Rudioso Sale-aug2017-Rev1

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pri ate and de ter mine whether ei ther items (1), (2), or 3) is ap pli ca ble, and if so, the<br />

sale shall be can cel led, the horse re turned and pay ment re funded. Ruidoso<br />

Horse <strong>Sale</strong> Co.’s de ci sion shall be de ter mi na tive and bind ing upon Con signor<br />

and Pur chaser.<br />

THIRD-BIDDING PRO CE DURE: Un less waived by an nounce ment, there shall<br />

be an up set price of $1,500 on any an i mal en ter ing the sales ring. If an open ing<br />

bid in the amount of the up set price is not im me di ately forth com ing to the auction<br />

eer’s call, the an i mal shall be passed out as un sold. The per son mak ing the<br />

high est bid rec og nized by auc tion eer shall be the buyer. The auc tion eer shall<br />

im me di ately pres ent the buyer with a doc u ment en ti tled Ac knowl edge ment Of<br />

Pur chase. Should such pre sen ta tion not be made prior to com mence ment of<br />

bid ding on the next lot of fered, the buyer shall forth with iden tify him self or herself<br />

to auc tion eer as the buyer and sign the Ac knowl edge ment Of Pur chase. In<br />

the event that a per son other than the rec og nized buyer signs the Ac knowl edgement<br />

Of Pur chase, such ac tion shall not give such other per son any right or ti tle<br />

to the horse. Im me di ately af ter such er ro ne ous sign ing of the Ac knowl edge ment<br />

Of Pur chase be comes known to the auc tion eer, he shall cause the Ac knowledge<br />

ment Of Pur chase to be pre sented to the rec og nized buyer for sig na ture. If<br />

the high est bid der fails to im me di ately ex e cute the Ac knowl edge ment Of Purchase<br />

or oth er wise fails to com ply with the Con di tions of <strong>Sale</strong>, or in the event of a<br />

mis take by the auc tion eer, Ruidoso Horse <strong>Sale</strong>s Com pany Re serves the op tion to<br />

re-sell the an i mal and such re sale shall ter mi nate all ob li ga tions of Ruidoso Horse<br />

<strong>Sale</strong>s Com pany and the con signor to honor any prior bid.<br />

FOURTH-BIDDING DIS PUTES: Should any dis pute arise be tween or among<br />

two or more bid ders, the auc tion eer shall forth with ad ju di cate the dis pute, and<br />

his de ci sion shall be ab so lute, fi nal and bind ing on all par ties. Bids re ceived by<br />

per son nel em ployed by the un der signed have the same stat ure as bids received<br />

by auc tion eer. In case of dis pute, the bid ding shall be re opened for advanced<br />

bids, and if there be no ad vanced bid, the horse is sold to the per son<br />

from whom auc tion eer rec og nized the last bid. Ad vanced bid ding shall be restricted<br />

to the dis put ing par ties, un less the bid be re duced be low the level of the<br />

rec og nized bid at com mence ment of dis pute, in which case bid ding is re opened<br />

to all. The auc tion eer re serves the right to re ject any or all bids.<br />

FIFTH-TI TLE AND DE LIVERY: Ti tle passes to buyer at fall of the ham mer. All<br />

risk of in jury to the horse be comes buyer’s risk at pass ing of ti tle. Horse will be<br />

held for buyer by con signor un til buyer makes set tle ment as pro vided in CON DI-<br />

TION SIXTH be low. Buyer shall im me di ately pres ent him self or her self to make<br />

set tle ment if re quested by auc tion eer, but in any case shall so pres ent him self or<br />

her self within thirty min utes of con clu sion of the sales ses sion in which the horse<br />

was pur chased. Upon set tle ment by buyer, horse will be de liv ered pur su ant to a<br />

“sta ble re lease” pro vided by un der signed to buyer or his or her rep re sen ta tive.<br />

Buyer or his or her rep re sen ta tive shall pres ent “sta ble re lease” to designee of<br />

un der signed to re move horse from sales pre mises af ter tak ing pos ses sion, but<br />

in any case tak ing pos ses sion of the horse by buyer or his or her rep re sen ta tive<br />

shall con sti tute de liv ery. Upon de liv ery, buyer shall cause horse to be re moved<br />

promptly from the sales pre mises, or shall be sub ject to sta ble charges as de termined<br />

by un der signed. In ad di tion, should pur chaser fail to cause horse to be<br />

re moved promptly, un der signed may cause horse to be re moved from sales<br />

pre mises at buyer’s risk and ex pense.<br />

SIXTH-TERMS FOR SET TLE MENT: Buyer shall make set tle ment with cash ier<br />

of the un der signed. Pay ments to oth ers, in clud ing con sign ors or their rep re senta<br />

tives, do not con sti tute set tle ment. Buyer shall pres ent him self or her self to<br />

make set tle ment as pro vided in CON DI TION FIFTH above for the full pur chase<br />

price, such set tle ment to be in form of U.S. cur rency or equiv a lent ac cept able to<br />

cash ier. The Ac knowl edge ment of Pur chase is not trans fer able with out the approval<br />

of Ruidoso Horse <strong>Sale</strong>s Com pany and the copy of the Ac knowl edge ment<br />

of Pur chase re tained by the buyer must be pre sented by the buyer at the time of<br />

set tle ment.<br />



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