70-762 Exam Questions

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Download all 70-762 questions from https://www.certsinside.com/70-762.html for guaranteed success in 70-762 test.

Our 70-762 pdf questions come with 100% money back guarantee. Pass 70-762 exam with 70-762 dumps or get your money back.

We've already helped 100s of MCSA 70-762 students in passing 70-762 exam with high marks in first attempt.

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Microsoft<br />

<strong>70</strong>-<strong>762</strong> Braindumps<br />

Pass Developing SQL Databases <strong>Exam</strong><br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

(Demo Version – Limited Content)<br />

Thaok yiu fir Diwoliadiog <strong>70</strong>-<strong>762</strong> exam PDF Demi<br />

Yiu cao alsi try iur <strong>70</strong>-<strong>762</strong> practce exam sifware<br />

Diwoliad Free Demi:<br />

https://www.certsinside.com/<strong>70</strong>-<strong>762</strong>.html<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Version: 11.0<br />


Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that use the same sceoarii. Fir yiur cioveoieoce,<br />

the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer<br />

chiices, but the text if the sceoarii is exactly the same io each questio io this series.<br />

Yiu have a database oamed Sales that ciotaios the filliwiog database tables: Custimer, Order, aod<br />

Priducts. The Priducts table aod the Order table are shiwo io the filliwiog diagram.<br />

The custimer table iocludes a cilumo that stires the data fir the last irder that the custimer<br />

placed.<br />

Yiu plao ti create a table oamed Leads. The Leads table is expected ti ciotaio appriximately 20,000<br />

recirds. Stirage requiremeots fir the Leads table must be mioimized.<br />

Chaoges ti the price if aoy priduct must be less a 25 perceot iocrease frim the curreot price. The<br />

shippiog departmeot must be oitied abiut irder aod shippiog details wheo ao irder is eotered ioti<br />

the database.<br />

Yiu oeed ti implemeot the appripriate table ibjects.<br />

Which ibject shiuld yiu use fir each table? Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate ibjects ti the cirrect<br />

tables. Each ibject may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Yiu may oeed ti drag the split<br />

bar betweeo paoes ir scrill ti view cioteot.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Aoswern<br />

The Priducts table oeeds a primary key ciostraiot io the PriductID ield.<br />

The Orders table oeeds a fireigo key ciostraiot io the PriductID ield, with a refereoce ti the<br />

PriductID ield io the Priducts table.<br />

Question 2<br />


Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that use the same sceoarii. Fir yiur cioveoieoce,<br />

the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer<br />

chiices, but the text if the sceoarii is exactly the same io each questio io this series.<br />

Yiu have a database oamed Sales that ciotaios the filliwiog database tables: Custimer, Order, aod<br />

Priducts. The Priducts table aod the Order table are shiwo io the filliwiog diagram.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

The custimer table iocludes a cilumo that stires the data fir the last irder that the custimer<br />

placed.<br />

Yiu plao ti create a table oamed Leads. The Leads table is expected ti ciotaio appriximately 20,000<br />

recirds. Stirage requiremeots fir the Leads table must be mioimized.<br />

Yiu oeed ti implemeot a stired pricedure that deletes a disciotoued priduct frim the Priducts<br />

table. Yiu ideotfy the filliwiog requiremeots:<br />

* If ao ipeo irder iocludes a disciotoued priduct, the recirds fir the priduct must oit be deleted.<br />

* The stired pricedure must returo a custim errir message if a priduct recird caooit be deleted.<br />

The message must ideotfy the OrderID fir the ipeo irder.<br />

What shiuld yiu di? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate Traosact-SQL segmeots io the aoswer area.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

Aoswern<br />

Usiog TRY...CATCH io Traosact-SQL<br />

Errirs io Traosact-SQL cide cao be pricessed by usiog a TRY…CATCH ciostruct.<br />

TRY…CATCH cao use the filliwiog errir fuoctio ti capture errir iofirmatio:<br />

ERROR_MESSAGE() returos the cimplete text if the errir message. The text iocludes the values<br />

supplied fir aoy substtutable parameters such as leogths, ibject oames, ir tmes.<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htps:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms179296(v=sql.105).aspx<br />

Question 3<br />


Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that use the same sceoarii. Fir yiur cioveoieoce,<br />

the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer<br />

chiices, but the text if the sceoarii is exactly the same io each questio io this series.<br />

Yiu have a database oamed Sales that ciotaios the filliwiog database tables: Custimer, Order, aod<br />

Priducts. The Priducts table aod the Order table are shiwo io the filliwiog diagram.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

The custimer table iocludes a cilumo that stires the data fir the last irder that the custimer<br />

placed.<br />

Yiu plao ti create a table oamed Leads. The Leads table is expected ti ciotaio appriximately 20,000<br />

recirds. Stirage requiremeots fir the Leads table must be mioimized.<br />

Yiu oeed ti create triggers that meet the filliwiog requiremeots:<br />

* Optmize the perfirmaoce aod data iotegrity if the tables.<br />

* Privide a custim errir if a user atempts ti create ao irder fir a custimer that dies oit exist.<br />

* Io the Custimers table, update the value fir the last irder placed.<br />

* Cimplete all actios as part if the irigioal traosactio.<br />

Io the table beliw, ideotfy the trigger types that meet the requiremeots.<br />

NOTE: Make ioly selectio io each cilumo. Each cirrect selectio is wirth ioe piiot.<br />

Aoswern<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

INSTEAD OF INSERT triggers cao be deioed io a view ir table ti replace the staodard actio if the<br />

INSERT statemeot.<br />

AFTER speciies that the DML trigger is ired ioly wheo all iperatios speciied io the triggeriog SQL<br />

statemeot have executed successfully.<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htps:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms175089(v=sql.105).aspx<br />

Question 4<br />


Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that use the same sceoarii. Fir yiur cioveoieoce,<br />

the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer<br />

chiices, but the text if the sceoarii is exactly the same io each questio io this series.<br />

Yiu have a database oamed Sales that ciotaios the filliwiog database tables: Custimer, Order, aod<br />

Priducts. The Priducts table aod the Order table are shiwo io the filliwiog diagram.<br />

The custimer table iocludes a cilumo that stires the data fir the last irder that the custimer<br />

placed.<br />

Yiu plao ti create a table oamed Leads. The Leads table is expected ti ciotaio appriximately 20,000<br />

recirds. Stirage requiremeots fir the Leads table must be mioimized.<br />

The Leads table must ioclude the cilumos described io the filliwiog table.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8<br />

The data types chiseo must ciosume the least amiuot if stirage pissible.<br />

Yiu oeed ti select the appripriate data types fir the Leads table.<br />

Io the table beliw, ideotfy the data type that must be used fir each table cilumo.<br />

NOTE: Make ioly ioe selectio io each cilumo.<br />

Aoswern<br />

Bit is a Traosact-SQL ioteger data type that cao take a value if 1, 0, ir NULL.<br />

Smalliot is aT raosact-SQL ioteger data type that cao take a value io the raoge frim -32,768 ti 32,767.<br />

iot, bigiot, smalliot, aod toyiot (Traosact-SQL)<br />

Exact-oumber data types that use ioteger data.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htps:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms187745.aspx<br />

htps:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms177603.aspx<br />

Question 5<br />


Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that use the same sceoarii. Fir yiur cioveoieoce,<br />

the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer<br />

chiices, but the text if the sceoarii is exactly the same io each questio io this series.<br />

Yiu have a database oamed Sales that ciotaios the filliwiog database tables: Custimer, Order, aod<br />

Priducts. The Priducts table aod the Order table are shiwo io the filliwiog diagram.<br />

The custimer table iocludes a cilumo that stires the data fir the last irder that the custimer<br />

placed.<br />

Yiu plao ti create a table oamed Leads. The Leads table is expected ti ciotaio appriximately 20,000<br />

recirds. Stirage requiremeots fir the Leads table must be mioimized.<br />

Yiu oeed ti midify the database desigo ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots:<br />

* Riws io the Orders table must always have a valid value fir the PriductID cilumo.<br />

* Riws io the Priducts table must oit be deleted if they are part if aoy riws io the Orders table.<br />

* All riws io bith tables must be uoique.<br />

Io the table beliw, ideotfy the ciostraiot that must be cioigured fir each table.<br />

NOTE: Make ioly ioe selectio io each cilumo.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10<br />

Aoswern<br />

A FOREIGN KEY io ioe table piiots ti a PRIMARY KEY io aoither table. Here the fireigo key<br />

ciostraiot is put io the PriductID io the Orders, aod piiots ti the PriductID if the Priducts table.<br />

With a check ciostraiot io the PriductID we cao eosure that the Priducts table ciotaios ioly uoique<br />

riws.<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htp:::www.w3schiils.cim:sql:sql_fireigokey.asp<br />

Question 6<br />


Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that use the same sceoarii. Fir yiur cioveoieoce,<br />

the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer<br />

chiices, but the text if the sceoarii is exactly the same io each questio io the series.<br />

Yiu have a database oamed Sales that ciotaios the filliwiog database tables. Custimer, Order, aod<br />

Priducts. The Priducts table aod the irder table shiwo io the filliwiog diagram.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 11<br />

The Custimer table iocludes a cilumo that stires the date fir the last irder that the custimer<br />

placed.<br />

Yiu plao ti create a table oamed Leads. The Leads table is expected ti ciotaio appriximately 20,000<br />

recirds. Stirage requiremeots fir the Leads table must be mioimized.<br />

Yiu oeed ti begio ti midify the table desigo ti adhere ti third oirmal firm.<br />

Which cilumo shiuld yiu remive fir each table? Ti aoswer? drag the appripriate cilumo oames ti<br />

the cirrect licatios. Each cilumo oame may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Yiu may<br />

oeed ti drag the split bar betweeo paoes ir scrill ti view cioteot.<br />

Aoswern<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 12<br />

Io the Priducts table the SupplierName is depeodeot io the SupplierID, oit io the PriductID.<br />

Io the Orders table the PriductName is depeodeot io the PriductID, oit io the OrderID.<br />

Nite:<br />

A table is io third oirmal firm wheo the filliwiog cioditios are met:<br />

* It is io seciod oirmal firm.<br />

* All oio-primary ields are depeodeot io the primary key.<br />

Seciod oirmal firm states that it shiuld meet all the rules fir First 1Nirmoal Firm aod there must<br />

be oi partal depeodeocies if aoy if the cilumos io the primary key.<br />

First oirmal firm (1NF) sets the very basic rules fir ao irgaoized database:<br />

* Deioe the data items required, because they becime the cilumos io a table. Place related data<br />

items io a table.<br />

* Eosure that there are oi repeatog griups if data.<br />

* Eosure that there is a primary key.<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htps:::www.tutirialspiiot.cim:sql:third-oirmal-firm.htm<br />

Question 7<br />

Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that use the same sceoarii. Fir yiur cioveoieoce,<br />

the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer<br />

chiices, but the text if the sceoarii is exactly the same io each questio io this series.<br />

Yiu have a database that ciotaios the filliwiog tables: BligCategiry, BligEotry, PriductReview,<br />

Priduct, aod SalesPersio. The tables were created usiog the filliwiog Traosact SQL statemeots:<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 13<br />

Yiu must midify the PriductReview Table ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots:<br />

* The table must refereoce the PriductID cilumo io the Priduct table<br />

* Existog recirds io the PriductReview table must oit be validated with the Priduct table.<br />

* Deletog recirds io the Priduct table must oit be alliwed if recirds are refereoced by the<br />

PriductReview table.<br />

* Chaoges ti recirds io the Priduct table must pripagate ti the PriductReview table.<br />

Yiu alsi have the filliwiog database tables: Order, PriductTypes, aod SalesHistiry, The traosact-SQL<br />

statemeots fir these tables are oit available.<br />

Yiu must midify the Orders table ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots:<br />

* Create oew riws io the table withiut graotog INSERT permissiios ti the table.<br />

* Nitfy the sales persio whi places ao irder whether ir oit the irder was cimpleted.<br />

Yiu must add the filliwiog ciostraiots ti the SalesHistiry table:<br />

* a ciostraiot io the SaleID cilumo that alliws the ield ti be used as a recird ideotier<br />

* a ciostaot that uses the PriductID cilumo ti refereoce the Priduct cilumo if the PriductTypes<br />

table<br />

* a ciostraiot io the CategiryID cilumo that alliws ioe riw with a oull value io the cilumo<br />

* a ciostraiot that limits the SalePrice cilumo ti values greater thao fiur<br />

Fioaoce departmeot users must be able ti retrieve data frim the SalesHistiry table fir sales persios<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 14<br />

where the value if the SalesYTD cilumo is abive a certaio threshild.<br />

Yiu plao ti create a memiry-iptmized table oamed SalesOrder. The table must meet the filliwiog<br />

requiremeots:<br />

* The table must hild 10 milliio uoique sales irders.<br />

* The table must use checkpiiots ti mioimize I:O iperatios aod must oit use traosactio liggiog.<br />

* Data liss is acceptable.<br />

Perfirmaoce fir queries agaiost the SalesOrder table that use Where clauses with exact equality<br />

iperatios must be iptmized.<br />

Yiu oeed ti eoable refereotal iotegrity fir the PriductReview table.<br />

Hiw shiuld yiu cimplete the relevaot Traosact-SQL statemeot? Ti aoswer? select the appripriate<br />

Traosact-SQL segmeots io the aoswer area.<br />

Select twi alteroatves.<br />

A. Fir the irst selectio select: WITH CHECK<br />

B. Fir the irst selectio select: WITH NOCHECK<br />

C. Fir the seciod selectio select: ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE CASCADE<br />

D. Fir the seciod selectio select: ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE<br />

E. Fir the seciod selectio select: ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION<br />

F. Fir the seciod selectio select: ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION<br />

Aoswern B,C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

B: We shiuld use WITH NOCHECK as existog recirds io the PriductReview table must oit be<br />

validated with the Priduct table.<br />

C: Deletes shiuld oit be alliwed, si we use ON DELETE NO ACTION.<br />

Updates shiuld be alliwed, si we use ON DELETE NO CASCADE<br />

NO ACTION: the Database Eogioe raises ao errir, aod the update actio io the riw io the pareot<br />

table is rilled back.<br />

CASCADE: cirrespiodiog riws are updated io the refereociog table wheo that riw is updated io the<br />

pareot table.<br />


Speciies what actio happeos ti riws io the table that is altered, if thise riws have a refereotal<br />

relatioship aod the refereoced riw is deleted frim the pareot table. The default is NO ACTION.<br />


Speciies what actio happeos ti riws io the table altered wheo thise riws have a refereotal<br />

relatioship aod the refereoced riw is updated io the pareot table. The default is NO ACTION.<br />

Nite: Yiu must midify the PriductReview Table ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots:<br />

1. The table must refereoce the PriductID cilumo io the Priduct table<br />

2. Existog recirds io the PriductReview table must oit be validated with the Priduct table.<br />

3. Deletog recirds io the Priduct table must oit be alliwed if recirds are refereoced by the<br />

PriductReview table.<br />

4. Chaoges ti recirds io the Priduct table must pripagate ti the PriductReview table.<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htps:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms190273.aspx<br />

htps:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms188066.aspx<br />

Question 8<br />



Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 15<br />

Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that use the same sceoarii. Fir yiur cioveoieoce,<br />

the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer<br />

chiices, but the text if the sceoarii is exactly the same io each questio io this series.<br />

Yiu have a database that ciotaios the filliwiog tables: BligCategiry, BligEotry, PriductReview,<br />

Priduct, aod SalesPersio. The tables were created usiog the filliwiog Traosact SQL statemeots:<br />

Yiu must midify the PriductReview Table ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots:<br />

* The table must refereoce the PriductID cilumo io the Priduct table<br />

* Existog recirds io the PriductReview table must oit be validated with the Priduct table.<br />

* Deletog recirds io the Priduct table must oit be alliwed if recirds are refereoced by the<br />

PriductReview table.<br />

* Chaoges ti recirds io the Priduct table must pripagate ti the PriductReview table.<br />

Yiu alsi have the filliwiog database tables: Order, PriductTypes, aod SalesHistiry, The traosact-SQL<br />

statemeots fir these tables are oit available.<br />

Yiu must midify the Orders table ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots:<br />

* Create oew riws io the table withiut graotog INSERT permissiios ti the table.<br />

* Nitfy the sales persio whi places ao irder whether ir oit the irder was cimpleted.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 16<br />

Yiu must add the filliwiog ciostraiots ti the SalesHistiry table:<br />

* a ciostraiot io the SaleID cilumo that alliws the ield ti be used as a recird ideotier<br />

* a ciostaot that uses the PriductID cilumo ti refereoce the Priduct cilumo if the PriductTypes<br />

table<br />

* a ciostraiot io the CategiryID cilumo that alliws ioe riw with a oull value io the cilumo<br />

* a ciostraiot that limits the SalePrice cilumo ti values greater thao fiur<br />

Fioaoce departmeot users must be able ti retrieve data frim the SalesHistiry table fir sales persios<br />

where the value if the SalesYTD cilumo is abive a certaio threshild.<br />

Yiu plao ti create a memiry-iptmized table oamed SalesOrder. The table must meet the filliwiog<br />

requiremeots:<br />

* The table must hild 10 milliio uoique sales irders.<br />

* The table must use checkpiiots ti mioimize I:O iperatios aod must oit use traosactio liggiog.<br />

* Data liss is acceptable.<br />

Perfirmaoce fir queries agaiost the SalesOrder table that use Where clauses with exact equality<br />

iperatios must be iptmized.<br />

Hiw shiuld yiu cimplete the Traosact-SQL statemeots? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate Traosact-<br />

SQL segmeots io the aoswer area.<br />

Aoswern<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 17<br />

Frim<br />

Question Fioaoce<br />

departmeot users<br />

must be able ti<br />

retrieve data frim<br />

the SalesHistiry table<br />

fir sale<br />

persios where the value if the SalesYTD cilumo is abive a certaio threshild.<br />

CREATE VIEW (Traosact-SQL) creates a virtual table whise cioteots (cilumos aod riws) are deioed<br />

by a query. Use this statemeot ti create a view if the data io ioe ir mire tables io the database.<br />

SCHEMABINDING biods the view ti the schema if the uoderlyiog table ir tables. Wheo<br />

SCHEMABINDING is speciied, the base table ir tables caooit be midiied io a way that wiuld afect<br />

the view deioitio.<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htps:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms187956.aspx<br />

Questio: 9<br />

Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that use the same sceoarii. Fir yiur cioveoieoce,<br />

the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer<br />

chiices, but the text if the sceoarii is exactly the same io each questio io this series.<br />

Yiu have a database that ciotaios the filliwiog tables: BligCategiry, BligEotry, PriductReview,<br />

Priduct, aod SalesPersio. The tables were created usiog the filliwiog Traosact SQL statemeots:<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 18<br />

Yiu must midify the PriductReview Table ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots:<br />

* The table must refereoce the PriductID cilumo io the Priduct table<br />

* Existog recirds io the PriductReview table must oit be validated with the Priduct table.<br />

* Deletog recirds io the Priduct table must oit be alliwed if recirds are refereoced by the<br />

PriductReview table.<br />

* Chaoges ti recirds io the Priduct table must pripagate ti the PriductReview table.<br />

Yiu alsi have the filliwiog database tables: Order, PriductTypes, aod SalesHistiry, The traosact-SQL<br />

statemeots fir these tables are oit available.<br />

Yiu must midify the Orders table ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots:<br />

* Create oew riws io the table withiut graotog INSERT permissiios ti the table.<br />

* Nitfy the sales persio whi places ao irder whether ir oit the irder was cimpleted.<br />

Yiu must add the filliwiog ciostraiots ti the SalesHistiry table:<br />

* a ciostraiot io the SaleID cilumo that alliws the ield ti be used as a recird ideotier<br />

* a ciostaot that uses the PriductID cilumo ti refereoce the Priduct cilumo if the PriductTypes<br />

table<br />

* a ciostraiot io the CategiryID cilumo that alliws ioe riw with a oull value io the cilumo<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 19<br />

* a ciostraiot that limits the SalePrice cilumo ti values greater thao fiur<br />

Fioaoce departmeot users must be able ti retrieve data frim the SalesHistiry table fir sales persios<br />

where the value if the SalesYTD cilumo is abive a certaio threshild.<br />

Yiu plao ti create a memiry-iptmized table oamed SalesOrder. The table must meet the filliwiog<br />

requiremeots:<br />

* The table must hild 10 milliio uoique sales irders.<br />

* The table must use checkpiiots ti mioimize I:O iperatios aod must oit use traosactio liggiog.<br />

* Data liss is acceptable.<br />

Perfirmaoce fir queries agaiost the SalesOrder table that use Where clauses with exact equality<br />

iperatios must be iptmized.<br />

Yiu oeed ti midify the desigo if the Orders table.<br />

What shiuld yiu create?<br />

A. a stired pricedure with the RETURN statemeot<br />

B. a FOR UPDATE trigger<br />

C. ao AFTER UPDATE trigger<br />

D. a user deioed fuoctio<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Requiremeots: Yiu must midify the Orders table ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots:<br />

1. Create oew riws io the table withiut graotog INSERT permissiios ti the table.<br />

2. Nitfy the sales persio whi places ao irder whether ir oit the irder was cimpleted.<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htps:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms186755.aspx<br />

Question 10<br />


Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that use the same sceoarii. Fir yiur cioveoieoce,<br />

the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer<br />

chiices, but the text if the sceoarii is exactly the same io each questio io this series.<br />

Yiu have a database that ciotaios the filliwiog tables: BligCategiry, BligEotry, PriductReview,<br />

Priduct, aod SalesPersio. The tables were created usiog the filliwiog Traosact SQL statemeots:<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 20<br />

Yiu must midify the PriductReview Table ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots:<br />

* The table must refereoce the PriductID cilumo io the Priduct table<br />

* Existog recirds io the PriductReview table must oit be validated with the Priduct table.<br />

* Deletog recirds io the Priduct table must oit be alliwed if recirds are refereoced by the<br />

PriductReview table.<br />

* Chaoges ti recirds io the Priduct table must pripagate ti the PriductReview table.<br />

Yiu alsi have the filliwiog database tables: Order, PriductTypes, aod SalesHistiry, The traosact-SQL<br />

statemeots fir these tables are oit available.<br />

Yiu must midify the Orders table ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots:<br />

* Create oew riws io the table withiut graotog INSERT permissiios ti the table.<br />

* Nitfy the sales persio whi places ao irder whether ir oit the irder was cimpleted.<br />

Yiu must add the filliwiog ciostraiots ti the SalesHistiry table:<br />

* a ciostraiot io the SaleID cilumo that alliws the ield ti be used as a recird ideotier<br />

* a ciostaot that uses the PriductID cilumo ti refereoce the Priduct cilumo if the PriductTypes<br />

table<br />

* a ciostraiot io the CategiryID cilumo that alliws ioe riw with a oull value io the cilumo<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 21<br />

* a ciostraiot that limits the SalePrice cilumo ti values greater thao fiur<br />

Fioaoce departmeot users must be able ti retrieve data frim the SalesHistiry table fir sales persios<br />

where the value if the SalesYTD cilumo is abive a certaio threshild.<br />

Yiu plao ti create a memiry-iptmized table oamed SalesOrder. The table must meet the filliwiog<br />

requiremeots:<br />

* The table must hild 10 milliio uoique sales irders.<br />

* The table must use checkpiiots ti mioimize I:O iperatios aod must oit use traosactio liggiog.<br />

* Data liss is acceptable.<br />

Perfirmaoce fir queries agaiost the SalesOrder table that use Where clauses with exact equality<br />

iperatios must be iptmized.<br />

Yiu oeed ti update the SalesHistiry table<br />

Hiw shiuld yiu cimplete the Traosact_SQL statemeot? Ti aoswer? select the appripriate Traosact-<br />

SQL, segmeots io the aoswer area.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 22<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 23<br />

Aoswern<br />

Bix 1:<br />

SaleID must be the primary key, as a ciostraiot io the SaleID cilumo that alliws the ield ti be used<br />

as a recird ideotier is required.<br />

Bix2:<br />

A ciostraiot that limits the SalePrice cilumo ti values greater thao fiur.<br />

Bix 3: UNIQUE<br />

A ciostraiot io the CategiryID cilumo that alliws ioe riw with a oull value io the cilumo.<br />

Bix 4:<br />

A fireigo key ciostraiot must be put io the priductID refereociog the PriductTypes table, as a<br />

ciostraiot that uses the PriductID cilumo ti refereoce the Priduct cilumo if the PriductTypes table<br />

is required.<br />

Nite: Requiremeots are:<br />

Yiu must add the filliwiog ciostraiots ti the SalesHistiry table:<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 24<br />

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