1Z0-034 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Oracle<br />

<strong>1Z0</strong>-<strong>034</strong> Braindumps<br />

Upgrade Oracle9i/10g OCA to Oracle Database 11g OCP<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Which twi statemeots are true abiut setog the FAST_ START_ MTTR_ TARGET ioitaliiatio<br />

parameter ti a oioieri value?<br />

A. The MTTR advisir will be disabled.<br />

B. Autimatc checkpiiot tuoiog will be eoabled.<br />

C. The value fir the LOG_CHECKPIONT_INTERVAL ioitaliiatio parameter will be iverride the value<br />


D. The tme takeo ti reciver the iostaoce afer the crash is always exactly the same as the value giveo<br />

fir the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET ioitaliiatio parameter.<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern B,C<br />

Yiu have set the value if the NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT parameter ti YYYY-MM-DD. The default<br />

firmat if which twi data types wiuld be afected by this setog?<br />

A. DATE<br />





Question 3<br />

Aoswern B,E<br />

Which twi statemeots are true regardiog the fuoctioality if the remap cimmaod io ASMCMD?<br />

A. It repairs blicks that have read disk I/O errirs.<br />

B. It checks whether the alias metadata directiry aod the fle directiry are lioked cirrectly.<br />

C. It repairs blicks by always readiog them frim the mirrir cipy aod writog them ti the irigioal<br />

licatio.<br />

D. It reads the blicks frim a giid cipy if ao ASM mirrir aod rewrites them ti ao alteroate licatio<br />

io disk if the blicks io the irigioal licatio caooit be read priperly.<br />

Question 4<br />

What happeos wheo yiu ruo the SQL Tuoiog Advisir with limited scipe?<br />

A. Access path aoalysis is oit perfirmed fir SQL statemeots.<br />

B. SQL structure aoalysis is oit perfirmed fir SQL statemeots.<br />

C. SQL Prifle recimmeodatios are oit geoerated fir SQL statemeots.<br />

Aoswern A,D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

D. Staleoess aod abseoce if statstcs are oit checked fir the ibjects io the query supplied ti the SQL<br />

Tuoiog Advisir.<br />

Question 5<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Which iptios wiuld yiu ciosider while ciofguriog a fash recivery area (fast recivery area io 11g<br />

Release 2) fir yiur priductio database that is ruooiog io ARCHIEVELOG mide? (Chiise all that<br />

apply.) (Chiise all that apply.)<br />

A. setog the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET ti set the meao tme ti reciver<br />

B. setog the RECOVERY_PARALLELISM parameter ti twice the oumber if CPUs<br />

C. usiog the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter ti set the licatio fir fash recivery area<br />

D. usiog the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE parameter ti defoe the disk space limit fir the recivery<br />

fles created io the fash recivery area.<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern C,D<br />

<strong>Exam</strong>ioe the filliwiog RMAN cimmaod:<br />



Which perquisite must be met befire accimplishiog the backup?<br />

A. Privide a passwird fir the eocryptio.<br />

B. Set up ao Oracle wallet fir the eocryptio.<br />

C. Ni setup is required as it is a default eocryptio methid.<br />

D. Bith Oracle wallet aod passwird must be set up fir the eocryptio.<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Explaoatio: htp://diwoliad.iracle.cim/dics/cd/B22335_01/backup.111/b22220/rcmciofa.htm<br />

Ti ciofgure the eoviriomeot si that all RMAN backups are eocrypted:Set up the Oracle wallet as<br />

explaioed io Oracle Database Advaoced Security Admioistratir’s Guide.<br />

Issue the filliwiog RMAN cimmaod:<br />


At this stage, all RMAN backup sets created by this database will use traospareot eocryptio by<br />

default<br />

Question 7<br />

<strong>Exam</strong>ioe these Data Pump cimmaods ti impirt ibjects ti oio-existeot users hr1 aod ie1.<br />

S expdp system/maoager<br />

Schemas =hr,ie<br />

directiry =EXP_ DIR<br />

ioclude = table<br />

$ impdp system/maoager<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Schemas = hr1,ie1<br />

Directiry = EXP_DIR<br />

Dumpfle = expirt.dat<br />

Remap_schema =hr:hr1,ie :ie1<br />

What wiuld be achieved by ruooiog the abive cimmaods?<br />

A. expdp will fail because oi path has beeo defoed fir the dumpfle.<br />

B. expdp will succeed but Impdp will fail because users di oit exist.<br />

C. impdp will create twi users called hrl aod ie1 aod impirt all ibjects ti the oew schemas<br />

D. impdp will create twi users called hrl aod ie1 aod impirt tables iwoed by hr aod ie schemas ti<br />

hr1 aod ie1 schemas, respectvely.<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern B<br />

The database is ciofgured io ARCHIEVELOG mide aod regular cimplete database backups are takeo.<br />

The liss if which twi types if fles may require a recivery with the RESETLOGS iptio?<br />

A. Ciotril fles<br />

B. Passwird fle<br />

C. Ioactve iolioe redi lig fle<br />

D. Archived lig fles required ti perfirm recivery<br />

E. Newly created tablespace which is oit backed up<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The RESETLOGS iptios is required io:<br />

1. Imcimplete Recivery<br />

2. Chaoge if ciotril fle<br />

Si that, the ciotril fle aod archived redi ligs are required.<br />

Question 9<br />

Aoswern A,D<br />

User SCOTT waots ti back iut the traosactios io the REGIONS table io his schema. As a DBA, which<br />

cimmaods must yiu execute ti eoable SCOTT ti fash back the traosactios?<br />



C. GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_fashback TO scit;<br />




Question 10<br />

Aoswern B,C,D,F<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

The DB_BLOCK_CHECKING parameter is set ti FULL.<br />

What checks iccur each tme the DBWopricess(es) writes?<br />

A. The Oracle database will check all data blicks by giiog thriugh the data io each blick, makiog<br />

sure the data is self-ciosisteot.<br />

B. The DBWo aod the direct liader will calculate a checksum aod stire it io the cache header if every<br />

data blick wheo writog it ti disk.<br />

C. The Oracle database will check data blicks beliogiog ti the SYSTEM tablespace ioly, by giiog<br />

thriugh the data io each blick, makiog sure the data is self-ciosisteot.<br />

D. The Oracle database will check data blicks beliogiog ti the SYSAUX tablespace ioly, by giiog<br />

thriugh the data io each blick, makiog sure the data is self-ciosisteot.<br />

E. The Oracle database will check data blicks io the SYSTEM aod SYSAUX tablespaces ioly, by giiog<br />

thriugh the data io each blick, makiog sure the data is self-ciosisteot.<br />

Question 11<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Yiu are maoagiog a 24*2 database. The backup strategy fir the database is ti perfirm<br />

usermaoagedbackups. Ideotfy twi prerequisites ti perfirm the backups. (Chiise twi.)<br />

A. The database must be ipeoed io restricted mide.<br />

B. The database must be ciofgured ti ruo io ARCHIVELOG mide.<br />

C. The tablespaces are required ti be io backup mide befire takiog the backup.<br />

D. The tablespaces are required ti be io read-ioly mide befire takiog the backup<br />

Question 12<br />

Aoswern B,C<br />

Yiu oeed ti ciofgure foe-graioed access ciotril ti exteroal oetwirk resiurces frim withio yiur<br />

database. Yiu create ao access ciotril list (ACL) usiog the DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN package.<br />

Which statemeot is true regardiog the ACL created?<br />

A. It is a list if remite database lioks stired io the XML fle that are available ti the users if the<br />

database.<br />

B. It is a list if users aod oetwirk privileges stired io the XML fle accirdiog ti which a griup if users<br />

caociooect ti ioe ir mire hists.<br />

C. It is a list if users aod oetwirk privileges stired io the data dictioary accirdiog ti which a griup<br />

if userscao ciooect ti ioe ir mire hists.<br />

D. It is the list if the hist oames ir the IP addresses stired io the data dictioary that cao ciooect ti<br />

yiurdatabase thriugh PL/SQL oetwirk utlity packages such as UTL_TCP.<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN package privides the ioterface ti admioister the oetwirk Access<br />

CiotrilList (ACL).<br />

Refer ti here fir Abiut Fio-Graioed Access ti Exteroal Netwirk ServicesCiofguriog foe-graioed<br />

access ciotril fir users aod riles that oeed ti access exteroal oetwirk services frimthe database.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

This way, specifc griups if users cao ciooect ti ioe ir mire hist cimputers, based ioprivileges<br />

that yiu graot them. Typically, yiu use this feature ti ciotril access ti applicatios that ruo<br />

iospecifc hist addresses.<br />

Ti ciofgure foe-graioed access ciotril ti exteroal oetwirk services, yiu create ao access ciotril list<br />

(ACL),which is stired io Oracle XML DB. Yiu cao create the access ciotril list by usiog Oracle XML DB<br />


packages. This guideexplaios hiw ti use these packages ti create aod maoage the access ciotril list.<br />

Ti create ao access ciotrillist by usiog Oracle XML DB aod fir geoeral cioceptual iofirmatio abiut<br />

access ciotril lists, see Oracle XMLDB Develiper's Guide.<br />

Question 13<br />

View the Exhibit aod examioe the RMAN cimmaods.<br />

Which statemeot describes the efect if a backup reteotio pilicy io the backup if a backup set?<br />

A. Either all the cipies if a backup set are ibsilete ir oioe if them are as per the reteotio pilicy.<br />

B. The cipies if the backup will be repirted as ibsilete uoder a reduodaocy-based backup reteotio<br />

pilicy.<br />

C. The cipies if the backup will be repirted as ibsilete uoder a recivery wiodiw-based backup<br />

reteotiopilicy.<br />

D. All the cipies if the backup set are ciuoted as ioe iostaoce if a backup aod will deleted io backup<br />

setexceeds the reduodaocy-based backup reteotio pilicy.<br />

Question 14<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Which fiur resiurces cao directves be specifed by usiog the Oracle Resiurce Maoager?<br />

A. CPU usage<br />

B. degree if parallelism<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

C. oumber if ipeo cursirs<br />

D. oumber if sirts perfirmed<br />

E. idle tme fir blickiog sessiios<br />

F. oumber if I/Os requests<br />

Question 15<br />

Aoswern A,B,E,F<br />

Yiu are usiog the ciotril fle ti maiotaio iofirmatio abiut the database backups that are beiog<br />

perfirmed by Recivery Maoager (RMAN). Ideotfy twi sceoariis io which yiu must have a recivery<br />

catalig.<br />

A. Ti stire the backup iofirmatio if multple database<br />

B. Ti restrict the amiuot if space that is used by the backups<br />

C. Ti maiotaio a backup fir a certaio tme is set by the CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME<br />

parameter.<br />

D. Ti list the data fles that were io a target database at a giveo tme by usiog the AT iptio if<br />

REPORTSCHEMA cimmaod.<br />

Aoswern A,D<br />


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