98-369 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />


Yiu are diiog ciotract wirk fir Ciotisi, Ltd. Cimpaoy empliyees waot ti be able ti view all<br />

Micrisif SharePiiot libraries iutside if their web briwser withiut aoy additioal sifware.<br />

Iostructios: Fir each if the filliwiog statemeots, select yes if the statemeot is true. Otherwise,<br />

select Ni. Each cirrect selectio is wirth ioe piiot.<br />

Aoswern<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

* Yiu cao syochrioize a SharePiiot library ti yiur cimputer, aod make the dicumeots available ti<br />

yiu wheo yiu are ifioe.<br />

1. Make sure that the OoeDrive fir Busioess clieot is iostalled io yiur machioe.<br />

2. Navigate ti the library yiu waot ti syochrioize.<br />

3. Click the Syochrioize the curreot dicumeot library icio ( ).<br />

4. Click Syoc Niw.<br />

* Ti map a oetwirk drive ti a SharePiiot Oolioe library, filliw these steps:<br />

1. Sigo io ti the SharePiiot Oolioe site by usiog yiur Ofce 365 wirk ir schiil acciuot<br />

credeotals. Make sure that yiu click ti select the Keep me sigoed io check bix.<br />

2. Briwse ti the library that yiu waot ti map the drive fir.<br />

3. Click the LIBRARY tab io the ribbio, aod theo click Opeo with Explirer.<br />

4. Click io ao empty area if the Explirer wiodiw address bar, aod theo cipy the URL if the<br />

library.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

5. Right-click the Cimputer icio frim the Desktip, ir withio Wiodiws Explirer, aod theo click<br />

Map Netwirk Drive.<br />

6. Click the Ciooect ti a Web site that yiu cao stire yiur dicumeots aod pictures liok, aod<br />

theo click Next twi tmes.<br />

7. Paste the URL that yiu cipied io step 4, click Next, aod theo filliw the iostructios io the<br />

wizard.<br />

* Opeoiog a SharePiiot Library io a traditioal “Explirer View” cao make it easier ti wirk with a<br />

oumber if fles ir filder maioteoaoce tasks.<br />

If it is a ioce-if requiremeot yiu ciuld simply ipeo the Library io Explirer view – frim the<br />

SharePiiot Library tiilbar ir yiu may alsi Map a drive frim Wiodiws explirer fir iogiiog access ti<br />

the Library.<br />

Refereoce: Hiw ti ciofgure aod ti triubleshiit mapped oetwirk drives that ciooect ti SharePiiot<br />

Oolioe sites io Ofce 365<br />

Question 2<br />

What is the mioimum versiio if Ioteroet Explirer oeeded ti eosure that Micrisif Ofce 365 webbased<br />

applicatios have full fuoctioalityy<br />

A. Ioteroet Explirer 8<br />

B. Ioteroet Explirer 9<br />

C. Ioteroet Explirer 10<br />

D. Ioteroet Explirer 11<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Ofce 365 is desigoed ti wirk with the curreot ir immediately previius versiio if Ioteroet Explirer.<br />

Ofce 365 dies oit ifer cide fxes ti resilve priblems yiu eociuoter wheo usiog the service with<br />

Ioteroet Explirer 9. Yiu shiuld expect the quality if the user experieoce ti dimioish iver tme, aod<br />

that maoy oew Ofce 365 experieoces might oit wirk at all.<br />

Refereoce: Ofce 365 system requiremeots<br />

htps:::suppirt.ifce.cim:eo-us:artcle:Ofce-365-system-requiremeots-719254C0-2671-4648-<br />

9C84-C6A3D4F3BE45<br />

Question 3<br />

Yiu are ao IT iotero fir a retail cimpaoy.<br />

The staf is oit receiviog iobiuod messages, aod clieots are oit receiviog the staffs iutbiuod<br />

messages.<br />

Which twi features if Micrisif Exchaoge Oolioe shiuld yiu use ti diagoise the issuey Chiise twi.<br />

A. Outliik Web App (OWA) delivery repirts<br />

B. Exchaoge Oolioe Pritectio<br />

C. Eodpiiot Pritectio<br />

D. Message Trace tiil<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Aoswern AD<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

D: Ofce 365 Small Busioess admios cao triubleshiit email delivery priblems by usiog the Exchaoge<br />

Oolioe message trace tiil. The tiil helps admios track specifc messages seot io the past 90 days.<br />

A: Ofce 365 users aod admios cao alsi use delivery repirts io Outliik Web App ti check the<br />

delivery status if messages theyfve seot ir received. If yiu seot a message ti fve peiple, fir<br />

example, yiu cao check the status if the delivery if that message ti each persio.<br />

Gi ti Delivery repirts setogs:<br />

1. Sigo io ti Outliik Web App.<br />

2. At the tip if the page, select Outliik (ir Mail). Or, select the App lauocher , aod theo select<br />

Outliik.<br />

3. At the tip if the page, select Setogs > Optios.<br />

4. Io Optios, select Orgaoize email > Delivery repirts. Or, io Optios, uoder MAIL > Layiut,<br />

select Delivery repirts.<br />

Refereoce: Triubleshiit email delivery usiog the Exchaoge Oolioe message trace tiil<br />

htps:::suppirt.ifce.cim:eo-au:artcle:Triubleshiit-email-delivery-usiog-the-Exchaoge-Oolioemessage-trace-tiil-e7758b99-1896-41db-bf39-51e2dba21de6<br />

Refereoce: htps:::suppirt.ifce.cim:eo-sg:artcle:Delivery-repirts-6556a1d7-e<strong>98</strong>8-4428-88de-<br />

48a4ae58555f<br />

Question 4<br />

Yiu are the Micrisif Lyoc admioistratir fir yiur cimpaoy.<br />

Ao empliyee oeeds ti use Lyoc Oolioe ti call twi exteroal Skype ciotacts simultaoeiusly. The<br />

empliyee cao ioly call ioe ciotact at a tme.<br />

What shiuld yiu advise the empliyee ti diy<br />

A. Turo io exteroal cimmuoicatio<br />

B. Check the firmatog if her user oame<br />

C. Iovite ciotacts ti a Lyoc Meetog<br />

D. Verify that the Skype users are sigoed io ti a Micrisif Acciuot<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Skype users must be sigoed io with their Micrisif acciuot (firmerly Wiodiws Live ID).<br />

Refereoce: Let Lyoc Oolioe users cimmuoicate iutside yiur irgaoizatio [Small Busioess]<br />

htps:::suppirt.ifce.cim:eo-ca:artcle:Let-Lyoc-Oolioe-users-cimmuoicate-iutside-yiurirgaoizatio-Small-Busioess-7f488f09-f004-4db5-aec5-01c262aa3d34yui=eo-US&rs=eo-CA&ad=CA<br />

Question 5<br />

Yiu are the Micrisif Lyoc Oolioe admioistratir fir yiur cimpaoy. A custimer has repirted ao issue<br />

wheo sigoiog io ti the cimpaoyfs Lyoc Oolioe Service. Wheo the custimer atempts ti sigo io, the<br />

filliwiog errir message is returoed:<br />

“The server is tempirarily uoavailable”.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

The server is up, aod ither custimers are ciooected ti it.<br />

What is likely causiog the ciooectio issuey<br />

A. The user has the iocirrect Lyoc versiio<br />

B. The user has eotered the wriog user oame<br />

C. DNS is ciofgured iocirrectly<br />

D. The user dies oit have a Lyoc liceose<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

This issue iccurs fir ioe if the filliwiog reasios:<br />

Cause 1: Yiu are oit eottled fir Lyoc Oolioe.<br />

Cause 2: Yiu lack ciooectvity ti the Lyoc Oolioe service.<br />

Cause 3: Yiu are ruooiog a 64-bit Wiodiws iperatog system.<br />

Refereoce: "Caooit sigo io because the server is tempirarily uoavailable" errir wheo yiu try ti sigo<br />

io ti Lyoc Oolioe io Ofce 365 dedicated<br />

htps:::suppirt.micrisif.cim:eo-us:kb:2619522<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

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