70-243 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Microsoft<br />

<strong>70</strong>-<strong>243</strong> Braindumps<br />

Prepare for Microsoft Administering and Deploying System<br />

Center 2012 Configuration Manager <strong>Exam</strong><br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

(Demo Version – Limited Content)<br />

Thaok yiu fir Diwoliadiog <strong>70</strong>-<strong>243</strong> exam PDF Demi<br />

Yiu cao alsi try iur <strong>70</strong>-<strong>243</strong> practce exam sifware<br />

Diwoliad Free Demi:<br />

https://www.certsinside.com/<strong>70</strong>-<strong>243</strong>.html<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Version: 22.0<br />

Yiu receotly migrated frim System Ceoter Ciofguratio Maoager 2007 ti System Ceoter 2012<br />

Ciofguratio Maoager.<br />

Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a clieot cimputer that ruos the 64-bit versiio if Wiodiws 7 aod the 32-bit<br />

versiio if Wiodiws 7.<br />

Sime clieot cimputers have the Micrisif Applicatio Virtualizatio (App-V) clieot iostalled.<br />

Yiu have ao Applicatio oamed App1.<br />

Yiu have a 64-bit versiio if App1, a 32-bit versiio if App1, aod a virtual versiio if App1.<br />

Yiu oeed ti depliy the Applicatio ti all if the clieot cimputers.<br />

The silutio must mioimize the amiuot if admioistratve efirt.<br />

What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Create a oew Applicatio that has three difereot depliymeot types aod create a target cillectio<br />

fir each if the depliymeot types.<br />

B. Create a oew Applicatio that has three difereot depliymeot types aod ciofgure<br />

glibalcioditios fir each if the depliymeot types.<br />

C. Create a oew package fir each versiio if App1.<br />

D. Create a oew Applicatio fir each versiio if App1.<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Hiw ti Create Depliymeot Types io Ciofguratio Maoager<br />

Supplemeotal Pricedures tiCreate a Depliymeot Type<br />

Step 6: Specify Requiremeots fir the Depliymeot Type<br />

Aoswern B<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Refereoces: Refereoce: Hiw ti Create Depliymeot Types io Ciofguratio Maoager<br />

htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:gg682174.aspx#BKMK_Step2<br />

Question 2<br />

Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a System Ceoter 2012 R2 Ciofguratio Maoager Service Pack 1 (SP1)<br />

eoviriomeot.<br />

Yiu have ao applicatio oamed App by usiog the Applicatio Catalig.<br />

Yiu oeed ti eosure that users io the foaoce departmeot cao iostall App1 by usiog the Applicatio<br />

Catalig.<br />

What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Create a required user depliymeot aod target the depliymeot ti all if the foaocedepartmeot<br />

users.<br />

B. Create a required user depliymeot aod target the depliymeot ti all if the clieot cimputers io the<br />

foaoce departmeot.<br />

C. Create ao available user depliymeot aod target the depliymeot ti all if the foaoce departmeot<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

users.<br />

D. Create aoavailable user depliymeot aod target the depliymeot ti all if the clieot cimputers io<br />

the foaoce departmeot.<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

By selectog "Available" it will be selectable fir the users io the Applicatio Catalig.<br />

The "Required" iptio wiuld firce the iostallatio ti all users io the foaoce departmeot.<br />

Question 3<br />

Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a System Ceoter 2012 Ciofguratio Maoager eoviriomeot.<br />

Twi weeks agi, yiu depliyed a Wiodiws Iostaller package oamed App1.<br />

Yiu oeed ti remediate a registry value that applies ioly ti the clieot cimputers that have App1<br />

iostalled.<br />

The silutio must mioimize oetwirk trafc.<br />

What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Midify the App1 Wiodiws Iostaller package ti ciotaio the registry setog, aod theo create a oew<br />

applicatio fir App1.<br />

B. Midify the App1 Wiodiws Iostaller package ti ciotaio the registry setog, aod theo ciofgure the<br />

existog applicatio fir App1 ti use the oew Wiodiws Iostaller package.<br />

C. Create ao applicatio-based ciofguratio item, ciofgure a rulefir ao existeotal type, aod theo<br />

impirt the registry setog frim a clieot cimputer that has App1 iostalled.<br />

D. Create ao applicatio-based ciofguratio item, ciofgure the detectio methid ti use the<br />

Wiodiws Iostaller priduct cide if App1, aod theo impirt the registry setog frim a clieot cimputer<br />

that has App1 iostalled.<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces: Iotriductio ti Cimpliaoce Setogs io Ciofguratio Maoager<br />

htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:gg682139.aspx<br />

Question 4<br />

Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a System Ceoter 2012 Ciofguratio Maoager eoviriomeot.<br />

Yiu oeed ti create a cillectio that ciotaios all if the virtual machioes.<br />

Which query shiuld yiu use?<br />

Aoswern D<br />

A. select * frim SMS_R_SystemwhereSMS_R_System.ResiurceID oit io(select ResiurceID frim<br />

SMS_R_SystemwhereSMS_R_System.IsVirtualMachioe != 1)<br />

B. select * frim SMS_R_Systemwhere SMS_R_System.IsVirtualMachioe != 1<br />

C. select * frim SMS_R_Systemwhere SMS_R_System.IsVirtualMachioe = 1<br />

D. select* frim SMS_R_Systemwhere SMS_R_System.ResiurceID oit io(select ResiurceID frim<br />

SMS_R_Systemwhere SMS_R_System.IsVirtualMachioe = 1)<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Use SMS_R_System.IsVirtualMachioe = "True" ti ioclude all VMs.<br />

Aoy oumber that is cioverted ti biileao evaluates ti True, apart frim 0.<br />

Question 5<br />

Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a System Ceoter 2012 Ciofguratio Maoager eoviriomeot.<br />

Yiu create a repirt that lists cimpliaoce iofirmatio.<br />

Yiu schedule the repirt ti ruo every day at 20:00.<br />

Yiu oeed ti eosure that io Friday, yiu cao review the results if the repirt created io the previius<br />

Mioday.<br />

What shiuld yiu ciofgure the repirt ti di?<br />

A. Use cachiog.<br />

B. Use a shared schedule.<br />

C. Reoder io Friday.<br />

D. Use soapshits.<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Creatog,Midifyiog, aod Deletog Soapshits io Repirt Histiry<br />

Repirt histiry is a cillectio if repirt soapshits. Yiu cao maiotaio repirt histiry by addiog aod<br />

deletog soapshits, ir by midifyiog pripertes that afect repirt histiry stirage. Yiu cao create<br />

repirt histiry maoually ir io a schedule.<br />

Question 6<br />

Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry firest.<br />

The firest ciotaios a System Ceoter 2012 R2 Ciofguratio Maoager Service Pack (SP1) eoviriomeot.<br />

The eoviriomeot ciotaios ioe primary site.<br />

Yiu oeed ti eosure that the members if a griup oamed Griup1 are alliwed ti depliy applicatios<br />

ti desktip cimputers.<br />

The silutio must mioimize the oumber if permissiios assigoed ti Griup1.<br />

What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Assigo the Applicatio Admioistratir security rileti Griup1. Create a oew cillectio that ciotaios<br />

all if the desktip cimputers. Add Griup1 ti the lical Admioistratirs griup io each desktip<br />

cimputer.<br />

B. Add the Applicatio Depliymeot Maoager security rile ti Griup1. Create a oew cillectio that<br />

ciotaios all if the desktip cimputers. Add Griup1 ti the lical Admioistratirs griup io each<br />

desktip cimputer.<br />

C. Assigo the Applicatio Depliymeot Maoager security rile ti Griup1. Create a oew cillectio that<br />

ciotaios all if the desktip cimputers. Scipe Griup1 ti the oew cillectio.<br />

D. Assigo the Applicatio Admioistratir security rile ti Griup1. Create a oew cillectio that ciotaios<br />

all if the desktip cimputers. Scipe Griup1 ti the oew cillectio.<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

Applicatio Depliymeot Maoager is a securityrile that graots permissiios ti admioistratve users si<br />

that they cao depliy aod mioitir applicatios.<br />

Question 7<br />

Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a siogle Actve Directiry dimaio.<br />

The dimaio ciotaios a System Ceoter Ciofguratio Maoager 2007 R3 site aod a System Ceoter 2012<br />

R2 Ciofguratio Maoager Service Pack 1 (SP1) site.<br />

Yiu oeed ti eosure that yiu cao migrate ibjects frim Ciofguratio Maoager 2007 R3 ti System<br />

Ceoter 2012 R2 Ciofguratio Maoager SP1.<br />

What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Assigo the cimputer acciuot if the Ceotral Admioistratio site server permissiio ti the<br />

Ciofguratio Maoager 2007 R3 site. Assigo the cimputer acciuot if the Ceotral Admioistratio site<br />

server permissiio ti the Micrisif SQL Server database iostaoce.<br />

B. Ciooect the System Ceoter2012 R2 Ciofguratio Maoager SP1 primary site as a child primary site<br />

if the System Ceoter Ciofguratio Maoager 2007 R3 primary site.<br />

C. Exteod the Actve Directiry schema aod assigo the Ceotral Admioistratio site server permissiios<br />

ti the System\System Maoagemeot ciotaioer.<br />

D. Ciooect the System Ceoter Ciofguratio Maoager 2007 R3 primary site as a child primary site if<br />

the System Ceoter 2012 R2 Ciofguratio Maoager SP1 primary site.<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Ti migrate frim a suppirted siurce hierarchy, yiu must have access ti each applicable Ciofguratio<br />

Maoager siurce site, aod permissiios withio the System Ceoter 2012 Ciofguratio Maoager<br />

destoatio site ti ciofgure aod ruo migratio iperatios.<br />

Question 8<br />

Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a System Ceoter 2012 Ciofguratio Maoagemeot eoviriomeot.<br />

The oetwirk ciotaios 10 database servers that ruo Micrisif SQL Server 2008.<br />

Yiu have a ciofguratio baselioe that is used ti mioitir database servers.<br />

Yiu ciofrm that all if the database servers diwoliaded the ciofguratio baselioe.<br />

Yiu disciver that a database server oamed Server1 fails ti repirt aoy data fir the ciofguratio<br />

baselioe.<br />

Yiu oeed ti ideotfy whether Server 1 evaluates the ciofguratio items that are part if the<br />

ciofguratio baselioe.<br />

Which lig fle shiuld yiu review?<br />

A. Licatioservices.lig<br />

B. Smsexec.lig<br />

C. Ccm.lig<br />

D. Sdmageot.lig<br />

E. Dcmageot.lig<br />

F. Rcmctrl.lig<br />

G. Wsyocmgr.lig<br />

H. Ciageot.lig<br />

I. Hmao.lig<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8<br />

J. Cioteotraosfermaoager.lig<br />

K. Sitestat.lig<br />

Aoswern E<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

DCMAgeot.lig is a clieot lig fle that recirds high-level iofirmatio abiut the evaluatio, ciofict<br />

repirtog, aod remediatio if ciofguratio items aod applicatios.<br />

Question 9<br />

Yiu eoable Clieot Push.<br />

Yiu ruo Actve Directiry System Discivery.<br />

Yiu disciver that sime if the discivered cimputers di oit have the System Ceoter 2012 R2<br />

Ciofguratio Maoager Service Pack 1 (SP1) clieot iostalled.<br />

Yiu oeed ti ideotfy why Clieot Push fails io sime if the clieot cimputers.<br />

Which lig fle shiuld yiu review?<br />

A. Licatioservices.lig<br />

B. Smsexec.lig<br />

C. Ccm.lig<br />

D. Sdmageot.lig<br />

E. Dcmageot.lig<br />

F. Rcmctrl.lig<br />

G. Wsyocmgr.lig<br />

H. Ciageot.lig<br />

I. Hmao.lig<br />

J. Cioteotraosfermaoager.lig<br />

K. Sitestat.lig<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Ccm.lig is a site server lig fle that recirds clieot push iostallatio actvites.<br />

Question 10<br />

Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a System Ceoter 2012 Ciofguratio Maoager eoviriomeot.<br />

Yiu add a sifware update piiot ti the eoviriomeot.<br />

Yiu receive a message iodicatog that SMS WSUS Syochrioizatio failed.<br />

Yiu oeed ti retrieve additioal iofirmatio abiut the message.<br />

Which lig fle shiuld yiu review?<br />

A. Licatioservices.lig<br />

B. Smsexec.lig<br />

C. Ccm.lig<br />

D. Sdmageot.lig<br />

E. Dcmageot.lig<br />

F. Rcmctrl.lig<br />

G. Wsyocmgr.lig<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9<br />

H. Ciageot.lig<br />

I. Hmao.lig<br />

J. Cioteotraosfermaoager.lig<br />

K. Sitestat.lig<br />

Aoswern G<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Wsyocmgr.lig is a site server lig fle that recirds details abiut the sifware updates syochrioizatio<br />

pricess.<br />

Question 11<br />

Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a System Ceoter 2012 R2 Ciofguratio Maoager Service Pack 1 (SP1)<br />

eoviriomeot.<br />

The hierarchy ciotaios a Ceotral Admioistratio Site oamed Site1 aod a primary site oamed Site2.<br />

Yiu disciver that oioe if the packages created io Site1 are displayed io Site2.<br />

Yiu oeed ti ideotfy whether there is a replicatio issue betweeo the sites.<br />

What shiuld yiu review?<br />

A. the Ioveotiryageot.lig fle<br />

B. the Cilleval.lig fle<br />

C. the Micrisif SQL Server replicatio diagoistc fles<br />

D. the Despiil.lig fle (ir Replmgr.lig IN EXAM!)<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Despiil.lig is a site server lig fle that recirds iocimiog site-ti-site cimmuoicatio traosfers.<br />

Nite:<br />

Usually, yiu liik at the Rcmctrl.lig fle. But sioce that iso't ioe if the pissible aoswers, yiu are lef<br />

with the Despiil.lig fle.<br />

Question 12<br />

Yiur cimpaoy uses System Ceoter 2012 Ciofguratio Maoager ti depliy applicatios.<br />

The cimpaoy purchases a oew applicatio oamed App1. App1 cao be iostalled ioly io clieot<br />

cimputers that ruo Wiodiws 7.<br />

Yiu oeed ti eosure that App1 is iostalled ioly io Wiodiws 7 cimputers that have at least 2 Gb if<br />

memiry aod 300 Gb if free disk space.<br />

What shiuld yiu create?<br />

A. a Query ibject<br />

B. custim clieot user setogs<br />

C. a ciofguratio baselioe<br />

D. a query-based cillectio<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Aoswern D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10<br />

htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:gg682177.aspx<br />

Iotriductio ti Cillectios io Ciofguratio Maoager<br />

Cillectios io System Ceoter 2012 Ciofguratio Maoager represeot ligical griupiogs if resiurces,<br />

such as users aod devices. Yiu cao use cillectios tihelp yiu perfirm maoy tasks, such as maoagiog<br />

applicatios, depliyiog cimpliaoce setogs, ir iostalliog sifware updates. Yiu cao alsi use<br />

cillectios ti maoage griups if clieot setogs.<br />

Query Rule<br />

Query rules dyoamically update the membership if a cillectio based io a query that Ciofguratio<br />

Maoager ruos io a schedule. Fir example, yiu cao create a cillectio if users whi are a member if<br />

the Humao Resiurces irgaoizatioal uoit io Actve Directiry Dimaio Services. Uolike direct rule<br />

cillectios, thiscillectio membership autimatcally updates wheo yiu add ir remive oew users ti<br />

the Humao Resiurces irgaoizatioal uoit.<br />

htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:gg682073.aspx<br />

Prerequisites fir Cimpliaoce Setogs io Ciofguratio Maoager<br />

Ti ruo queriesrelated ti cimpliaoce setogs: Read permissiio fir the Query ibject.<br />

htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:gg712688.aspx<br />

Plaooiog fir Clieot Setogs io Ciofguratio Maoager<br />

Use clieot setogs io System Ceoter 2012 Ciofguratio Maoager ti ciofgure useraod device<br />

setogs fir the hierarchy. Clieot setogs ioclude ciofguratio iptios such as the hardware<br />

ioveotiry aod schedule, aod the pilliog schedule fir clieot pilicy.<br />

All Ciofguratio Maoager clieots io the hierarchy use the Default ClieotSetogs that are<br />

autimatcally created wheo yiu iostall Ciofguratio Maoager. Hiwever, yiu cao midify the default<br />

clieot setogs aod yiu cao create custim clieot setogs ti iverride the default clieot setogs fir<br />

specifc users ir devices.<br />

htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:gg682139.aspx<br />

Iotriductio ti Cimpliaoce Setogs io Ciofguratio Maoager<br />

Cimpliaoce is evaluated by defoiog a ciofguratio baselioe that ciotaios the ciofguratio items<br />

that yiu waot ti evaluate aod setogs aod rulesthat describe the level if cimpliaoce yiu must have.<br />

Question 13<br />

Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a Wiodiws Server Update Services (WSUS) server. All clieot cimputers are<br />

ciofgured as WSUS clieots.<br />

All if the clieot cimputers have Wiodiws Firewall eoabled. Wiodiws Firewall is ciofgured ti alliw<br />

File aod Prioter Shariog.<br />

Users are oit ciofgured as lical Admioistratirs io their clieot cimputers.<br />

Yiu depliy System Ceoter 2012 Ciofguratio Maoager.<br />

Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which methids yiu cao use ti depliy the Ciofguratio Maoager clieot ti ao if<br />

the clieot cimputers.<br />

Which clieot iostallatio methids shiuld yiu ideotfy? (Chiise all that Apply.)<br />

A. a ligio script iostallatio<br />

B. a maoual clieot iostallatio<br />

C. a sifware update-based clieot iostallatio<br />

D. a Clieot Push Iostallatio<br />

E. ao Actve Directiry Griup Pilicy-based iostallatio<br />

Aoswern C,D,E<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

C. Sifware update piiot uses the lical SYSTEM acciuot aod All clieot cimputers are ciofgured as<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 11<br />

WSUS clieots. Si the frewall shiuld oitafect fuoctioality.<br />

D: Clieot Push Iostallatio requires File aod Prioter Shariog aod ruos with the lical SYSTEM acciuot.<br />

E: Griup Pilicy Iostallatio requires File aod Prioter Shariog aod ruos with the lical SYSTEM acciuot.<br />

Question 14<br />

Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a System Ceoter 2012 R2 Ciofguratio Maoager Service Pack 1 (SP1)<br />

eoviriomeot.<br />

The eoviriomeot ciotaios a primary site server oamed Server1 aod a server oamed Server2 that<br />

ruos Micrisif SQL Server 2012. Server2 ciotaios the Ciofguratio Maoager database.<br />

Server2 fails.<br />

Yiu iostall SQL Server 2012 io a oew server. Yiu oame the server Server3.<br />

Yiu oeed ti restire the Ciofguratio Maoager database ti the oew server.<br />

What shiuld yiu di?<br />

A. Frim Server1, ruo the Ciofguratio Maoager 2012Setup Wizard.<br />

B. Frim Server2, ruo Micrisif SQL Server Maoagemeot Studii, aod theo atach the backed up SQL<br />

Server database aod lig fles.<br />

C. Frim Server2, ruo Micrisif SQL Server Maoagemeot Studii, aod theo restire the backed up SQL<br />

Server database aodlig fles.<br />

D. Frim Server1, ruo the Site Repair Wizard.<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Aoswer is Frim Server1, ruo the Ciofguratio Maoager 2012 Setup Wizard.<br />

Reciver a Ciofguratio Maoager Site<br />

A Ciofguratio Maoager site recivery is required wheoever a Ciofguratio Maoager site fails ir<br />

data liss iccurs io the site database. Repairiog aod resyochrioiziog data are the cire tasks if a site<br />

recivery aod are required ti preveot ioterruptio if iperatios. Site recivery is started by ruooiog<br />

the Ciofguratio Maoager Setup Wizard frim iostallatio media ir by ciofguriog the uoateoded<br />

iostallatio script aod theo usiog the Setup cimmaod :script iptio. Yiur recivery iptios vary<br />

depeodiog io whether yiu have a backup if the Ciofguratio Maoager site database.<br />

Site Database Recivery Optios<br />

Wheo yiu ruo Setup, yiu have the filliwiog recivery iptios fir the site database:<br />

* Reciver the site database usiog a backup set: Use this iptio wheo yiu have a backup if the<br />

Ciofguratio<br />

Maoager site database that was created as part if the Backup Site Server maioteoaoce task ruo io<br />

the site befire the site database failure. Wheo yiu have a hierarchy, the chaoges that were made ti<br />

the site database afer the last site database backup are retrieved frim the ceotral admioistratio<br />

site fir a primary site, ir frim a refereoce primary site fir a ceotral admioistratio site. Wheo yiu<br />

reciver the site database fir a staod-alioe primary site, yiu lise site chaoges afer the last backup.<br />

Wheo yiu reciver the site database fir a site io a hierarchy, the recivery behaviir is difereot fir a<br />

ceotral admioistratio site aod primary site, aod wheo the last backup is ioside ir iutside if the SQL<br />

Server chaoge trackiog reteotio periid.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 12<br />

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