nanotech products in the field of<br />

new microscopes. They are making money and do not need venture<br />

capital. In the chemical industry, larger companies are also realizing<br />

good profits with nanotech products.<br />

Viola Vogel: If we can learn from the very recent past, start-up<br />

companies can have a very competitive edge. Start-up companies,<br />

for example, drove technical innovations in biotechnology and IT, in<br />

a major way. Some of these companies grew rapidly and larger companies<br />

bought others up. This was and is the case at least in the US.<br />

The overhead of a big company to develop new technologies and<br />

prototypes is typically higher than for start-up companies. Unless the<br />

product requires expensive nanofabrication technologies, start-up<br />

companies can afford the expenses of developing new prototypes<br />

and products. Many of the nanoproducts that are coming to the<br />

market today rely on cheaper manufacturing processes, including the<br />

assembly of specially designed nanoparticles or molecules.<br />

In order to create an environment in which nanotech start-up<br />

companies can flourish, they must have access to centralized user<br />

facilities where they can either analyze the structure and properties<br />

of their products, can conduct micro- and nanofabrication processes<br />

if needed, or have access to a well-trained workforce. The<br />

US government invests heavily across the country in such centralized<br />

nanotech facilities that are accessible to academic and industrial<br />

users. Most of those user facilities are housed in academic institutions<br />

or national laboratories. Furthermore, the regions from which<br />

the major new biotechnology and IT industries have emerged are<br />

found in close proximity to prime universities. Investments into prime<br />

university-based research programs serve as major engines for<br />

innovation.<br />

Maria Custer: Do you believe that some really innovative and<br />

life-changing products will be developed? If we take the cell phone as<br />

an example, a few years ago it was not thinkable that almost every<br />

person would need a cell phone. In my view, this changed many people’s<br />

lives because they can be reached all the time and everywhere.<br />

Viola Vogel: Talking about life-changing products: in medical<br />

emergencies, the time delay between taking a patient’s blood sample<br />

and getting back the results from centralized laboratories often<br />

exceeds the remaining life expectancy of the patient. Miniaturization<br />

will soon make it possible to analyze blood and other body fluids on<br />

the spot, for example at the site of an accident or wherever needed<br />

through the use of microfluidic devices that contain integrated nanosensors<br />

and reporters.<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt: There will be a variety of products<br />

coming close to these criteria. It might even be that the mobile phone<br />

will benefit from such a development.<br />

In biology or medicine, the dimensions of life are more easily<br />

accessible in diagnostics and therapy by nanomechanical devices in<br />

development. On the other hand, there is the emerging field of nanotextiles.<br />

Be aware that there might be unexpected developments<br />

which today cannot be foreseen.<br />

Arthur Vayloyan: What regions or countries are in a good position<br />

to benefit from nanotechnology?<br />

Rita Hofmann: Asia is well placed to adopt it, because many<br />

countries are oriented very much towards manufacturing industries,<br />

compared with social sciences and services, for example.<br />

Heinrich Rohrer: Europe is positioned as good as the east and<br />

west. But that is not sufficient. Europe was scientifically leading in


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—21<br />

Arthur Vayloyan, member of the Credit Suisse Executive Board and<br />

Head Private Banking Switzerland: “It is one of our primary responsibilities to<br />

provide timely, well-founded advice, identify investment trends and new<br />

markets at an early stage, and to realistically evaluate opportunities and risks.”<br />

Maria Custer, biochemist, Credit Suisse Equity Research: “Although its<br />

potential is difficult to assess, the chances that nanotechnology will change<br />

traditional industries and global economic structures are high.”<br />

the 20th century – and before. However, Europe missed the three<br />

major technology developments: microelectronics or microtechnology<br />

as a whole, computers and informatics, and biotechnology. Let’s<br />

hope for the best this time.<br />

Viola Vogel: In terms of governmental investments in nanotechnology,<br />

Europe, Asia and the US are shoulder to shoulder. The question<br />

will be how well Europe is prepared to convert new discoveries<br />

into competitive products.<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt: Let me focus on Switzerland,<br />

where Heinrich Rohrer and Gerd Binning invented a major ingredient<br />

of nanoscience, the scanning tunneling microscope, in 1981. This<br />

triggered nationwide efforts in the field. Nearly every university and<br />

other academic institutions are working in nanoscience. In the past<br />

few years, the Technology Oriented Program (TOP) NANO 21, which<br />

was created to ensure that Swiss businesses can make rapid use of<br />

nanometer-based technologies, has tried to promote cooperation<br />

between academia and industry. In addition, the Commission for<br />

Technology and Innovation’s nano/micro branch, in collaboration with<br />

the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW), established a<br />

transfer college. The National Center of Competence in Research<br />

“Nanoscale Science” has developed into a center of excellence, and<br />

a nano curriculum has been started at the University of Basel, where<br />

a new type of scientist will be educated. All this might further contribute<br />

to the very good position of Switzerland in this emerging<br />

field.<br />

Arthur Vayloyan: What are the short-, medium-, and long-term<br />

objectives and application areas of nanotechnology?<br />

Viola Vogel: The availability of nanoprobes and instrumentation<br />

to visualize and manipulate biological nanosystems will fundamentally<br />

change our knowledge base in the biosciences, and will contribute<br />

in a major way to transitioning biology from a descriptive to a<br />

quantitative science. Beyond providing new insights into how cells<br />

and organs work, the biggest pay-off for society might come from<br />

utilizing these quantitative insights combined with advanced imaging<br />

and analytical technologies for the early detection of diseases and<br />

their more effective treatment.<br />

Heinrich Rohrer: In the short term, we can expect nanotechnology<br />

to be applied to instrumentation and analytics; imaging and<br />

sensors are examples. Another rapidly growing area deals with nanostructured<br />

materials. In the medium term, it will be applied to molecular<br />

components, novel mechanical and chemical components (such as<br />

holes as gates to count electrons and ions, nanochemistry laboratories<br />

for in-situ synthesis), simple nanosystems (such as Millipede,<br />

a novel type of storage device developed in the IBM Rüschlikon<br />

Laboratory) ; in-situ growth and self-assembly of nanostructures and<br />

simple components; and the study of complex nanoprocesses (such<br />

as systems biology of cells ). In the long term, we might see remote<br />

(wireless) control of autonomous nanosystems and nanorobots, and<br />

self-assembly of whole nanosystems from nanocomponents (living<br />

objects are such self-assemblies; however, they are not subject of<br />

nanotech).<br />

Arthur Vayloyan: Along with the benefits also come potential<br />

and perceived risks. For example, there will certainly be public policy<br />

and social issues, such as safety, health risks, fear of unemployment<br />

(human labor made redundant by machines that produce better<br />

machines ), and moral issues (genetic manipulation ) to be considered.<br />

What are the true negative implications?<br />

Heinrich Rohrer: Today, we should be better prepared than we<br />

were when for example DDT and other pesticides, Freons, and dangerous<br />

chemicals were produced and used. We also recognize that<br />

it is not just a question of “what?” but also of “how much?” The true<br />

negative implication of nanotech is – as with other technical<br />

and social developments – the ever-growing separation of humankind<br />

into those who can keep up with change and those who cannot and,


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—22<br />

as a consequence, into those who have and those who have not. That<br />

might eventually end up in a revolution of a different dimension.<br />

Rita Hofmann: At Ilford, we use some nanoparticles in our products.<br />

Our particles are silica, which is an industrial product used in<br />

ketchup, tires and much more. It is known to be chemically very benign<br />

with no special health and safety restrictions. But because they are<br />

nanoparticles we treat our nanosilica as if it was an unknown and<br />

potentially harmful compound. Thus lab personnel and workers wear<br />

protection and open handling is mostly avoided. This is well above any<br />

legal requirements and in line with other potentially dangerous substances<br />

that the chemical industry handles. My point is, there may be<br />

risks, but they can be handled with existing technology. The health<br />

and safety aspects have to be looked at from the beginning.<br />

Viola Vogel: A better scientific understanding needs to be<br />

derived about how nanoparticles might impact human health upon<br />

entry into the human body. The biggest producers of nanoparticles<br />

right now, however, are not the nanotech industries, but combustion<br />

processes.<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt : The true negative implications<br />

might be related to the toxicity of nanoparticles. However, there is<br />

also a challenge to study safety and risk issues and to prevent the<br />

negative impact on human health. At the NCCR “Nanoscale Science,”<br />

we also focus on ethical questions and safety issues. The European<br />

Union Research Program has started a larger study on these topics.<br />

On the other hand, there are always alternatives to handle nanoparticles,<br />

not in the air but in liquids, or to build up nanoparticles for<br />

medicine from peptides, for example. Again, research will be very<br />

helpful.<br />

Arthur Vayloyan: Is it foreseeable that governments might soon<br />

step in to create laws or regulations concerning nanotechnology?<br />

Viola Vogel: Some aspects of nanotechnology can be handled<br />

with existing laws and regulations; others need to be carefully<br />

assessed. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US, for<br />

example, regulates substances according to their chemical composition<br />

but the agency does not yet consider whether there might be<br />

size-dependencies in their toxicities.<br />

Heinrich Rohrer: I just hope that they don’t overdo it. Any<br />

measures taken should focus first on sound consumer attitudes,<br />

which are worth more than regulations.<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt : This is a far sounder alternative<br />

than a moratorium to stop research in the field of nanoparticles,<br />

which has been suggested by some non-governmental organizations.<br />

Arthur Vayloyan: Is it, however, safe to say that overall benefits<br />

of nanotechnology outweigh the risks?<br />

Heinrich Rohrer: We have to see the benefits outweigh the<br />

risks. There is simply no way around nanotechnology, be it for a<br />

sustainable world or be it for the progress of technology at large.<br />

Viola Vogel : While this will be the case for many or most nanotech-based<br />

products, the scientific communities together with other<br />

sectors of society have to be more alert than in earlier developments<br />

in order to assess potential health risks early in the process.<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt : The future might show that the<br />

risks are under control and can be significantly reduced, and that<br />

nanosciences will undoubtedly benefit mankind.<br />



<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—23<br />

Where will nanotechnology lead? // <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> might be invisible to the naked<br />

eye, but it is present in many of today’s commercial products. Its effects on our daily<br />

lives so far have been small, but significant. For example, if you are wearing eyeglasses to<br />

read this article, chances are that the lenses are covered with a protective, glare-proof<br />

coating engineered at the nanoscale. In the near future, these minor advances will pave<br />

the way for more life-changing products.<br />

Michèle Luderer ⁄ Credit Suisse Publications<br />

It’s a small, small world<br />

Even though we can’t see it, nanotechnology is in many of the products<br />

we use daily. It can be in our cars, personal computers, clothing,<br />

and even sports equipment. <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> is an enabling technology,<br />

which means that while it appears only in a minute “corner” of a<br />

product, it enhances the product’s functionality, makes it stronger or<br />

increases longevity. Tennis balls are good examples. Thanks to nanoclay<br />

coatings that decrease gas permeability, today’s tennis balls last<br />

five times longer and have more bounce. It has also helped to make<br />

tennis racquets stronger and more lightweight. Are small wonders<br />

such as scratchproof car lacquers and lightweight bumpers with<br />

improved corrosion resistance worth the billions of dollars invested<br />

by governments into nanoscience research? The proponents say<br />

support at this early stage is necessary for nanotechnology to realize<br />

its full future potential.<br />

With nanoscience research underway for more than 20 years, it<br />

is already possible to measure the economic impact of some applications,<br />

according to the United States National <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> Initiative<br />

( NNI), a federal research and development program for nanoscale<br />

science, engineering, and technology. The US Navy, for example, has<br />

been using air-conditioning gears that have a wear-resistant nanoceramic<br />

coating in its ships in 2000. As a result, it expects to have<br />

saved USD 20 million in maintenance costs by 2010. This technology<br />

will likely be used in the car and industrial machinery industry to<br />

extend the lifetime of moving parts. The auto industry is already saving<br />

money by reducing the amount of precious metals used in catalytic<br />

converters by using nanosized platinum particles.<br />

Today’s nanotechnology applications do more than save money,<br />

they also contribute to improved environmental conditions and health.<br />

For instance, products using nanoparticles that can remove bacteria,<br />

viruses, and chemicals from water systems are on the market for use<br />

in large-scale water purification plants, according to the NNI. In the<br />

medical industry, nanocrystals used in biological imaging for diagnostics<br />

make the detection of biological activity in cells much easier,<br />

because they are a thousand times brighter than the conventional<br />

dyes used in tests, such as magnetic resonance imaging.<br />

In the near future, the NNI expects the introduction of advanced<br />

drug-delivery systems, including implantable devices that automatically<br />

administer medications when needed. It also anticipates a reduction<br />

in the use of fossil fuels as a result of the introduction of less<br />

expensive, more efficient solar cells to be used in homes and companies.<br />

What’s in store for the next decade? Experts say that it’s difficult<br />

to predict what products will be on the market, but if medical and<br />

environmental developments continue at this pace, the future looks<br />

bright.<br />



<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—24<br />

Benefit today: Nanoparticle-enhanced<br />

inkjet photo paper give photo labs a<br />

run for their money<br />

The digital revolution of photography has created a need for a new generation of superabsorbent,<br />

high-quality inkjet paper to keep up with the new photo quality inkjet printers. Traditional<br />

silver-based inkjet paper suffers from slow drying-time and inferior image quality with<br />

respect to resolution. With the introduction of nanoparticles to its high-quality inkjet paper,<br />

Ilford has substantially improved ink absorption. Those problems have been improved sub<br />

stantially and even high-quality transparent coating becomes available. Ilford Switzerland has<br />

recognized this potential of nanotechnology very early and, today, is one of the leading brands<br />

selling nanoparticle-coated photographic inkjet paper of highest quality. / Text: Karl Knop<br />

Photo: Ilford Switzerland


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—25<br />

Benefit today: <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> mimics<br />

nature with self-cleaning surface<br />

structures that repel water and dirt<br />

Nature is in the lead when it comes to self-cleaning surfaces. Let’s take the lotus flower as an<br />

example. Its leaves feature a nanostructured surface that repels water. When the droplets roll<br />

off, they pick up small particles of dirt in a self-cleaning process. German botanist Wilhelm<br />

Barthlott first explained this phenomenon known as the lotus flower effect. Today, the first<br />

commercial products such as home and auto paints, roof tiles, window glass, kitchen tools and<br />

other equipment with dust-sensitive surfaces are appearing on the market. Apart from the<br />

gain in maintenance convenience, such products contribute to environmental friendliness as<br />

the use of chemical cleaning agents is reduced. / Text: Karl Knop<br />

Photo: Nanosys GmbH, Switzerland


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—26<br />

Benefit today: The future looks brighter<br />

with displays<br />

The generation of light for the past hundred years has been a domain of metals and semiconductors.<br />

Now, soft organic plastic materials have begun to challenge this position, offering<br />

increased performance and brighter light. Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technology is<br />

composed of several, nanometer-thin layers of polymer materials. They can emit visible light of<br />

any spectral color, are cheaper to produce, have better contrast, use less power and can be<br />

deposited on flexible surfaces. OLED screens are about one-third thinner than today’s liquid<br />

crystal displays (LCD), and don’t need a backlight. Because of their mechanical flexibility, they<br />

can be attached to curved surfaces, such as the robotic finger pictured above, for illumination<br />

purposes. So far, smaller gadgets, such as mobile phones, digital cameras and personal digital<br />

assistants are emitting brighter light thanks to the technology. However, commercial production<br />

of computer monitors and TVs is still on the horizon. / Text: Karl Knop<br />

Photos: CSEM Inc, Switzerland


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—27<br />

Benefit tomorrow: More precise and<br />

faster lab results with new diagnostics<br />

tools<br />

In medical diagnostics the traditional biochemical testing of body fluids (blood, urine, etc.) is<br />

a very time-consuming process. At CSEM in Neuchâtel, a revolutionary technology based on<br />

optical waveguides is currently being developed, which is not only extremely sensitive in detecting<br />

specific biomolecules but also relatively easy to use. The whole system consists of a disposable<br />

chip, capable of detecting simultaneously up to nine substances utilizing a small<br />

table-top reader instrument. The new technique is also suited for other application fields such<br />

as food quality testing and environmental control. / Text: Karl Knop<br />

Photo: CSEM Inc, Switzerland


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—28<br />

Benefit tomorrow: <strong>Nanotechnology</strong><br />

to shape the fabric of our lives with<br />

smart textiles<br />

Textiles are the most common industrial products, which are – in the true sense – closest to our<br />

bodies. The textile industry is awaiting a revolution by a new class of synthetic fibers and fabrics<br />

with novel functional properties based on micro- and nanotechnologies. These smart textiles will<br />

offer higher comfort to the user, exhibit unusual self-cleaning properties, and might even be<br />

capable of actively adopting to changing environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity<br />

and air composition. Sensing elements and components to generate electrical energy might also<br />

be integrated to power all these functions. / Text: Karl Knop<br />

Photo: EMPA, Switzerland


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—29<br />

Future benefit: <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> will<br />

be integrated into many innovations<br />

that improve our daily lives<br />

Roof covered with<br />

photovoltaic paint<br />

generates electricity to<br />

produce hydrogen fuel<br />

Climate sensors<br />

everywhere<br />

Home cinema with<br />

large self-illuminating screen<br />

based on OLEDs<br />

Self-cleaning and<br />

electrically tunable<br />

transmission windows<br />

Bedside medical center with<br />

elementary diagnostics and<br />

direct link to the doctor<br />

Variable room<br />

illumination<br />

(white, colored)<br />

integrated in<br />

surface structures<br />

Activity-adaptive<br />

smart clothing<br />

Highly scratchresistive,<br />

dustrepellent paint<br />

Solid-state hydrogen<br />

storage and fuel cells<br />

drive electricity<br />

Self-organized food storage<br />

helps keep track of stock<br />

Extrastrong and<br />

extralight materials for<br />

high-efficiency cars<br />

Text: Karl Knop


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—30<br />

“Our development inevitably led us to<br />

nanotechnology”<br />

The English company Ilford, a 125-year-old<br />

stalwart, was for decades the undisputed<br />

market leader in the field of monochrome<br />

photographic materials. Then the digital<br />

camera burst onto the scene, triggering the<br />

inexorable decline of traditional photography,<br />

which for Ilford UK culminated in insolvency<br />

one year ago. However, Ilford’s Swiss<br />

arm – Imaging Switzerland GmbH in Marly<br />

near Fribourg – took a new and pioneering<br />

path early on, entering the lucrative and<br />

growing nanotech printing paper business.<br />

Rita Hofmann, Head of Development,<br />

answers our questions.<br />

Rita Hofmann, Ilford Imaging<br />

Daniel Huber // When did you first seriously consider developing<br />

new products in the area of nanotechnology at Ilford Switzerland?<br />

Rita Hofmann: It must have been about eight or nine years ago. If<br />

you want to make the kind of transparent layers we need in the field<br />

of photography, you have to use particles that are way below the<br />

wavelength of visible light, which puts them in the nanometer<br />

realm.<br />

And what makes your high-resolution paper for inkjet printers so<br />

much better than conventional paper?<br />

If you use our paper to print out a digital camera picture, it looks like<br />

and has all the characteristics of a photograph. A layman can barely<br />

tell the difference between these images and a normal photograph.<br />

Do you need a particularly good inkjet printer for the job?<br />

Nowadays, all the standard printers are good enough to deliver the<br />

full photographic quality.<br />

Where did the money come from to develop this innovative paper?<br />

Ilford greatly cut back on research in the traditional photography<br />

field – which was a bit of a risk because, at the time, it was still our<br />

main business. Nevertheless, we switched the bulk of research over<br />

to the new products, which for five years made little contribution to<br />

our business. In fact, for a long time we had no idea whether we’d<br />

ever make money from them.<br />

Why was this R&D work undertaken at Ilford’s Swiss arm?<br />

Because the Swiss development department was already very<br />

advanced in this field. We were never involved over here in Ilford’s<br />

traditional monochrome photographic paper business, we were in<br />

the color segment, the more complex ILFOCHROME branch. Also,<br />

we moved away from traditional analog to digital photography relatively<br />

early on, and ended up concentrating entirely on nonphotographic<br />

hardcopy technologies.<br />

How did the development work go?<br />

From research initially focused on materials that were pretty similar<br />

to traditional photographic layers, we moved on to seeking materials<br />

that would absorb ever more quickly with ever finer particles, which<br />

inevitably led us to nanotechnology. So in that respect we’re no<br />

futuristic developer of nanotech robots and the like, we just use<br />

nanochemistry and nanoparticles.<br />

Why did the Ilford parent company in England miss the new technology<br />

bandwagon?<br />

Within the group, we still had the more advanced and more elaborate<br />

coating technology. Up to the day it closed, the UK site remained<br />

deeply rooted in its traditional photographic paper business and<br />

almost exclusively produced photographic materials, so it lacked the<br />

highly versatile production equipment for elaborate multiple-layer<br />

processes that we have. And to build the facilities at both sites simul-


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—31<br />

“We soon knew that it was possible,<br />

but the big problem was implementing it<br />

into production.” // Rita Hofmann<br />

taneously would have entailed heavy investment within a short period.<br />

The group didn’t have that kind of money. Besides, the Swiss site<br />

alone had sufficient capacity to serve the market.<br />

So was it pure luck that, from the outset, you were the more sophisticated<br />

site, almost completely removed from the parent company’s<br />

core business?<br />

Only to a certain extent. My boss was basically responsible for both<br />

sites. To put it simply, he was faced with the following dilemma: say<br />

you have two sports teams, each with their own strengths. What do<br />

you do? Do you try and make them equally strong, or do you make<br />

the better team even better and leave the weaker team to its fate?<br />

He chose the latter, in other words he invested primarily in the site<br />

that was already more advanced. The other site was to follow when<br />

capacity was demanded. That was – and very much is – the advantage<br />

of the Swiss site. From the point of view of long-term success,<br />

he did the right thing. Of course, the money could have been shared,<br />

but then we would never have gained the edge we have today and<br />

certainly wouldn’t be able to work with these materials.<br />

How much of an edge do you have on the competition?<br />

There are a handful of other companies active in this field. But at the<br />

moment we still have the crucial advantage of having a much better<br />

price-performance ratio, better production facilities and greater knowhow.<br />

Of course, this gap can be closed pretty quickly with enough<br />

capital, but right now we’re in a very good position.<br />

When developing a new product, after basic research comes the<br />

development stage and then production. At which stage did you enter<br />

the process at Ilford Switzerland?<br />

Very early on. We even did some of the basic research.<br />

How hard was it then to move into production?<br />

That was the hardest part of all, and took more than four years.<br />

So the huge potential was soon apparent. The question remained<br />

how quickly and how efficiently could you move on to production?<br />

Precisely. It didn’t take us very long to ascertain that we could realize<br />

the product in the laboratory environment. But the major sticking<br />

point was how to put it into production. It’s similar to semiconductor<br />

development: a single semiconductor prototype never took very long<br />

to realize, but the real challenge was to develop a production process<br />

with few rejects and high quality demands in terms of error rate. In<br />

this regard, we have a real edge in know-how.<br />

So then you were able, in principle, to concentrate on developing and<br />

producing special nanotech production machines?<br />

Not many people can afford to spend millions building an entire<br />

machine from scratch. Besides, we’re not mechanical engineers – we<br />

deal with chemistry and paper technology. We could sell individual<br />

processes – but of course we don’t. After all, it is precisely this that<br />

makes us attractive to potential buyers.<br />

How important was Switzerland to you as a location?<br />

It was certainly a factor. People take their work very seriously here and<br />

are well educated at all levels, which is vital. What’s more, as a center<br />

of technology, Switzerland isn’t all that big, which means you still have<br />

that vital personal contact. The research is also of a very high quality;<br />

Switzerland is right up there, particularly in nanotechnology. But not<br />

only does Switzerland have the basic research, it also has the engineering<br />

knowledge to translate that research into a technical product. This<br />

is frequently lacking in other countries, where there’s often a huge<br />

divide between great ideas and industrial reality.<br />

The pioneer days are over, the machines are up and running; now it’s<br />

about making it all pay. Is it gradually getting boring?<br />

No, now it’s time for the next step. Thus far, we’ve only applied this<br />

technology to inkjets, but that has a limited lifespan. There’s no doubt<br />

that the technology won’t last 150 years like photography; 20 to 30<br />

years would be nearer the mark. Now we have to make greater use<br />

of our coating technology for other applications and really push back<br />

the frontiers.<br />

Don’t you first have to recoup all of the investment that was made?<br />

We’ve already written off a lot of the investments; they were part and<br />

parcel of our history in photography. But that’s the price of admission<br />

for others who are just starting out. We benefited from the fact that<br />

a lot was already in place.<br />

So you can really give free rein to progress. Supposing you were<br />

bought by a large conglomerate, aren’t you worried that this momentum<br />

might be slowed down or even lost?<br />

No. Technology is a key factor in our sale. Why should somebody<br />

acquire it if they don’t want to exploit it? In fact, it would actually<br />

benefit us to be part of a larger company. But it would certainly be a<br />

challenge to maintain momentum and focus in a larger corporation.<br />

It’s something we have succeeded in doing in the past, as part of<br />

Ciba-Geigy and International Paper.<br />

Your research has taken you to a largely uncharted microcosm. Is there<br />

any way in which these new discoveries give you cause for alarm?<br />

I don’t buy these science fiction horror stories. As I said before, we’re<br />

not into developing nanotech robots. That said, we do have to handle<br />

our very, very fine particles with care. We always treat new and<br />

unknown substances with the utmost caution.<br />

But otherwise, I’m not really worried about new nanotech developments<br />

being misused for some nefarious end. We foster an open<br />

information policy and dialogue with everyone involved, both within<br />

and outside the company.<br />



<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—32<br />

Investing in nanotechnology is<br />

its own science<br />

The burgeoning field of nanotechnology<br />

promises huge potential in many sectors<br />

of the economy. Investors who want to<br />

position themselves in this technology<br />

must be able to distinguish between<br />

reality and science fiction.<br />

Maria Custer / Credit Suisse<br />

Figure 1<br />

Performance of quoted stocks with exposure<br />

to nanotechnology<br />

Source: Datastream<br />

260<br />

220<br />

180<br />

140<br />

100<br />

60<br />

20<br />

Price Index<br />

05/02<br />

01/03<br />

Nano Basket Equal WE<br />

NASDAQ Composite<br />

01/04<br />

01/05<br />

Many of the nanotech “visions” that reach the public are just<br />

fantastic ideas without any scientific basis. <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> is a<br />

reality today, and the market for products containing nanotech is<br />

rapidly beginning to emerge. However, due to the heterogeneity<br />

of this science and the broad range of thinkable applications, it<br />

is very difficult to estimate the market potential for nanotechnology<br />

products at this stage. The US National Science Foundation<br />

estimated in 2001 that the nanotechnology market will reach a<br />

size of USD 1 trillion annually by 2015. The difficulty in estimating<br />

the market size begins with the definition of what is nanotechnology<br />

and what is included in the current nanotech market. Several<br />

factors, such as time-to-the-market of nanotech products (the<br />

success of basic products in this area, the success of finding<br />

applications, the time to scale up products), barriers to entry,<br />

penetration rates and global economic growth, play an important<br />

role in the estimates.<br />

Although its potential is difficult to assess, the chances that<br />

nanotechnology will change traditional industries and global economic<br />

structures are high. The better investors understand the<br />

nanotechnology market at its current early stage, the more they<br />

will be able to profit from the expected changes.<br />

Investment case and strategy<br />

Investing in nanotechnology is not easy because the investment<br />

landscape is not yet established. Although the number of companies<br />

with nanotechnology products under development is increasing<br />

significantly, many of these companies are currently at a very<br />

early stage and are privately held, financed by governmental<br />

research funds or venture capitalists. There are a few publicly<br />

quoted nanotechnology companies, but those expected to achieve<br />

the largest part of their revenue and profits with nanotechnology<br />

products have a small market capitalization. This makes it difficult<br />

to build a nanotechnology investment portfolio without including<br />

larger, established companies, and those have only limited exposure<br />

to nanotech. Reflecting this, for the time being, the number<br />

and size of investment vehicles allowing risk diversification, such<br />

as nanotechnology funds, are limited.<br />

In addition, nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary technology<br />

that can be used in many different industries in contrast to traditional<br />

industries like pharma, where investors can obtain exposure<br />

in a single, well-defined part of the stock market.<br />

We have identified the following approaches to invest in nanotechnology:<br />

p Large companies with exposure to nanotechnology (for example:<br />

BASF, Dow Chemical, General Electric, General Motors, Hewlett-<br />

Packard, Intel, IBM, etc.)<br />

p Companies that provide equipment and nanomaterials for<br />

nanotechnology research (for example: Veeco, FEI Company)<br />

p Smaller companies with high exposure to nanotechnology<br />

(for example: Flamel Technologies, Nanogen)<br />

Large companies with exposure to nanotechnology<br />

Many major global corporations with significant research and<br />

development operations are investing heavily in the development<br />

of nanotechnology. This is an effort to keep up with technological


<strong>Nanotechnology</strong>—33<br />

change and to profit from advances in product differentiation and<br />

manufacturing cost reductions. However, these companies are<br />

typically large, well established, profitable, and the nanoinvestments<br />

do not have a material contribution to earnings. As a result,<br />

the returns coming from this technology are low relative to the<br />

total profits achieved from non-nanotechnology products.<br />

Companies that enable nanotechnology research<br />

Another possibility to invest in nanotechnology is through companies<br />

that enable research, development and manufacturing process<br />

by providing the tools and materials needed. For investors<br />

who believe that this technology will play an important role during<br />

the next decade, investing in stocks from companies producing<br />

enabling equipment is a good solution, as this kind of machinery<br />

will be needed not only for the production of innovative products<br />

but also for research and development. This approach implies<br />

higher risks and higher returns from nanotechnology than investing<br />

in established large corporations.<br />

Smaller companies with high exposure to nanotechnology<br />

This third option includes early-stage companies, developing intellectual<br />

property in nanotechnology, and is the riskiest approach.<br />

In our view, it is not possible to pinpoint a particular product under<br />

development that will turn out to be the most successful opportunity<br />

among hundreds of projects that will most likely fail.<br />

However, there are a few companies listed with nanotech<br />

products under development such as Flamel Technologies, a<br />

company focusing on drug delivery. The company developed a<br />

nanocarrier for the delivery of proteins called Medusa ® . Medusa<br />

is a self-assembled polyamino acid nanoparticles system that<br />

allows the controlled release of peptides and proteins drugs. The<br />

most advanced product, a second-generation formulation of longacting<br />

native insulin, is currently in Phase II.<br />

Another example of quoted companies in this category is<br />

Nanogen. Nanogen produces hybridization DNA chips where the<br />

molecules to be analyzed (DNA, proteins, etc.) can be moved<br />

using electric fields.<br />

Conclusion: In our view, the best approach for high-risk<br />

investors who want to profit from this emerging technology is to<br />

diversify risk, investing in companies of the three categories<br />

described above.<br />

æ<br />

Table 1<br />

Large diversified companies covered by our research<br />

Source: Bloomberg, Credit Suisse<br />

Company Sec. No./Bloomberg Market Cap (USD bn) <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> focus Sector<br />

BASF 323600/BAS GR 36.7 Functional surfaces (e.g. self-cleaning properties), nanocubes<br />

for hydrogen storage, nanostructured materials, etc.<br />

Chemicals<br />

Dow 925686/DOW US 43.2 Nanostructured particles, drug delivery, etc. Chemicals<br />

General Electric 933071/GE US 38.3 Nanotubes, nanowires, nanocomposites, etc. Industrials<br />

General Motors 933261/GM US 15.1 Nanocomposites, hydrocarbon fuel cells Automotive<br />

Hewlett-Packard 938718/HPQ US 60.2 Molecular electronics, nanowires, semiconductors, etc. Electrical & Electronics<br />

Intel 941595/INTC US 144.7 Advanced semiconductor components Electronic Components<br />

IBM 941800/IBM US 121.2 Microscopy, cantilever sensors, etc. Electrical & Electronics<br />

Table 2<br />

Companies supplying tools for nanotechnology<br />

Source: Bloomberg, Credit Suisse<br />

Company Bloomberg Market Cap ( USD m) Products<br />

FEI Company FEIC US 701 Products based on focused charged particle beam technology. Transmission electron<br />

microscopes, scanning electron microscopes and components<br />

JEOL LTD 6951 JP 470 Scanning electron microscopes, transmission electron microscopes<br />

SYMYX SMMX US 832 Automated, integrated workflow systems for research optimation<br />

VARIAN VARI US 1284 Analytical and research instruments including spectrometers<br />

VEECO VECO US 438 Equipment for data storage and semiconductor industry


Authors—34<br />

Heinrich Rohrer // Nobel Laureate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16–22<br />

Heinrich Rohrer is a Swiss physicist, who invented the scanning tunneling microscope<br />

(STM) with Gerd Karl Binning in 1981 at the IBM Research Laboratory in<br />

Zurich. The STM provided the first images of individual atoms on the surfaces of<br />

materials. For their innovation, they shared half of the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics<br />

with Ernst Ruska who invented the first electron microscope in 1931. Rohrer<br />

studied at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich and received<br />

his doctorate there in 1960. He joined the IBM Research Laboratory in 1963,<br />

where he remained until retiring in 1997.<br />

Hans-Joachim Güntherodt // NCCR Nanoscience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16–22<br />

Hans Joachim Güntherodt has been the director of the National Center of Competence<br />

in Research (NCCR ), Switzerland, since 2001. The NCCR, an initiative<br />

of the Swiss National Science Foundation, was established in 1999 with the goal<br />

of strengthening Switzerland’s position as a research center in strategically<br />

important areas of science. He has also been a professor at the University of<br />

Basel since 1974 and acted as rector from 1994 to 1996. In 1999, he was<br />

named scientific director of the Technology Oriented Program (TOP) NANO 21<br />

by the board of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ( ETH ) and the Commission<br />

for Technology and Innovation. He also served as director of the Swiss<br />

Priority Program Micro- and Nanosystems (MINAST) for the board of directors<br />

of the ETH in 1998. Hans Joachim Güntherodt was educated at the ETH in<br />

Zurich and received his diploma degree in 1964 and his doctorate degree in<br />

1967.<br />

Rita Hofmann-Sievert // Ilford Imaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16–22, 30–31<br />

Rita Hofmann-Sievert is head of Research and Development and a member of<br />

the board of directors at Ilford Group, Switzerland. She leads a team of more than<br />

50 scientists, engineers and technical assistants. She has been involved in<br />

research and applications for the development, color science, image permanence<br />

and of test methods for inkjet materials for the past twelve years. Rita Hofmann<br />

received her degree and doctorate in physical chemistry from the University of<br />

Goettingen, Germany. After postdoctorate studies at the University of Colorado<br />

and Pennsylvania State University, she joined Ciba-Geigy Basle in 1983 for work<br />

in laser applications for analytics. In 1985, she became part of the photographic<br />

division of Ciba, Ilford in Marly, Switzerland. She is also long-time, active member<br />

of ANSI/ISO subcommittee TC 42/WG5, which is responsible for standardizing<br />

accelerated archival storage conditions for imaging media and accelerated ageing<br />

test methods for digital print media. She has served on the board of directors of<br />

the International Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T) since<br />

2003.<br />

Viola Vogel // ETH Zürich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16–22<br />

Viola Vogel is a professor in the department of Materials, heading the Laboratory<br />

for Biologically Oriented Materials at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology<br />

(ETH) in Zurich. Her interdisciplinary research program centers in bio-nanotechnology<br />

where she deciphers engineering principles of biological nanosystems<br />

for the development of new technologies. This year, along with three other ETH<br />

researchers, Vogel was awarded the Philip Morris Research Prize for the development<br />

of molecular nanoshuttles. Prior to her recent move to Zurich, she served<br />

as the founding director of the Center for <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> at the University of<br />

Washington. She also was among the panel of advisors for president Bill Clinton’s<br />

“Presidential National <strong>Nanotechnology</strong> Initiative” in 1999 and was the United<br />

States Representative on the Council of Scientists of the Human Frontier Science<br />

Program from 2003 to 2004.<br />

Karl Knop // i4u GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 –15, 24–29<br />

Karl Knop, chief executive officer of i4u in Zug, Switzerland, is a consultant and<br />

expert in research, technology and innovation. Prior to starting his own company,<br />

he was chief scientist at Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique<br />

(CSEM) from 2001 to 2004. He began working at CSEM in 1997 when the<br />

Swiss National Laboratory, the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI ), Zurich, became<br />

part of the center. From 1991 to 1997, he was head of PSI’s applied solid-state<br />

division, which included responsibilities from such diverse fields as photovoltaics<br />

and nanotechnology. During that time, he also taught at the Swiss Federal Institute<br />

of Technology (ETH ). He was director of the Swiss National Laboratory from<br />

1986 to 1991. In 1973, he joined the Optics group at Laboratories RCA Ltd. in<br />

Zurich. Karl Knop is the founding member of the Swiss Society of <strong>Nanotechnology</strong>,<br />

and he actively promoted nanotechnology in Switzerland from its beginning<br />

in the early 1980s, by installing this research topic as a major theme first at PSI<br />

and later at CSEM. He received a physics diploma in 1967 and his doctorate in<br />

solid-state physics in 1972 from the ETH.


Authors—35<br />

Giles Keating // Credit Suisse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6<br />

Giles Keating is a managing director at Credit Suisse Group, where he is Head<br />

of Global Research and a member of the Investment Committee in Zurich, which<br />

is responsible for setting the investment strategy for the bank’s discretionary<br />

clients. An economist by profession, Giles started his career with the Confederation<br />

of British Industry where he was head of the Economic Forecasting<br />

department. In 1981, he was a research fellow at the London Business School,<br />

Centre for Economic Forecasting in London. Giles Keating joined Credit Suisse<br />

First Boston in 1986 and held various posts including Chief Economist, Global<br />

Head of Fixed Income Research and Economics, member of Global Fixed Income<br />

Management Committee and Co-Head of the Pensions Advisory and Structuring<br />

Group. In 2004, he became Head of Global Research at Credit Suisse in Zurich.<br />

Giles Keating graduated from Oxford University with a bachelor’s in philosophy,<br />

politics and economics, and holds a master of science in mathematical economics<br />

and econometrics from the London School of Economics.<br />

Arthur Vayloyan // Credit Suisse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16–22<br />

Arthur Vayloyan is a member of the Credit Suisse Executive Board, and Head of<br />

Private Banking Switzerland. He has been responsible for Credit Suisse Private<br />

Banking’s onshore business in Switzerland since late 2002. He also manages<br />

the offshore business in France, Italy, Germany, Austria, and international locations<br />

in Gibraltar, Guernsey, Monaco and Luxembourg, as well as collaborating<br />

with independent asset managers. After joining Credit Suisse in 1992, he<br />

transferred to Private Banking in 1996. Working in the Latin America market,<br />

ultimately as Head of the US, Canadian, Latin American, Spanish and Portuguese<br />

offshore markets. Arthur Vayloyan holds a doctorate in physical chemistry (special<br />

subject nanotechnology) from the University of Berne, and a master of business<br />

administration (MBA) from INSEAD in France.<br />

Maria Custer // Credit Suisse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16–22, 32–33<br />

Maria Custer is a vice president at Credit Suisse, where she has been analyzing<br />

equity research for the global biotechnology and medical technology industries<br />

since the beginning of 2005. She joined Credit Suisse as an equity research<br />

analyst for the healthcare and chemicals sectors in 2001.<br />

Prior to joining the company, she was a research scientist in the Flavors and<br />

Fragrances division of Roche. For four years, she worked on projects that included<br />

the understanding of the basic aspects of the mechanisms of olfaction and<br />

sensory perception of target odors. Maria Custer began her studies in pharmacy<br />

and biochemistry in Buenos Aires, and then moved to Zurich, where she completed<br />

her studies in biochemistry and received a doctorate from the University<br />

of Zurich in 1994. At the University of Zurich, she held a three-year post-doctoral<br />

position as a research scientist in the field of nephrology. In 2002, she<br />

received a bachelor of business administration from the Zurich Graduate School<br />

of Business Administration (GSBA ). She also completed a financial analyst<br />

diploma from the Ausbildungszentrum für Experten der Kapitalanlage ( AZEK )<br />

in 2003.<br />

Christian Gattiker-Ericsson // Credit Suisse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Christian Gattiker-Ericsson is a director at Credit Suisse, where he is Head of<br />

Global Equity Strategy. He began his career as a member of the economics<br />

department of Swiss Bank Corporation in 1995. At the beginning of 1998, he<br />

moved to one of the major Swiss investor relations agencies, where he served<br />

two years as a consultant for stock-market-listed companies in Switzerland and<br />

Europe. Christian joined Credit Suisse in January 2000 as an equity analyst for<br />

capital goods, pulp & paper and steel sectors. Since June 2001, he has additionally<br />

taken over the role of Swiss equity strategist, heading the Swiss market<br />

team.<br />

He received an MA in economics and political science from the University<br />

of Berne in 1995. Christian Gattiker-Ericsson is a CFA charterholder.<br />

Editorial support provided by Credit Suisse Public Affairs Publications<br />

Michèle Luderer // Credit Suisse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8–15, 16–22, 21<br />

Michèle Luderer is an assistant vice president at Credit Suisse and an editor in<br />

the Credit Suisse Public Affairs Publications department. She began working as<br />

a journalist for the company’s external publications in 2001. Before coming to<br />

Credit Suisse, she was editor-in-chief of the employee magazine at Zurich Financial<br />

Services in Zurich. She began working as journalist for various publications<br />

in Los Angeles after completing degrees in newspaper journalism and German<br />

at California State University Long Beach in 1996. The American-Swiss moved<br />

to Zurich in 2000.<br />

Daniel Huber // Credit Suisse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 – 31<br />

Daniel Huber is a vice president at Credit Suisse, where he is Head of Public<br />

Affairs Publications. He has been editor-in-chief of Bulletin, the company’s<br />

stakeholder publication, since 2002, and its online publication, emagazine, since<br />

2003. In 2001, he began working at Credit Suisse as an editor in the Private<br />

Banking communications department. Prior to his career at Credit Suisse, he<br />

worked as a journalist for the press agency Bärtschi Media, specializing in<br />

car and motorcycle reporting. In this position, he provided articles from 1995 to<br />

2001 for reputable Swiss publications including Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Facts,<br />

Cash and Blick. From 1992 to 1995, he was a sports reporter for the daily<br />

newspaper St. Galler Tagblatt. He holds a media science degree from the University<br />

of Zurich.


Imprint—36<br />

This document was produced by and the opinions expressed are those of Credit Suisse as of<br />

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Publisher<br />

Credit Suisse<br />

Global Research<br />

P.O. Box 300, CH - 8070 Zurich<br />

Director: Giles Keating<br />

Editor<br />

Maria Custer<br />

Christian Gattiker<br />

Editorial support<br />

Michèle Luderer<br />

Daniel Huber<br />

Editorial deadline<br />

May 2005<br />

Organization<br />

Bernhard Felder<br />

Design and concept<br />

Arnold Design AG<br />

Urs Arnold, Michael Suter, Daniel Peterhans,<br />

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