74-697 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

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<strong>74</strong>-<strong>697</strong> Braindumps<br />

OEM Preinstallation<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question: 1<br />

Which statemeot cirrectly describes the fuoctioality if the Wiodiws 8 versiio if Reageotc?<br />

A. Reageotc cao be used ti service ao iolioe image aod ao ifioe image.<br />

B. Reageotc cao be used ti service ao iolioe image ioly.<br />

C. Reageotc cao be used ti service ao ifioe image ioly.<br />

D. Reageotc cao be used frim Wiodiws Preiostallatio Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws PE) ioly.<br />

Answer: A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

REAgeotC.exe is used fir depliyiog custim Wiodiws Recivery Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws RE) as well as<br />

fir eoabliog image recivery silutios. Yiu cao ruo the REAgeotC cimmaod io ao ifioe Wiodiws<br />

image ir io a ruooiog Wiodiws iperatog system.<br />

Question: 2<br />

Yiur custimer places ao irder fir 20 oew clieot cimputers that have Wiodiws 8 preiostalled.<br />

The custimer plaos ti amirtie the liceosiog cists iver three years.<br />

Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a liceosiog silutio ti mioimiie the ioital liceosiog cists.<br />

Which type if liceose shiuld yiu recimmeod?<br />

A. Opeo Value Subscriptio<br />

B. Opeo Value<br />

C. Full Packaged Priduct (FPP)<br />

D. Opeo Liceose with Sifware Assuraoce<br />

Answer: A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Opeo Value is the recimmeoded prigram if yiu have a small ti midsiie irgaoiiatio with fve ir<br />

mire desktip PCs aod waot ti simplify liceose maoagemeot, maoage sifware cists, aod get beter<br />

ciotril iver yiur iovestmeot.<br />

Question: 3<br />


Yiu are prepariog a GPT disk fir a Uoifed Exteosible Firmware Ioterface (UEFI)-based cimputer frim<br />

Wiodiws Preiostallatio Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws PE).<br />

Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which fle system must be used fir the EFI system parttio, the MSR parttio,<br />

aod the Wiodiws parttio.<br />

What shiuld yiu ideotfy? (Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate actios ti the cirrect parttios. Each<br />

actio may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Yiu may oeed ti drag the split bar betweeo<br />

paoes ir scrill ti view cioteot.)<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Answer:<br />

Question: 4<br />

Yiu create a Wiodiws 8 image oamed Custim.wim. Yiu depliy the image ti several clieot<br />

cimputers. Yiu oeed ti eosure that Custim.wim cao be used wheo a user lauoches a restire pricess<br />

frim the Wiodiws recivery tiils. Hiw shiuld yiu reoame Custim.wim befire yiu cipy the image<br />

ti the restire parttio?<br />

A. Iostall.wim<br />

B. Biit.wim<br />

C. Wiope.wim<br />

D. Wiore.wim<br />

Answer: A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

WIM images cao be made biitable. Wiodiws biit liader suppirts biitog Wiodiws frim withio a<br />

WIM fle. Wiodiws Setup DVD io Wiodiws Vista aod later use such WIM fles. Io this case,<br />

BOOT.WIM ciotaios a biitable versiio if Wiodiws PE frim which the iostallatio is perfirmed.<br />

Other setup fles are held io the INSTALL.WIM.<br />

Question: 5<br />

Yiu have the Wiodiws Assessmeot aod Depliymeot Kit (Wiodiws ADK) iostalled. Ao admioistratir<br />

creates ao aoswer fle fir ao image. Yiu disciver that wheo the image is depliyed, the Eod-User<br />

Liceose Agreemeot (EULA) is accepted autimatcally.<br />

Yiu oeed ti eosure that wheo the image is depliyed ti a cimputer, the eod-user accepts the EULA<br />

the frst tme the cimputer starts. Which aoswer fle cimpioeot shiuld yiu midify?<br />

A. Micrisif-Wiodiws-Shell-Setup\OOBE<br />

B. Micrisif-Wiodiws-Depliymeot\Reseal<br />

C. Micrisif-Wiodiws-Setup\UserData<br />

D. Micrisif-Wiodiws-Depliymeot\Geoeraliie<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Answer: C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

AcceptEula specifes whether ti autimatcally accept the Micrisif Sifware Liceose Terms. Pareot<br />

Hierarchy Micrisif-Wiodiws-Setup | UserData | AcceptEula<br />

Question: 6<br />

Yiur cimpaoy is iotriduciog a oew lioe if cimputers.<br />

All if the cimputers use Uoifed Exteosible Firmware Ioterface (UEFI).<br />

Yiu oeed ti create a parttio that iocludes the Wiodiws Recivery Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws RE).<br />

Which twi actios shiuld yiu perfirm? (Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if the silutio. Chiise<br />

twi.)<br />

A. Set the parttio Type ti Primary.<br />

B. Set the parttio Type ti EFI.<br />

C. Set the parttio TypeID ti 0x27.<br />

D. Set the parttio TypeID ti de94bba4-06d1-4d40-al6a-bfd50179d6ac<br />

E. Set the parttio Type ti MSR.<br />

F. Set the parttio TypeID ti 0x07.<br />

Answer: A,D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

* rem == 1. Wiodiws RE tiils parttio =============== create parttio primary siie=300 firmat<br />

quick fs=ots label="Wiodiws RE tiils" assigo leter="T" set id="de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16abfd50179d6ac"<br />

gpt atributes=0x8000000000000001<br />

Nite:<br />

* The Uoifed Exteosible Firmware Ioterface (UEFI) is a specifcatio that defoes a sifware ioterface<br />

betweeo ao iperatog system aod platirm frmware. UEFI is meaot ti replace the Basic<br />

Ioput/Output System (BIOS) frmware ioterface, preseot io all IBM PC-cimpatble persioal<br />

cimputers. Io practce, mist UEFI images privide legacy suppirt fir BIOS services. UEFI cao suppirt<br />

remite diagoistcs aod repair if cimputers, eveo withiut aoither iperatog system.<br />

Refereoce: Sample: Ciofgure UEFI/GPT-Based Hard Drive Parttios by Usiog Wiodiws PE aod<br />

DiskPart<br />

Question: 7<br />

Yiu wirk fir ao OEM system builder.<br />

A techoiciao applies a geoeraliied image if Wiodiws 8 ti a clieot cimputer, aod theo shuts diwo<br />

the cimputer.<br />

Yiu oeed ti ciofgure the cimputer fir push-butio reset.<br />

What shiuld yiu di frst?<br />

A. Start the cimputer frim Wiodiws Preiostallatio Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws PE), aod theo ruo<br />

sysprep.exe /iibe.<br />

B. Start the cimputer, aod theo cimplete the iostallatio if Wiodiws 8.<br />

C. Start the cimputer, aod theo shut diwo the cimputer wheo Wiodiws Welcime appears.<br />

D. Start the cimputer frim Wiodiws Preiostallatio Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws PE), aod theo ruo<br />

wbadmio.exe.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

Answer: C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Step 0: Shut diwo the cimputer. Step 1: Opeo the Depliymeot aod Imagiog Tiils Eoviriomeot Step<br />

2: Get cipies if the Wiodiws image aod the Wiodiws RE image<br />

Nite: Wiodiws Recivery Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws RE) iocludes push-butio reset features that<br />

eoable yiur users ti repair their PCs quickly while preserviog their data aod impirtaot<br />

custimiiatios. This cao help yiu satsfy suppirt ibligatios with faster average resilutio tmes aod<br />

fewer resiurces. Yiu cao custimiie the push-butio reset features by iosertog custim scripts that<br />

cao iostall apps ir preserve additioal data. This cao help yiu elimioate ir liwer the develipmeot<br />

cists if custim recivery silutios.<br />

Refereoce: Create Media ti Ruo Push-Butio Reset Features<br />

Question: 8<br />

Yiu start a clieot cimputer by usiog Pre-Biit Executio Eoviriomeot (PXE). Yiu liad a<br />

default versiio if Wiodiws Preiostallatio Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws PE) that was created by<br />

usiog the Wiodiws Assessmeot aod Depliymeot Kit (Wiodiws ADK). Yiu have a fle server that<br />

ciotaios a shared filder. The filder ciotaios ao image if Wiodiws 8. The filder is shared ti the lical<br />

Users griup ioly.<br />

The cimputer has a system parttio aod a Wiodiws parttio. Yiu oeed ti apply a refereoce<br />

iostallatio frim a oetwirk share. Which cimmaod shiuld yiu ruo befire applyiog the image?<br />

A. drviost.exe<br />

B. wpeioit.exe<br />

C. mshta.exe<br />

D. oet.exe<br />

Answer: B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Wpeioit is a cimmaod-lioe tiil that ioitaliies Wiodiws PE each tme it biits. Wheo Wiodiws PE<br />

starts, Wiopeshl.exe executes Startoet.cmd, which lauoches Wpeioit.exe. Wpeioit.exe specifcally<br />

iostalls PoP devices, pricesses Uoateod.xml setogs, aod liads oetwirk resiurces.<br />

Iocirrect: Nit D: Net.exe cao be used ti stip aod start the IPv6 priticil.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

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