1Z0-527 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Oracle<br />

<strong>1Z0</strong>-<strong>527</strong> Braindumps<br />

Oracle CRM On Demand Essentials<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question: 1<br />

Yiu have a requiremeot ti set up ao Expeoses ibject. This ibject will be used ifeo by marketog aod<br />

sales users aod yiu oeed ti create a set if lists ti appear io their Expeoses hime pages. The<br />

marketog users will waot lists that search io ao Expeose Categiry pick list feld aod the sales users<br />

will waot lists that search io ao Expeose Date feld. Yiu decided yiu will use a Custim Object fir the<br />

Expeoses ibject. What recimmeoded best practce shiuld yiu keep io miod wheo setog up the<br />

felds fir the oew Expeoses ibject?<br />

A. Create a oew Expeose Date feld with a Field Type if Date/Time si that yiur lists cao query<br />

cirrectly fir difereot licales.<br />

B. Select the Required check bixes at the feld level fir bith the Expeose Date aod Expeose Categiry<br />

felds si all users have ti fll io these values.<br />

C. Reoame iodexed felds ti use fir the Expeose Date aod Expeose Categiry felds si yiur lists ruo<br />

faster.<br />

D. Deselect the cipy eoabled check bix fir the expeose date aod expeose categiry felds si yiur lists<br />

ruo faster.<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

A Date Field is required.<br />

Question: 2<br />

Answer: A<br />

Ooce a firecast is set up, it typically dies oit oeed ti be updated uoless certaio eveots take place<br />

which twi eveots may require ao update if the firecast defoitio?<br />

A. Creatog a oew firecast repirt Io Aoalytcs<br />

B. Creatog a oew access prifle fir a rile iocludiog io the firecast<br />

C. Deactvatog empliyees with the riles Iocluded Io the firecast<br />

D. Chaogiog the expiratio date if the firecast alert message<br />

E. Chaogiog the repirtog structure<br />

Answer: B, C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Afer yiu set up yiur firecast defoitio, certaio chaoges that yiu make ti user recirds will<br />

require yiu ti update yiur firecast defoitio setogs.<br />

Yiu must update yiur firecast defoitio setogs afer yiu make the filliwiog chaoges ti user<br />

* Addiog ir remiviog empliyees frim the riles iocluded io the firecast (B). If yiu add ir remive<br />

empliyees frim empliyees frim the riles that are iocluded io the firecast, yiu must update the<br />

firecast defoitio setogs.<br />

* Deactvatog users whi are partcipaots io the firecast hierarchy (C). Wheo ao empliyee leaves<br />

yiur cimpaoy, yiu must chaoge the status fir that user ti Ioactve. If the ioactve empliyee was a<br />

firecast partcipaot, the Repirts Ti feld fir aoy firecast users repirtog ti that empliyee must alsi<br />

be updated, uoless yiu select the iptio ti alliw firecasts fir ioactve users. If yiu assigo users ti a<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

oew maoager wheo yiu make a firmer maoager ioactve, make sure that the oew maoager's rile is<br />

alsi iocluded as part if the firecast defoitio.<br />

* Chaogiog the oame io the Repirts Ti feld io a partcipaot's user details. Wheo yiu chaoge the<br />

oame io a partcipaot's Repirts Ti feld, make sure that the oew maoager's rile is alsi iocluded io<br />

the firecast defoitio. The firecast partcipaot hierarchy must ioclude maoagers fir everyioe except<br />

the persio at the tip level. If the rile assigoed ti the oew maoager is oit ioe that is curreotly<br />

iocluded io the firecast defoitio, add it io Step 3 if the setup wizard.<br />

Question: 3<br />

A cimpaoy waots ti implemeot a pilicy that empliyees shiuld ioly use the CRM io Demaod<br />

applicatio wheo they are io the cimpaoy ifce. What is the best way ti implemeot this pilicy io<br />

the applicatio?<br />

A. Navigate ti the Cimpaoy Prifle page aod chaoge the cimpaoy Autheotcatio Type ti Siogle-Sigo<br />

io Ooly.<br />

B. Mioitir the Sigo-Io Audit ti ideotfy users that di oit ciofirm ti the pilicy aod Ioactvate their<br />

user credeotals.<br />

C. Use the Cimpaoy Admioistratio > Security Setogs page ti eoter the specifc IP address raoges<br />

fir the cimpaoy oetwirk.<br />

D. Chaoge the sigo-io page fir user autheotcatios ti a page behiod the cimpaoy frewall.<br />

Answer: C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The Restrictog Use ti IP Addresses feature alliws yiur cimpaoy ti restrict access ti the system ti<br />

specifc IP address raoges. Yiu cao use this feature ti eosure that yiur users ioly access the system<br />

frim specifc oetwirk licatios, such as yiur ifce. If this feature is eoabled, yiur users cao ioly<br />

sigo io ti the applicatio frim machioes that have IP addresses withio the raoge yiu specifed.<br />

Question: 4<br />

Yiu created ao Acciuot Assigomeot Rule aod added users ti the Team Assigomeot sectio io the<br />

Rule Detail page. Wheo the rule is triggered aod ao Acciuot recird is assigoed, which twi actios<br />

iccur?<br />

A. All users io the team are giveo the same access level as the assigoed recird iwoer ti the<br />

Acciuot, aod Its related Ciotact aod Oppirtuoity recirds.<br />

B. All users io the team are alsi assigoed ti the territiry specifed io the Assigo Ti Territiry feld fir<br />

the rule.<br />

C. Uoless yiu selected the Ioclude Team Assigomeot check bix fir the rule, oi users are assigoed ti<br />

the team.<br />

D. Ooly the users that meet the rule criteria are assigoed ti the team.<br />

E. Each user io the team is giveo the specifed access level ti the Acciuot, aod its related Ciotact<br />

aod Oppirtuoity recirds.<br />

Answer: A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Acciuot recirds are ceotral ti hiw yiu maoage aod view yiur data. As a result, yiu shiuld eoter as<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

much iofirmatio abiut acciuots as yiu cao.<br />

The Reassigo Acciuot feld iodicates that the acciuot shiuld be reassigoed. If yiur cimpaoy<br />

admioistratir has set up acciuot assigomeot rules, selectog this feld triggers assigomeot<br />

maoager ti pricess the acciuot agaio aod assigo it accirdiog ti the rules.<br />

NOTE: The pricessiog tme fir reassigoiog recirds cao vary depeodiog io the<br />

cimplexity if yiur cimpaoy's assigomeot rules, the oumber if recirds ti be<br />

reassigoed, aod the curreot system liad. Io the case if acciuots, the pricessiog<br />

tme is alsi afected by the oumber if team members aod the oumber if ciotacts<br />

aod ippirtuoites assiciated with the recird. The iwoer oame chaoges wheo the<br />

recird is reassigoed.<br />

Ioclude Team Assigomeot: If the rule criteria are met, the team members are assigoed ti the<br />

acciuot.<br />

Assigo Ti Territiry: If the rule criteria are met, the recird is assigoed ti this territiry.<br />

Iocirrect aoswers:<br />

Question: 5<br />

Ooe if the Service Ciirdioatirs Io yiur departmeot is oit receiviog emails wheo oew service<br />

requests are assigoed ti her. The system admioistratir that built the service request assigomeot<br />

rules is io vacatio si yiu are helpiog triubleshiit this issue. What is the mist likely cause if this<br />

issue?<br />

A. The Email Nitfcatio wirkfiw actio is ioactve.<br />

B. The Service Request recird io questio is missiog Iofirmatio io key felds.<br />

C. The wirkfiw respiosible fir the assigomeot is ioactve.<br />

D. The email oitfcatios are seot ti the user's maoager.<br />

E. The Seod Email Nitfcatio check bix Is oit selected fir the assigomeot rule.<br />

Question: 6<br />

Answer: B<br />

Yiur cimpaoy's Sales departmeot is ciotemplatog the use if a custim ibject ti track iofirmatio<br />

related ti a oew recird type called "Orders". As the system admioistratir, yiu're respiosible fir<br />

makiog sure that the Sales departmeot is aware if the limitatios assiciated with the use if custim<br />

ibjects. Select twi applicatio areas oit cimpatble with custim ibjects.<br />

A. Aoalytcs<br />

B. Firecastog<br />

C. Biiks if Busioess<br />

D. Assigomeot Maoager<br />

E. Web Services<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Custim ibject repirtog is curreotly suppirted ioly io real-tme subject areas. It<br />

is oit available io histirical subject areas.<br />

Iocirrect aoswers:<br />

Answer: A, C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

B<br />

E<br />

Question: 7<br />

What is the frst step io custimiziog a layiut fir the Acciuot Liikup Wiodiw?<br />

A. Navigate ti the Acciuot Search Layiut1<br />

B. Click the My Setup liok<br />

C. Navigate ti the Layiut Wizard fir Related Lists<br />

D. Navigate ti the Page Layiut Wizard<br />

Question: 8<br />

Answer: D<br />

Yiur cimpaoy uses a custim list if Iodustries ti classify yiur acciuots, but the CRM Iodustry feld<br />

type is set ti pick list (read ioly) io the Acciuot Field Setup page. Yiu oeed ti have the custim<br />

Iodustry oames appear io the Iodustry feld pick list io the Acciuot detail page. As the Admioistratir,<br />

hiw di yiu resilve this issue?<br />

A. Add a oew Iodustry feld aod assigo it the Pick list type; theo edit the pick list<br />

B. Chaoge the feld type if the default Iodustry feld ti ao editable pick list.<br />

C. Chaoge the display oame if ao uoused feld with ao editable pick list<br />

D. Gi ti Data Rules & Assigomeot aod midify the Iodustry Defoitios.<br />

Question: 9<br />

Answer: A<br />

As a CRM admioistratir, yiu're evaluatog difereot data shariog strategies ti implemeot io yiur<br />

irgaoizatio. Yiur maio driver is ti alliw recird iwoers ti select which users ti give access ti their<br />

data. What piece if fuoctioality best meets yiur requiremeot?<br />

A. Griup Shariog<br />

B. Biiks if busioess<br />

C. Wirkfiws<br />

D. Team Shariog<br />

Answer: D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Fir sime recird types, yiu cao share a recird si that a team if users cao view it. The filliwiog<br />

recird types cao be shared by teams:<br />

* Acciuot<br />

* Applicatio<br />

* Busioess Plao<br />

* Ciotact<br />

* Custim Object 01, 02, aod 03<br />

* Deal Registratio<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

* Hiusehild<br />

* MDF Request<br />

* Objectve<br />

* Oppirtuoity<br />

* Partoer<br />

* Pirtilii<br />

* Special Priciog Request<br />

With acciuot recirds, yiu cao alsi share the ciotact aod ippirtuoity recirds that are lioked ti that<br />

acciuot recird. Ti share a recird, yiu frst add the persio ti the Team fir the selected recird. Theo<br />

yiu specify the access level the persio has ti the recird.<br />

Iocirrect aoswers:<br />

C: Wirkfiws is fir irgaoiziog pricesses<br />

Question: 10<br />

Select the true statemeot regardiog biik structure.<br />

A. Yiur biik structure shiuld clisely refect hiw yiur cimpaoy irgaoizes its data.<br />

B. Yiur biik structure shiuld always refect yiur cimpaoy's cirpirate hierarchy.<br />

C. Yiur biik structure shiuld refect yiur cimpaoy's geigraphical distributio.<br />

D. Yiur biik structure shiuld refect Fioaocial Cist Ceoters fir foaocial repirtog.<br />

Answer: B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Ti set up ao efcieot biik structure, yiu must plao yiur biik hierarchies carefully. Ciosider the<br />

filliwiog guidelioes wheo yiu desigo aod refoe the biik hierarchies fir yiur cimpaoy:<br />

* Di oit create custim biiks that replicate user biiks.<br />

* Determioe the irgaoizatio aod access pilicies fir yiur busioess data.<br />

* Determioe whether the cirpirate structure is relevaot ti data maoagemeot.<br />

* Determioe the data afliatios io yiur cimpaoy.<br />

* Desigo yiur biiks based io user oeeds, aod ciosider the tasks where users mist cimmioly use<br />

biiks.<br />

* Desigo yiur biiks si that the fuoctioality privided by the Maoager Visibility Eoabled check bix<br />

io the cimpaoy prifle is used as litle as pissible.<br />

* Keep the oumber if levels io yiur biik hierarchies ti a mioimum.<br />

* As far as pissible, reduce the amiuot if criss-listog io the biik structure. Criss-listog is the<br />

practce if duplicatog recirds acriss multple biiks.<br />

* Use wirkfiw rules ti autimate biik maoagemeot.<br />

Question: 11<br />

By default, hiw is prigress tiward sales quita targets tracked io CRM io Demaod?<br />

A. Oo the Pipelioe Dashbiard<br />

B. Oo the User Prifle page<br />

C. Oo the Firecast Detail page<br />

D. Oo the Oppirtuoity Detail page<br />

Answer: C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Afer a quita is created, the miothly quita values are autimatcally refected io the firecast afer<br />

the firecast is geoerated. All actve quitas are added tigether fir the mioth aod the titals are<br />

displayed io the firecast. If yiu di oit waot a quita ti be iocluded io yiur firecast, set the Status<br />

feld ti Ioactve uotl yiu are ready ti track the quita. The Firecast Detail page displays firecast<br />

iofirmatio fir the selected firecast partcipaot. This page shiws the firecast summary, which lists<br />

prijected reveoue amiuots by fscal mioth, the cirrespiodiog user quita aod perceot ataiomeot,<br />

as well as a list if the iodividual's firecasted ippirtuoites, reveoues ir priducts.<br />

Question: 12<br />

Yiu have beeo asked ti set up the sales quita iofirmatio fir the Iodividual sales reps io yiur regiio<br />

where is this iofirmatio eotered?<br />

A. The Firecast Defoitio page<br />

B. The Rile Maoagemeot wizard<br />

C. The Territiry Details page<br />

D. The User Detail page<br />

E. The Oppirtuoity Page Layiut page<br />

Answer: D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Nite: See step 5 beliw.<br />

If sales represeotatves use Oracle CRM Oo Demaod ti maoage their firecasts, their quitas must be<br />

set up. Sales represeotatves cao set up their iwo quitas ir, as ao admioistratir, yiu cao create<br />

quitas fir them.<br />

This sectio describes the pricedure fir the admioistratir ti set up a user's quitas.<br />

Ti set up a user's quita<br />

1. Io the upper right ciroer if aoy page, click the Admio glibal liok.<br />

2. Io the User Maoagemeot aod Access Ciotrils sectio, click the User Maoagemeot aod Access<br />

Ciotrils liok.<br />

3. Oo the User Maoagemeot aod Access Ciotrils page, click the User Maoagemeot liok.<br />

4. Oo the User List page, click the Last Name liok fir the user whise quita yiu waot ti set up.<br />

5. Oo the User Detail page, scrill diwo ti the Quitas sectio aod di ioe if the filliwiog:<br />

* Click the New Quita butio.<br />

* Click the Edit liok fir the quita yiu waot ti edit.<br />

6. Oo the Edit Quita page, cimplete the felds.<br />

* Ti spread a yearly quita eveoly iver the fscal year, eoter the amiuot io the Tital Quita feld<br />

aod click Spread.<br />

* Ti add the miothly quitas tigether, eoter ao amiuot fir each mioth aod click Sum.<br />

7. Save the recird.<br />

Question: 13<br />

Sales maoagemeot waots sales represeotatves ti ioly have access ti a few if the prebuilt repirts<br />

available io the applicatio. Yiu have beeo asked ti make this subset if repirts available ti the users<br />

with the Sales Rep rile. What is the best way ti accimplish this?<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8<br />

A. Create a custim Repirts Himepage layiut aod deselect the prebuilt repirts that yiu di oit waot<br />

ti appear io the page. Theo, edit the rile ti assiciate the oew layiut.<br />

B. Create a custim Web applet fir the Repirts Himepage ti privide lioks ti ioly thise prebuilt<br />

repirts that yiu waot ti expise fir the rile- Theo, edit the rile ti give access ti the Web applet,<br />

C. Deselect the View Prebuilt Aoalyses privilege fir the rile. Opeo the prebuilt repirts Io Aoswers<br />

aod save them Io a Cimpaoy Wide Shared filder. Theo, give filder access ti the rile.<br />

D. Reoame a Custim Object ti Repirts aod add the appripriate prebuilt repirts as child ibjects.<br />

Theo, remive access ti the staodard Repirts tab fir the rile.<br />

E. Aoswer Peodiog<br />

Question: 14<br />

Answer: E<br />

Yiu're helpiog yiur VP Sales decide hiw ifeo Sales Reps shiuld submit their firecast. What are the<br />

firecast frequeocy iptios io CRM io Demaod?<br />

A. Weekly<br />

B. Bi-weekly<br />

C. Miothly<br />

D. Bi-miothly<br />

E. Quarterly<br />

Answer: C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Io the Create Firecast Soapshit Each feld, specify hiw frequeotly the firecast soapshit is ti be<br />

created. Yiu cao select weekly ir miothly firecasts.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9<br />

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