Rudioso Sale-aug2017-Rev1


must look solely to the des ig nated con signor for re cov ery of any dam age by rea son of the fail ure of any rep re sen ta tion or lim ited war ranty. TWELFTH-CAT A LOG AND AN NOUNCE MENTS: Horses cat a logued in this sale are of fered as rep re sented by con signor, and auc tion eer is not re spon si ble for the ac cu racy of in for ma tion pro vided. While cer tain in for ma tion may have been pro cured by auc tion eer from third par ties on be half of con signor, it is none the less solely the re spon si bil ity of con signor to ver ify the ac cu racy of such in for ma tion and to no tify the auc tion eer of any cor rec tions prior to sale. With re spect to pro duce records of broodmares, the terms “bar ren” or “open” shall mean that the mare was bred, was not found to have slipped, and failed to pro duce a foal. In case of er ror or omis sion, buyer shall seek re dress only from con signor. THIR TEENTH-AR BI TRA TION: 1. Any con tro versy aris ing out of a claim aris ing un der WAR RANTIES shall be set tled by ar bi tra tion be tween the buyer and consignor pur su ant to the fol low ing pro ce dure: Upon the auc tion eer’s de ter mi nation that a claim un der such CON DI TIONS OF SALE has been timely and prop erly pre sented by the buyer pur su ant to these CON DI TIONS OF SALE, and upon no tice from the auc tion eer, the buyer and the con signor shall each select a li censed vet er i nar ian ac cept able to the auc tion eer. If such vet er i nar i ans fail to agree promptly as to the va lid ity of the claim, they or the buyer and the con signor in volved in the con tro versy, shall agree upon a third li censed vet er i- nar ian. If such two vet er i nar i ans, or the buyer and the con signor, are un able to agree promptly upon the third vet er i nar ian, the auc tion eer shall ap point the third vet er i nar ian. The third vet er i nar ian’s fee, ex penses and costs shall be paid by the party whose prop erty the horse is de ter mined to be. The panel of three veter i nar i ans shall con duct any tests, in ves ti ga tion, or ex am i na tions which they deem nec es sary, and may, in their dis cre tion, con duct a hear ing by no ti fy ing the auc tion eer to ar range for the hear ing, and shall, by ma jor ity vote, de ter mine the va lid ity of the claim. The auc tion eer shall de ter mine the amount of re im bursement due to a buyer whose claim is found to be valid and may, in its sole dis cretion, con duct a hear ing to aid in mak ing such a de ter mi na tion, and such de ter mi na tion shall be in cor po rated in the award. 2. Any other con tro versy be tween or among the buyer, con signor & auc tion eer aris ing out of a claim made un der these CON DI TIONS shall be set tled by ar bitra tion among the par ties in ac cor dance with the Amer i can Ar bi tra tion Assoc. 3. Ar bi tra tion un der 1 or 2 above shall take place in a lo ca tion to be des ig nated by the Sale man ager. Judge ment upon any award ren dered by the ar bi tra tor(s) may be en tered by any party and any court hav ing ju ris dic tion thereof. The auction eer will be en ti tled to re im burse ment from the party whose prop erty the horse is de ter mined to be for rea son able at tor ney’s fees and other costs incurred in the ar bi tra tion and any re lated court pro ceed ings. FOUR TEENTH-COL LAT ERAL AGREE MENTS: The auc tion eer shall not be bound by any oral or writ ten agree ment or al leged agree ment vary ing from these CON DI TIONS OF SALE be tween the buyer and the con signor un less agreed to by the auc tion eer, and any con tro versy or claim be tween the buyer and the con signor aris ing un der any such agree ment shall be a mat ter for their res o lu tion. -13-

AGENT’S AUTHORIZATION Se lect Year ling Sale:_____Foal in Utero:_____NM Bred:_____ (This form is to be completed and notarized if an Agent is representing a buyer) Mail to: Ruidoso Horse Sales Company P.O. Box 909 Ruidoso Downs, NM 88346 I have this day___________appointed________________________________ (“The Ap pointee”) to act for me as my agent at the 2017 Ruidoso An nual Se lect Quar ter Horse Yearling Sale. Said ap pointee, as my duly ap pointed and au thorized agent, shall have full power and au thor ity to act for me in any and all matters in con nec tion with or aris ing out of the sale or pur chase of horses at said sale (s), and is au tho rized to ex e cute any and all doc u ments in con nec tion there with, to grant Ruidoso Horse Sales Com pany a se cu rity in ter est in any horses pur chased, to re ceive and dis burse any and all funds, and to do all things in ci den tal to and in fur ther ance of the sale or pur chase of horses. All pro ceeds of sale of any horses owned by me may be paid to my Ap pointee, and I agree to pay for all an i mals pur chased by said Ap pointee on my be half. This agency is revo ca ble only by my writ ten no tice de liv ered to you. Printed Name of Owner: _________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________ City:____________________________State:____________Zip:_________ Phone:________________/________________/______________________ Residence Cell Email Owner’s Signature:______________________________Date:____________ Agent’s Signature:_______________________________Date:____________ Subscribed & sworn to me on this _______ day of _____________2017 NOTARY PUBLIC:_____________________________________________ City_________________County____________________State__________ My Commission Expires:_____________________ Signature:_________________________________ -14-

must look solely to the des ig nated con signor for re cov ery of any dam age by rea son<br />

of the fail ure of any rep re sen ta tion or lim ited war ranty.<br />

TWELFTH-CAT A LOG AND AN NOUNCE MENTS: Horses cat a logued in this sale<br />

are of fered as rep re sented by con signor, and auc tion eer is not re spon si ble for<br />

the ac cu racy of in for ma tion pro vided. While cer tain in for ma tion may have been<br />

pro cured by auc tion eer from third par ties on be half of con signor, it is none the less<br />

solely the re spon si bil ity of con signor to ver ify the ac cu racy of such in for ma tion and<br />

to no tify the auc tion eer of any cor rec tions prior to sale. With re spect to pro duce records<br />

of broodmares, the terms “bar ren” or “open” shall mean that the mare was<br />

bred, was not found to have slipped, and failed to pro duce a foal. In case of er ror or<br />

omis sion, buyer shall seek re dress only from con signor.<br />

THIR TEENTH-AR BI TRA TION: 1. Any con tro versy aris ing out of a claim aris ing<br />

un der WAR RANTIES shall be set tled by ar bi tra tion be tween the buyer and consignor<br />

pur su ant to the fol low ing pro ce dure: Upon the auc tion eer’s de ter mi nation<br />

that a claim un der such CON DI TIONS OF SALE has been timely and<br />

prop erly pre sented by the buyer pur su ant to these CON DI TIONS OF SALE,<br />

and upon no tice from the auc tion eer, the buyer and the con signor shall each select<br />

a li censed vet er i nar ian ac cept able to the auc tion eer. If such vet er i nar i ans<br />

fail to agree promptly as to the va lid ity of the claim, they or the buyer and the<br />

con signor in volved in the con tro versy, shall agree upon a third li censed vet er i-<br />

nar ian. If such two vet er i nar i ans, or the buyer and the con signor, are un able to<br />

agree promptly upon the third vet er i nar ian, the auc tion eer shall ap point the third<br />

vet er i nar ian. The third vet er i nar ian’s fee, ex penses and costs shall be paid by<br />

the party whose prop erty the horse is de ter mined to be. The panel of three veter<br />

i nar i ans shall con duct any tests, in ves ti ga tion, or ex am i na tions which they<br />

deem nec es sary, and may, in their dis cre tion, con duct a hear ing by no ti fy ing the<br />

auc tion eer to ar range for the hear ing, and shall, by ma jor ity vote, de ter mine the<br />

va lid ity of the claim. The auc tion eer shall de ter mine the amount of re im bursement<br />

due to a buyer whose claim is found to be valid and may, in its sole dis cretion,<br />

con duct a hear ing to aid in mak ing such a de ter mi na tion, and such<br />

de ter mi na tion shall be in cor po rated in the award.<br />

2. Any other con tro versy be tween or among the buyer, con signor & auc tion eer<br />

aris ing out of a claim made un der these CON DI TIONS shall be set tled by ar bitra<br />

tion among the par ties in ac cor dance with the Amer i can Ar bi tra tion Assoc.<br />

3. Ar bi tra tion un der 1 or 2 above shall take place in a lo ca tion to be des ig nated by<br />

the <strong>Sale</strong> man ager. Judge ment upon any award ren dered by the ar bi tra tor(s)<br />

may be en tered by any party and any court hav ing ju ris dic tion thereof. The auction<br />

eer will be en ti tled to re im burse ment from the party whose prop erty the<br />

horse is de ter mined to be for rea son able at tor ney’s fees and other costs incurred<br />

in the ar bi tra tion and any re lated court pro ceed ings.<br />

FOUR TEENTH-COL LAT ERAL AGREE MENTS: The auc tion eer shall not be<br />

bound by any oral or writ ten agree ment or al leged agree ment vary ing from<br />

these CON DI TIONS OF SALE be tween the buyer and the con signor un less<br />

agreed to by the auc tion eer, and any con tro versy or claim be tween the buyer<br />

and the con signor aris ing un der any such agree ment shall be a mat ter for their<br />

res o lu tion.<br />


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