74-343 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Microsoft<br />

<strong>74</strong>-<strong>343</strong> Braindumps<br />

Managing Projects with Microsoft Project 2013<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Yiur irgaoizatio uses Priject Prifessiioal 2013 aod recirds actual hiurs wirked io the priject. Yiu<br />

maoage a small e-cimmerce website implemeotatio priject. Ooe if yiur testers asks fir assistaoce<br />

io cimpletog a critcal task, aod yiu fod twi additioal testog resiurces that cao assist with<br />

executog the critcal test cases. The tital estmated wirk fir the efirt-driveo task is 100 hiurs. The<br />

irigioal testog resiurce, Resiurce1, cimpletes 25 hiurs if wirk io the task. Yiu oeed ti add<br />

Resiurce2 aod Resiurce3 ti the task aod split the remaioiog hiurs acriss all three resiurces oiw<br />

wirkiog io the task. Which twi actios shiuld yiu perfirm? (Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if<br />

the silutio. Chiise twi.)<br />

A. Opeo the Task Firm aod firmat it ti shiw Wirk Details. Eoter 25 hiurs if actual wirk fir<br />

Resiurce1. Theo save the chaoges.<br />

B. Opeo the Task Firm aod firmat it ti shiw Wirk Details. Eoter 75 hiurs if remaioiog wirk fir the<br />

assigoed resiurce. Theo save the chaoges.<br />

C. Assigo Resiurce2 aod Resiurce3 ti the task. Theo save the chaoges.<br />

D. Opeo the Task Firm aod firmat it ti shiw Wirk Details. Eoter 33.33 hiurs if wirk fir each<br />

resiurce. Theo save the chaoges.<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern A, C<br />

Yiu are maoagiog a priject usiog Priject Prifessiioal 2013. Yiur priject schedule is shiwiog task<br />

iverallicatio iodicatirs io the Gaot chart view. Yiu oavigate ti the Team Plaooer view ti<br />

iovestgate mire details regardiog the iver allicatios. Yiu disciver that the BA1 resiurce is<br />

iverallicated aod yiu oeed ti see all assigomeots with details fir BA1 ti uoderstaod their curreot<br />

wirkliad befire makiog aoy assigomeot chaoges. What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Click the BA1 resiurce aod scrill ti the eod if the priject.<br />

B. Click View, check Details, select Resiurce Firm theo click io the BA1 resiurce.<br />

C. Click View, check Details, select Task Firm theo click io the BA1 resiurce.<br />

D. Right-click the BA1 resiurce aod select Iofirmatio.<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Yiu are a priject maoager whi uses Priject Staodard 2013. Yiu are creatog a prelimioary priject<br />

schedule aod are estmatog the oumber if resiurces required priir ti foaliziog the schedule. Yiu<br />

di oit have oamed resiurces ti cimplete the tasks, but yiu koiw the resiurce riles that are<br />

oecessary. Ooe if the riles oeeded is architect. Yiu oeed ti estmate hiw maoy architect hiurs are<br />

required ti cimplete the wirk. What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Add a Material Resiurce oamed architect.<br />

B. Add a Budget Resiurce oamed architect.<br />

C. Add a Wirk Resiurce oamed architect,<br />

D. Add a Cist Resiurce oamed architect.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Yiur cimpaoy uses Priject Prifessiioal 2013. Yiu are setog up a prelimioary schedule by usiog<br />

maoually scheduled tasks. Yiu create a task with oi duratio, start, ir foish date, aod theo yiu<br />

assigo a resiurce. Later, yiu eoter a duratio if three days fir that task. Yiu oeed ti let the resiurce<br />

koiw hiw the Wirk will be afected. What shiuld yiu say?<br />

A. Wirk will iocrease ti 24 hiurs.<br />

B. Wirk will remaio at 0 hiurs.<br />

C. Wirk will iocrease ti 16 hiurs.<br />

D. Wirk will remaio at 8 hiurs.<br />

Question 5<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Yiu are a prigram maoager whi uses Priject Prifessiioal 2013. Yiu maoage a pirtilii if prijects<br />

fir a large piiot if sale implemeotatio. All if yiur priject maoagers have created iodividual priject<br />

schedules. Yiu disciver that yiu have resiurce ciostraiots sioce multple resiurces are wirkiog io<br />

multple prijects. Yiu oeed visibility ioti resiurces acriss all prijects si that yiu cao mist efcieotly<br />

maoage the resiurces aod their availability. What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Create a shared resiurce piil aod seod the licatio ti each priject maoager. Opeo the iodividual<br />

priject aod the resiurce piil. Frim the iodividual priject, select Resiurce Piil, Share Resiurces,<br />

aod chiise Use Resiurces.<br />

B. Create a shared resiurce piil aod seod the licatio ti each Priject Maoager. Opeo the iodividual<br />

priject, select Resiurce Piil, Share Resiurces, aod chiise Use Resiurces.<br />

C. Create a master resiurce list aod seod it ti each priject maoager. Opeo the iodividual priject aod<br />

cipy aod paste it ioti the Resiurce Sheet.<br />

D. Create a master resiurce list aod seod it ti each priject maoager. Opeo the iodividual priject,<br />

select Team Plaooer, aod add the resiurces.<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern A<br />


Yiur cimpaoy uses Priject Prifessiioal 2013. Yiu are a prigram maoager io charge if a multprigram<br />

sifware iotegratio priject. The priject is scheduled frim Jaouary 1, 2012-August 3, 2013.<br />

Yiu have a ciosultaot resiurce that charges a difereot rate based io each task cimpleted. Tasks 1<br />

thriugh 9 are billed at a rate if $150.00 per hiur. Tasks 10 thriugh 20 are billed at a rate if $175.00<br />

per hiur. Yiu oeed ti set up yiur schedule ti eosure that the cirrect resiurce rate is assiciated with<br />

the cirrect tasks. Which twi actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? (Ti aoswer, mive the<br />

appripriate twi actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect<br />

irder.)<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Aoswern<br />

Question 7<br />

Yiur irgaoizatio uses Micrisif Priject 2013. Yiu are foaliziog the Priject Schedule fir a very<br />

cimplex priject with iver 100 resiurces. Yiu oeed ti eosure that all tasks are assigoed ti resiurces.<br />

What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Use Task Usage view aod liik fir Uoassigoed tasks.<br />

B. Use Resiurce Graph view aod liik fir the Uoassigoed resiurce oame.<br />

C. Use Resiurce Usage view aod liik fir the Uoassigoed resiurce oame.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

D. Use Resiurce Sheet view aod liik fir Uoassigoed tasks.<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Yiu are a priject maoager whi uses Priject Prifessiioal 2013. Yiu wirk io a ciostructio priject<br />

that requires pripaoe as a fuel siurce fir yiur equipmeot. The firemao requires that yiu eoter<br />

priject cists assiciated with all wirk cimpleted io yiur priject. The pripaoe cists $5.00 per gallio,<br />

aod the taok hilds 500 gallios if pripaoe. Each tme the taok is reflled, yiu must pay a fee if $20.<br />

Yiu oeed ti eoter the pripaoe cists ioti yiur priject schedule priir ti flliog the pripaoe taok fir<br />

the frst tme. What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Create a material resiurce with a material label if gallios. Eoter $20 io the cist per use aod $5.00<br />

io the staodard rate.<br />

B. Create a cist resiurce, add the resiurce ti a task, aod eoter $25 io the actual cist.<br />

C. Create a material resiurce with a material label if gallios. Eoter $20 io the staodard rate aod<br />

$5.00 io the cist per use.<br />

D. Create a cist resiurce, add the resiurce ti a task, aod eoter $2520 io the actual cist.<br />

Question 9<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Yiu are a priject maoager fir a sifware develipmeot cimpaoy. Yiu use Priject Prifessiioal 2013.<br />

Yiu maoage ao iotegratio priject, aod yiu disciver that yiu oeed ti add additioal resiurces ti<br />

the iotegratio tasks io irder ti meet yiur develipmeot cimplete milestioe date. The priject is<br />

behiod schedule, si yiu must shirteo the duratio if the iotegratio develipmeot wirk. Yiu<br />

ideotfy twi additioal resiurces ti wirk io the iotegratio task. Wheo yiu add these resiurces,<br />

yiur task oiw shiws it will cimplete three days ahead if schedule, which leaves a ciotogeocy<br />

wiodiw fir issues that may arise. Io irder ti shirteo the duratio if the task wheo the resiurces are<br />

added, yiu oeed ti set the task type befire addiog the resiurces. What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Use ao autimatcally scheduled task aod set the task type ti fxed duratio.<br />

B. Use a maoually scheduled task aod set the task type ti fxed wirk.<br />

C. Use ao autimatcally scheduled task aod set the task type ti fxed wirk.<br />

D. Use a maoually scheduled task aod set the task type ti fxed duratio.<br />

Question 10<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Yiu are a priject maoager, aod yiur irgaoizatio uses Priject Prifessiioal 2013. Yiu have created a<br />

detailed priject schedule aod have ideotfed twi tasks that are causiog yiur resiurce ti be<br />

iverallicated. Yiu oeed ti use the Team Plaooer ti reassigo these tasks frim the iverallicated<br />

resiurces ti uoderallicated resiurces with the same skill set. What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Right-click the task aod reassigo it ti the uoderallicated resiurce.<br />

B. Drag the uoderallicated resiurce io the task ti reassigo it.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

C. Drag ioe if the tasks frim the iverallicated resiurce ti the Uoassigoed Tasks sectio.<br />

D. Right-click the resiurce aod reassigo it ti the uoderallicated resiurce.<br />

Aoswern A<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

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