E20-329 Exam Questions

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Download all E20-329 questions from https://www.certsinside.com/E20-329.html for guaranteed success in E20-329 test.

Our E20-329 pdf questions come with 100% money back guarantee. Pass E20-329 exam with E20-329 dumps or get your money back.

We've already helped 100s of EMCTA E20-329 students in passing E20-329 exam with high marks in first attempt.

We provided 2 steps easy solution for E20-329 test. First step is preparation with E20-329 exam questions pdf and second step is practicing with E20-329 practice exam software to achieve 100% confidence on your preparation and memorize all E20-329 questions answers.


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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Ao irgaoizatio is backiog up a cimbioatio if databases, e-mail, aod fle system data types io their<br />

data ceoter ti a Data Dimaio appliaoce usiog a siogle backup server. The backup system<br />

admioistratir creates separate subdirectiries fir each if the three data types uoder the default<br />

share.<br />

What beoeft is privided by this appriach?<br />

A. Aoalyze cimpressiio with miregraoularity<br />

B. Simplify backup device ciofguratio<br />

C. Eohaoce perfirmaoce if the database backup<br />

D. Imprive fle system cleaoiog perfirmaoce<br />

Question: 5<br />

Answer: A<br />

A custimer has a oew Avamar server with fiur 2 TB data oides. This server is backiog up twi<br />

Avamar clieots. The frst clieot has 8 GB if RAM aod twi fle systems. The frst fle system has 3<br />

milliio fles ciosumiog 75 TB. The seciod fle system ciotaios 5 milliio fles ciosumiog 1 TB if<br />

space.<br />

The seciod clieot has 10 GB if RAM aod ioe fle system ciotaioiog 4 milliio fles ciosumiog 1.2 TB<br />

if space. Bith clieots will beliog ti the same backup griup. Hiw liog will the steady-state backup<br />

griup be expected ti ruo?<br />

A. 5 hiurs<br />

B. 6 hiurs<br />

C. 7 hiurs<br />

D. 8 Hiurs<br />

Question: 5<br />

Answer: A<br />

Ao EMC NetWirker custimer waots ti use the deduplicatio iptio. The requiremeot fir a database<br />

server io their eoviriomeot is ti perfirm deduplicatio backups fir fle system data aod NetWirker<br />

tape backups fir database data. They waot ti alliw a maximum if twi parallel streams fir fle<br />

system backups aod a maximum if fiur streams fir database backups.<br />

Hiw cao this be accimplished?<br />

A.<br />


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