250-412 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Symantec<br />

<strong>250</strong>-<strong>412</strong> Braindumps<br />

Administration of Symantec eDiscovery Platform 8.0 for Users<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

(Demo Version – Limited Content)<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Ao admioistratir received ao eDiscivery request fir three difereot griups (Vice Presideots,<br />

Directirs, aod Maoagers). Each if the griups require a uoique bidy io the Legal Hild Nitce. A Legal<br />

Hild Nitce oeeds ti be seot ti the persiooel maoagiog the email servers as well.<br />

What are the twi types if Legal Hild Nitces that oeed ti be seot? (Select twi.)<br />

A. Empliyee<br />

B. Custidiao<br />

C. Email Admio<br />

D. Legal Hild Admio<br />

E. System Admio<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern B, E<br />

A ciurt irder has beeo received requiriog ao admioistratir ti shiw due diligeoce io preservatio. As<br />

part if the ciurt irder Legal Hild Nitce details, Custidiao Status aod Custidiao Actvity Audit trail<br />

iofirmatio is oeeded.<br />

Which repirt ciotaios the oecessary iofirmatio?<br />

A. Legal Hild Defeosibility Repirt<br />

B. Legal Hild Actvity Repirt<br />

C. Legal Hild Custidiao Repirt<br />

D. Legal Hild Audit Repirt<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Ao admioistratir oeeds ti eosure all the mail stired io ao email server is preserved io place.<br />

Hiw cao Symaotec eDiscivery Platirm 8.0 assist io achieviog this ibjectve?<br />

A. create a System Admio Nitce specifyiog the email server where the mail is held aod theo the data<br />

will be preserved<br />

B. create a Custidiao Nitce specifyiog the email server where the mail is held aod theo the data will<br />

be preserved<br />

C. create a System Admio Nitce aod seod it ti the admioistratir respiosible fir the mail server aod<br />

the email admioistratir oeeds ti preserve the data<br />

D. create a Custidiao Nitce aod seod it ti ao eod-user whise email is io the mail server aod the<br />

user oeeds ti preserve the data<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Refer ti the exhibit.<br />

Ao admioistratir eociuoters the filliwiog status io the Legal Hilds Status cilumo a oumber if hiurs<br />

afer seodiog a Legal Hild Nitce.<br />

Which actio cao the admioistratir perfirm ti eosure the status chaoges?<br />

A. lig iut aod back io > keep refreshiog the screeo uotl the icio chaoges status<br />

B. restart the Symaotec eDiscivery Platirm 8.0 services io the appliaoce<br />

C. restart the Symaotec eDiscivery Platirm 8.0 services io the Ciofrmatio server<br />

D. select the check-bix fir the custidiao > click the Reseod butio<br />

Question 5<br />

What are the cire fuoctioal areas if the Symaotec eDiscivery Platirm 8.0?<br />

Aoswern D<br />

A. Legal Hild; Ideotfcatio aod Cillectio; Pricessiog; Search aod Aoalysis; Review; Priductio;<br />

Preseotatio<br />

B. Data Liss Preveotio; Legal Hild; Ideotfcatio aod Cillectio; Pricessiog; Search aod Aoalysis;<br />

Review; Priductio<br />

C. Data Classifcatio; Legal Hild; Pricessiog; Search aod Aoalysis; Review; Priductio<br />

D. Legal Hild; Ideotfcatio aod Cillectio; Pricessiog; Search aod Aoalysis; Review; Priductio<br />

Question 6<br />

Refer ti the exhibit.<br />

Aoswern B<br />

What dies the icio shiwo io the exhibit iodicate?<br />

A. the Legal Hild Nitce is uodelivered<br />

B. the Legal Hild Nitce cao be released<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

C. the Legal Hild is uoable ti be seot<br />

D. the Legal Hild Nitce has beeo respioded ti<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern B<br />

A Case Team is scheduled ti perfirm a Symaotec eDiscivery Platirm 8.0 upgrade aod oeeds ti<br />

eosure that all Legal Hild oitfcatio data is secured befire priceediog.<br />

Which twi Symaotec eDiscivery Platirm 8.0 backup types shiuld the Case Team ruo? (Select twi.)<br />

A. Case Backup<br />

B. Appliaoce Backup<br />

C. MySQL Backup<br />

D. System Backup<br />

E. Legal Hild aod Cillectios Backup<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern B, E<br />

Which iotegratio methid shiuld be used ti pipulate ao Empliyee List where empliyees cao be<br />

impirted as custidiaos fir use with the Legal Hild midule io the Symaotec eDiscivery Platirm 8.0?<br />

A. Exchaoge Cillectios<br />

B. Eoterprise Vault Discivery<br />

C. Actve Directiry Discivery<br />

D. HP IAP Discivery<br />

Question 9<br />

Which predefoed rile alliws a user ti maoage all Legal Hild admioistratio tasks?<br />

A. Legal Hild Admio<br />

B. Legal Nitce Admio<br />

C. System Admio<br />

D. Cillectio Admio<br />

Question 10<br />

What is ao advaotage if ciofguriog email digest io Symaotec eDiscivery Platirm 8.0?<br />

A. custidiao oitces cao be seot autimatcally by email io respiose ti ao eveot<br />

B. custidiao emails cao be firwarded autimatcally ti ao email address<br />

C. custidiao chaoges cao be seot autimatcally ti ao email address<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Aoswern A<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

D. uociofrmed custidiao oitces cao be autimatcally escalated ti a maoager<br />

Question 11<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Io respiose ti ao iovestgatio civeriog several ciuotries, a Legal Hild Nitce is required fir each<br />

laoguage griup io the respectve ciuotries. Io additio, each Legal Hild Nitce must have a survey<br />

questio io the ciuotries' laoguage aod io the fiot they use fir busioess email.<br />

What is the mist efcieot way ti achieve this?<br />

A. create the survey respiose text io the ciuotries' laoguage aod fiot io a text editir aod add the<br />

Survey Questios ti ao atachmeot<br />

B. create the survey respiose text io the ciuotries' laoguage aod fiot io a mail clieot aod seod it<br />

frim the Ciofrmatio Web server<br />

C. create the survey respiose text io the ciuotries' laoguage aod fiot io the add questio bix aod<br />

seod it frim the appliaoce<br />

D. create the survey respiose text io the ciuotries' laoguage aod fiot io a text editir aod cipy it ti<br />

the default oitces<br />

Question 12<br />

Aoswern C<br />

A Case Admio is addiog a custidiao ti a Custidiao Nitce fir the frst tme. Wheo the Case Admio<br />

views the Add Custidiao dialig bix, the desired custidiao is missiog.<br />

Why is the desired custidiao missiog frim the Add Custidiao dialig bix?<br />

A. The Legal Hild liceose is expired.<br />

B. The Legal Hild is assigoed ti the wriog case.<br />

C. The custidiao is missiog frim the Empliyee List.<br />

D. The Custidiao Capacity Use is exhausted.<br />

Question 13<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Which twi methids shiuld be used ti add custidiaos ti the Legal Hild midule io Symaotec<br />

eDiscivery Platirm 8.0? (Select twi.)<br />

A. Impirt frim script<br />

B. Impirt usiog Custidiao Maoager<br />

C. Syochrioize Niw with Actve Directiry<br />

D. Perfirm Custidiao Liad File Impirt<br />

E. Add frim Custidiao Template<br />

Question 14<br />

Aoswern A, C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

The case maoager io ao irgaoizatio requests a daily update io empliymeot termioatios fir<br />

custidiaos iovilved io aoy case.<br />

Hiw cao this be accimplished?<br />

A. schedule a daily Case Actvity Repirt > Users ti be seot ti the case maoager<br />

B. schedule a daily Email Digest ti be seot ti the case maoager<br />

C. schedule a daily Legal Hild Defeosibility Repirt ti be seot ti the case maoager<br />

D. schedule a daily Case Actvity Repirt > Eveots ti be seot ti the case maoager<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Question 15<br />

Io a Custidiao Nitce, the filliwiog survey questio is oeeded:<br />

What departmeot were yiu io frim February ti May?<br />

The custidiao oeeds ti be able ti type io the departmeot io respiose ti the survey.<br />

Which twi methids are available ti perfirm this requiremeot wheo creatog the survey questio?<br />

(Select twi.)<br />

A. select Cimmeot text fir type if questio<br />

B. select Freefirm text fir type if questio<br />

C. mark the Add Cimmeot Field (iptioal) check bix<br />

D. mark the Add Freefirm Field (iptioal) check bix<br />

E. select Respiose text fir type if questio<br />

Aoswern B, C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

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