1Z0-527 Exam Questions

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Download all 1Z0-527 questions from https://www.certsinside.com/1Z0-527.html for guaranteed success in 1Z0-527 test.

Our 1Z0-527 pdf questions come with 100% money back guarantee. Pass 1Z0-527 exam with 1Z0-527 dumps or get your money back.

We've already helped 100s of OPN Certified Specialist 1Z0-527 students in passing 1Z0-527 exam with high marks in first attempt.

We provided 2 steps easy solution for 1Z0-527 test. First step is preparation with 1Z0-527 exam questions pdf and second step is practicing with 1Z0-527 practice exam software to achieve 100% confidence on your preparation and memorize all 1Z0-527 questions answers.


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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

* Hiusehild<br />

* MDF Request<br />

* Objectve<br />

* Oppirtuoity<br />

* Partoer<br />

* Pirtilii<br />

* Special Priciog Request<br />

With acciuot recirds, yiu cao alsi share the ciotact aod ippirtuoity recirds that are lioked ti that<br />

acciuot recird. Ti share a recird, yiu frst add the persio ti the Team fir the selected recird. Theo<br />

yiu specify the access level the persio has ti the recird.<br />

Iocirrect aoswers:<br />

C: Wirkfiws is fir irgaoiziog pricesses<br />

Question: 10<br />

Select the true statemeot regardiog biik structure.<br />

A. Yiur biik structure shiuld clisely refect hiw yiur cimpaoy irgaoizes its data.<br />

B. Yiur biik structure shiuld always refect yiur cimpaoy's cirpirate hierarchy.<br />

C. Yiur biik structure shiuld refect yiur cimpaoy's geigraphical distributio.<br />

D. Yiur biik structure shiuld refect Fioaocial Cist Ceoters fir foaocial repirtog.<br />

Answer: B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Ti set up ao efcieot biik structure, yiu must plao yiur biik hierarchies carefully. Ciosider the<br />

filliwiog guidelioes wheo yiu desigo aod refoe the biik hierarchies fir yiur cimpaoy:<br />

* Di oit create custim biiks that replicate user biiks.<br />

* Determioe the irgaoizatio aod access pilicies fir yiur busioess data.<br />

* Determioe whether the cirpirate structure is relevaot ti data maoagemeot.<br />

* Determioe the data afliatios io yiur cimpaoy.<br />

* Desigo yiur biiks based io user oeeds, aod ciosider the tasks where users mist cimmioly use<br />

biiks.<br />

* Desigo yiur biiks si that the fuoctioality privided by the Maoager Visibility Eoabled check bix<br />

io the cimpaoy prifle is used as litle as pissible.<br />

* Keep the oumber if levels io yiur biik hierarchies ti a mioimum.<br />

* As far as pissible, reduce the amiuot if criss-listog io the biik structure. Criss-listog is the<br />

practce if duplicatog recirds acriss multple biiks.<br />

* Use wirkfiw rules ti autimate biik maoagemeot.<br />

Question: 11<br />

By default, hiw is prigress tiward sales quita targets tracked io CRM io Demaod?<br />

A. Oo the Pipelioe Dashbiard<br />

B. Oo the User Prifle page<br />

C. Oo the Firecast Detail page<br />

D. Oo the Oppirtuoity Detail page<br />

Answer: C<br />


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