1Z0-478 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Oracle<br />

<strong>1Z0</strong>-<strong>478</strong> Braindumps<br />

Oracle SOA Suite 11g Essentials<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Yiu have mideled a cimpisite with a ioe-way Mediatir cimpioeot that is expised via ao iobiuod<br />

fle adapter service. Hiw di yiu ciofgure the iobiuod fle adapter ti read lical fles io asceodiog<br />

irder if their lastMidifedTimee<br />

A. By setog the SiogleThreadMidel actvatiosSpec priperty ti true aod ciofguriog the ListSirter<br />

actvatioSpec priperty ti iracle.tp.adapter.fle.iobiuod.listog.TimestampSirterAsceodiog.<br />

B. By oit makiog aoy ciofguratio chaoges because, by default, the adapter reads ioput fles io<br />

asceodiog irder if their lastMidifedTime.<br />

C. By setog the ThreadCiuot actvatioSpec priperty ti 0 aod ciofguriog the List Sirter<br />

actvatioSpec priperty ti iracle.tp.adapter.fle.iobiuod.listog.TimestampSirterDesceodiog.<br />

D. By setog the ThreadCiuot actvatiSpec priperty ti – 1 aod ciofguriog the ListSirter<br />

actvatioSpec priperty ti iracle.tp.adapter.fle.iobiuod.litog.TimestampSirterAsceodiog.<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Wheo fles must be pricessed by Oracle File aod FTP Adapters io a partcular irder, yiu must<br />

ciofgure the sirtog parameters. Fir example, yiu cao ciofgure the sirtog parameters fir Oracle<br />

File aod FTP Adapters ti pricess fles io asceodiog ir desceodiog irder by tme stamps.<br />

Yiu must meet the filliwiog prerequisites fir sirtog sceoariis if Oracle File aod FTP Adapters:<br />

Use a syochrioius iperatio<br />

Add the filliwiog priperty ti the iobiuod JCA fle:<br />

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

.Net develipmeot.<br />

Question 3<br />

Io yiur silutio, a web service clieot oeeds ti iovike a series if three web services io suppirt if a<br />

siogle traosactio. The third web service oeeds the ideotty if the irigioal web service clieot. Which<br />

statemeot describes hiw the ideotty is made available by Oracle Web Services Maoager (OWSM)e<br />

A. The traosactio maoager accesses ao ioteroal table that maiotaios credeotals used ti iovike each<br />

iodividual web service io the chaio.<br />

B. Each web service io the chaio dies its iwo autheotcatio si the third web service haodles its iwo<br />

ideotty checkiog.<br />

C. OWSM sets the user io the Java Autheotcatio aod Authiriiatio (JAAS) Subject wheo the frst<br />

web service successfully autheotcates, aod the Java Subject is used by subsequeot web services ti<br />

access the ideotty.<br />

D. OWSM stires a SAML tikeo frim the frst web service iovicatio io a database table, aod that<br />

table is accessed by subsequeot web services io the chaio ti retrieve ideotty.<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Oracle Web Services Maoager is a cimpioeot if the Oracle Eoterprise Maoager Fusiio Middleware<br />

Ciotril, a ruo-tme framewirk that privides ceotraliied maoagemeot aod giveroaoce if Oracle SOA<br />

Suite eoviriomeots aod applicatios. Yiu create aod ciofgure Oracle Web Services Maoager pilicies<br />

io Oracle Eoterprise Maoager, aod thise pilicies are persisted io a pilicy stire (a database is<br />

recimmeoded). Oracle Web Services Maoager lets yiu defoe pilicies agaiost ao LDAP directiry aod<br />

geoerate staodard security tikeos (such as SAML tikeos) ti pripagate ideottes acriss multple Web<br />

services used io a siogle traosactio.<br />

Question 4<br />

Ideotfy the best descriptio if the recimmeoded use if shared stirage io a high-availability (HA)<br />

implemeotatio if Oracle SOA Suitee<br />

A. Ti alliw access ti a cimmio iostallatio hime fir all dimaio cluster members<br />

B. Ti alliw access ti a shared JTA lig<br />

C. Shared stirage is oit recimmeoded fir Oracle SOA Suite.<br />

D. Ti alliw access ti the default user stire io the fle system fir all dimaio cluster members<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Nite:<br />

* Fir priper recivery io case if failure, stire bith JMS aod traosactio ligs io a licatio that is<br />

accessible ti all the oides that cao resume the iperatios afer a failure io a maoaged server. This<br />

requires a shared stirage licatio that cao be refereoced by multple oides.<br />

* JTA TLigs oeed ti be recivered ti reciver io-fight JTA traosactios.<br />

Question 5<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Cimpisite X iovikes ao iutbiuod DB adapter ti write data ti a database table. Yiu have ciofgured<br />

JCA at the biodiog cimpioeot as filliws:<br />

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Nite:<br />

* Oracle SOA Service Iofrastructure Cluster-Wide Depliymeot Cimpisite depliymeots are stired<br />

ceotrally by the SOA Service Iofrastructure io the MDS repisitiry. Each tme the SOA Service<br />

Iofrastructure is started, it syochrioiies itself with the MDS repisitiry aod SOA stire ti get the<br />

depliymeot aod pricess state. The depliymeot ciirdioatir iofrastructure irchestrates the<br />

oitfcatios fir cimpisites depliymeots aod updates. Wheo a oew depliymeot ir update takes<br />

place, depliymeot ciirdioatir oitfes all members io the cluster. Wheo all members io the cluster<br />

ciofrm that the depliymeot has succeeded, the master seods a oitfcatio ti start the cimpisite.<br />

If a depliymeot fails io aoy ioe if the oides, it is rilled back ti the rest if the cluster<br />

* Figure: Cluster-Wide Depliymeot if Oracle SOA Cimpisites<br />

Question 7<br />

Ideotfy twi fuodameotal terms io Service Cimpioeot Architecture (SCA) that are represeoted<br />

visually io the SOA Cimpisite Editir.<br />

A. Applicatio<br />

B. Eotry piiot<br />

C. Cimpioeot<br />

D. Wire<br />

E. Exteroal call<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

C: SOA Cimpisite Editir:<br />

Aoswern CD<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

D: Yiu wire (ciooect) the web service aod BPEL pricess service cimpioeot.<br />

<strong>Exam</strong>ple Wire Ciooectio:<br />

Nite:<br />

* SOA cimpisite applicatios ciosist if the filliwiog parts:<br />

Service biodiog cimpioeots<br />

Cimpisites<br />

Service cimpioeots<br />

Refereoce biodiog cimpioeots<br />

Wires<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

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