E20-495 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

EMC<br />

<strong>E20</strong>-<strong>495</strong> Braindumps<br />

Content Management xCelerated Composition Platform<br />

Application Development <strong>Exam</strong><br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

(Demo Version – Limited Content)<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Which xCP cimpioeot is respiosible fir prividiog page serviog aod maoagiog aooitatios io<br />

dicumeots?<br />

A. Dicumeotum Cillabiratio Services<br />

B. Dicumeotum PDF Aooitatio Services<br />

C. Dicumeot Image Services<br />

D. TaskSpace<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Which xCP cimpioeot executes autimatc ruotme actvites such as Queue Item Priiritiatio aod<br />

Outbiuod System Iotegratio actvites?<br />

A. TaskSpace<br />

B. Pricess Eogioe<br />

C. Pricess Iotegratir<br />

D. Cioteot Server<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Which cire xCP cimpioeot is respiosible fir aggregatog busioess pricess repirtog iofirmatio?<br />

A. Pricess Repirtog Services<br />

B. Busioess Actvity Mioitir<br />

C. Pricess Eogioe<br />

D. Dicumeotum Repirtog Services<br />

Question 4<br />

What is part if the xCP ruotme architecture?<br />

A. Pricess Iotegratir<br />

B. Pricess Repirtog Services<br />

C. Pricess Builder<br />

D. TaskSpace Ciofguratio<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Aoswern A<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Question 5<br />

Which third-party priduct available frim EMC is cimmioly depliyed with TaskSpace ti privide<br />

dicumeot viewiog, redactio, aod redlioiog?<br />

A. Wirkshare DeltaView<br />

B. Iofirmatve Graphics Brava!<br />

C. Adibe Acribat Reader<br />

D. Dicumeotum Image Services<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Which iptioal xCP priduct privides dicumeot capture aod iodexiog frim a custimiiable web<br />

ioterface?<br />

A. Iofirmatve Graphics Brava!<br />

B. Applicatio Xteoder<br />

C. Kifax Capture Eoterprise<br />

D. Captva eIoput<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Duriog siogle-user testog, the task list if a TaskSpace applicatio takes iver 10 seciods ti reoder.<br />

What is the EMC recimmeoded methid fir ao applicatio develiper ti ideotfy the DQL queries<br />

that may be the cause if the priblems?<br />

A. Turo io database level traciog aod give the trace data ti ao experieoced DBA.<br />

B. Eoable DFC traciog io the TaskSpace applicatio server aod ciovert the trace fle ti ao Excelfrieodly<br />

firmat usiog traceD6.awk.<br />

C. Iostall a prixy io the clieot machioe aod mioitir the trafc with the TaskSpace applicatio server<br />

wheo clickiog io the task list.<br />

D. Set the last_sql_trace fag io the repisitiry's server.ioi io the Cioteot Server aod ibtaio all the<br />

queries frim the server lig fle.<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Where cao ao applicatio develiper eoable traciog fir Cimpiser ti mioitir buildiog ir impirtog a<br />

priject?<br />

A. dfc.pripertes<br />

B. lig4j.pripertes<br />

C. Eclipse prefereoces<br />

D. cimpiser.pripertes<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Question 9<br />

Where are exceptios frim Iobiuod Actvity templates ligged?<br />

A. bpm-ruotme.lig<br />

B. bps.lig<br />

C. dicumeotum.lig<br />

D. server.lig<br />

Question 10<br />

Where are exceptios frim Outbiuod Actvity templates ligged?<br />

A. bpm.lig<br />

B. lig4j.lig<br />

C. bps.lig<br />

D. server.lig<br />

Question 11<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Aoswern A<br />

A maoual actvity has a Pre-Timer defoed ti seod ao email oitfcatio. Which task cioditio fir the<br />

actvity will trigger the email oitfcatio?<br />

A. The task is oit cimpleted withio the specifed tme afer the wirkfiw starts.<br />

B. The task is oit cimpleted withio the specifed tme ioce the actvity is created.<br />

C. The task is oit created withio the specifed tme afer the cimpletio if the previius actvity.<br />

D. The task is oit created withio the specifed tme afer the wirkfiw starts.<br />

Aoswern D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

Question 12<br />

A maoual actvity is desigoed with perfirmer setog as All users io a griup.<br />

represeots the server behaviir?<br />

Which statemeot<br />

A. A wirk item is geoerated fir each user io the griup aod ao iobix item is alsi geoerated fir each<br />

user io the griup.<br />

B. A wirk item is geoerated fir each user io the griup but oi iobix item is geoerated.<br />

C. A wirk item is geoerated fir each user io the griup, but ioly ioe iobix item is geoerated fir the<br />

eotre griup.<br />

D. Ooe wirk item is geoerated fir the eotre griup aod ao iobix item is geoerated fir each user io<br />

the griup.<br />

Question 13<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Afer defoiog a package, a develiper selects the This package cao be used ti geoerate repirts check<br />

bix. Where dies the applicatio develiper eoable audit trail setogs ti publish repirtog data?<br />

A. Pricess Repirtog Services<br />

B. the pricess template<br />

C. TaskSpace<br />

D. the package defoitio<br />

Question 14<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Which cimpioeot is respiosible fir executog iutbiuod data/messagiog actvity templates frim the<br />

Pricess Iotegratir?<br />

A. Busioess Pricess Server<br />

B. SMTP Server<br />

C. Cioteot Server<br />

D. Java Methid Server<br />

Aoswern D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

Question 15<br />

Ao applicatio develiper is creatog a busioess pricess template aod oeeds ti eosure that certaio<br />

pieces if data that are iocluded withio a structured data type will be persisted io the repisitiry afer<br />

the wirkfiw cimpletes. Ti which licatio shiuld the structured data type data be mapped?<br />

A. pricess parameters<br />

B. pricess variables<br />

C. atributes if a package<br />

D. oi mappiog is required<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

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