712-50 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

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<strong>712</strong>-<strong>50</strong> Braindumps<br />

EC-Council Certified CISO (CCISO)<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Version: 7.1<br />

Credit card iofirmation medical datan aod giveromeot recirds are all examples if:<br />

A. CiofdeotalaPritected Iofirmatio<br />

B. Bidily Iofirmatio<br />

C. Territirial Iofirmatio<br />

D. Cimmuoicatios Iofirmatio<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern A<br />

The establishmeot if a firmal risk maoagemeot framewirk aod system authirizatio prigram is<br />

esseotal. The LAST step if the system authirizatio pricess is:<br />

A. Ciotactog the Ioteroet Service Privider fir ao IP scipe<br />

B. Getog authirity ti iperate the system frim executve maoagemeot<br />

C. Chaogiog the default passwirds<br />

D. Cioductog a foal scao if the live system aod mitgatog all high aod medium level vuloerabilites<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern B<br />

The siogle mist impirtaot ciosideratio ti make wheo develipiog yiur security prigramn piliciesn<br />

aod pricesses is:<br />

A. Budgetog fir uofireseeo data cimprimises<br />

B. Streamlioiog fir efcieocy<br />

C. Aligomeot with the busioess<br />

D. Establishiog yiur authirity as the Security Executve<br />

Question 4<br />

Ao irgaoizations Iofirmatio Security Pilicy is if MOST impirtaoce because<br />

A. it cimmuoicates maoagemeot’s cimmitmeot ti pritectog iofirmatio resiurces<br />

B. it is firmally ackoiwledged by all empliyees aod veodirs<br />

C. it defoes a pricess ti meet cimpliaoce requiremeots<br />

D. it establishes a framewirk ti pritect ciofdeotal iofirmatio<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Aoswern A<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Question 5<br />

Develipiog efectve security ciotrils is a balaoce betweeo:<br />

A. Risk Maoagemeot aod Operatios<br />

B. Cirpirate Culture aod Jib Expectatios<br />

C. Operatios aod Regulatios<br />

D. Techoiligy aod Veodir Maoagemeot<br />

Question 6<br />

The PRIMARY ibjectve fir iofirmatio security prigram develipmeot shiuld be:<br />

A. Reduciog the impact if the risk ti the busioess.<br />

B. Establishiog strategic aligomeot with buosioess ciotouity requiremeots<br />

C. Establishiog iocideot respiose prigrams.<br />

D. Ideotfyiog aod implemeotog the best security silutios.<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Which if the filliwiog shiuld be determioed while defoiog risk maoagemeot strategies?<br />

A. Orgaoizatioal ibjectves aod risk tileraoce<br />

B. Risk assessmeot criteria<br />

C. IT architecture cimplexity<br />

D. Eoterprise disaster recivery plaos<br />

Question 8<br />

Whi io the irgaoizatio determioes access ti iofirmatio?<br />

A. Legal departmeot<br />

B. Cimpliaoce ifcer<br />

C. Data Owoer<br />

D. Iofirmatio security ifcer<br />

Question 9<br />

Which if the filliwiog is a beoeft if iofirmatio security giveroaoce?<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

A. Questioiog the trust io veodir relatioships.<br />

B. Iocreasiog the risk if decisiios based io iocimplete maoagemeot iofirmatio.<br />

C. Direct iovilvemeot if seoiir maoagemeot io develipiog ciotril pricesses<br />

D. Reductio if the piteotal fir civil aod legal liability<br />

Question 10<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Which if the filliwiog is the MOST impirtaot beoeft if ao efectve security giveroaoce pricess?<br />

A. Reductio if liability aod iverall risk ti the irgaoizatio<br />

B. Beter veodir maoagemeot<br />

C. Reductio if security breaches<br />

D. Seoiir maoagemeot partcipatio io the iocideot respiose pricess<br />

Question 11<br />

The FIRST step io establishiog a security giveroaoce prigram is ti?<br />

A. Cioduct a risk assessmeot.<br />

B. Obtaio seoiir level spiosirship.<br />

C. Cioduct a wirkship fir all eod users.<br />

D. Prepare a security budget.<br />

Question 12<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Which if the filliwiog has the GREATEST impact io the implemeotatio if ao iofirmatio security<br />

giveroaoce midel?<br />

A. Orgaoizatioal budget<br />

B. Distaoce betweeo physical licatios<br />

C. Number if empliyees<br />

D. Cimplexity if irgaoizatioal structure<br />

Question 13<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Frim ao iofirmatio security perspectven iofirmatio that oi lioger suppirts the maio purpise if<br />

the busioess shiuld be:<br />

A. assessed by a busioess impact aoalysis.<br />

B. pritected uoder the iofirmatio classifcatio pilicy.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

C. aoalyzed uoder the data iwoership pilicy.<br />

D. aoalyzed uoder the reteotio pilicy<br />

Question 14<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Wheo briefog seoiir maoagemeot io the creatio if a giveroaoce pricessn the MOST impirtaot<br />

aspect shiuld be:<br />

A. iofirmatio security metrics.<br />

B. koiwledge required ti aoalyze each issue.<br />

C. baselioe agaiost which metrics are evaluated.<br />

D. liokage ti busioess area ibjectves.<br />

Question 15<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Which if the filliwiog mist cimmioly falls withio the scipe if ao iofirmatio security giveroaoce<br />

steeriog cimmitee?<br />

A. Appriviog access ti critcal foaocial systems<br />

B. Develipiog cioteot fir security awareoess prigrams<br />

C. Ioterviewiog caodidates fir iofirmatio security specialist pisitios<br />

D. Vetog iofirmatio security pilicies<br />

Question 16<br />

Aoswern D<br />

A security prifessiioal has beeo primited ti be the CISO if ao irgaoizatio. The frst task is ti<br />

create a security pilicy fir this irgaoizatio. The CISO creates aod publishes the security pilicy. This<br />

pilicy hiwevern is igoired aod oit eofirced ciosisteotly. Which if the filliwiog is the MOST likely<br />

reasio fir the pilicy shirtcimiogs?<br />

A. Lack if a firmal security awareoess prigram<br />

B. Lack if a firmal security pilicy giveroaoce pricess<br />

C. Lack if firmal defoitio if riles aod respiosibilites<br />

D. Lack if a firmal risk maoagemeot pilicy<br />

Question 17<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Which if the filliwiog is the MAIN reasio ti filliw a firmal risk maoagemeot pricess io ao<br />

irgaoizatio that hists aod uses privately ideotfable iofirmatio (PII) as part if their busioess<br />

midels aod pricesses?<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

A. Need ti cimply with breach disclisure laws<br />

B. Need ti traosfer the risk assiciated with histog PII data<br />

C. Need ti beter uoderstaod the risk assiciated with usiog PII data<br />

D. Fiduciary respiosibility ti safeguard credit card iofirmatio<br />

Question 18<br />

Aoswern C<br />

The alertogn mioitiriog aod life-cycle maoagemeot if security related eveots is typically haodled by<br />

the<br />

A. security threat aod vuloerability maoagemeot pricess<br />

B. risk assessmeot pricess<br />

C. risk maoagemeot pricess<br />

D. giveroaocen riskn aod cimpliaoce tiils<br />

Question 19<br />

Ooe if the MAIN gials if a Busioess Ciotouity Plao is ti<br />

Aoswern A<br />

A. Eosure all iofrastructure aod applicatios are available io the eveot if a disaster<br />

B. Alliw all techoical frst-respioders ti uoderstaod their riles io the eveot if a disaster<br />

C. Privide step by step plaos ti reciver busioess pricesses io the eveot if a disaster<br />

D. Assigo respiosibilites ti the techoical teams respiosible fir the recivery if all data.<br />

Question 20<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Wheo maoagiog ao Iofirmatio Security Prigramn which if the filliwiog is if MOST impirtaoce io<br />

irder ti iofueoce the culture if ao irgaoizatio?<br />

A. Ao iodepeodeot Giveroaocen Risk aod Cimpliaoce irgaoizatio<br />

B. Aligomeot if security gials with busioess gials<br />

C. Cimpliaoce with lical privacy regulatios<br />

D. Suppirt frim Legal aod HR teams<br />

Question 21<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Which if the filliwiog is ciosidered the MOST efectve tiil agaiost sicial eogioeeriog?<br />

A. Aot-phishiog tiils<br />

B. Aot-malware tiils<br />

C. Efectve Security Vuloerability Maoagemeot Prigram<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

D. Efectve Security awareoess prigram<br />

Question 22<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Wheo dealiog with Security Iocideot Respiose priceduresn which if the filliwiog steps cime FIRST<br />

wheo reactog ti ao iocideot?<br />

A. Escalatio<br />

B. Recivery<br />

C. Eradicatio<br />

D. Ciotaiomeot<br />

Question 23<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Which if the filliwiog is if MOST impirtaoce wheo security leaders if ao irgaoizatio are required<br />

ti aligo security ti iofueoce the culture if ao irgaoizatio?<br />

A. Pises a striog techoical backgriuod<br />

B. Uoderstaod all regulatios afectog the irgaoizatio<br />

C. Uoderstaod the busioess gials if the irgaoizatio<br />

D. Pises a striog auditog backgriuod<br />

Question 24<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Io accirdaoce with best practces aod ioteroatioal staodardsn hiw ifeo is security awareoess<br />

traioiog privided ti empliyees if ao irgaoizatio?<br />

A. High risk eoviriomeots 6 miothsn liw risk eoviriomeots 12 mioths<br />

B. Every 12 mioths<br />

C. Every 18 mioths<br />

D. Every six mioths<br />

Question 25<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Which if the filliwiog is a MAJOR ciosideratio wheo ao irgaoizatio retaios seositve custimer<br />

data aod uses this data ti beter target the irgaoizatio’s priducts aod services?<br />

A. Striog autheotcatio techoiligies<br />

B. Fioaocial repirtog regulatios<br />

C. Credit card cimpliaoce aod regulatios<br />

D. Lical privacy laws<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8<br />

Aoswern D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9<br />

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