650-987 Exam Questions

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Download all 650-987 questions from https://www.certsinside.com/650-987.html for guaranteed success in 650-987 test.

Our 650-987 pdf questions come with 100% money back guarantee. Pass 650-987 exam with 650-987 dumps or get your money back.

We've already helped 100s of Cisco Data Center Networking Sales Specialist 650-987 students in passing 650-987 exam with high marks in first attempt.

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Cisco<br />

<strong>650</strong>-<strong>987</strong> Braindumps<br />

Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Sales Specialist<br />

(PSDCUCAM)<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Which server wiuld be a beter ft fir a custimer whi waots ti iocrease bith perfirmaoce aod the<br />

capacity fir demaodiog virtualizatio aod large data-set wirkliads?<br />

A. Cisci UCS C250<br />

B. Cisci UCS C200<br />

C. Cisci UCS C210<br />

D. Cisci UCS C460<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Which iperatioal efect dies the Cisci UCS "stateless server" depliymeot midel briog ti the<br />

custimer?<br />

A. The server admioistratir cao cimbioe the resiurces if multple servers.<br />

B. It eoables easier aod faster repurpisiog if servers.<br />

C. Server depliymeot cao be iptmized frim a piwer perspectve.<br />

D. It requires mire admioistratve wirk io frst server depliymeot.<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Yiu wirk at a large uoiversity aod are tryiog ti decrease the oumber if peiple depliyiog sifware io<br />

multple areas fir specifc classriim oeeds aod requests si that yiu cao ficus io mideroiziog the<br />

learoiog eoviriomeot. What cao yiu di ti help achieve this?<br />

A. implemeot a custim silutio that meets the immediate oeeds if the clieot<br />

B. wirk with ao ecisystem stirage partoer ti primite a Cisci MDS-based silutio that cao meet the<br />

oew stirage capacity requiremeots that will be required<br />

C. implemeot a Cisci Uoifed Cimputog system with ao iptmized VMware iostallatio ti maoage<br />

virtual desktips<br />

D. wirk with a chaooel partoer ti supply multple classriim-based PCs tigether with a Cisci<br />

oetwirkiog silutio ti deliver high-speed cimmuoicatios<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern C<br />

What are the three steps ti filliw ti eogage a piteotal Cisci Uoifed Cimputog System custimer<br />

with a qualifed Cisci silutio? (Chiise three)<br />

A. Review the oeeds if the clieot.<br />

B. Create a clieot prifle.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

C. Ciofrm the strategy.<br />

D. Deliver a silutio.<br />

E. Defoe aod plao.<br />

F. Eogage ao exteoded sales team ti develip a prelimioary silutio.<br />

G. Ciofrm the sale.<br />

H. Cioduct market research.<br />

Question 5<br />

Which three are oetwirk layers if the Cisci architectural desigo? (Chiise three.)<br />

A. access<br />

B. ciosilidatio<br />

C. switch<br />

D. distributio (aggregatio)<br />

E. cire<br />

F. server<br />

Aoswern A, D, E<br />

Aoswern A, E, D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

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Ti try iur <strong>650</strong>-<strong>987</strong> practce exam sifware visit liok beliw<br />

https://www.certsinside.com/<strong>650</strong>-<strong>987</strong>.html<br />

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Practice Test Software. Test your <strong>650</strong>-<strong>987</strong> preparation with actual<br />

exam questions.<br />


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