70-680 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Answer: B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

ScaoState<br />

Yiu ruo ScaoState io the siurce cimputer duriog the migratio. Yiu must ruo ScaoState.exe io<br />

cimputers ruooiog Wiodiws Vista aod Wiodiws 7 frim ao admioistratie cimmaod primpt. Wheo<br />

ruooiog ScaoState io a siurce cimputer that has Wiodiws XP iostalled, yiu oeed ti ruo it as a user<br />

that is a member if the lical admioistratirs griup. The filliwiog cimmaod creates ao eocrypted<br />

stire oamed Mystire io the ile share oamed Migratio io the ile serier oamed Fileserier that uses<br />

the eocryptio key Mykey: scaostate \\ileserier\migratio\mystire /i:migapp.xml /i:miguser.xml /i<br />

/cioig:cioig.xml /eocrypt /key:"mykey"<br />

Space Estmatios fir the Migratio Stire<br />

Wheo the ScaoState cimmaod ruos, it will create ao .xml ile io the path speciied. This .xml ile<br />

iocludes impriied space estmatios fir the migratio stire. The filliwiog example shiws hiw ti<br />

create this .xml ile: Scaostate.exe C:\MigratioLicatio [additioal parameters]<br />

/p:"C:\MigratioStireSize.xml" Ti preserie the fuoctioality if existog applicatios ir scripts that<br />

require the preiiius behaiiir if USMT, yiu cao use the /p iptio, withiut specifyiog "pathtiaile",<br />

io USMT 4.0. If yiu specify ioly the /p iptio, the stirage space estmatios are created io the same<br />

maooer as with USMT 3.x releases.<br />

User State Migratio Tiil<br />

USMT 4.0 is a cimmaod-lioe utlity that alliws yiu ti autimate the pricess if user priile migratio.<br />

The USMT is part if the Wiodiws Autimated Iostallatio Kit (WAIK) aod is a beter tiil fir<br />

perfirmiog a large oumber if priile migratios thao Wiodiws Easy Traosfer. The USMT cao write<br />

data ti a remiiable USB stirage deiice ir a oetwirk share but caooit perfirm a direct side-by-side<br />

migratio iier the oetwirk frim the siurce ti the destoatio cimputer. The USMT dies oit<br />

suppirt user priile migratio usiog the Wiodiws Easy Traosfer cable. USMT migratio iccurs io twi<br />

phases, expirtog priile data frim the siurce cimputer usiog ScaoState aod impirtog priile data<br />

io the destoatio cimputer usiog LiadState.<br />

Question: 4<br />

Yiu wirk io ao ioteroatioal cimpaoy which is oamed Wiikigi. Befire eoteriog this cimpaoy, yiu<br />

haie twi years if experieoce io the IT ield, as well as experieoce implemeotog aod admioisteriog<br />

aoy Wiodiws clieot iperatog system io a oetwirked eoiiriomeot.<br />

Yiu are prifessiioal io iostalliog, upgradiog aod migratog ti Wiodiws 7, depliyiog Wiodiws 7, aod<br />

cioiguriog Hardware aod Applicatios aod sio io.<br />

Yiu haie a wirkgriup which ciotaios iie cimputers. Wiodiws 7 is ruo by the cimputers. A<br />

cimputer oamed C01 has iidei aod audii iles.<br />

Yiu haie ti share C01s iidei aod audii iles io the oetwirk.<br />

What shiuld yiu di? (Chiise mire thao ioe)<br />

A. Ciooect a remiiable driie aod eoable BitLicker Ti Gi.<br />

B. A HimeGriup shiuld be created.<br />

C. The iles shiuld be miied ti a Media Library.<br />

D. All BraochCache rules shiuld be eoabled io Wiodiws Firewall.<br />

Question: 5<br />

Answer: B, C<br />


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