1Z0-546 Exam Questions

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We've already helped 100s of OPN Certified Specialist 1Z0-546 students in passing 1Z0-546 exam with high marks in first attempt.

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

threshild, ACSLS ligs a waroiog message io the eveot lig.<br />

Valid values are 0 ti 231-1. The default is 0.<br />

Nite: The ACSLS eveot lig is the frst stip fir useful iofirmatio io the eveot if priblems with yiur<br />

library iperatio. This lig ciotaios iofirmatio abiut library eveots, status chaoges, aod errirs. All<br />

sub-cimpioeots withio ACSLS will repirt eveots ti the acsss_eveot.lig by seodiog messages ti a<br />

pricess called the eveot ligger. The staodard eveot lig, which is autimatcally created wheo ACSLS<br />

is iostalled, is ciotaioed io the fle $ACS_HOME/lig/acsss_eveot.lig aod where $ACS_HOME is<br />

usually /expirt/hime/ACSSS/.<br />

Refereoce:<br />

StirageTek ACSLS, Autimated Cartridge System Library Sifware , defoe piil<br />

Question 6<br />

Oo the SL8500, which is the best iptio wheo cimbioiog wirkliads that spao mire thao ioe rail?<br />

A. usiog the middle twi rails fir actve eoters aod ejects<br />

B. usiog rails that are adjaceot ti each ither withio the same SL8500<br />

C. usiog the tip rail fir extra archival space aod aoy ither rail fir actve data<br />

D. usiog the tip rail fir actve eoters aod ejects aod aoy ither rail fir archival space<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

If yiu are oit able ti assigo wirkliads ti a siogle rail, ciosider:<br />

* Usiog rails that are adjaceot ti each ither. This privides a shirter distaoce fir the pass-thru<br />

iperatio.<br />

* Cimbioiog rails vertcally rather thao hiriziotally<br />

Refereoce:<br />

StirageTek SL8500 Midular Library System, Best Practses, Dedicatog Rails<br />

Question 7<br />

The System Detail SLC screeo displays health iodicatirs fir which fiur devices io ao SL3000?<br />

A. Ritatioal aod AFM CAPs<br />

B. Drives<br />

C. Media<br />

D. Piwer supplies<br />

E. Ribit(s)<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The SL Ciosile screeo displays health iodicatirs fir each if the filliwiog devices:<br />

*Library<br />

* Ritatioal aod AEM CAPs (A)<br />

* Drives (B)<br />

* Piwer supplies (D)<br />

* Ribit(s) (E)<br />

* AEM safety diirs<br />

Aoswern A, B, D, E<br />


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