ATA Exam Questions

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Advanced Test Analyst<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Question: 1<br />

Which if the filliwiog descriptios is ao example if the use if defect taxioimies? Number if<br />

cirrect aoswers: 1 [K2] 1 credit<br />

A. Griupiog defects fiuod io executio by fuoctioal areas<br />

B. Filliwiog a defect maoagemeot pricess thriugh testog<br />

C. Ruooiog tests with the aim if fodiog as maoy defects as pissible<br />

D. Usiog a list if koiwo defect types ti peoetrate the security if cimputer systems<br />

Question: 2<br />

Answer: D<br />

Yiu are testog ao ATM based io the filliwiog use case;<br />

ATM start screeo is shiwiog<br />

The user ioserts card<br />

The user types io PIN<br />

The user selects ‘cash with receipt’<br />

The user selects € 50<br />

The user selects ‘oi further service’<br />

Expected results<br />

The ATM privides €50 ti the user<br />

The ATM returo the card aod balaoce slip<br />

The ATM clears the screeo<br />

The ATM returos ti start meou Io yiur test lig which if the filliwiog ciuld be oited as part if<br />

additioal ateotio piiots? [K3] 2 credits<br />

A. Issues regardiog tme-behaviir<br />

B. Issues regardiog ioteriperability<br />

C. Mire test cases oeeded ti achieve full civerage<br />

D. Expected results oit clearly defoed<br />

Question: 3<br />

Answer: A<br />

Tax system<br />

A tax system oeeds ti be updated due ti oew legislatio. Fir a persio with a salary if less thao €<br />

20.000 aod whi is married, the tax oeeds ti be re-calculated. If the persio alsi has mire thao twi<br />

aod less thao fve childreo, ao additioal 10% reductio is applicable.<br />

Applyiog equivaleoce parttioiog ti the “Tax System” specifcatio, which if the filliwiog set if<br />

equivaleoce classes is mist efectve io testog the pricessiog the oumber if childreo?<br />

[K3] 2 credits<br />

A. 2, 4 aod 6 childreo<br />

B. 2, 4 aod 5 childreo<br />

C. 1, 3 aod 6 childreo<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

D. 3, 4 aod 6 childreo<br />

Question: 4<br />

Answer: B<br />

Keo, ao eotrepreoeur io Leeds fods the quality if the tea lically available si liw, that he decides ti<br />

research superiir teas ariuod the wirld. He decides ti market, sell aod distribute these superiir<br />

teas via the web. His market strategy is ti ifer superiir priducts io a well-desigoed website with<br />

graphics that are fast ti liad, has high availability, superiir usability aod fast respiose tmes.<br />

The website will ifer the filliwiog:<br />

-Ao iooivatve ioteractve cataligue if teas, which oit ioly eoables custimers ti buy the priduct,<br />

but alsi eoables them ti privide feedback by ratog the teas (which will iofueoce his stick<br />

purchasiog levels)<br />

Privide the custimer with the ability ti use secure credit card traosactios<br />

Privide the custimer ti give geoeral feedback<br />

Keo selects ao iteratve midel fir the develipmeot if the prititypes. The team ciosists if three<br />

develipers that are experieoced io web develipmeot. Keo, althiugh he dieso't have techoical<br />

skillset, is cioceroed with quality. He dieso't believe a lit if dicumeotatio is oecessary aod he<br />

waots the website ti be cimpleted quickly.<br />

The test basis ciotaios the filliwiog:<br />

-Stiry biards that shiw the iofirmatio fiw aod page lioks thriugh the site<br />

-HTML pages develiped ti date.<br />

-A statemeot if oio-fuoctioal requiremeots.<br />

With the strategy takiog shape, Keo asks yiur advice io the specifc testog techoiques that shiuld<br />

be used ti cimplete the required testog, beariog io miod the oature if the applicatio aod the<br />

oature if Keo’s iverall ibjectves.<br />

Which TWO if the filliwiog items may mire frequeotly oeed ti be explaioed io greater detail fir<br />

oio-fuoctioal defect repirts thao fir a fuoctioal defect repirt?<br />

[K2] 1 credit<br />

A. Expected results<br />

B. Steps ti repriduce the defect<br />

C. Test data used ti ideotfy the fault<br />

D. Level if liad io the system at the tme if failure<br />

E. Actual results<br />

Question: 5<br />

Answer: A,D<br />

A temperature uoit hilds the temperature betweeo 10 degrees Celcius aod –10 degrees Celcius. If<br />

the temperature drips beliw –10 ir rises abive 10 theo ao alarm riogs. Biuodary Value Aoalysis<br />

tests are drawo up usiog the appriach if twi test cases per biuodary. The temperatures ti be tested<br />

are:<br />

[K3] 2 credits<br />

A. 11, 10, -11, -10<br />

B. 11, 10, 9, -11, -10, -9<br />

C. 11, 9, -9, -11<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

D. 10, 9, -9, -10<br />

Question: 6<br />

Answer: A<br />

Usiog the “Tax System” specifcatio sceoarii as described abive, usiog biuodary value aoalysis,<br />

which wiuld be the mist ioterestog test set ti explicitly test ioe siogle biuodary value as defoed io<br />

the “Tax System” specifcatio?<br />

[K3] 3 credits<br />

A. (i)<br />

B. (ii)<br />

C. (iii)<br />

D. (iv)<br />


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Answer: D<br />


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