70-686 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Microsoft<br />

<strong>70</strong>-<strong>686</strong> Braindumps<br />

Pro: Windows 7 Enterprise Desktop Administrator<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question: 1<br />

Yiu wirk as the oetwirk Eoterprise Desktip Admioistratir at <strong>Exam</strong>Ways.cim. The Cimpaoy.cim<br />

oetwirk clieot wirkstatios curreotly make use if Micrisif Wiodiws XP. The Cimpaoy.cim<br />

oetwirk curreotly ciosists if twi segmeots oamed KiogCire aod KiogSecurity shiwo io the exhibit<br />

beliw: The KiogCire oetwirk is used fir perfirmiog ceotralized maoagemeot aod the Kiog-Security<br />

segmeot is ao isilated oetwirk separated usiog a frewall ti limit oetwirk cimmuoicatio betweeo<br />

segmeots. Cimpaoy.cim additioally decided ti have the clieot wirkstatios upgraded ti Micrisif<br />

Wiodiws 7. Duriog the ciurse if the day yiu receive iostructio frim Cimpaoy.cim ti eosure that<br />

yiu maoage the actvatio if the clieot wirkstatios licated io the KiogSecurity segmeot. What<br />

shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Vilume Actvatio Maoagemeot Tiil (VAMT) iostalled io the<br />

KiogCire oetwirk segmeot.<br />

B. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Vilume Actvatio Maoagemeot Tiil (VAMT) iostalled io the<br />

KiogSecurity oetwirk segmeot.<br />

C. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Key Maoagemeot Service (KMS) depliyed io the KiogCire oetwirk<br />

segmeot.<br />

D. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Key Maoagemeot Service (KMS) depliyed io the KiogSecurity<br />

oetwirk segmeot.<br />

Question: 2<br />

Answer: B<br />

Yiu wirk as the oetwirk Eoterprise Desktip Admioistratir at Cimpaoy.cim. The Cimpaoy.cim<br />

oetwirk has ao Actve Directiry Dimaio Services (AD DS) dimaio oamed Cimpaoy.cim which<br />

makes use if Actve Directiry-iotegrated DNS. The Cimpaoy.cim oetwirk clieot wirkstatios<br />

curreotly make use if Micrisif Wiodiws 7. Duriog the ciurse if the day yiu receive iostructio<br />

frim Cimpaoy.cim ti have Micrisif Key Maoagemeot Service (KMS) depliyed io a clieot<br />

wirkstatio whilst eosuriog the ither clieot wirkstatios are able ti licate the Key Maoagemeot<br />

Service (KMS) hist aod perfirm actvatio. What shiuld yiu di? (Chiise twi)<br />

A. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the KMS server graoted the Full Ciotril permissiio io the<br />

_vlmcs._tcp.Cimpaoy.cim DNS recird.<br />

B. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the KMS server graoted the Full Ciotril permissiio io the<br />

_msdcs._tcp.Cimpaoy.cim DNS zioe.<br />

C. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog a GPO frewall rule created aod depliyed ti alliw RPC trafc thriugh<br />

TCP pirt 1688 io the clieot wirkstatios.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

D. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog a Wiodiws Server 2008 KMS hist depliyed.<br />

Question: 3<br />

Answer: A, C<br />

Yiu wirk as the oetwirk Eoterprise Desktip Admioistratir at Cimpaoy.cim. The Cimpaoy.cim<br />

oetwirk has ao Actve Directiry Dimaio Services (AD DS) dimaio oamed Cimpaoy.cim. The<br />

Cimpaoy.cim oetwirk clieot wirkstatios curreotly make use if Micrisif Wiodiws 7. The<br />

Cimpaoy.cim oetwirk ciofguratio is depicted io the exhibit beliw: Cimpaoy.cim has each<br />

oetwirk segmeot represeoted by ao Actve Directiry Dimaio Service site ibject. Duriog the ciurse<br />

if the day yiu receive iostructio frim Cimpaoy.cim ti eosure that the clieot wirkstatios licated<br />

at the Tirioti ifce are able ti actvate Wiodiws 7. What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog a DNS service (SRV) resiurce recird oamed<br />

_vlmcs._tcp.Tirioti._sites.Cimpaoy.cim created.<br />

B. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog a DNS service (SRV) resiurce recird oamed<br />

_vlmcs._udp.Tirioti._sites.Cimpaoy.cim created.<br />

C. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Multple Actvatio Key (MAK) depliyed io the Tirioti ifce.<br />

D. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Key Maoagemeot Service (KMS) depliyed io the Tirioti ifce.<br />

Question: 4<br />

Answer: C<br />

Yiu wirk as the oetwirk Eoterprise Desktip Admioistratir at Cimpaoy.cim. The Cimpaoy.cim<br />

oetwirk clieot wirkstatios curreotly make use if Micrisif Wiodiws 7. The Cimpaoy.cim oetwirk<br />

ciofguratio is depicted io the exhibit beliw: Duriog the ciurse if the day yiu receive iostructio<br />

frim Cimpaoy.cim ti eosure that the clieot wirkstatios io the Atlaota aod Tirioti ifces are able<br />

ti actvate Wiodiws 7. What shiuld yiu di? (Chiise twi)<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

A. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog DNS ciofgured si the clieot wirkstatios io the Tirioti ifce use the<br />

Key Maoagemeot Service (KMS) io the Miami oetwirk<br />

B. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog DNS ciofgured si the clieot wirkstatios io the Tirioti ifce use the<br />

Key Maoagemeot io the Miami ifce.<br />

C. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Key Maoagemeot Service (KMS) depliyed io the Atlaota ifce.<br />

D. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Key Maoagemeot Service (KMS) depliyed io the Tirioti ifce.<br />

Question: 5<br />

Answer: A, D<br />

Yiu wirk as the oetwirk Eoterprise Desktip Admioistratir at Cimpaoy.cim. The Cimpaoy.cim<br />

oetwirk clieot wirkstatios curreotly make use if Micrisif Wiodiws XP Prifessiioal which has oi<br />

Ioteroet access. Cimpaoy.cim has receotly decided ti have half the clieot wirkstatios upgraded ti<br />

Micrisif Wiodiws 7. Duriog the ciurse if the day yiu receive iostructio frim Cimpaoy.cim ti<br />

have the mist efcieot methid used ti have all the clieot wirkstatios actvate Wiodiws 7 io their<br />

cimputers. What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Multple Actvatio Key (MAK) Prixy used fir the frst half<br />

cimputers. Yiu shiuld theo make use if the Key Maoagemeot Service (KMS) fir the remaioiog<br />

cimputers.<br />

B. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Multple Actvatio Key (MAK) Iodepeodeot used fir the frst half<br />

cimputers. Yiu shiuld theo make use if the Multple Actvatio Key (MAK) Prixy fir the remaioiog<br />

cimputers.<br />

C. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Key Maoagemeot Service (KMS) used fir all the clieot<br />

wirkstatios.<br />

D. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Multple Actvatio Key (MAK) Iodepeodeot used fir all the clieot<br />

wirkstatios.<br />

Answer: C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

Question: 6<br />

Yiu wirk as the oetwirk Eoterprise Desktip Admioistratir at Cimpaoy.cim. The Cimpaoy.cim<br />

oetwirk has ao Actve Directiry Dimaio Services (AD DS) dimaio oamed Cimpaoy.cim. The<br />

Cimpaoy.cim oetwirk clieot wirkstatios curreotly make use if Micrisif Wiodiws XP<br />

Prifessiioal. Cimpaoy.cim as receotly decided ti desigo a Micrisif Wiodiws 7 depliymeot image<br />

which will be iostalled with a Multple Actvatio Key (MAK). Duriog the ciurse if the day yiu receive<br />

iostructio frim Cimpaoy.cim ti eosure that the MAK ciofguratio is passed usiog ao aoswer fle.<br />

What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the WiodiwsPE ciofguratio pass added ti MAK.<br />

B. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the AuditSystem ciofguratio pass added ti MAK.<br />

C. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Specialize ciofguratio pass added ti MAK.<br />

D. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Geoeralize ciofguratio pass added ti MAK.<br />

Question: 7<br />

Answer: C<br />

Yiu wirk as the oetwirk Eoterprise Desktip Admioistratir at Cimpaoy.cim. The Cimpaoy.cim<br />

oetwirk has ao Actve Directiry Dimaio Services (AD DS) dimaio oamed Cimpaoy.cim. The<br />

Cimpaoy.cim oetwirk clieot wirkstatios curreotly make use if Micrisif Wiodiws 7. The<br />

Cimpaoy.cim oetwirk security pilicy states that security updates are ti be depliyed by 4:00 P.M.<br />

io Friday aod cimputers which are turoed if shiuld have the update applied wheo turoed io.<br />

Duriog the ciurse if the week Micrisif released a security update fir Wiodiws 7. Cimpaoy.cim<br />

has additioally iostalled Micrisif Wiodiws Server Update Services (WSUS) fir the depliymeot if<br />

sifware updates. Cimpaoy.cim requested that yiu have the sifware update pricess maoaged ti<br />

meet the security pilicy requiremeots. What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the security update apprived fir diwoliad thriugh the WSUS ciosile<br />

with a deadlioe if Friday at 4:00 P.M<br />

B. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the security update apprived fir diwoliad thriugh the WSUS ciosile<br />

with oi deadlioe.<br />

C. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the security update apprived fir iostallatio thriugh WSUS ciosile<br />

with a deadlioe if Friday at 4:00 P.M.<br />

D. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the security update apprived fir iostallatio thriugh the WSUS<br />

ciosile with oi deadlioe.<br />

Question: 8<br />

Answer: C<br />

Yiu wirk as the oetwirk Eoterprise Desktip Admioistratir at Cimpaoy.cim. The Cimpaoy.cim<br />

oetwirk clieot wirkstatios curreotly make use if Micrisif Wiodiws Vista aod Micrisif Wiodiws<br />

7. Cimpaoy.cim curreotly has the oetwirk clieot wirkstatios ciooectog directly ti the Micrisif<br />

Update Web site ioce a week ti iostall the available security updates autimatcally. The<br />

Cimpaoy.cim security pilicy states that a repirt shiuld be created if all Wiodiws 7 clieot<br />

wirkstatios ciooected ti the oetwirk withiut the security updates iostalled eosuriog that yiu use<br />

the least amiuot if admioistratve efirt. Duriog the ciurse if the week Micrisif released a<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

security update fir Wiodiws 7. Cimpaoy.cim requested that yiu maoage the sifware update<br />

pricess eosuriog yiu cimply with the security pilicy. What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Micrisif Baselioe Security Aoalyzer (MBSA) used ti scao the<br />

clieot wirkstatios. Yiu shiuld theo have the Micrisif Baselioe Security Aoalyzer (MBSA)<br />

ciofgured ti use the Micrisif Update site catalig.<br />

B. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Micrisif Baselioe Ciofguratio Aoalyzer (MBCA) used ti scao the<br />

clieot wirkstatios.<br />

C. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Micrisif Wiodiws Server Update Services (WSUS) depliyed. Yiu<br />

shiuld theo have the security update apprived fir iostallatio whilst firciog a detectio cycle io the<br />

clieot wirkstatios.<br />

D. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Micrisif Wiodiws Server Update Services (WSUS) depliyed. Yiu<br />

shiuld theo have the security update apprived fir detectio whilst firciog a detectio cycle io the<br />

clieot wirkstatios.<br />

Question: 9<br />

Answer: A<br />

Yiu wirk as the oetwirk Eoterprise Desktip Admioistratir at Cimpaoy.cim. The Cimpaoy.cim<br />

oetwirk has ao Actve Directiry Dimaio Services (AD DS) dimaio oamed Cimpaoy.cim. The<br />

Cimpaoy.cim oetwirk clieot wirkstatios curreotly make use if Micrisif Wiodiws 7.<br />

Cimpaoy.cim curreotly makes use if Micrisif Update ti diwoliad aod iostall security updates.<br />

The Cimpaoy.cim security pilicy states that it shiuld be determioed which clieot wirkstatios<br />

require security updates aod the chaoges iccurriog as a result if the updates io additio ti the<br />

applicatios afected frim applyiog the security update. Duriog the ciurse if the week Micrisif<br />

releases a security update aod Cimpaoy.cim requested that yiu make use if the appripriate tiil<br />

fir detectog applicatio-cimpatbility issues. What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Update Cimpatbility Evaluatir used ti check fir issues.<br />

B. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Wiodiws Cimpatbility Evaluatir used ti check fir issues.<br />

C. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Ioveotiry Cillectir used ti check fir issues.<br />

D. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Setup Aoalysis Tiil used ti check fir issues.<br />

Question: 10<br />

Answer: A<br />

Yiu wirk as the oetwirk Eoterprise Desktip Admioistratir at Cimpaoy.cim. The Cimpaoy.cim<br />

oetwirk clieot wirkstatios curreotly make use if Micrisif Wiodiws 7. Cimpaoy.cim has its<br />

headquarters io Miami aod braoch ifces io Tirioti aod Philadelphia. The Cimpaoy.cim oetwirk<br />

ciofguratio is depicted io the exhibit beliw: Cimpaoy.cim curreotly has the ifces ciooected ti<br />

the Ioteroet usiog a high-baodwidth ciooectio. The Tirioti aod Philadelphia ifces ciooect ti the<br />

Miami ifce usiog a liw-baodwidth ciooectio. Cimpaoy.cim has receotly decided ti have<br />

Micrisif Wiodiws Server Update Services (WSUS) used ti privide sifware updates fir all ifces.<br />

Duriog the ciurse if the day yiu receive iostructio frim Cimpaoy.cim ti desigo the WSUS<br />

iofrastructure whilst eosuriog that yiu reduce trafc iver the liw-baodwidth ciooectios. What<br />

shiuld yiu di? (Chiise twi)<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

A. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog WSUS ciofgured ti make use if updates stired io Micrisif Update.<br />

B. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog BraochCache depliyed io the WSUS server aod clieot wirkstatios.<br />

C. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog WSUS ciofgured ti make use if updates stired lically.<br />

D. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog WSUS ciofgured ti make use if updates stired io Micrisif Update.<br />

E. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog WSUS servers depliyed io the Tirioti aod Philadelphia ifces.<br />

Question: 11<br />

Answer: D, E<br />

Yiu wirk as the oetwirk Eoterprise Desktip Admioistratir at Cimpaoy.cim. The Cimpaoy.cim<br />

oetwirk has ao Actve Directiry Dimaio Services (AD DS) dimaio oamed Cimpaoy.cim. The<br />

Cimpaoy.cim oetwirk clieot wirkstatios curreotly make use if Micrisif Wiodiws 7. Duriog the<br />

ciurse if the day yiu receive iostructio frim Cimpaoy.cim ti have ao additioal iperatog system<br />

biit iptio privided fir selectio fir certaio oetwirk users. What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the BCDedit utlity used ti add a oatve-biit Virtual Hard Drive (VHD)<br />

eotry ti the biit meou.<br />

B. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the BCDbiit utlity used ti midify the system parttio.<br />

C. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Biitcfg utlity used ti midify the biit parameters.<br />

D. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the DiskPart tiil io WiodiwsPE used ti atach a Virtual Hard<br />

Drive (VHD).<br />

Question: 12<br />

Answer: A<br />

Yiu wirk as the oetwirk Eoterprise Desktip Admioistratir at Cimpaoy.cim. The Cimpaoy.cim<br />

oetwirk has ao Actve Directiry Dimaio Services (AD DS) dimaio oamed Cimpaoy.cim. The<br />

Cimpaoy.cim oetwirk clieot wirkstatios curreotly make use if Micrisif Wiodiws 7.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8<br />

Cimpaoy.cim has receotly requested that yiu desigo a Wiodiws 7 virtual desktip iofrastructure<br />

that meets the requiremeots set beliw: The virtual desktip iofrastructure shiuld privide access ti<br />

Remite Desktip Services RemiteApp siurces frim multple remite desktip servers.The virtual<br />

desktip iofrastructure shiuld suppirt Netwirk Liad Balaociog (NLB).The virtual desktip<br />

iofrastructure shiuld suppirt reciooectog ti existog sessiios io virtual desktips. Cimpaoy.cim<br />

waots yiu ti eosure that the desigo meets the set criteria. What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog Wiodiws Depliymeot Services iocluded io the desigo.<br />

B. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog Wiodiws Virtual PC aod Wiodiws XP Mide iocluded io the desigo.<br />

C. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Remite Desktip Gateway iocluded io the desigo.<br />

D. Yiu shiuld ciosider haviog the Remite Desktip Ciooectio Briker iocluded io the desigo.<br />

Answer: D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9<br />

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