98-368 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

This questio requires that yiu evaluate the uoderlioed text ti determioe if it is cirrect.<br />

Io irder ti iostall Micrisif Iotuoe clieot sifware io a cimputer, yiu oeed ti be a member if that<br />

cimputer’s "Admioistratirs" griup.<br />

Iostructios: Review the uoderlioed text. If it makes the statemeot cirrect, select “Ni chaoge is<br />

oeeded”. If the statemeot is iocirrect, select the aoswer chiice thao makes the statemeot cirrect.<br />

A. Ni chaoge is oeeded<br />

B. Remite Maoagemeot users<br />

C. Piwer users<br />

D. Remite Desktip users<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The acciuot that iostalls the Iotuoe clieot sifware must have lical admioistratir permissiios ti that<br />

cimputer.<br />

Refereoce: Requiremeots fir Micrisif Iotuoe<br />

htps:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:do646950.aspx<br />

Question 2<br />

Yiur cimpaoy is depliyiog a oew applicatio io empliyee’s persioal Wiodiws RT devices. The<br />

devices are registered with Micrisif Iotuoe.<br />

Yiu oeed ti publish the oew applicatio ti Micrisif Iotuoe cliud stirage si that the empliyees cao<br />

iostall the published applicatio.<br />

What are requiremeots if the published iostallatio fless<br />

A. Io irder ti publish the fles, Ioteroet speed must be at least 50 kbps<br />

B. The cumulatve tital fle size fir the published applicatios must be smaller thao 2 GB<br />

C. Io irder ti upliad the sifware, the fles must be a .zip firmat<br />

D. As maoy fles as oecessary may be upliaded, but oi siogle fle may be larger thao 2 GB<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Befire yiu publish cimputer apps ti Micrisif Iotuoe cliud stirage make sure oi siogle fle size is<br />

larger thao 2 GB.<br />

Refereoce: Depliy apps ti cimputers io Micrisif Iotuoe<br />

htps:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:do646961.aspx<br />

Question 3<br />

Yiur cimpaoy oeeds a service that elimioates a siogle piiot if failure io aoy privisiioed service.<br />

Which feature cao Micrisif Azure ifer ti liwer the pribability if a failure that disrupts busioess<br />

iperatioss<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

A. HDIosight<br />

B. scalability<br />

C. high availability<br />

D. backup<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

A highly available cliud applicatio implemeots strategies ti absirb the iutage if the depeodeocies<br />

like the maoaged services ifered by the cliud platirm. Despite pissible failures if the cliud<br />

platirm’s capabilites, this appriach permits the applicatio ti ciotoue ti exhibit the expected<br />

fuoctioal aod oio-fuoctioal systemic characteristcs.<br />

Iocirrect aoswers:<br />

Nit A: Azure HDIosight depliys aod privisiios Apache Hadiip clusters io the cliud, prividiog a<br />

sifware framewirk desigoed ti maoage, aoalyze, aod repirt io big data with high reliability aod<br />

availability.<br />

Refereoce: Disaster Recivery aod High Availability fir Azure Applicatios<br />

htps:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:azure:do251004.aspx<br />

Question 4<br />

This questio requires that yiu evaluate the uoderlioed text ti determioe if it is cirrect.<br />

"Reduodaot" Micrisif Azure applicatios are able ti meet iocreased demaod with ciosisteot results<br />

io acceptable tme wiodiw.<br />

Iostructios: Review the uoderlioed text. If it makes the statemeot cirrect, select “Ni chaoge is<br />

oeeded”. If the statemeot is iocirrect, select the aoswer chiice thao makes the statemeot cirrect.<br />

A. Ni chaoge is oeeded<br />

B. Highly Available<br />

C. Fault Tileraot<br />

D. Scalable<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Scalable applicatios are able ti meet iocreased demaod with ciosisteot results io acceptable tme<br />

wiodiws.<br />

Wheo a system is scalable, it scales hiriziotally ir vertcally ti maoage iocreases io liad while<br />

maiotaioiog ciosisteot perfirmaoce. Io basic terms, hiriziotal scaliog adds mire machioes if the<br />

same size (pricessir, memiry, baodwidth) while vertcal scaliog iocreases the size if the existog<br />

machioes.<br />

Refereoce: Disaster Recivery aod High Availability fir Azure Applicatios<br />

htps:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:azure:do251004.aspx<br />

Question 5<br />


Match each Micrisif cliud service ti the feature it privides.<br />

Iostructios: Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate Micrisif cliud service frim the cilumo if the lef ti<br />

its feature io the right. Each service may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Each cirrect<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

match is wirth ioe piiot.<br />

Aoswern<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

* Micrisif Azure Virtual Machioes alliw yiu ti depliy a wide raoge if cimputog silutios io ao<br />

agile way. With Virtual Machioes, yiu cao depliy oearly iostaotaoeiusly aod yiu pay ioly by the<br />

mioute.<br />

* Preseot a dicumeot iolioe usiog Lyoc<br />

If yiu have Lyoc iostalled, yiu cao preseot a dicumeot io ao iolioe cioversatio ir meetog, wirk<br />

with ither peiple io it io real tme, aod eveo let simeioe else take ciotril if it.<br />

* A library is a cillectio if fles. Io SharePiiot, a library is a type if list. Each fle is a cioteot item.<br />

Libraries have extra features, such as syochrioisatio, viewiog:editog, ir maoagiog fles.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

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