Rudioso Sale-aug2017-Rev1


SPECIAL NOTICES (1) Read Care fully CARE OF HORSES AFTER SALE: Although it is the consignor’s responsibility to provide care and feed for their horses until noon the day following purchase, please be reminded that title passes at the fall of the hammer, at which time the purchaser assumes all risk and responsibility for the horse. Purchasers are advised to contact the consignor confirming when the horse will be picked up and insuring that proper care will be provided until that time. The horse Sale Company is not responsible for care and feeding. ALL HORSES MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE SALE PREMISES BY NOON OF THE DAY FOLLOWING THE LAST SALE SESSION. Any delays in shipment must be approved by the Sales Company and these animals are left at the buyer’s risk and are the buyer’s responsibility for care and feeding. A $50.00 per day charge will be assessed for any animal left without care and feed. ALL ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID AT TIME OF SALE, unless satisfactory credit has been established deferring payment to within ten days of sale. Payments received later than ten days from date of sale are subject to 1.5% interest per month on unpaid balance. See page #17 for Buyer Registration & Request To Purchase By Check form. See page #16 for Acceptable Methods of Payment and comments thereon. Checks returned “insufficient funds” are subject to a $125 charge, plus attorney fees and court costs. BUYERS must have presented a REQUEST TO PURCHASE BY CHECK form ten (10) working days prior to the sale. Form is on page #17. AGENT’S AUTHORIZATION: Persons acting as agents must so indicate on the Acknowledgment of Purchase (AOP) and have filed an Agent’s Authorization form (see page #14 for this form) with the Sale Company. EXAMINE HORSES PRIOR TO PURCHASE: Examine horses before bidding! Veterinarians are available on-site at bidder’s expense. THERE IS NO IMPLIED WARRANTY made by the Sales Company nor consignor as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of any horse offered for sale in this auction. PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS ARE CAUTIONED that warranties on horses or foals in utero purchased are only as stated in Terms & Conditions. There is no guarantee of a live-foal birth or right of return on the Foals in Utero entries unless specified by the Consignor prior to sale. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONSIGNOR to: 1. En sure that the cor rect an i mal has been hip num bered. The Sale Com pany as sumes no re spon si bil ity that the an i mal auc tioned is the same as presented in the cat a log. 2. En sure that the Cer tif i cate of Reg is tra tion ac cu rately de scribes the an i- mal be ing sold. If RHS in spec tors dis cover that dis crep an cies ex ist, a Cor rected Cer tif i cate form, four pho to graphs, and a $100 fee must be sub mit ted to AQHA. The Sale com pany charges $25 for this ser vice. To tal Cost to Con signor: $125. CHECK YOUR CER TIF I CATE OF REG IS TRA TION CARE FULLY -3-

SPECIAL NOTICES (2) RESERVE BIDS & UPDATES: Reserve BIDS and UPDATES will be accepted no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the Sale. Forms are available on RHS website, in the catalog, and in the Sales Office. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pay attention to all announcements made during the sale. Supplemental information occurring after the catalog was printed is provided to buyers in the form of announcements by the auctioneers during the auction. This information can be extremely important regarding changes in the catalog description of the horse and could be vital in determining the suitability and desirability of bidding on the entry. Prospective buyers can question the consignor as to any updates pending as announcements prior to the auction. PAY ATTENTION TO THESE ANNOUNCEMENTS. STAKES ENGAGEMENTS: All eligibility payments due following the auction become the responsibility of the buyer. Each track has a Nomination Secretary (RDRI: Annelle Reynolds 575-378-7224) who is responsible for receiving the proper payments. It is the buyer’s responsibility to notify the Nominations Secretary of their purchases and mailing address in order to receive future payment schedules. The Sales Company validates Triple Crown eligibility; reliability of all other engagements as shown in the catalog per the Consignor are assumed to be correct but not guaranteed by RHS. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PURCHASE (AOP): This document is the purchase agreement indicating the purchaser, the purchaser’s address, the Hip number purchased and the purchase price. When the clerk presents the document for signature, it is the responsibility of the buyer or the buyer’s agent to provide the correct information to transfer ownership. This legal document assigns payment responsibility. Whomever signs the AOP is ultimately responsible for payment whether it be the new owner or an agent. Every AOP requires proper execution of information and signature of bidder, whether it be an actual purchase or a repurchase. Cooperation with the ticket clerk is appreciated in all instances. Present the gold buyer copy when paying. HEALTH CERTIFICATE & COGGINS: A current, licensed veterinarian’s health certificate, including EHV-1 vaccination specifications, and a negative Coggins test are required for each yearling and recipient mare. Coggins must have been performed within six (6) months of sale date. Copies will be provided in each buyer’s package. Each Consignor is aware that these requirements are mandatory for inclusion in auction; a copy of both can be found in the Buyer’s Package available upon payment of purchase. TRAVEL RE QUIRE MENTS: The New Mex ico Live stock Board re quires travel per mits for all an i mals com ing in from out-of-state. Please con tact the MNLB per mit line for an en try per mit (800-432-6889). MULTIPLE EMBRYOS: Neither the Sale Company nor the Sale Catalog Company will be held responsible for providing information as to multiple embryos (foals of the same year) out of mares or dams in the Sale; nor will they be held liable in any way for buyer’s belated awareness of such information. This information is provided by the consignor and is assumed to be accurate. -4-


RESERVE BIDS & UPDATES: Reserve BIDS and UPDATES will be<br />

accepted no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the <strong>Sale</strong>. Forms are available on<br />

RHS website, in the catalog, and in the <strong>Sale</strong>s Office.<br />

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pay attention to all announcements made during the<br />

sale. Supplemental information occurring after the catalog was printed is<br />

provided to buyers in the form of announcements by the auctioneers during the<br />

auction. This information can be extremely important regarding changes in the<br />

catalog description of the horse and could be vital in determining the suitability<br />

and desirability of bidding on the entry. Prospective buyers can question the<br />

consignor as to any updates pending as announcements prior to the auction.<br />


STAKES ENGAGEMENTS: All eligibility payments due following the auction<br />

become the responsibility of the buyer. Each track has a Nomination Secretary<br />

(RDRI: Annelle Reynolds 575-378-7224) who is responsible for receiving the<br />

proper payments. It is the buyer’s responsibility to notify the Nominations<br />

Secretary of their purchases and mailing address in order to receive future<br />

payment schedules. The <strong>Sale</strong>s Company validates Triple Crown eligibility;<br />

reliability of all other engagements as shown in the catalog per the Consignor<br />

are assumed to be correct but not guaranteed by RHS.<br />

ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PURCHASE (AOP): This document is the<br />

purchase agreement indicating the purchaser, the purchaser’s address, the<br />

Hip number purchased and the purchase price. When the clerk presents the<br />

document for signature, it is the responsibility of the buyer or the buyer’s agent<br />

to provide the correct information to transfer ownership. This legal document<br />

assigns payment responsibility. Whomever signs the AOP is ultimately<br />

responsible for payment whether it be the new owner or an agent. Every AOP<br />

requires proper execution of information and signature of bidder, whether it be<br />

an actual purchase or a repurchase. Cooperation with the ticket clerk is<br />

appreciated in all instances. Present the gold buyer copy when paying.<br />

HEALTH CERTIFICATE & COGGINS: A current, licensed veterinarian’s<br />

health certificate, including EHV-1 vaccination specifications, and a negative<br />

Coggins test are required for each yearling and recipient mare. Coggins must<br />

have been performed within six (6) months of sale date. Copies will be<br />

provided in each buyer’s package. Each Consignor is aware that these<br />

requirements are mandatory for inclusion in auction; a copy of both can be<br />

found in the Buyer’s Package available upon payment of purchase.<br />

TRAVEL RE QUIRE MENTS: The New Mex ico Live stock Board re quires travel<br />

per mits for all an i mals com ing in from out-of-state. Please con tact the MNLB<br />

per mit line for an en try per mit (800-432-6889).<br />

MULTIPLE EMBRYOS: Neither the <strong>Sale</strong> Company nor the <strong>Sale</strong> Catalog<br />

Company will be held responsible for providing information as to multiple<br />

embryos (foals of the same year) out of mares or dams in the <strong>Sale</strong>; nor will<br />

they be held liable in any way for buyer’s belated awareness of such<br />

information. This information is provided by the consignor and is assumed<br />

to be accurate.<br />


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