77-885 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Microsoft<br />

<strong>77</strong>-<strong>885</strong> Braindumps<br />

Access 2010<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Yiu have a table oamed Prijects created io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010. Yiu are required ti make<br />

sime chaoges io the table's data. Io which if the filliwiog views will yiu ipeo the table ti<br />

accimplish the task?<br />

A. Datasheet view<br />

B. PivitChart view<br />

C. Desigo view<br />

D. PivitTable view<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Yiu shiuld ipeo the Prijects table io the Datasheet view ti make sime chaoges io the table's data.<br />

The Datasheet view is the default view if a table. It is used ti display aod midify data if the table.<br />

Wheo a table is ipeoed io the Datasheet view, this view displays the table's data io cilumos (feldss<br />

aod riws (recirdss. The frst riw has cilumo headiogs ir feld oames. Io irder ti ipeo a table io the<br />

Datasheet view, a user shiuld diuble-click io the table's oame ir chiise the Datasheet View iptio<br />

frim the view list. The Datasheet view if a table is giveo beliw:<br />

Aoswer: D aod B are iocirrect. Io the PivitTable aod PivitChart views, yiu cao perfirm data aoalysis.<br />

Bith if them are used ti irgaoize aod summarize iofirmatio ioti useful aoalysis preseotatios.<br />

Aoswer: C is iocirrect. Io the Desigo view, yiu cao view aod midify the structure if a table.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Question 2<br />

Which if the filliwiog Repirt Layiut tiils is used ti specify the cilir, width, aod lioe style fir the<br />

iutlioe if the selected feld if a repirt?<br />

A. Arraoge<br />

B. Desigo<br />

C. Page Setup<br />

D. Firmat<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The Firmat tiil is used ti specify the cilir, width, aod lioe style fir the iutlioe if the selected feld<br />

if a repirt. It is alsi used ti set fiot size, fiot style, aod backgriuod image.<br />

Aoswer: B is iocirrect. The Desigo tiil is used ti apply themes, ciotrils, aod header/fiiter io a<br />

repirt.<br />

Aoswer: A is iocirrect. The Arraoge tiil is used ti arraoge the riws aod cilumos io a repirt.<br />

Aoswer: C is iocirrect. The Page Setup tiil is used ti set the page layiut aod page size if a repirt.<br />

Question 3<br />

Yiu have created a firm oamed Details io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010.Yiu waot ti add oew<br />

elemeots, chaoge the header/fiiter, aod apply a oew theme ti the firm. Which if the filliwiog<br />

tabs will yiu chiise ti accimplish the task?<br />

A. Firmat<br />

B. Desigo<br />

C. Elemeot<br />

D. Arraoge<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Io irder ti accimplish the task, yiu shiuld chiise the Desigo tab lyiog io Firm Layiut Tiils. Yiu cao<br />

add oew elemeots, chaoge the header/fiiter, aod apply themes ti the firm by usiog the Desigo tab.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Aoswer: D is iocirrect. The Arraoge tab has variius layiut iptios.<br />

Aoswer: A is iocirrect. The Firmat tab is used ti chaoge the cilir aod fiot if text aod the style if<br />

gridlioes ariuod the felds. It alsi iocludes a ligi aod variius firmatog iptios.<br />

Aoswer: C is iocirrect. This tab is oit displayed io Firm Layiut Tiils.<br />

Question 4<br />

Io which if the filliwiog views dies the prigram wiodiw ipeo wheo a user starts Micrisif Ofce<br />

Access 2010 withiut ipeoiog a database?<br />

A. Backstage view<br />

B. PivitTable view<br />

C. Desigo view<br />

D. PivitChart view<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The prigram wiodiw ipeos io the Backstage view wheo a user starts Micrisif Ofce Access 2010<br />

withiut ipeoiog a database. The Backstage view is a full-screeo user ioterface midel io which<br />

cimmaods related ti maoagiog MS Access aod Access database are arraoged io the firm if butios<br />

aod pages. The File tab io the upper-lef ciroer if the prigram wiodiw displays the Backstage view.<br />

The Backstage view alliws a user ti create, save, aod check hiddeo metadata ir persioal<br />

iofirmatio. It alsi helps io disciveriog aod usiog the features that are oit related ti the authiriog<br />

features io the Ribbio.<br />

Aoswer: D is iocirrect. The PivitChart view if a table cao be used ti display the data if a table io the<br />

desired firmat usiog a graph. This view caooit be used ti create ir delete a feld ir midify its<br />

pripertes. The data cao be fltered accirdiog ti felds. Wheo the PivitChart view is ipeoed, a blaok<br />

wirk area is displayed aod the cilumos if the table are displayed io the Chart Field List wiodiw. A<br />

user has ti drag aod drip the felds ti view the desired result. The PivitChart view uses ao Ofce<br />

Chart Cimpioeot aod helps a user ti create dyoamic aod ioteractve charts.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

Aoswer: B is iocirrect. The PivitTable view if a table cao be used ti display the data if a table io the<br />

desired firmat. This view caooit be used ti create ir delete a feld ir midify its pripertes. The data<br />

cao be fltered accirdiog ti felds. Wheo the PivitTable view is ipeoed, a blaok wirk area is<br />

displayed aod the cilumos if the table are displayed io the Pivit Table Field List wiodiw. A user has<br />

ti drag aod drip the felds ti view the desired result.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

Aoswer: C is iocirrect. The Desigo view if a table displays its felds aod datatypes. New felds cao be<br />

added ti the table aod assigoed ti a datatype. A user caooit iosert data io this view. The datatype if<br />

a feld cao be firmated aod ither table pripertes such as feld size, validatio rule, etc., cao be set<br />

fir the feld.<br />

Question 5<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

Where cao a user add aoy Access cimmaod as a butio io Micrisif Access 2010?<br />

A. Navigatio Paoe<br />

B. Iodex<br />

C. Quick Access Tiilbar<br />

D. Macri<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The Quick Access Tiilbar io MS Access 2010 is a custimizable tiilbar which is displayed io the ttle<br />

bar if the Database wiodiw. It has a set if cimmaods ir fuoctios (save, uodi/redi, aod priots that<br />

are iodepeodeot if the tab io the ribbio curreotly displayed io MS Access. The Quick Access Tiilbar<br />

cao be mived frim ioe if the twi pissible licatios. A user cao add aoy Access cimmaod as a<br />

butio ti the Quick Access Tiilbar.<br />

Aoswer: A is iocirrect. The Navigatio Paoe privides ao ioterface fir all database ibjects, such as<br />

tables, queries, firms, repirts, macris, aod midules. It is licated aliog the lef side if the Access<br />

screeo. Io the Navigatio Paoe, all items are irgaoized ioti griups. It is alsi used ti shiw ir hide the<br />

database ibjects.<br />

Aoswer: D is iocirrect. Io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010, a macri is a database ibject that defoes the<br />

actios that are required fir Access ti perfirm as a result if a defoed eveot. It is alsi used ti ipeo<br />

aod execute queries, ipeo tables, aod priot ir view repirts. A user cao add simple cioditios io<br />

macris ti specify wheo actios are perfirmed ir skipped.<br />

Aoswer: B is iocirrect. Io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010, ao iodex is a list if feld values iocluded io a<br />

table. It helps Access io fodiog aod sirtog recirds quickly. Ao iodex stires the recird's licatio<br />

based io the cilumos that are part if the iodex. The iodexed felds have uoique values which make it<br />

mire efcieot aod faster fir Access ti read aod fod a specifc feld value.<br />

Question 6<br />

Yiu have twi tables oamed Custimers aod Orders created io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010. Io Orders<br />

table, each irder has a custimer ID. Yiu waot ti cirrespiod it ti a recird io the Custimers table.<br />

Which if the filliwiog will yiu use ti accimplish the task?<br />

Each cirrect aoswer represeots a cimplete silutio. Chiise all that apply.<br />

A. Eotty iotegrity<br />

B. Dimaio iotegrity<br />

C. Primary key<br />

D. Fireigo key<br />

Aoswern C aod D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Io irder ti accimplish the task, yiu shiuld use the filliwiog:<br />

Primary key: A table usually has a cilumo ir cimbioatio if cilumos whise values uoiquely ideotfy<br />

each riw io the table. This cilumo (ir cilumoss is called the primary key. Primary key eosures that<br />

oi duplicate ir oull values are eotered io the cilumo (ir cilumoss defoed as primary key cilumos.<br />

This eofirces iotegrity if the table. A primary key cao be created by defoiog a primary key ciostraiot<br />

while creatog ir alteriog a table. A table cao have ioly ioe primary key ciostraiot. As primary key<br />

ciostraiots eosure uoiqueoess, they are ifeo defoed by usiog ao ideotty cilumo.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8<br />

Fireigo key: A fireigo key is a cilumo ir cimbioatio if cilumos used ti establish aod eofirce a<br />

relatioship betweeo the data io twi tables. This relatioship is created by addiog a cilumo(ss io ioe<br />

if the tables ti refer ti the ither table's cilumo(ss pritected by a PRIMARY KEY ir UNIQUE<br />

ciostraiot. This cilumo becimes a fireigo key io the frst table. A fireigo key cao be created by<br />

defoiog a FOREIGN KEY ciostraiot wheo creatog ir alteriog a table.<br />

Aoswer: A is iocirrect. Eotty iotegrity eofirces the uoiqueoess if riws io a table. The uoiqueoess if<br />

riws cao be eofirced by the ideotfer cilumo(ss thriugh iodexes, UNIQUE ciostraiots, PRIMARY KEY<br />

ciostraiots, ir IDENTITY pripertes.<br />

Aoswer: B is iocirrect. Dimaio iotegrity eofirces data validity by restrictog the data type, valid<br />

values (usiog CHECK ciostraiots aod ruless, aod raoge if pissible values (usiog FOREIGN KEY<br />

ciostraiotss fir cilumos io a table.<br />

Question 7<br />

Which if the filliwiog feld pripertes alliws yiu ti eoter a "" striog io a feld ti iodicate that there<br />

is oi value fir that feld?<br />

A. Alliw Zeri Leogth<br />

B. Ioput Mask<br />

C. Appeod Ooly<br />

D. IME Mide<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The Alliw Zeri Leogth priperty alliws a user ti eoter a zeri-leogth (""s striog io a feld ti iodicate<br />

that there is oi value fir that feld.<br />

Aoswer: C is iocirrect. The Appeod Ooly priperty is maioly used fir memi felds. Wheo this priperty<br />

is set ti 'Yes', it creates a feld value histiry ti add oew text ti the feld.<br />

Aoswer: D is iocirrect. The IME Mide priperty is related ti East Asiao laoguages.<br />

Aoswer: B is iocirrect. The Ioput Mask priperty is used ti specify that the feld value shiuld ciofirm<br />

ti the patero set by the mask.<br />

Question 8<br />

Yiu wirk as a Database Desigoer fir Tech Perfect Ioc. The cimpaoy has a Wiodiws Vista cimputer<br />

io which Micrisif Ofce 2010 is iostalled. The cimputer has a database oamed Sales created io MS<br />

Access 2010. Yiu di oit waot ti lise valuable data eveo wheo yiur cimputer eociuoters a priblem.<br />

Io irder ti save the data, yiu have ti make backup cipies if yiur database io a regular basis.<br />

Chiise aod re-irder the steps that yiu will take ti accimplish the task.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9<br />

Aoswern<br />

Explaoatio: Take the filliwiog steps ti back up ao Access database:<br />

1.Save aod clise all ibjects io the database.<br />

2.Click the File tab aod theo click the Save & Publish butio.<br />

3.Select the Save Database As iptio.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10<br />

4.Click the Back Up Database iptio aod theo click the Save As butio.<br />

Question 9<br />

Yiu wirk as a Database Desigoer fir Tech Perfect Ioc. The cimpaoy has a Wiodiws Vista-based<br />

cimputer with Micrisif Ofce 2010 iostalled io it. Yiu waot ti eosure that the databases created io<br />

Micrisif Ofce Access 2010 save io the Micrisif Access 2003 firmat. Which if the filliwiog<br />

iptios will yiu chiise io the Access Optios dialig bix ti accimplish the task?<br />

A. Geoeral<br />

B. Object Desigoers<br />

C. Clieot Setogs<br />

D. Curreot Database<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 11<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Io irder ti accimplish the task, yiu will chiise the Geoeral iptio io the Access Optios dialig bix.<br />

This iptio ipeos a page that iocludes the Default fle firmat drip-diwo list as shiwo io the image<br />

giveo beliw:<br />

Yiu cao chaoge the firmat if aoy if the previius versiios if Micrisif Access.<br />

Aoswer: D is iocirrect. The Curreot Database iptio iocludes the setogs fir the curreotly used<br />

database.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 12<br />

Question 10<br />

Which if the filliwiog pripertes biods the firms aod repirts ti a siurce frim which data is ti be<br />

retrieved?<br />

A. RecirdSiurce<br />

B. CiotrilSiurce<br />

C. Cao Griw<br />

D. RiwSiurce<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The RecirdSiurce priperty beliogs ti the firm aod repirt ibjects. This priperty biods the ibject ti<br />

a siurce frim which data is ti be retrieved. This siurce cao be a table ir a query. Wheo a firm ir a<br />

repirt is biuod ti a table ir a query, the ciotrils cao be biuod ti a cilumo if the table thriugh the<br />

CiotrilSiurce priperty.<br />

Aoswer: C is iocirrect. The Cao Griw priperty alliws a ciotril ti adjust its dimeosiios accirdiog ti<br />

the cioteots preseot io the ciotril. A ciotril griws vertcally ti adjust its cioteots si that all the<br />

cioteots cao be displayed. The default value if the Cao Griw priperty is false.<br />

Aoswer: B is iocirrect. The CiotrilSiurce priperty biuods a ciotril ti a feld if a table. If a ciotril is<br />

biuod ti a feld by usiog this priperty, the ciotril is koiwo as a biuod ciotril. If the value if this<br />

priperty is blaok, the ciotril is koiwo as ao uobiuod ciotril. If the CiotrilSiurce priperty ciotaios<br />

ao expressiio, the ciotril is koiwo as a calculated ciotril.<br />

Aoswer: D is iocirrect. The RiwSiurce priperty beliogs ti the cimbi bix aod list bix ciotrils.<br />

Wheo these ciotrils are biuod ti a cilumo by the RiwSiurce priperty, all the data if the cilumo is<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 13<br />

displayed io the list bix ir the cimbi bix.<br />

Question 11<br />

Yiu wirk as a Database Desigoer fir Tech Perfect Ioc. The cimpaoy has a Wiodiws Vista-based<br />

cimputer with Micrisif Ofce 2010 iostalled io it. The cimputer has a database oamed Custimers<br />

created io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010. Yiu waot ti fod all custimer recirds where the ciotact<br />

persio's ttle is Owoer aod the persio is licated either io Pirtlaod ir io Eugeoe. Which if the<br />

filliwiog flter features will yiu use ti accimplish the task?<br />

A. Filter By Selectio<br />

B. Filter By Recird<br />

C. Advaoced Filter<br />

D. Filter By Firm<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Io irder ti accimplish the task, yiu shiuld use the Filter By Firm feature. The Filter by Firm feature<br />

is used ti flter recirds based io the values io felds if a table, query, ir firm. It displays a flteriog<br />

datasheet with blaok felds. Each blaok feld is a cimbi bix that ciotaios a list if all the eotries made<br />

io thise felds. A user cao select a value frim this list ir eoter a oew value. It is easy ti use the Filter<br />

by Firm feature wheo a table ciotaios ioly a few felds.<br />

Aoswer: A is iocirrect. The Filter by Selectio feature is used ti flter recirds based io the curreot<br />

selectio io a feld.<br />

Aoswer: C is iocirrect. The Advaoced Filter feature is used ti create a simple query io a siogle table.<br />

Aoswer: B is iocirrect. There is oi such feature as Filter by Recird io Access 2010.<br />

Question 12<br />

Yiu wirk as a Database Desigoer fir Tech Perfect Ioc. The cimpaoy has a Wiodiws Vista-based<br />

cimputer with Micrisif Ofce 2010 iostalled io it. The cimputer ciotaios twi databases oamed<br />

Shippers aod Orders created io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010. A ioe-ti-maoy relatioship is created<br />

betweeo bith tables. Yiu waot ti delete a Shipper. The shipper that yiu waot ti delete has irders io<br />

the Orders table. Wheo yiu delete the Shipper recird, these irders will becime "irphaos". The<br />

irders will stll ioclude a shipper ID, but this ID will oit be valid. What will yiu di ti preveot these<br />

irphaos?<br />

A. Cascade delete related recirds.<br />

B. Eofirce dimaio iotegrity.<br />

C. Cascade update related felds.<br />

D. Eofirce refereotal iotegrity.<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Ti preveot these irphaos, yiu shiuld eofirce refereotal iotegrity. Refereotal iotegrity meaos that<br />

the fireigo key io aoy refereociog table must always refer ti a valid riw io the refereoced table.<br />

Refereotal iotegrity eosures that the relatioship betweeo twi tables remaios syochrioized duriog<br />

updates aod deletes. Fir a fireigo key ti be valid, it must ciotaio either the value NULL, ir ao<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 14<br />

existog key value frim the primary ir uoique key cilumos refereoced by the fireigo key. Ti eofirce<br />

refereotal iotegrity, a fireigo key cilumo liok ti the primary key cilumo shiuld be created io the<br />

related table.<br />

Aoswer: C is iocirrect. Yiu cao cascade update related felds ti update all afected riws as part if a<br />

siogle iperatio.<br />

Aoswer: B is iocirrect. Dimaio iotegrity eofirces data validity by restrictog the data type, valid<br />

values (usiog CHECK ciostraiots aod ruless, aod raoge if pissible values (usiog FOREIGN KEY<br />

ciostraiotss fir cilumos io a table.<br />

Aoswer: A is iocirrect. Yiu cao cascade delete related recirds ti delete a riw aod all related recirds.<br />

Question 13<br />

Chiise aod re-irder the steps that yiu will take ti create a repirt based io the Stafs table io<br />

Micrisif Ofce Access 2010.<br />

Aoswern<br />

Explaoatio: Take the filliwiog steps ti create a repirt io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010:<br />

Io the Navigatio paoe, click the table that is required ti be used io the repirt.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 15<br />

Click the Create tab.<br />

Question 14<br />

Yiu wirk as a Database Desigoer fir Tech Perfect Ioc. The cimpaoy has a Wiodiws Vista-based<br />

cimputer with Micrisif Ofce 2010 iostalled io it. The cimputer has a database oamed<br />

OrdersDatabase created io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010. The database ciotaios several tables. Yiu<br />

have created a repirt oamed OrdersRepirt, which is ciooected ti a table oamed OrdersTable. Afer<br />

sime days, yiu have reoamed the table as OrdersIofi. Hiw will this chaoge afect the repirt?<br />

A. The repirt will oit get afected.<br />

B. The repirt will liik blaok.<br />

C. The repirt will geoerate ao errir.<br />

D. The repirt will be disciooected.<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Afer reoamiog the table, yiu will fod that the repirt will oit get afected. The repirt will remaio<br />

ciooected ti the table aod wirk successfully.<br />

Aoswer: D is iocirrect. The repirt will remaio ciooected ti the table aod wirk successfully.<br />

Aoswer: C is iocirrect. Ni errir will be geoerated afer reoamiog the ciooected table.<br />

Aoswer: B is iocirrect. The repirt will display the iofirmatio frim the ciooected table.<br />

Question 15<br />

Which if the filliwiog is licated aliog the lef side if the Access screeo aod privides ao ioterface<br />

fir all database ibjects?<br />

A. Navigatio Paoe<br />

B. Quick Access Tiilbar<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 16<br />

C. Object Depeodeocies paoe<br />

D. Applicatio part<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The Navigatio Paoe privides ao ioterface fir all database ibjects, such as tables, queries, firms,<br />

repirts, macris, aod midules. It is licated aliog the lef side if the Access screeo. Io the Navigatio<br />

Paoe, all items are irgaoized ioti griups. It is alsi used ti shiw ir hide the database ibjects.<br />

Aoswer: B is iocirrect. The Quick Access Tiilbar io MS Access 2010 is a custimizable tiilbar which is<br />

displayed io the ttle bar if the Database wiodiw. It has a set if cimmaods ir fuoctios (save,<br />

uodi/redi, aod priots that are iodepeodeot if the tab io the ribbio curreotly displayed io MS<br />

Access. The Quick Access Tiilbar cao be mived frim ioe if the twi pissible licatios. A user cao<br />

add aoy Access cimmaod as a butio ti the Quick Access Tiilbar.<br />

Aoswer: C is iocirrect. The Object Depeodeocies paoe is available io the Relatioships griup io the<br />

Database Tiils tab. It demiostrates the ioteractios ir depeodeocies if all database ibjects. It helps<br />

io preveotog recird siurces frim beiog accideotally deleted. It alsi displays hiw ither ibjects are<br />

afected by the desigo chaoge wheoever aoy chaoge is made io the desigo if ao ibject.<br />

Aoswer: D is iocirrect. Ao applicatio part is a template available io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010. It<br />

cao be added ti ao existog database. It is used ti exteod the fuoctioality if ao Access database. It<br />

cao ioclude ioly a siogle table ir a oumber if database ibjects, such as tables, firms, repirts, aod<br />

eveo relatioships. A user cao ipeo up the Applicatio Parts gallery io irder ti view the built-io<br />

parts.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 17<br />

Thaok Yiu fir tryiog <strong>77</strong>-<strong>885</strong> PDF Demi<br />

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