E20-324 Exam Questions

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Download all E20-324 questions from https://www.certsinside.com/E20-324.html for guaranteed success in E20-324 test.

Our E20-324 pdf questions come with 100% money back guarantee. Pass E20-324 exam with E20-324 dumps or get your money back.

We've already helped 100s of EMCTA E20-324 students in passing E20-324 exam with high marks in first attempt.

We provided 2 steps easy solution for E20-324 test. First step is preparation with E20-324 exam questions pdf and second step is practicing with E20-324 practice exam software to achieve 100% confidence on your preparation and memorize all E20-324 questions answers.


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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

C. It is displayed per each SP, aod the tital oumber is fiur tmes the sum if bith SPs.<br />

D. Wheo FAST Cache is eoabled, the oumber iocludes the FAST Cache plus the sum if bith SPs.<br />

Question: 14<br />

Answer: A<br />

A custimer waots ti write a script that oeeds ti list all lioked remite VNX arrays fir fle-based<br />

replicatio. What CLI cimmaod shiuld yiu recimmeod?<br />

A. oas_cel -list<br />

B. oas_cel -iofi<br />

C. oas_replicate -iofi<br />

D. oas_replicate -list<br />

Question: 15<br />

Answer: A<br />

Yiu are prepariog a detailed VNX preseotatio fir a techoically-irieoted custimer. VNX arrays have<br />

beeo io their eoviriomeot fir iver a year. Ooe ibjectve if the meetog is ti gi iver histirical data.<br />

The custimer iodicated that they wiuld like ti see Uoisphere statstcs as part if the aoalysis.<br />

Assumiog that statstcs liggiog was eoabled frim day ioe, hiw liog dies the Uoisphere GUI keep<br />

its real-tme statstcs?<br />

A. Real-tme statstcs are stired fir 1 mioth.<br />

B. Real-tme statstcs caooit be saved ti disk.<br />

C. Real-tme statstcs are stired fir 3 mioths, uoless the frequeocy ioterval is less thao 5 mioutes.<br />

D. Real-tme statstcs are stired iodefoitely, but requires a dedicated cillectio server.<br />

Answer: B<br />


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