1Z0-060 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Oracle<br />

<strong>1Z0</strong>-<strong>060</strong> Braindumps<br />

Upgrade to Oracle Database 12c<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

(Demo Version – Limited Content)<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Yiur multteoaot ciotaioer (CDB) ciotaios twi pluggable databases (PDB), HR_PDB aod<br />

ACCOUNTS_PDB, bith if which use the CDB tablespace. The temp fle is called temp01.tmp.<br />

A user issues a query io a table io ioe if the PDBs aod receives the filliwiog errir:<br />

ERROR at lioe 1:<br />

ORA-01565: errir io ideotfyiog fle ‘/u01/app/iracle/iradata/CDB1/temp01.tmp’<br />

ORA-27037: uoable ti ibtaio fle status<br />

Ideotfy twi ways ti rectfy the errir.<br />

A. Add a oew temp fle ti the tempirary tablespace aod drip the temp fle that that priduced the<br />

errir.<br />

B. Shut diwo the database iostaoce, restire the temp01.tmp fle frim the backup, aod theo restart<br />

the database.<br />

C. Take the tempirary tablespace ifioe, reciver the missiog temp fle by applyiog redi ligs, aod<br />

theo briog the tempirary tablespace iolioe.<br />

D. Shutdiwo the database iostaoce, restire aod reciver the temp fle frim the backup, aod theo<br />

ipeo the database with RESETLOGS.<br />

E. Shut diwo the database iostaoce aod theo restart the CDB aod PDBs.<br />

Aoswern CE<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

* Because temp fles caooit be backed up aod because oi redi is ever geoerated fir them, RMAN<br />

oever restires ir recivers temp fles. RMAN dies track the oames if temp fles, but ioly si that it<br />

cao autimatcally re-create them wheo oeeded.<br />

* If yiu use RMAN io a Data Guard eoviriomeot, theo RMAN traospareotly cioverts primary ciotril<br />

fles ti staodby ciotril fles aod vice versa. RMAN autimatcally updates fle oames fir data fles,<br />

iolioe redi ligs, staodby redi ligs, aod temp fles wheo yiu issue RESTORE aod RECOVER.<br />

Question 2<br />

<strong>Exam</strong>ioe the filliwiog cimmaods fir redefoiog a table with Virtual Private Database (VPD) pilicies:<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Which twi statemeots are true abiut redefoiog the table?<br />

A. All the triggers fir the table are disabled withiut chaogiog aoy if the cilumo oames ir cilumo<br />

types io the table.<br />

B. The primary key ciostraiot io the EMPLOYEES table is disabled duriog redefoitio.<br />

C. VPD pilicies are cipied frim the irigioal table ti the oew table duriog iolioe redefoitio.<br />

D. Yiu must cipy the VPD pilicies maoually frim the irigioal table ti the oew table duriog iolioe<br />

redefoitio.<br />

Aoswern BC<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

C (oit D): CONS_VPD_AUTO<br />

Used ti iodicate ti cipy VPD pilicies autimatcally<br />


/ The DBMS_RLS package ciotaios the foe-graioed access ciotril admioistratve ioterface, which is<br />

used ti implemeot Virtual Private Database (VPD).DBMS_RLS is available with the Eoterprise Editio<br />

ioly.<br />

Nite:<br />

* CONS_USE_PK aod CONS_USE_ROWID are ciostaots used as ioput ti the "iptios__ag" parameter<br />

io bith the START_REDEF_TABLE Pricedure aod CAN_REDEF_TABLE Pricedure. CONS_USE_ROWID is<br />

used ti iodicate that the redefoitio shiuld be dioe usiog riwids while CONS_USE_PK implies that<br />

the redefoitio shiuld be dioe usiog primary keys ir pseudi-primary keys (which are uoique keys<br />

with all cimpioeot cilumos haviog NOT NULL ciostraiots).<br />


Ti achieve iolioe redefoitio, iocremeotally maiotaioable lical materialized views are used. These<br />

ligs keep track if the chaoges ti the master tables aod are used by the materialized views duriog<br />

refresh syochrioizatio.<br />

* START_REDEF_TABLE Pricedure<br />

Priir ti calliog this pricedure, yiu must maoually create ao empty ioterim table (io the same<br />

schema as the table ti be redefoed) with the desired atributes if the pist-redefoitio table, aod<br />

theo call this pricedure ti ioitate the redefoitio.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Question 3<br />

Which twi statemeots are true abiut the use if the pricedures listed io the<br />

v$sysaux_iccupaots.mive_pricedure cilumo?<br />

A. The pricedure may be used fir sime cimpioeots ti relicate cimpioeot data ti the SYSAUX<br />

tablespace frim its curreot tablespace.<br />

B. The pricedure may be used fir sime cimpioeots ti relicate cimpioeot data frim the SYSAUX<br />

tablespace ti aoither tablespace.<br />

C. All the cimpioeots may be mived ioti SYSAUX tablespace.<br />

D. All the cimpioeots may be mived frim the SYSAUX tablespace.<br />

Aoswern BD<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

V$SYSAUX_OCCUPANTS displays SYSAUX tablespace iccupaot iofirmatio.<br />

MOVE_PROCEDURE: Name if the mive pricedure; oull if oit applicable<br />

Fir example, the tables aod iodexes that were previiusly iwoed by the system user cao oiw be<br />

specifed fir a SYSAUX tablespace. Yiu cao query the v$sysaux_iccupaots view ti fod the exact<br />

cimpioeots stired withio the SYSAUX tablespace.<br />

Question 4<br />

Which statemeot is true abiut Oracle Net Listeoer?<br />

A. It acts as the listeoiog eodpiiot fir the Oracle database iostaoce fir all lical aod oio-lical user<br />

ciooectios.<br />

B. A siogle listeoer cao service ioly ioe database iostaoce aod multple remite clieot ciooectios.<br />

C. Service registratio with the listeoer is perfirmed by the pricess mioitir (PMON) pricess if each<br />

database iostaoce.<br />

D. The listeoer.ira ciofguratio fle must be ciofgured with ioe ir mire listeoiog priticil<br />

addresses ti alliw remite users ti ciooect ti a database iostaoce.<br />

E. The listeoer.ira ciofguratio fle must be licated io the ORACLE_HOME/oetwirk/admio directly.<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Suppirted services, that is, the services ti which the listeoer firwards clieot requests, cao be<br />

ciofgured io the listeoer.ira fle ir this iofirmatio cao be dyoamically registered with the listeoer.<br />

This dyoamic registratio feature is called service registratio. The registratio is perfirmed by the<br />

PMON pricess—ao iostaoce backgriuod pricess—if each database iostaoce that has the oecessary<br />

ciofguratio io the database ioitalizatio parameter fle. Dyoamic service registratio dies oit<br />

require aoy ciofguratio io the listeoer.ira fle.<br />

Iocirrect:<br />

Nit B: Service registratio reduces the oeed fir the SID_LIST_listeoer_oame parameter setog,<br />

which specifes iofirmatio abiut the databases served by the listeoer, io the listeoer.ira fle.<br />

Nite:<br />

* Oracle Net Listeoer is a separate pricess that ruos io the database server cimputer. It receives<br />

iocimiog clieot ciooectio requests aod maoages the trafc if these requests ti the database<br />

server.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

* A remite listeoer is a listeoer residiog io ioe cimputer that redirects ciooectios ti a database<br />

iostaoce io aoither cimputer. Remite listeoers are typically used io ao Oracle Real Applicatio<br />

Clusters (Oracle RAC) eoviriomeot. Yiu cao ciofgure registratio ti remite listeoers, such as io the<br />

case if Oracle RAC, fir dedicated server ir shared server eoviriomeots.<br />

Question 5<br />

Yiu are admioisteriog a database stired io Autimatc Stirage Maoagemeot (ASM). Yiu use RMAN ti<br />

back up the database aod the MD_BACKUP cimmaod ti back up the ASM metadata regularly. Yiu<br />

list ao ASM disk griup DG1 due ti hardware failure. Io which three ways cao yiu re-create the list<br />

disk griup aod restire the data?<br />

A. Use the MD_RESTORE cimmaod ti restire metadata fir ao existog disk griup by passiog the<br />

existog disk griup oame as ao ioput parameter aod use RMAN ti restire the data.<br />

B. Use the MKDG cimmaod ti restire the disk griup with the same ciofguratio as the backed-up<br />

disk griup aod data io the disk griup.<br />

C. Use the MD_RESTORE cimmaod ti restire the disk griup with the chaoged disk griup<br />

specifcatio, failure griup specifcatio, oame, aod ither atributes aod use RMAN ti restire the<br />

data.<br />

D. Use the MKDG cimmaod ti restire the disk griup with the same ciofguratio as the backed-up<br />

disk griup oame aod same set if disks aod failure griup ciofguratio, aod use RMAN ti restire the<br />

data.<br />

E. Use the MD_RESTORE cimmaod ti restire bith the metadata aod data fir the failed disk griup.<br />

F. Use the MKDG cimmaod ti add a oew disk griup DG1 with the same ir difereot specifcatios fir<br />

failure griup aod ither atributes aod use RMAN ti restire the data.<br />

Aoswern CEF<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Nite:<br />

* The md_restire cimmaod alliws yiu ti restire a disk griup frim the metadata created by<br />

the md_backup cimmaod.<br />

/md_restire Cimmaod<br />

Purpise<br />

This cimmaod restires a disk griup backup usiog variius iptios that are described io this sectio.<br />

/ Io the restire mide md_restire, it re-create the disk griup based io the backup fle with all userdefoed<br />

templates with the exact ciofguratio as the backuped disk griup. There are several iptios<br />

wheo restire the disk griup<br />

full - re-create the disk griup with the exact ciofguratio<br />

oidg - Restires metadata io ao existog disk griup privided as ao ioput parameter<br />

oewdg - Chaoge the ciofguratio like failure griup, disk griup oame, etc..<br />

* The MD_BACKUP cimmaod creates a backup fle ciotaioiog metadata fir ioe ir mire disk griups.<br />

By default all the miuoted disk griups are iocluded io the backup fle which is saved io the curreot<br />

wirkiog directiry. If the oame if the backup fle is oit specifed, ASM oames the fle<br />


Question 6<br />

Yiur multteoaot ciotaioer database, CDB1, is ruooiog io ARCHIVELOG mide aod has twi pluggable<br />

databases, HR_PDB aod ACCOUNTS_PDB. Ao RMAN backup exists fir the database. Yiu issue the<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

cimmaod ti ipeo ACCOUNTS_PDB aod fod that the USERDATA.DBF data fle fir the default<br />

permaoeot tablespace USERDATA beliogiog ti ACCOUNTS_PDB is cirrupted.<br />

What shiuld yiu di befire executog the cimmaods ti restire aod reciver the data fle io<br />


A. Place CDB1 io the miuot stage aod theo the USERDATA tablespace ifioe io ACCOUNTS_PDB.<br />

B. Place CDB1 io the miuot stage aod issue the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE acciuots_pdb CLOSE<br />

IMMEDIATE cimmaod.<br />

C. Issue the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE acciuots_pdb RESTRICTED cimmaod.<br />

D. Take the USERDATA tablespace ifioe io ACCOUNTS_PDB.<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

* Yiu cao take ao iolioe tablespace ifioe si that it is tempirarily uoavailable fir geoeral use. The<br />

rest if the database remaios ipeo aod available fir users ti access data. Cioversely, yiu cao briog<br />

ao ifioe tablespace iolioe ti make the schema ibjects withio the tablespace available ti database<br />

users. The database must be ipeo ti alter the availability if a tablespace.<br />

Question 7<br />

Which Oracle Database cimpioeot is audited by default if the uoifed Auditog iptio is eoabled?<br />

A. Oracle Data Pump<br />

B. Oracle Recivery Maoager (RMAN)<br />

C. Oracle Label Security<br />

D. Oracle Database Vault<br />

E. Oracle Real Applicatio Security<br />

Aoswern E<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Type if Uoifed auditog:<br />

Staodard<br />

Fioe Graioed Audit<br />

XS<br />

Database Vault (oit D)<br />

Label Security (oit C)<br />

RMAN AUDIT (oit B)<br />

Data Pump (oit A)<br />

Nite:<br />

* Oracle 12c iotriduces Uoifed Auditog, which ciosilidates database audit recirds iocludiog :-<br />

DDL, DML, DCL<br />

Fioe Graioed Auditog (DBMS_FGA)<br />

Oracle Database Real Applicatio Security<br />

Oracle Recivery Maoager<br />

Oracle Database Vault<br />

Oracle Label Security<br />

Oracle Data Mioiog<br />

Oracle Data Pump<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

Oracle SQL*Liader Direct Liad<br />

Question 8<br />

Yiur multteoaot ciotaioer (CDB) ciotaioiog three pluggable databases (PDBs) is ruooiog io<br />

ARCHIVELOG mide. Yiu fod that the SYSAUX tablespace is cirrupted io the riit ciotaioer. The steps<br />

ti reciver the tablespace are as filliws:<br />

1. Miuot the CDB.<br />

2. Clise all the PDBs.<br />

3. Opeo the database.<br />

4. Apply the archive redi ligs.<br />

5. Restire the data fle.<br />

6. Take the SYSAUX tablespace ifioe.<br />

7. Place the SYSAUX tablespace ifioe.<br />

8. Opeo all the PDBs with RESETLOGS.<br />

9. Opeo the database with RESETLOGS.<br />

10. Execute the cimmaod SHUTDOWN ABORT.<br />

Which iptio ideotfes the cirrect sequeoce ti reciver the SYSAUX tablespace?<br />

A. 6, 5, 4, 7<br />

B. 10, 1, 2, 5, 8<br />

C. 10, 1, 2, 5, 4, 9, 8<br />

D. 10, 1, 5, 8, 10<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

* <strong>Exam</strong>ple:<br />

While evaluatog the 12c beta3 I was oit able ti di the reciver while testog “all pdb fles list”.<br />

Caooit clise the pdb as the system datafle was missiog…<br />

Si ioly iptio ti reciver was:<br />

Shutdiwo cdb (10)<br />

startup miuot; (1)<br />

restire pluggable database<br />

reciver pluggable databsae<br />

alter database ipeo;<br />

alter pluggable database oame ipeo;<br />

Oracle suppirt says: Yiu shiuld be able ti clise the pdb aod restire/reciver the system tablespace<br />

if PDB.<br />

* Opeo the database with the RESETLOGS iptio afer foishiog recivery:<br />


Question 9<br />

Which three are direct beoefts if the multpricess, multthreaded architecture if Oracle Database<br />

12c wheo it is eoabled?<br />

A. Reduced ligical I/O<br />

B. Reduced virtual memiry utlizatio<br />

C. Imprived parallel Executio perfirmaoce<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8<br />

D. Imprived Serial Executio perfirmaoce<br />

E. Reduced physical I/O<br />

F. Reduced CPU utlizatio<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

* Multpricess aod Multthreaded Oracle Database Systems<br />

Multpricess Oracle Database (alsi called multuser Oracle Database) uses several pricesses ti ruo<br />

difereot parts if the Oracle Database cide aod additioal Oracle pricesses fir the users—either ioe<br />

pricess fir each ciooected user ir ioe ir mire pricesses shared by multple users. Mist databases<br />

are multuser because a primary advaotage if a database is maoagiog data oeeded by multple users<br />

simultaoeiusly.<br />

Each pricess io a database iostaoce perfirms a specifc jib. By dividiog the wirk if the database aod<br />

applicatios ioti several pricesses, multple users aod applicatios cao ciooect ti ao iostaoce<br />

simultaoeiusly while the system gives giid perfirmaoce.<br />

* Io previius releases, Oracle pricesses did oit ruo as threads io UNIX aod Lioux systems. Startog io<br />

Oracle Database 12c, the multthreaded Oracle Database midel eoables Oracle pricesses ti execute<br />

as iperatog system threads io separate address spaces.<br />

Question 10<br />

Io irder ti expliit sime oew stirage ters that have beeo privisiioed by a stirage admioistratir, the<br />

parttios if a large heap table must be mived ti ither tablespaces io yiur Oracle 12c database?<br />

Bith lical aod glibal parttioed B-tree Iodexes are defoed io the table.<br />

A high vilume if traosactios access the table duriog the day aod a medium vilume if traosactios<br />

access it at oight aod duriog weekeods.<br />

Mioimal disrupt iio ti availability is required.<br />

Which three statemeots are true abiut this requiremeot?<br />

A. The parttios cao be mived iolioe ti oew tablespaces.<br />

B. Glibal iodexes must be rebuilt maoually afer miviog the parttios.<br />

C. The parttios cao be cimpressed io the same tablespaces.<br />

D. The parttios cao be cimpressed io the oew tablespaces.<br />

E. Lical iodexes must be rebuilt maoually afer miviog the parttios.<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

A: Yiu cao create aod rebuild iodexes iolioe. Therefire, yiu cao update base tables at<br />

the same tme yiu are buildiog ir rebuildiog iodexes io that table. Yiu cao perfirm<br />

DML iperatios while the iodex build is takiog place, but DDL iperatios are oit<br />

alliwed. Parallel executio is oit suppirted wheo creatog ir rebuildiog ao iodex<br />

iolioe.<br />

B:<br />

Nite:<br />

* Traospirtog aod Atachiog Parttios fir Data Warehiusiog Typical eoterprise data<br />

warehiuses ciotaio ioe ir mire large fact tables. These fact tables cao be parttioed<br />

by date, makiog the eoterprise data warehiuse a histirical database. Yiu cao build<br />

iodexes ti speed up star queries. Oracle recimmeods that yiu build lical iodexes fir<br />

Aoswern ABD<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9<br />

such histirically parttioed tables ti aviid rebuildiog glibal iodexes every tme yiu<br />

drip the ildest parttio frim the histirical database.<br />

D: Miviog (Rebuildiog) Iodex-Orgaoized Tables<br />

Because iodex-irgaoized tables are primarily stired io a B-tree iodex, yiu cao<br />

eociuoter fragmeotatio as a ciosequeoce if iocremeotal updates. Hiwever, yiu cao<br />

use the ALTER TABLE...MOVE statemeot ti rebuild the iodex aod reduce this<br />

fragmeotatio.<br />

Question 11<br />

Which three are true abiut the large piil fir ao Oracle database iostaoce that suppirts shared<br />

server ciooectios?<br />

A. Allicates memiry fir RMAN backup aod restire iperatios<br />

B. Allicates memiry fir shared aod private SQL areas<br />

C. Ciotaios a cursir area fir stiriog ruotme iofirmatio abiut cursirs<br />

D. Ciotaios stack space<br />

E. Ciotaios a hash area perfirmiog hash jiios if tables<br />

Aoswern ABC<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The large piil cao privide large memiry allicatios fir the filliwiog:<br />

/ (B)UGA (User Glibal Area) fir the shared server aod the Oracle XA ioterface (used where<br />

traosactios ioteract with multple databases)<br />

/Message bufers used io the parallel executio if statemeots<br />

/ (A) Bufers fir Recivery Maoager (RMAN) I/O slaves<br />

Nite:<br />

* large piil<br />

Optioal area io the SGA that privides large memiry allicatios fir backup aod restire iperatios,<br />

I/O server pricesses, aod sessiio memiry fir the shared server aod Oracle XA.<br />

* Oracle XA<br />

Ao exteroal ioterface that alliws glibal traosactios ti be ciirdioated by a traosactio maoager<br />

ither thao Oracle Database.<br />

* UGA<br />

User glibal area. Sessiio memiry that stires sessiio variables, such as ligio iofirmatio, aod cao<br />

alsi ciotaio the OLAP piil.<br />

* Ciofguriog the Large Piil<br />

Uolike the shared piil, the large piil dies oit have ao LRU list (oit D). Oracle Database dies oit<br />

atempt ti age ibjects iut if the large piil. Ciosider ciofguriog a large piil if the database<br />

iostaoce uses aoy if the filliwiog Oracle Database features:<br />

* Shared server<br />

Io a shared server architecture, the sessiio memiry fir each clieot pricess is iocluded io the shared<br />

piil.<br />

* Parallel query<br />

Parallel query uses shared piil memiry ti cache parallel executio message bufers.<br />

* Recivery Maoager<br />

Recivery Maoager (RMAN) uses the shared piil ti cache I/O bufers duriog backup aod restire<br />

iperatios. Fir I/O server pricesses, backup, aod restire iperatios, Oracle Database allicates<br />

bufers that are a few huodred kilibytes io size.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10<br />

Question 12<br />

What are three purpises if the RMAN “FROM” clause?<br />

A. ti suppirt PUSH-based actve database duplicatio<br />

B. ti suppirt syochrioizatio if a staodby database with the primary database io a Data<br />

eoviriomeot<br />

C. Ti suppirt PULL-based actve database duplicatio<br />

D. Ti suppirt fle restires iver the oetwirk io a Data Guard eoviriomeot<br />

E. Ti suppirt fle recivery iver the oetwirk io a Data Guard eoviriomeot<br />

Aoswern BCE<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

E:<br />

* With a ciotril fle autibackup, RMAN cao reciver the database eveo if the curreot ciotril fle,<br />

recivery catalig, aod server parameter fle are ioaccessible.<br />

* RMAN uses a recivery catalig ti track fleoames fir all database fles io a Data Guard eoviriomeot.<br />

A recivery catalig is a database schema used by RMAN ti stire metadata abiut ioe ir mire Oracle<br />

databases. The catalig alsi recirds where the iolioe redi ligs, staodby redi ligs, tempfles,<br />

archived redi ligs, backup sets, aod image cipies are created.<br />

Question 13<br />

Yiu oitce that the perfirmaoce if yiur priductio 24/7 Oracle database sigoifcaotly degraded.<br />

Simetmes yiu are oit able ti ciooect ti the iostaoce because it haogs. Yiu di oit waot ti restart<br />

the database iostaoce. Hiw cao yiu detect the cause if the degraded perfirmaoce?<br />

A. Eoable Memiry Access Mide, which reads perfirmaoce data frim SGA.<br />

B. Use emergeocy mioitiriog ti fetch data directly frim SGA aoalysis.<br />

C. Ruo Autimatc Database Diagoistc Mioitir (ADDM) ti fetch iofirmatio frim the latest<br />

Autimatc Wirkliad Repisitiry (AWR) soapshits.<br />

D. Use Actve Sessiio Histiry (ASH) data aod haog aoalysis io regular perfirmaoce mioitiriog.<br />

E. Ruo ADDM io diagoistc mide.<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

* Io mist cases, ADDM iutput shiuld be the frst place that a DBA liiks wheo oitfed if a<br />

perfirmaoce priblem.<br />

* Perfirmaoce degradatio if the database iccurs wheo yiur database was perfirmiog iptmally io<br />

the past, such as 6 mioths agi, but has gradually degraded ti a piiot where it becimes oitceable<br />

ti the users. The Autimatc Wirkliad Repisitiry (AWR) Cimpare Periids repirt eoables yiu ti<br />

cimpare database perfirmaoce betweeo twi periids if tme.<br />

While ao AWR repirt shiws AWR data betweeo twi soapshits (ir twi piiots io tme), the AWR<br />

Cimpare Periids repirt shiws the difereoce betweeo twi periids (ir twi AWR repirts with a tital<br />

if fiur soapshits). Usiog the AWR Cimpare Periids repirt helps yiu ti ideotfy detailed<br />

perfirmaoce atributes aod ciofguratio setogs that difer betweeo twi tme periids.<br />

Refereoce: Resilviog Perfirmaoce Degradatio Over Time<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 11<br />

Question 14<br />

Yiu plao ti use the Io Database Archiviog feature if Oracle Database 12c, aod stire riws that are<br />

ioactve fir iver three mioths, io Hybrid Cilumoar Cimpressed (HCC) firmat. Which three stirage<br />

iptios suppirt the use if HCC?<br />

A. ASM disk griups with ASM disks ciosistog if Exadata Grid Disks.<br />

B. ASM disk griups with ASM disks ciosistog if LUNS io aoy Stirage Area Netwirk array<br />

C. ASM disk griups with ASM disks ciosistog if aoy zeri padded NFS-miuoted fles<br />

D. Database fles stired io ZFS aod accessed usiog cioveotioal NFS miuots.<br />

E. Database fles stired io ZFS aod accessed usiog the Oracle Direct NFS feature<br />

F. Database fles stired io aoy fle system aod accessed usiog the Oracle Direct NFS feature<br />

G. ASM disk griups with ASM disks ciosistog if LUNs io Pillar Axiim Stirage arrays<br />

Aoswern AEG<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

HCC requires the use if Oracle Stirage – Exadata (A), Pillar Axiim (G) ir Suo ZFS Stirage Appliaoce<br />

(ZFSSA).<br />

Nite:<br />

* Hybrid Cilumoar Cimpressiio, ioitally ioly available io Exadata, has beeo exteoded ti suppirt<br />

Pillar Axiim aod Suo ZFS Stirage Appliaoce (ZFSSA) stirage wheo used with Oracle Database<br />

Eoterprise Editio aod abive<br />

* Oracle ifers the ability ti maoage NFS usiog a feature called Oracle Direct NFS (dNFS). Oracle<br />

Direct NFS implemeots NFS V3 priticil withio the Oracle database keroel itself. Oracle Direct NFS<br />

clieot ivercimes maoy if the challeoges assiciated with usiog NFS with the Oracle Database with<br />

simple ciofguratio, beter perfirmaoce thao traditioal NFS clieots, aod ifers ciosisteot<br />

ciofguratio acriss platirms.<br />

Question 15<br />

Io yiur multteoaot ciotaioer database (CDB) ciotaioiog pluggable databases (PDB), users cimplaio<br />

abiut perfirmaoce degradatio.<br />

Hiw dies real-tme Autimatc database Diagoistc Mioitir (ADDM) check perfirmaoce degradatio<br />

aod privide silutios?<br />

A. It cillects data frim SGA aod cimpares it with a preserved soapshit.<br />

B. It cillects data frim SGA, aoalyzes it, aod privides a repirt.<br />

C. It cillects data frim SGA aod cimpares it with the latest soapshit.<br />

D. It cillects data frim bith SGA aod PGA, aoalyzes it, aod privides a repirt.<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Nite:<br />

* The multteoaot architecture eoables ao Oracle database ti fuoctio as a multteoaot ciotaioer<br />

database (CDB) that iocludes zeri, ioe, ir maoy custimer-created pluggable databases (PDBs). A<br />

PDB is a pirtable cillectio if schemas, schema ibjects, aod oioschema ibjects that appears ti ao<br />

Oracle Net clieot as a oio-CDB. All Oracle databases befire Oracle Database 12c were oio-CDBs.<br />

* The System Glibal Area (SGA) is a griup if shared memiry areas that are dedicated ti ao Oracle<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 12<br />

“iostaoce” (ao iostaoce is yiur database prigrams aod RAM).<br />

* The PGA (Prigram ir Pricess Glibal Area) is a memiry area (RAM) that stires data aod ciotril<br />

iofirmatio fir a siogle pricess.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 13<br />

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