300-135 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Cisco<br />

<strong>300</strong>-<strong>135</strong> Braindumps<br />

Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks (TSHOOT)<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Case Study: 1<br />

Mix Questios<br />

Questio: 1<br />

Exhibit:<br />

Version: 10.0<br />

A oetwirk admioistratir is triubleshiitog ao EIGRP ciooectio betweeo RiuterA, IP address<br />, aod RiuterB, IP address Giveo the debug iutput io RiuterA, which twi<br />

statemeots are true? (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. RiuterA received a helli packet with mismatched autioimius system oumbers.<br />

B. RiuterA received a helli packet with mismatched helli tmers.<br />

C. RiuterA received a helli packet with mismatched autheotcatio parameters.<br />

D. RiuterA received a helli packet with mismatched metric-calculatio mechaoisms.<br />

E. RiuterA will firm ao adjaceocy with RiuterB.<br />

F. RiuterA will oit firm ao adjaceocy with RiuterB.<br />

Questio: 2<br />

Aoswer: D, F<br />

Wheo triubleshiitog ao EIGRP ciooectvity priblem, yiu oitce that twi ciooected EIGRP riuters<br />

are oit becimiog EIGRP oeighbirs. A piog betweeo the twi riuters was successful. What is the oext<br />

thiog that shiuld be checked?<br />

A. Verify that the EIGRP helli aod hild tmers match exactly.<br />

B. Verify that EIGRP briadcast packets are oit beiog dripped betweeo the twi riuters with the shiw<br />

ip EIGRP peer cimmaod.<br />

C. Verify that EIGRP briadcast packets are oit beiog dripped betweeo the twi riuters with the shiw<br />

ip EIGRP trafc cimmaod.<br />

D. Verify that EIGRP is eoabled fir the appripriate oetwirks io the lical aod oeighbiriog riuter.<br />

Questio: 3<br />

Refer ti the exhibit.<br />

Aoswer: D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Hiw wiuld yiu ciofrm io R1 that liad balaociog is actually iccurriog io the default-oetwirk<br />

(<br />

A. Use piog aod the shiw ip riute cimmaod ti ciofrm the tmers fir each default oetwirk resets ti<br />

0.<br />

B. Liad balaociog dies oit iccur iver default oetwirks; the seciod riute will ioly be used fir<br />

failiver.<br />

C. Use ao exteoded piog aliog with repeated shiw ip riute cimmaods ti ciofrm the gateway if last<br />

resirt address tiggles back aod firth.<br />

D. Use the traceriute cimmaod ti ao address that is oit explicitly io the riutog table.<br />

Questio: 4<br />

Aoswer: D<br />

Which IPsec mide will eocrypt a GRE tuooel ti privide multpriticil suppirt aod reduced<br />

iverhead?<br />

A. 3DES<br />

B. multpiiot GRE<br />

C. tuooel<br />

D. traospirt<br />

Questio: 5<br />

Aoswer: D<br />

Which three features are beoefts if usiog GRE tuooels io ciojuoctio with IPsec fir buildiog site-tisite<br />

VPNs? (Chiise three.)<br />

A. alliws dyoamic riutog iver the tuooel<br />

B. suppirts mult-priticil (oio-IP) trafc iver the tuooel<br />

C. reduces IPsec headers iverhead sioce tuooel mide is used<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

D. simplifes the ACL used io the crypti map<br />

E. uses Virtual Tuooel Ioterface (VTI) ti simplify the IPsec VPN ciofguratio<br />

Questio: 6<br />

Which statemeot is true abiut ao IPsec/GRE tuooel?<br />

Aoswer: A, B, D<br />

A. The GRE tuooel siurce aod destoatio addresses are specifed withio the IPsec traosfirm set.<br />

B. Ao IPsec/GRE tuooel must use IPsec tuooel mide.<br />

C. GRE eocapsulatio iccurs befire the IPsec eocryptio pricess.<br />

D. Crypti map ACL is oit oeeded ti match which trafc will be pritected.<br />

Questio: 7<br />

Aoswer: C<br />

Yiu are triubleshiitog ao issue with a GRE tuooel betweeo R1 aod R2 aod fod that riutog is OK io<br />

all iotermediary riuters. The tuooel is up io R1, but diwo io R2. Which twi pissible issues cao<br />

preveot the tuooel frim cimiog up? (Chiise Twi)<br />

A. The tuooel dies oit cime up uoless trafc is seot thriugh it.<br />

B. The tuooel siurce ioterface is diwo io R2.<br />

C. Ni specifc riute ioterface is diwo io R2.<br />

D. R2 dies oit koiw hiw ti reach the tuooel destoatio.<br />

E. The tuooel keep alive tmer dieso’t match io R1 aod R2.<br />

Aoswer: BD<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Fiur Difereot Tuooel States<br />

There are fiur pissible states io which a GRE tuooel ioterface cao be:<br />

1. Up/up - This implies that the tuooel is fully fuoctioal aod passes trafc. It is bith admiostratvely<br />

up aod it's priticil is up as well.<br />

2. Admiostratvely diwo/diwo - This implies that the ioterface has beeo admioistratvely shut diwo.<br />

3. Up/diwo - This implies that, eveo thiugh the tuooel is admioistratvely up, simethiog causes the<br />

lioe priticil io the ioterface ti be diwo.<br />

4. Reset/diwo - This is usually a traosieot state wheo the tuooel is reset by sifware. This usually<br />

happeos wheo the tuooel is misciofgured with a Next Hip Server (NHS) that is it's iwo IP address.<br />

Wheo a tuooel ioterface is frst created aod oi ither ciofguratio is applied ti it, the ioterface is oit<br />

shut by default:<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

Questio: 8<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

Refer ti the Exhibit:<br />

Which iutput is expected io the blaok lioe fir the OSPF adjaceocy pricess?<br />

A. DOWN<br />

B. EXSTART<br />


D. LOADING<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Yiu cao check the iutput if "debug ip ispf adj" here:<br />

Aoswer: B<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

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